The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 02, 1899, Image 1

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    ffl )t Balk
vol. xn
NO 94
Curious CrewJs Follow Admiral Dewey
Wherever He Goes.
Chlcao Will Try to Get Dewey The
Olyniiia Stops ut Naples One
Nkw Ynnic, Aug. l.A dispatch to
tho Jouriml mill Advertiser Iroui Trieato
e.iys: Aiuirul Dow'oy spent n quilo d:iy
etrotiu libout Trieato thin afternoon nnd
oveniiiBi WU!) every wlieru followed by
crowila of people. Snup-Biiot photograph
fiends continually dog ids footsteps,
Eiiiippini; their eitineniB eontinually until
tho wlinirid eaulil no longer conceal hie
During the day Admiral Dewey paid n
farewell visit to the De Martini family,
tho only Americans living in Trieste.
Miss Nellie I id Martini, who had pre
lenteil him with u bouquet on the ar
rival of the Olympin, sang, and Miae
Mar'lierita Do Martini played for him.
The admiral war greatly pleased with
the music and pullaiitly complimented
the young ludiee, saying, "I never heard
inuh a Hue amateur singer nor a better
playdr." Whitu strolling about the
elrccts the admiral entered n glove ehop
anil iinmudlutcly the place wau besieged
by liumlri'da of people.
Chicago Wants Dewey.
Ciuc.Wio, Aug. 1. Ttio niombera of
the fall festival committee are confident
that Admiral Dowey will accept tliuir In
vitntioii to he present at tho laying of
thocornur-stonoof the new federal build
inn. l'oetmaeter Uordun, chairman of the
federal committee, is In possession of an
hifurrnnl notice to thoetreet that tho ad
miral will uccopi.
It is expected that Admiral Dowey
will arrive In New York on September
27 nnd will upend threo or four dnys in
that city. From thoro ho will go to
Waaliinj-tun, where a sword will bo pro
tented to him by tho people of that city.
October 7 lms boon selected us tho date
fur the admiral's departure for Chicago.
On thu Baiuo day that Admiral Dewey
leaves Washington two other special
tialns prepared for tho occasion will
leave that city, ono bearing tho presid
ent nml inoiiibora of tho cabinet, and tho
other thu Judge of tho supremo court
anil other prominent invited guests.
The tlireo trains will travel over differ
ent roads.
Olympin Stops At Naples.
Nkw Youk, Aug. 1. A dispatch to thu
Herald from Trieato auys : If thu cruiser
Olyaipm touches at uny Frenuh port it
probably will bo Villefriincho. Whether
ho leaves hero Tuesday evening or Wed
"eeday evening will depond entirely up
on the rapidity with which she can coal
"etc. She is taking 000 tons of cool
bidrd. leaving already COO tons In hor
outers, which will take hor to Gibrai
"f. bhe will roinain at Nuples ono
eek in order to lot tho men continue
tbeir reet and tlmo ashore.
Outbreak May Include 3000 or 4600 Red
Devils, and Killed are Already
Estimated at Fifty on Each Side.
St. Louih, Augmt l.-A special to the
uioue-Democrat from Ortl, Mexys:
7 doubt that the YmjuU are on the
"'Ptli in earnest wm dispelled today
Am?. rewB reft0,,ea ,here,Uiat wmill
Amlcaiu Ha MeKlc,nl ua ma
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
killed in pueblos, or towns, in tho Ynqui
river valley, east nnd Foutlieiist of this
station, Tho courier who came in with
the news of tho slaughter declares that
ho saw a desperate fight at 0 point
forty miles southeast of Ortiz, nnd that
ho bus positive evidence that J. F.
