OUR SATURDAY'S SALE of WASH GOODS NOVELTIES Was such ft grand mierx'sa Mint wo linvo reluctantly decided to coti llniio tint huIo for u day or two longer, na ho many aro unable to attend tl,e8o mill's owing to the fiuit tlmt on this day thoro In n double ninount of ffork to bo performed ut honm which prevents many from doing their shopping- 11 Is ,or t,,oir "U",(U that wu havo decided upon this plan. If yon will look nt our corner window you will ho immediately con tlncrd tlmt wu nro sacrificing some elegant goods at wonderfully low prices. Our "silent uakvdady" (tho window) him on lior bust "bib mid tucker" and la ut homo to hur friends ut till times. LADIES' ' SUMMER UNDERWEAR Ladies' Swiss Underwear Flncrt rotton, iiIho lino sheer IIjId In ecru or whito, low neck, flucvclesi), hUIc taped; regular 50c, pccbl pni'o Three for $1.00. Ladie Swios Ribbed Vests Matin from the llnest corned cot ton; regular price 20c, Special 19c. Ladies' Ribbed Union Sv.its The rerl tirttttt Is .'Hit:, Special 23c. Ladies' and Misses' Sunbonnets, special 19c All CoocIh Marlceil In Plnln FlRiiroB. The Dalles Daily Gtooniele. TUESDAY - - - AUG 1. 1801) VWenioiic Nu. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR AliVBKTlSEKS: All CIiukcs 'in Advertisements must be banded in 'before 10 o'clock A. M us noclianneswill be accepted in the aft moon (i'iils rule wilt be positive. CUIK0XICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dallrj, January 10, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Sliav Company 'From "Hire to'Sou" Tonight at tho italdwin. TIioImiuI concert drew a largo crowd t o'clock this afternoon. There will bo a meeting of the lire 'JwKce tonlulit at8::t0iit thu reeoider'd Usitl the thittlo notic, and if it l,n)ou, root thu thiHtloa out of your Pretty. TJe I). U & A. O. baud will practice 4ll!' armory tonight nt 0 o'clock. All "waberaate requested to bo present. The Ilutler Drug Co. have just it "'ve'l a new Block of Kaatmnu kodakti. tlley IlltPIld to enrrv 11 i.nnii.lnl!. linn nf uera suppiiun UIIt j,.wu a uow (loJ VP ilriu. .1... .... I 1n.1t win niteioat amutuius. 1! Markllle, latoof the Mover Gloth ' '""imny, of Portland, Iiiih accepted tuition i the furnishing department 'leased MayH Htoro. Ho arrived In j,11'1'' i'iht fteeoniptuued by Mre. rel''? 1,,,ori,,"B Frel Walters was nr. "Wi being charged with atteuiptint! w'0kunn,totherwi8e injuring tho 11-wr-old eon of John II. Wnlthers," a llZ fUt 1,1 tl", li'Bt EnJ. Saturday, thi. bro,'lt before Justice Bayard CdSorn,"K' p,0Bd gnllty ",,d WBB uiovlU Wtur co,ni8lon can make 110 ol it. "Kttrd t0 bultu'l'K "I'MPly lo bi.w,10'' 11 t0Bl w,th tnB oUUeiw Mm Initiatory stops. Will they whit- i iB,uw,M uecallod ami ioo tit. 1 J? M m ,,ftVU no but our to blaino. imanlTM relllro',d t0 ,,' '""n" Wiion it.'.,Ur fawy' vlilt with ' eu wo ! In vry 111 t the - LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. Women's Strong Fast Black and Tan With dojible heels and toon; Special 19c. Children's Scrong Cotton hosiery In blacky tautolora; Special 12:c. NECKWEAR SALE Our entire Mock of 25c and 50c valneH in Men's Hand and Shield Rows, Reduced to 15c. liny while thu 'assortment is goud." Pease & Mays. home of .I.W. Dickwon at Kuderaby, hav ing been kicked in tho lireafltby a horee. ilia daughter, Aliet;, accompanied him. Charles Covert, of Knderaby, received a kick on the knee from the fuiiih horae and iiaa been laid up a couple of weeks. For an unusually large Nhipmeut of wool tho one shipped today from thu Wasco warehouse is a pood erample. William Ellery, tho wool tiuyer who is so well known nmonu ahcepmon ttiroutthout the state, shipped twenty carlo.ids of baled wool to lioltowoll & Donald at ltoatnu. Ttiia would amount to about if 80,001). Old "Wasco Glial ley" has always been considered a "lima skookum" In dian; but he fell from grace last night and getting mixed up with tanglefoot was found by lMiirmnn at tho foot of Washington street in a hilarioua condi tion, lie was "taken to the city jail" and there like a little man potlatohed iiiojc dollars for hia fun. Yesterday the morphine fiends a man and woman who inhabited Bnch ler's hog pen for some time, returned to the city, after some time spent in the country. They were found begging up in Thompson's addition, and were ar runtudind placed in jail until this morn ing, when tho city waa rid of thiiiu as they left oil the boat for Portland. Last Friday a man came to Wilson's livery c table in the Kaat Knd and hired one of his best horses saying lie wanted to go out in the country to get some homes ho had in pasture. As ho did not return Mr. Wilson became suspicious and had Shonir Kelly writo out to in quire concerning tho matter, which he did and discovered there were no such horses there. Mr. Wilson particularly regrets tho occurrence bIiico the horse was 11 lino animal and belonged to his daughter, Miss Hhuicho. