warn s&m ! ) Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver amd Bowels MEANSES THE 5YSTEM -i c'9: - I I UHLUi, narmaev. JJP "Tn52riE5e I Latest thing OVERCOMES iv? ' BUY THE GENUINE - MAHT'D tSy jtal arithmetic, composition, physical geograpny. Saturday Botany, piano eeotuetry, general history, Ktillsh lituraturo, psy chology. VOR COUNTY l'.U'KI'.S. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar. Friday Geography, mental arith metic, physiology. ron riusi.usY certificates, Wednesday Heading, penmanship, orthography, the art of questioning, ! methods of teaching. GRADUWTKS. All npeenna tvlin li'iva i.rnilnnlod fmni 'chartered institutions, this June, may , take examination upon the six brandies even though they may have June. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' failed i 29-11 BUSINESS LOCALS. Ask your irrocer for Clarke & Fnlk pure concentrated flavoring extracts. For the best results use the Viv Camera. Fur sale by the Postoflico VOb. roa sueritiowsGiiri fait soc fiRKrat- rCUt'LE YOU A I, Li KNOW. Chas. Hatch was down from Arlington yesterday. .fudgo Mays was a passenger for Port land today. John Karlin namo in from Bakeovfti yesterday en business. Hon. John .Sommerviile camo in from Hay Creek yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Buraess were in rum their home at Antelope yesterday. Dr. Darrin and wilo parsed through ttiAcitv last night on their way to Baker City. " Prof. P. G. Daut and wife went to Cascades this morning to spend their vacation in camp. Chas. Hilton was in tiie city last evening on hit way from Portland to his ranch near Fossil. Rav. 0. I). Taylor, who left the city with the Grant' party two weeks ago, returned home last night. John Weluel joined the family of M. Cti'hing in camp at Cascades today. Mrj. Weigel is already there. John Marliu left on the afternoon train bound for the Sandwich Islands, where he delights to make his home. Misa Francs Harris, who has been thtigneat of .Miss Nellie Butler for two weeks past, returned to Portland this afternoon. Sliss Caesie Tliornburn came in from her home at Kingeley yesterday, and tills morning lett to visit mends in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher and daughter, Miss Edie, went down on the boat this morning to join the diapers at Stevenson. Ii. Ii. Cary, who lias been spending fomo tinio in California, came up from Portland last niirht on his way to his iiome in Prineviile. Thin morning Grant Mays and W. E. Walthfr started out on" an extended trip into tlio Prineviile country in the interest of .Maya & Crowe's hardware etore. M and MrB. Uoht. Ballon came over from Goldendaln yesterday, at which piano tney had just been married, and left thh morning for a bridal trip to Portland. Among the crowd which left this raornmg for the camping ground at Stevenson were Misses Anna and Lena Thompson and their guest, Mrs. Shoe make, and the Misses Julia and Clara Nickeleen. Men ry Maior returned this morning from a two-weeks visit at his old home in Bfllovue, Iowa. He. of course, en joyed the trip immensely, although It was very warm, being over 100 a portion of the time. Teacher' Kxaintuutlou. tf in cameras are Im i proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell drug store. ! 17roall f.rl (.!.! i.liin el rrmn t 4liA Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch2o-tf Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy For sale at all first-class bars. C, Stublinc, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy For sale at all first-class bars. C tubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the bes tonic. For sale at all fkst-clasa bars C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles M17-3m Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the btst tonic. For sale at all first-class bars