Renily, 11 merchant cf Ilcrnioeillo, nnd
U. Miller, a photographer in bis employ
wore among the killed.
ltomly was one of the best known
Americans in Sonoru. Tim inhabitants
of tho towns In nnd nenr Ynqui valley
are in 11 statoof terror. General Torres,
commander of the first military zone,
which includes Sonoru, Sinnloti and
Lower California, who Iwiib in the field
with tho Twelfth regiment, Is also re
ported among the slain. No informa
tion is obtained as yet of the number of
fighting Indians under arms, but if tho
outbreak Is of tho proportions of the
war ended in 1H97, the number may be
placed at between HOOO and 4000.
This outbreak is a nm prleo tothestato
and army officials. It is impossible to
secure accurate figures us to the total
number killed to date, but tho estimate
of fifty on each side is not considered
I'or mi Killtor to Itecnnitiienit I'ntnut
From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrud,
N. C.
It may be n question whether the
editor of a newspaper has .tho right to
publicly recommend any of the various
proprietary medicines which flood the
market, yet as 0 tiroventiye of suffering
wo feel it a duty to say a good word for
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Komedy. We have known and
used this medicine in our family tor
twenty years and have ulways found it
reliable. In muny cases a doeo of this
remedy would save hours of suffering
while a physician is awaited. Wo do
not believe in depending implicitly on
any medicine for u cure, but wo do
beliovo Hint if a bottle of Chamberlain's
Diarrhoea Remedy was kept on hand
and administered ut the inception of an
uttack, much suffering might bo avoided
nnd in very many cases the presence of
u physician would not be required. At
oust this has been our experience
during the past twenty years. For sale
by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
Yellow Fever Situation.
Wahiiinuto.v, Aug. 1. Surgeon-Gen-oral
Sternberg this afternoon received
tho following telegram from Surgeon
Vlckory in ohm go of tho Soldiers' Home
at Hampton, Vn tho scene of the
yellow fevor epidemic:
"Epldemie not extending. In the
last day, two cases and ono death.
Origin not discovered. Do you know if
wo can get immune surgcone nnd
Himlu'H Orentett Need.
Mr. It. P. Olivia, ol Barcelona, Spain,
spends his winters at Aiken, S. C.
VVoek norves had causod severe pains in
tho back of his head. On using Electric
Jlittere, America's greatest blood nnd
uorvo remedy, all pain soon loft him.
Ho says this grand medicine is what his
country needs. All America knows that
it curca livornnd kidney trouble, purl
fit's' the blood, tones up tho stomach,
strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor
und now life into every muscle, nervo
and organ of the body. If weak, llreu
or ailing you need it. Every bottle
guaranteed, only 5oc. Sold by Blakoley
& Houghton, druggists. 1
Vuloanlo Kruptluui
Aro grand, but skin eruptions rob lifo
of joy. Bueklen'fl Arnica Salvo cures
thorn ; also old, running and fever sores,
Uleors, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Outs, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Haude, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth, Drives out pains and uches.
Only 26 ctf . a box. Cure guaranteed.
Bold by Blakoley & Houghton, drug-gilt.
I Baking
Dog And Boy Hun Over,
Dai.i.ah, Or., July .'il. Walker Baker,
the 10 years-old son of Charles Baker,
while drvlng a trained dog in harness,
was run over by a freight team in Dallas,
and the do,; was killed, but the boy es
caped unhurt. After tho wagon had
run over the dog he sprang to his feet,
reared upon tho bay'n breast and gave a
pitiful whine, and then fell dead at his
young mastei's feet. Tho attachment
between these faithful friends was great.
The boy refuses to eat, and cries con
tinually since the accident.
Klectlou Notice.
By virtue of an order made by the
Board of Firo Delegates of Dulled City
firo department on tho 18th day of
July, 1801), notice i'b hereby given that
there will bo an election held for the
purpose of electing a chief engineer and
an assistant chief of Dalles City fire de
partment, Bnid election to bo held on
the first Monday in Auciist, paid dnv
being tho 7th of August, 1899. The
polling place of said election jhall bo at
tho fire engine house, situated on Third
street, Dalles City, and the polls of said
election Eliall open at 5 o'clock p. m.
and be closed at 7 o'clock p. m. 0:1 suid
Dated Dalles City, Oregon, this 24th
day of July, 1899.