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. lligps cimo down from Wasco last evening and will return tonight. Mr. Biggs expects to leave goon to the springs at Kpragne. He says that is a favorite resort for Sherman county people, who have great faith in the curative powers of tho water. Ho ays one man who went down all crippled up with rheumatism, returned and is able to walk around as well as anyone. The only disadvantage is in the accommodations aM'orded at tho hotel, or house rather, where all who do not camp are com polled to stay. There are ome people who item to think that when they have paid 80 oenU for 11 theater ticket they own the whole building, and are privileged to do and act as they see fit, regardless of the comfort of others. They therefore wait until a play haa got well under way, and juat when all p.ro intensely in terested In the stage, march In with all tho nerve imaginable nnd attract the attention of overy brie until they are fairly seated and their goods and chat tels cheeked. Or perehnnco thoy may have gotten tired of the conversation they have carried on during the firet two ncta and in (he third come to tho conclusion they need a constitutional, and with squeaky boota or shoes walk clear ucrosa the hall and out of tho door juat as stocks havo begun to go up "on the Sari Diablo. Such peoplo should eithor remain at homo or bring a police man with them to see that others are not annoyed. Another annoying ele ment Ih the crowd of small boys who persist' in sending forth the shrillest whistles' on tho slightest provocation and keeping up n continual clatter throughout the entiro performance. It's all right for tho boys to enjoy them selves, but it would be well were their parents along to boo that they do not deny others iho same privilege. Wnlitr UiimtiiUHlotiurH Meet. A meeting of tile walor Commissioners was hold in tho recorder's office at 8 o'clock met livening) with J. F. Moore, .r. Randall) F. J. Seufeit and Aog. Bauhlbr broeont. A (rev the miuutes had been read and ftpph;Ved a motion was made by Moore artti carried that the superintendent be authorized to employ another man to assist thu one now working at Dog rivor, this head of the city water supply. The report of the superintendent and treasurer were read and approved, the later being as follows : Julv 1 Balance cash on hand. .$2889 16 Cash ree'd during mouth for water rent 1218 00 Total 4107 10 11 v warrants redeemed 670 OS Balance on hand July .'SI $3430.48 Then wero read tho following claims, which were allowed: J B Goit, work on waterworks mii $28 0 E F Sharp, surveying 5 0' Win A Cates, sawing wood 50 L A Pot ter, team hire 0 00 W A Kirby, mdsu 75 Malor & Benton, mdae 15 45 F K Gnnnini:. repairs 1 00 I C Kickelaen, mdse 80 O L Waller, hauling 5 01) Ward & Robertson, team hire 0 00 Mhvb it Crowe, mdsi 1-7 Wm Monranfield, labor 24 00 J W Webber, labor 24 UU S R Brooks, pasturage 3 00 A A Urfjuhart, lab.)r 24 40 John Gamer, labor 20 00 L Johnson, team hire S 00 J B Uroasen, supt. salary 00 00 CIma Borders, helpers' " 00 00 'ed Gates, secretary's " 10 00 l ll.i Mtiut Ihililutlt.Nt Cut of All." There's much, in a name when it cornea to confusing that of The Dalles and Ileppner juat at the present tune, and, though we havo forgiven the Tele gram seven times seventy times for its seeming ignorance in regard to our city, particularly when it so otten makes the mistake of confusing Dallas with The Dalles, we consider now that we have received the "most unkindeat cut of all." During Receiver Patterson's visit to Portland Sunday, tho reporter of that paper evidently had a conversation with him regarding the smallpox poaro at Ileppnor, and in bis report of the same in, last night's Telegram he says "the recent smallpox scare at Tho Dalles tiaa died out," and then goes on to describe tho situation at Hoppnur aa if it were at thia city, In the heading, however, the name Iieppner is used, which will prob ably vaccinate the at tide snlliciently so tlmt wo will be saved tho damaging itl'octH which would naturally tollow Hiich a report. W'n realize that such a mistake might easily be overlooked by a proof-reader, as juat above it apeaka of Mr. Patterson as being fiom Tho Dalles; but he should havo been doubly careful in regard to such an article, realizing how much it means to a city to have such an iui-! pression given credence throughout the surrounding country. Certainly tho Telegram will come out at once and correct its grievous error. Motlcr. All claims against Dalles City must be hereafter