C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles M17-3m Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elston Mo., writes: "One Minute Cough Cure saved the life of our littie boy when nearly dead with croup." Butler Drug Co. A diseased stomach surely under minus health. It dulls the brain, kill energy, destroys thi nervous system and predisposes to insanity and fatal diseases. All dysneptiu troubles are quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure It has cured thousands of cases and curing them every day. Its ingredient are such that it can't help eurin SuipeE-Kitiersly Drue Co. )' IJUIlll. In East End Feed Yard Wednesday morning, July 5:h, a bay horse, abou fourteen hands high between 10 or 1 years old; white star on forehead, black points ; saddle marks and brand B L on left shoulder with running Ii underneath and weighing about 900 pounds. Owner can have same by proving property and paying ull charges. jl8-lm Gun-shot wounds and powder-bums cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds fiom rusty nails, insects stings and Ivy poison ing quickly Healed by DeWitt's Witcli Hazel Salve. Positively prevents blood poitoiiing. Beware oi counterfeits. Do Witt's is tuft and sure. Butler Drug Co Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of ail persons who may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public ex animation at the court house in The Dalies, Oregon, beginning at 0 o'clock . in. Wednesday, August 0, 1890. Dated thin 29th dav of July, 1609. C. h. Gilbkbt, County School Superintendent, Watco County, Oregon. According to lav, I ho following pro- rm has been prepared by tho state feonrd of education : V08 8TATK fAPKBH. Wednesday Peumanthlp, history, pvilinjr, algebra, reading. ThursdayWritten arithmetic, theory ef teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, jjriic. Friday Phyiiolofy, geography, nan- "What might hayo bejn" if that little cout;h hadn't been neglected, is the sad reflection of thousands of consump tives. Ono Minute Cough Curo cures coughs and colds. Butier Drug Co. Deitt'a Little JEarly Risers benefit permanently. They lend gentle assist ance to nature, cau;ing no pains or weakness, permanently curing constipa Hon and liver ailments. Butler Drnj Co. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Xotico is hereby given that the part' nerahip heretofore existing between C. J. Cathcart and J. D. Straus, under the firm name of Cathcart & Straus, is tins day diseoivert by mutual consent, C. J. Cathcart retiring. J. D. Straus will continue the business, and will col. I net all bills due said firm mid pay ull accounts against inn eame. Dated July 1, 1809. O. J. Catiicaist, J. D. Stkauh. DeWitt's Little Early Risers expel from the rystem all poisonous accumu lations, regulate the stomach, bowels and liver, and purify the blood. They drive nwav disease, dissipate melancholy and give health and vigor for the dai.y routine. Do no gripe or sicken. Butler Drug Co. 30 Itawitrd. A reward of $20 will be paid for the ar rest of any person caught stealing flowers or anything else from the Odd Fellows' cemetery. Mot JUut. Two tenement houses; fine location. Inquire at this ofllco. Jly 17-1 wk good feed yard for Male or rent cheap. Inquire at Farmers' Feed Yard, The Dalltt. 