Secretnry Board of Fire Delegatee.
Jly 24 2tvk J
Notice is hereby given to nil property
owners In Dalles City to immediately
cut down and destroy all thistles grow
ing on their property; and if said
thistles are not immediately cut down,
I will proceed to removo them at the
expense of the property on which they
aro located, and tho property owner will
also be liable to a fine.
Dalles City, August 1, 1899.
lDt N. D. IIUGiir.s, Marshal.
Three horses Juno 10, 1899, described
as follows: two weighing about 1400
each. One a light chestnut branded D
on left shoulder. Black horse brunded
C on loft shoulder. One bald faced
sorrel weighing about 1200; roached
mane. A liberal reward for information
of the whereabouts, or the return of
same. A. Mason, J. Bays, Controctors,
Viento, Or., or E. V., Mosier,
Or. j28-lni
A diseased stomneli surely under
uiiueB health. It dulls the brain, kills
energy, destroys the nervous system,
and predisposes to insanity and fatal
diseases. All dyspeptic troubles nro
quickly cuied by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It has cured thousands of cutes and is
curing them every day. Its ingredients
aro such that it can't help curing.
Snipes-Iviuersly Drug Co.
P omul.
In East End Feed Yard Wednesday
morning, July 6th, a bay horse, about
fourteen hands high between 10 or 12
years old ; white star on forehead, black
points; saddle marks and brand B L on
left shoulder with running K underneath,
and weighing about 900 pounds. Owner
can have same by proving property and
paying all charges. jly Slm
Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns,
cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from
rusty nails, insects stings und Ivy poison
ingquickly healed by DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salvo. Positively prevents blood
poisoning. Beware of counterfoils. De
Witt's is mfe nnd ure. Butler Drug Co.
"What might have been" If that
little cough hadn't been neglected, Is the
sad reflection of thousands of consump
tives. Ono Minute Cough Cure cures
coughs and colds. Butler Drug Co.
DeWItt' Little JEarly Kiiers benefit
permanently, Thoy lend gentle assist
ance to nature, causing 110 pains or
weakness, permanently curing constipa
tion and liver allmtutt. Butler Drug
Messaics From Ohm Coys Snnposcu
to Be Dead.
Private McCoy, Lawrence and Mills,
of Company M, Who Have Been
Missing Since April.
San Fuaksico, July 31. Theio was
rejoicing in the Oregon eatr.p this morn
ing when Captain Porman, of company
M, posted a cablegram from General
Otis saying that Ralph McCoy, James E.
Lawrence and Clarence Mills are still
alive and well in the Philippines, though
prisoners of the rebels.
Since April 28, those men have been
given up ns dead. On that date, at G in
the morning, they were sent to recon
noiter territory adjacent to Marllca, near
the company camp. All were heavily
armed, and were to return at or before
noon. That was the last heard of the
trio until yesterday, when General Otis
learned that they had been spared by
the insurgents, who had tnken them as
prisoners. No details were received.
Company M is jubilant tonight, and
everybody feels like celebrating, for the
men long mourned as dead will, it is
thought, Boon be on their way to the
friendly shores of Oregon. All ore mem
bers of company M, and many a day
wae t-'pent by there anxious comrades in
Ecouring the swamps and bamboo jung
les to find some trace of them.
The Oregon camp looks deserted, and
everything belonging to tho government
lias been removed, escept beds in the
The boys ol the Second regiment in
vlted thoobniska men to lunch with
them today, and two hours of good cheer
nnd fellowship were spent happily. The
Oregonians have done their share in wel
coming the returning volunteers, and
met them in a body at the treinport
A I'rtglitful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bncklen's Arnica
Salve, the beet in the world, will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. CureE
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, bolls, corns,
felons and nil skin eruptions. Beet pile
euro on earth. Only 25 cts. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. 1
You need have no boils if you will
buy Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils.