presented to the recorder 011 or before the day proceeding tho day fixed for the regular meeting of the council, which day is the 3d day of each month ; if presented thereafter they shall bo laid over to the next succeed ing regular meeting. By order of tliianco committee. Aug. 1,1800. Nm H. Gatkh, jit. Recorder of Dalles City, Commencing Saturday, July 20th, the 0. R. & N Co, will ael) round-trip tickets to Cascade Locks and return for 11,50. Tickets will be honored going on train No, 1, Saturday, and returning on trains Noa. 4 and 2 the following Sunday. Jah. Ihuanu, Agent. auaO A QOCD COMPANY HERE. The Shaw Onmpuny ria All Liut Mftlit In "The Westerner." When tho agent of the Shaw Com pany arrived in the city announcing that we wore to have' a week of the theater in the middle of eutnmcr, wlen half of our residents (particular tne theater goers) are awry from the illy, wo con fess we fi It a little skeptical ns to tho result of such a move. After the ap pearance of the band yesterday, how ever, our opinion was s6mewhat shaken and upon aniving at the opera house last evening and encountering the crowd endeavoring to gain admittance, it was a foregone conclusion that the Shaw Company would have onb full house at least. As the play, "tio Woaterner," proceeded it was a self-evident fact that they would have many, for the company is a good one. With but one exception, perhaps, the cast could not hate been belter filled, and the play itself was a very pleasing one, at once eliciting eym pathyand unmitigated interest, which changes Jo intense excitement in the third act when each llfilneris himself buying stock in San Diablo and has as much at stake as did Matthew Lawton, 'whose fortune deptnded on the mine, The comedy of the play was splendidly carried out by the sporty Deacon DeanB and his wife, who was equally as sporty on the q. t. Bath are first class, and kept the audience in a roar of laughter with their assumed sportiness. Shaw himself ia one of those actors, who, like Sol Smith Russell, has a per sonality which from the moment he steps on the stage demands attention, and keeps each one wondering what he is about to do next. His cool manner makes him perfectly aUome and puts bim in the place of the character he repreeent?. Those are the actors of whom one never tires and of whom it may be said that to study them alone and their interpretations of a play is worth much to those who are privileged to see them The entire cast was well taken, each one seeming to fit in to the part assigned to them. To listen to the orchettra was worth more than the price of admission. Indeed, their renditioa of "The Forge in the Forest" was a great treat to all who had the slightest taste for music. The xylophone boIo was perhaps the best that has everj been heard in The Dallea and wus enthusiastically en cored. The specialty work by the Irish characters, including some extra fine dancing, wiib nlso much appreciated. The majority of shows which visit The Dalles treat the people here in an extremely shabby manner, playing in Portland and other cities at about half and sometimes less, than they do here. This coupany comeB to us giving a first class show ut reasonable prices, and which admits of all attending and feel ing that they havo received more than the worth of their money. After society comedy they will make u switch to melodrama for to-night, se lecting for his play Milton Noble's story of mining camp life entitled "From Sire to Son." The play deals with life 111 California during the rush for gold. It is melo-drama.fuli of strongsituatioua and surprising climaxes without des cending to the level of blood and thund er. A Clillil KnJuyK. The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing elleet of Syrup of Fig, when in need of a laxative, and if the father or mother bo costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow Its use; so that it ia tho best family remedy known and every family should havo a Dottle. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. NutW'H. On account, of business interests call ing mo to Portland for somu time at least, my household furniture ami car pets aro now for tale. Any who may desire to pui chase may examine them by calling at my residence 011 tho c-jrner of Fourth and Union sheets. Tho house ,is also for lease. 