21dl.w2 You need have no bolls If you will by Clarke fc falk'i aura ear for boll. Regulator S Dailcs City Dally (except Sunday) between ' The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching at way poin. on both sides of the Columbia river. Jioth of the above steamers have been rebuilt, and are In excellent shape for the season of ISW. The ltegulntur I.lne will endeavor to give Its patrons the best service possible. For Oiimrort, Kemmniy null 1'lensiirn, travel by the steamers of Tim Iteculntor l.lti is. The above steamers leave Tho Dalle at S u. ra. nnd f ortland at 7 a. m., nnd arrive at destina tion in u.uple time for outgoing trains. Portland Ollicc. The Dalles Office. Oak St. DocU. Court Street W. O. Allaway, General Aent. 01 $ IRL Ne The Busy Store. Kau'i tiny our business shows the people arc liiulin:: out we are ptislini" to the front with better poods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Best Work at Least Possible Cost Guaranteed to pivu satisfaction. Wu tire lioro to stay ; therefore every effort will be made to establish a business. Jt will pay you to examine our work and consult our prices. CONSIDER OTTE PRICES: t.,. ii.:. I.... ,.-.,.! r'"!.- Befit Hut teeth, iMUirautced . . . Ilust Gold Filling Hest pilver or alloy tilling Teeth extracted without pain . . gold), per tnotli ?4.S0 Fi.OO $1.00 up " oOuttn 60c I Rooms l-V2 l.'t, Chapman Block, Second St I Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager. r ..GflflS. AW. PART I For. Fast Mall 11:0 p. m Spokane l'lyer 5:10 p. m, S p. Hi. 8 p. m. Ex.buurlay; Saturday 10 p. m. : timk sciinnui. l'ROM DAtLEd. Salt Lake, Denver. Ft. Worth, Omaha, Kan-1 sas uuy, nr. iis: unicago ana I'.ast. AiteiVK Fi:o:i. Walla Walla, Ppokane, Mlnneaiolis. St. Haul, i Ml 1 u t h , i! 1 1 waukee, (Jhlcaeo and Last. From PonLAsn. Ocean Steamships. For ban FrancUco January 22, and every live days thercalter. Columbia Rv. Steamers.! To Astobia and Way: JJlUulIlgb. Fat Mail 3:15 p m Spokane Fljer. 5:00 a. m 4 p. m. 4 v. in. Es.unda) fie. m. Kx.Suuday Willamette IIiveb. 1 i:.7)p. m. Orejfon City, Xewberr;,iEx.!:untiaf Saieui i Way Lund's., 7 a. ni. Tues.'lhur.l and bat. Willascttk a.nd Yam-. 3:30 p ra. JilLI. UIVEB3. I.HO!l.,el Orccon City, l.ayton,i and Way.I-Hiidiugs. ' and Frl. 0 u. m. Tue..Thur, aim oat. Willamette Rivet.. I'ortianrt to (,,orvallis, unu ttay-iiuuings. I.v niparia daiiy Snake Rivsn. Itiparm to Lewislon. 4:3) p. m. Tue,, I hui una &at. I.KAVB Lewihtoii dally EHF" Parties dolrlnor rn an tn llinnmr ImuM take No. I, leaving 'I lie Dnlica at 5:) i. in inakinK direct ronnenllons at Heppner Junction Iteturnlnir inakIni-iHrtv-rroiiu.p,i(t?i , ir,., junction with No. l.arrhiuc at 'the Dalles at v.li p. m. No. 82, IhroiiL-ht frelcht.cast bound, does nni carry Dsssenu-ers: arrlvs -J:Ut . m ,ii.r.-.rr. 3:Wa.m. ' Jo. 'll, local freight, carries passengers, cast bound; urrlves4:S'j p. m.. departs 8:1.5 n. m. .No. 21, west b-uiiid throuuh freicht. i!mw not carry passenuers; arrives :15 p m., departb '( 111, No. 23. west boil till local frpfirht. " - - w v. miiuviHiiia tj.v u. III. For full particulars nail on n l a- ; ,v. i agen t The Dalles, or address W. II. HUItLIlUIlT. flen I'as. Ant., Portland, Or. Butchers and Farmers ..Eehange.. Keeps on draught tho celebrated COl.UMIIIA 11KKK. anknowl olKeil the best beer in Tho Dalles, attheusuul price, t.'omo In, try it and be convinced. Also tho Fliifst brands of Wines, Liiuur and (Jfcars. Sandrjruiehes of all Kinds always on hand. 5 S t i An iri a at b mam an EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF THK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at I'ortlar. LEAVE. 6:00 V OVEKI.AKI) EX-l i :ss. Salem. Uoee-1 i urg, Ashland, Kac-1 innento. OL'don.Si'.n il l-ranciseo, Mojuve, I JW), I and I IxjsAiiKeles.EU'jto, I hew Orleans an I U.ast .. o:30 A. 51.' rB ' ' f Via Woodbura forV 1 1 iIt.Aneel,Sllverton, vesi acio, wrownj Hally except Sundays vlllv.tjprluglield and loatron . o A. M. Dally except Sundays. (7:30 A.ilJ J8CffiU..0..7y ISIMI-.M. INUEl'E.NOENCE PASSENGER. Express train ually (except Sunday). I.v Portland. ...Ar.: l;f p. m 7:a) p, m 8:00 p. m, th Pr Ui..McMlniivlllu. (Ar..Iudetpendence ,Lv.) 8:25 a. in fi;&Ua, in 4:60 a. ra. F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor, Second & Lam, 'Pnonc m FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. TRANSACT A XNKKALiBANKINO UUS1NEB LetUre of Credit iMued available in tha jvuiarn HUtea. Bight E&chanM and T.Wmnl,,, Trasifen told on New York, Chicago. 