Opera House
Special engagement
Introducing the latest songs,
drtucts and specialties.
30 Colored Stars.
10 Vaudeville Novelties.
See the Cako Walk Contest.
Grand Concert and Street Parade at
2 o'clock p. in.
Admission - 25o, 50c, 76o
Seati on sole at the Butler Drug Co.'s,
I It
To have the little rips and tears to your shoes
sowed up if you buy them HER. We employ a
practical cobbler to do that work.
Not only the finer grades, but any and every
shoe we sell is entitled to free treatment for these
minor ills.
I A. M. Williams & Co.
3 jnrnrrn fT.rnntTnnrn'i u'Mil.rriTnTrniTiinmrnTiiTnnrir.TnrrTTnTTTriiirTni rnrnTn riTrrrrmTTn
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Land Officio at Vakcouvbu. Wash.,)
July 5, lsiw. j
Notteo Is hereby Riven that the following
named tettlcm have tiled notice of their Inten
tion to lllflko Until uroof In uumiort of tlielr
claims, nnd that mid proofs wilt bo made before
n, u. rrt'Buy, uimcii amies Lomniisaioner ior
District of wnbhiliKton. ut Ills otflcu In (loldcn-
dale, Washington, on Monday, August 14, lbW,
VII. i
Stephen Blarlett.
Homestead Entry No. WI, for tho 8. i N. K. i,
N. K. US. K. Section li), and 8. W. ft N. W.L
of Bectlou 20, Township 3 North, of Itango lit
It'll, ......
Mil, ti ill juur.
He utmea the following uitncssfB to Drove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation
auiu una, viz:
Carl Krunzen, Christian Franzcti, I'orter I.,
liardlbon, Marion Spluwn, till of l.ylc 1. 0.,Wash,
I'orter L. Hurillaon.
Id names the folTowluir witnesses ta nmvo
his continuous residence unoii. and cultlvutlon
of said land, viz.:
uari rraiizen, uuriiuan Frauzcn, Btepheu
Marlott, Marlon Spluwn, all of LyU 1. O,, Wash.
Jly II W. K. UUNBAK, KcgUter.
Homestead Entry No. VOM, for the b. E. t of
t). K. ii of Hcetlou IV: tho H. W. of 8.,
Heotion 'JO; i:. 4 of N. E. of Bectloii SO, To wa
sh In 8 North, of llauso la East. Will. Mcr.
Job Printers.
U. 8. Land Offk k, Tho Dulles, Ore. I
July , 1S9U. (
Notice Is hereby Klveu that thu order of De
ccniberS, 18'JI, temporarily wlthdmnlug fniot
disposal, for the purposes of u bout railway, the
lands mi the south side and within six miles of
tho Columbia river, between Tho Dulles: and.
Celilo, has been revoked by the president, ex
cept us to the following described parcels: one ttr
the KW'H of tfeo 31, T 2 N, K 11 K, coaUiiulng
about four and one-hall ucreii, and tho other lu
thoNWW.Sco'Jl, T a N, it 15 E, containing about
half au avre.
On and alter September 1, 180U, we will receive
uiipiii'uiious or uuy vticuui lumis iiiciuueil
J. 1'. l.Ul'AS.
Notice Is hereby given that I he undersigned
has tiled his iliiut account as executor of tho es
tate of Sarah McAteo with ttiv clerk of the
count court of thustuto of Oregon, for Wasco
county, and that Thursday, the Ulh day of July,
18'JO, at the hour of 10 o'clock u. m. lias beau
llxct as thu time and the county ciurt room In
Dalles City as the p'aco for the lies ring of ob
jections to said ilua account and settleiueul ol
said estate.
Dated July 13, lSiU. THOS. NOHVAU
juu HI Ezecutur.