2iMw I.ksi.ik Buti,i:k. SHAW'S COMPANY Tonight's Play, Change of play nightly. Special Scenery. Funny Comedlaue. POPULAR PRICES t THE ALUM BAKING "POWDERS. Name of Home or the Principal Hrand Haiti In Thia Vicinity. The recent discussion in the papers of tho effect upon the human system of food made with alum baking powder and tho opinions that have been pub lished from noted scientists to the effect that each powders render the food un wholesome, have caused numerous In qnities for the names of tho various alum powders. The following list of baking powders containing alum is made up, from the re ports of State Chemist Nicholson of Nebraska, tho city chemist of St. Louis, the food commissioner of Minnesota, or other reliable authority : taking l'owrtrrs Containing Alum. K'. O , ...Contimi', Alum Jaijucs Mfg. Co., Chicago. CAl.r.MKT contains Alum Calumet Hating Powder Co., Chicaqo. HOMU Contunis Alum Home Unking 1'owritr Co., San Franctiro. WASHINGTON Contnliis Alum Pacific Chemical ll'oris, Tacorna. (JHKSCENT CoutNlns Alum Crescent Mfg. Co., Seattle. WlllTi: LILY Contains Alum D. Fcrtera it CVj., Tacoma. JlElMIIVi: Contains Alum WanMiigton Mfg. Co., .Van Francitco. HON HON Contains Alum Grant Chemical Co., Chicago. UEKIAXCK Contains Alum I'arttand Coffee k Spice Co., Portland. 1'OKTLAND Cnntiiliis Alum ft nu t lMId, Portland. ) In nddltion to theso, it is learned that many grocers arc eelling what they call their own private or special brands. These powders are put up for the grocer and his name put upon the labels by manufacturers of alum powders in St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City, Tacoma, San Francisco and elsewhere. The manufacturers, it i'b said, lind their ef forts to market their goods in this way greatly aided -by tho ambition 0' the grocer to sell a powder with his own name upon the label, especially when the grocer can make an abnormal profit upon it. Many grocers, doubtless, do not know that the powders they are pushing are alum powders which would be actually contraband in many sections if sold without diEguise. It is quite impossible to give the names of all the alum baking powders in the market. They are constantly ap pearing in all Eorts of disguises, under all kinds of prices, even as low as five and ten cents a pound. They can be avoided, however, by the housekeeper who will bear in mind that all baking powders sold at twenty-five cents or less per pound are liable to contain alum, as pure cream of tartar baking powders cannot be produced at anything like this price. That Throliblnc Heartache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Monev back if not cured. Sold by Blakciey & Houghton, druggists. 1 I Our Bicycle v -n v 1 Repairing Department s now in shape to properly handle till kinps of work k from a puncture to building a wheel. Also repair Locks, Guns, kinds of light This department is under MAYS & La.irJlv-LrlY'JiyaiXiiy.:Li-'ri.yi' '.iv2vArt-rhclitl'2r-2vi.-r . v.i'lvirtTtv Titer. Baldwin Opera House ONK WEEK, DElllNNJNli MONDAY EVENING-, JULY 31st. MR. SAM T. SHAW, supported by a talented company of players. Positively the strongest aggiegation of its kind in the west. The Finest Uniformed Band and Orchestra. Concert and parade eacli day at 11 :30 o'clock. - - "FROM SIRE TO SON." Seata on aale at Blakeley & Houghton's It's a real pleasure j to get tho meals for tho family iim wiiuii you nave a compicic BU' r of need full utensils and have n I'll VI 1. TV fZnrianA ofnvo nt cti.ol rango to cook upon. We fur nish kitchens and can save you money and many steps when you want anything in tho way of kitchen supplies. Our stock of tinware, graniteware, delf ware, table cutlery, car vers, meat cutters, laisen Feed ers, pots, irons, roasting pans hundreds of other things to make tho kitchen complete. We can furnish double oven cook stoves from $8 00 up. See the best Raugeon Earth, The Garland It has no equal. Also a complete line of build er's hardware. Notice to Poultry Raisers: No more Chicken Lice. Cnll nt Mnlcr it Uonton's nntl tec the Antiseptic Neat Kcff. With the use of this Net Kcc ou wilt have 110 more Uce, Mitts or Veriiln In your poultry houtcs. s'ctttng hens willtct better egps and will hutch better nud chicaens will llvo and grow better where Authentic Kgg Is uteri. See them at m ler 167 Second St. Jllamarck'8 Iron Nkivo Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kindeys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 2oc at Blakeley & Houghton's "drug sto're. 2 Thomas Rhoads, Centerfiold, O., writes: "I suffered from piles seven or eight years. No remedy gave me relief until DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, less than a box of which permanently cured mo." Soothing, healing, perfectly harm less. Bewatv of counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. ForFivo Dollars you can buy a Camera that will take larger pictures than any other Camera oh the market. For sale by Clarke & Fall;. tf M . 'i Sewing Machines and all machinery, etc. the charge of Mr. J. KirchotY. CROWE J Songs aud Dances. 15c, 26c and 35c Drugstore, pie 1 feion