8t. Louie, San Fraacieco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Waab., and yarioaa poinU in Oregon. aad .WublBf ton. Colleetloai uaie at all oalnta a. r.. orabk teriM. Dally. tDally, except hunany. HIKING OARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN 11UFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEl'INCS CARS Attached to all Throuah Traias. IllrMlrnnnW.Hn?t n h.n l.-r.. .. ! . n.. .,.,. r rloti,l ...! ,l.fn..,nl .....1 U..t.tA ..11 . . MV.I...UH i uutwi nun atuiu uimi .leamnuiti lines or JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates on It.,..,, . tuk.t. VP 4 . . . . . Til'ii'''' wlINA HONOLULU anc All above trains arrive at and depart from iauu ncuum dwuuu, riuu uu irviiig fetroeu YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Dejiot, foot of Jcrlersou Btroet, Leave for Sheridan, week days, st 4:30 p. a ArrivoutPortlaud,'J:30u. m. lvc for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednerday imd dav, Thursday and Saturdaj 3:05 p. in. Except Sunday. Except Saturday. K. KoE.'.lER, (, H. MARKHAM, jlnnser. Asst. O. v. .t Puma a ' Through Ticket Ofllco, 131 Third street, where thrnuirh tlokatu tr. all ....I.. .- i .. .v... V. . v States, Canada and Europe can bo obtained al orNWIIl!DOKNVtKL-Vm,'T,CkCtAgent- No. 4 (size 3'a x 4't) $S.OO No. 5 (size 4x5) 10.00 FOR 1899. Ton Points to Consider: 12 Plcturoo In 12 Socoruls. Khutter Bull) Rolouat). Shuttnr Automatic. Stuittur Looks, Hi Aluminum Muttjliolclura. Sot Btopa. Spoalni Quick l.onu. Atttomnxlo Octflrnitor. AH rmrtt) lntorohunrjonblo. ExpoHod plntoH romovoci without disturbing iinoxpooucl. 1899 Catalogue with com ploto Information FREE. Juat Arrived. 1 he only Miiu'iziiin Camera with bulb shutter. t i hi.- I. jlir ? - -i - M. Z. DONNELL. How About YourTitle? r UK YOU RUKK it is nil rinlit? Hoinuinhor it is tho H ItKCOltU that novcriiH. It is our htiHinePH to tea ru 1 1 ilu records and hIiow what thov contuin in relation to land titles. If you contoiiitiluto imyinj: laml or loaning moony on n;al cntalu n'curlty, tako no iiiiiii' word, nut insiHt upon knowing what tho record hIiows r'ardiiit; the title. An Abstract is as oasuntial as a deed. liiHiat on having it. Wo havo tlio only set of Abstract Hooks in tin? County. All work promptly ex ecuted and eatibfactlon cuaranteed. It von luivu nrop- ertv to insure, give no a call. Wo are nisontH for four of tho best fire iiiBiiranco coiiipanies in thu world. If you havo property for sale, list it with ua and wo'll Hilda buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. Phono 81. 2U St., oppoalto A. M. Wllllamo & Co. A Beautiful Skin. Artenlo Complexion Wafers. Their etfwt in flmplv magical. posse.UK the wizard touch lnpriuci!iKndpreervla!a beutllut trins- luirftnnv Mint iu.HiiaIH arid ainooth aain wliero the wvewoexliU; 'jjti tbo coarsest mid matt repulslvo skin, marred bv freckles, moth, bUck heads, plmpeTvui rtdnoss, vellow mid muddy skin arowTOtSinu ly removal, mid a dellcloualy clear andrfln& complexlou assured. ".unea Primtir, im.llkn rjAH. i . I , 7' ."iiitisw IKfKO DOX, II. or The Parisian Drug Co., 131 Monloiaery St.San KraucWco Cat r, mooii, J0HK 0AV1M M00RE k GAVIN, ATTOHNKYB AT LAW. Mewaa N and 40, oyer W. 8. Uaa 0oc. 66 9? CxUhiskey. SIiml,rn1.,L?f Wh,skcJ' is Ruarnntccil to the crrnBiimcr as a PURb HAM) MADE SOUK MASH WHISKEY for Family and .Medical Use. Sold hy Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Rood Headquarters for Feed Oram ot eii kinds. Headquarters for T?iioi n4M vinri Headquarters for Bran. Shorta, stS Headquarters for "Byers Beat" Pendlfr J." XU UT. uiriour ia manufactured xprMly foriw Weaelouriioodilowr.J!!W! eOTvaok ia guaranteed to give aatiitoolW; vVWf Hif hwt Priot, pwd for Whfat g, and nt,,