The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 01, 1899, Image 1

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    VOL. XII
NO 93
Discovered Amon Inmates ofa Soldiers'
Thirty-Pour Cases, Six Deaths Before
Properly Diagnosed Thirty Cases
Now Under Treatment.
NniiKoi.ic, Vu., July 31. A nie83ngo
from Govurnor Woodtin, of tho Soldiers'
Ilnmu lit Hampton,, tmyH tlieru luive
been tlirtiu ileutlm from yellow fover
stneo ycatiTilny. Thirty vasm tiro now
under treatment. Expert turttcims nud
iinniuno nurses arc huinc .installed, and
riu'id quarantinu reKulatioiis enforced,
lie tlons nut think the disease will spread
beyond the home.
Situation Is Serious.
V.auiN(!TON', July .'$1. Surgeon-Gen
oral numbers reeoived tho following
from Lleiitununt-Coloiiul Dewltt :
"Ft. .Monroo, Va. At 4 p. rn. ycator
ilny Suri?i'on Puttus, United SUtee ma
rlne lioHpitiil Herviee, ()tiurantiiie oflicor,
ofliuially atated that yellow fovor wnB at
the iN'.itioiml Soldiers' Hume nt Hump
ton. Thoro have been twuntv-four caHes
with sis deaths. Tho commanding oili
cer took immediate measures for
"General Corbin says conditions are
ecrione, and thoro is no telling how far
the infection may have reached , Ex
cursion parlios have noun coining to Old
Point, Newport News and Soldiers'
Home. Many of them have mingled
with tho soldiore, Corbin envH. One
theory on tho way the fover might have
been brought to tho home is that one uf
tlm eoldiura recently visited Santiago.
He returned somo time since, suffering
with what tho physicians thought to be
dengue. It seems it was not until the
inmates of tho homo began to die that
the diseaso wan discovered to bo yellow
"The ofllislals of the war department
are very much concerned on account of
the situation. Corbin and Sternberg
had a eonferencd early this morning and
it was decided to hold everything in
readmeas to take care of the yellow
fevor should it appear umong tho troops.
Garrison Removed.
Wahiunuton, Jnly 31. Orders liavo
been issued by tho war department for
removing the garrison nt Fort Monroo
to some point on the northern coast, to
ho selected by General Merritt. A few
officers and enlisted men will remain at
Fort Monroe us guards. Surgeon-General
Van Key port, of tho navy dopurt
otmt, said ho did not believe it would
be necessary to suspend operation nt
Norfolk. The nnvy-ynrd, however, will
be quarantined.
A Might of Terror.
"Awful anxioty was felt for tho
widow of the bravo General Burnhnm of
Machiae, Me., when the doctors sold
"he could not live till .morning," wrjtea
Mrs. S. II. Liiboln, who attended her
tbnt fearfnl night. All thought she
.must soon die from Pneumonia, hut he
begged for Dr. King's New Discovery,
ylg it had more than onoe saved her
hto, and had oured her of Consumption.
After three small doses she slept easily
a'l night, and its further use completely
cured her." This marvelous medicine
" guaranteed to cure all Throat, Ohest
nd hung Diseases. Only 60c and $1,00.
W bottlos free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store. 1
Situation Does Not Improve.
Clkvkwnd, July 31. Beyond an out
wik Intherollsh Mttlenent which
" inllltla promptly suppressed, the
n'Bht passed without serious trouble,
Uny street oars ware atoned in the sub-
AVil Baking
Absolutely "Pure
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
urbs, but so far as learned no one was
injured. A mob in the south ond of the
city was dispersed by tho militia with
fixed bayonets and a number of ringlead
er nrrcBtod. Tho boycott movement
baa reached u point where it is almost
impossible for any one who rides on Big
Consolidated' care to purchase tho nec
essaries of life. This is especially true in
the outlying districts of the city.
is it maiiT
t'nr mi Editor to Itemiiiiitienri
From Sylvan Valley Newp, Brevrad,
N. C.
It may be a question whether the
editor of a newspaper has tho right to
publicly recommend any of tho various
proprietary medicines which flood the
market, yet as n urovontive of Buffering
wo fool it a duty to say a good word for
Chamberlain'" Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Bumedy. We havo known nnd
used this medicine in our family ior
twenty years and hayo always found it
roliuble. In many cases a dose of this
remedy would save hours of suffering
while physician is awaited. We do
not believe in depending implicitly on
uny medicine for a cure, but we do
believe that if a bottle of Chamberlain's
Diarrhoea Komedy was kept on hand
nnd administered nt the inception of an
attack, much suffering might bo avoided
and in very many cases the presence of
a physician would not be required. At
least this has been our experience
during tho past twenty years. For sale
by Blukeley & Houghton, Druggists.
Mrs M'Kiuley Improving.
Hothi., Clinton County,
N. Y., July 20. President McKiuley
did not attend chuich today, but re
mained at the Hotel with Mrs McKin-
ley. This morning ho wont for a long
wall: with his friend, Commander Buck
ingbam, ot the navy, and after luncheon
he went out for a short walk with Dr.
Kixey. Mrs. McKinlev continues to
improved steadily. Tonight the weath
er huH turned cold, and there will prob
ably be u light frost.
Kjmlu's (1 rim test Need.
Mr. It. P. Olivia, oi Barcelona, Spain,
spends his winters nt Aiken, S. C.
Week nerves had caused severe pains in
tho back of his head. On using Electric
Bittere, America's greatest blood und
nerve remedy, nil pain soon loft him.
Ho says this grand medicine is what his
country needs. All America knows that
it cures livor nud kidney trouble, puri
fies the blood, tones up the stomach,
strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor
and new life into every muBcle, nerve
and organ of the body. If weak, tired
or ailing you need it. Every bottle
guaranteed, only Coc. Sold by Blakoley
& Houghton, druggists.. 1
Kleotlmi Notloc.
Private James A. Doyle, of Dc. D. Snc-
enmbs to Dysentery.
General Otis Denied a Permit to Go In
to Business to a Volunteer Who
Would Not Re-Enlist.
Bv virtuo ot nn order made by the
Board of Fire Delegates of Balled City
fire department on the 18th day of
July, 1890, notice is hereby given that
.there will bo an election held for the
mi r i)06e of electing a chief engiueor and
an assistant chief of Dalles City fire de
partment, said election to be held on
H.u Am. Mnnilav in Alltrllfit. said dnV
being the 7th of August, 1890. The
Dolllne Dlace of said election shall be at
tho fire enntne house, situated on Third
street, Dalles City, and the polls of said
election shall open at 5 o'clock p. m.
and bo closed at 7 o'clock p. m. on said
Dated Dalles City, Oregon, this 24th
day of July, 1890. w ,
ill, m. V IHUATK,
Secretary Board of Fire Delegates.
Jly 24-2wk
Last Thursday, In this city, a gold
atah. Waltham movoment. A liberal
reward is offered to the finder if returned
to this office or to K. J. Collins. 25 3 1
Use Clarke 4c Falks Roiofoam for the
teeth. "
San Fjiaxcisco, July 30. Private
Jumes A. Doyle, of company I). Second
Oregon regiment, died late last night at
the general hospital, from dysentery.
At the deathbed were tho comrndee and
tontmates of the dying soldier, who
gnvo his life to raiee tho flag in a foreign
land. Private Doyle enlisted at La
Grande, Or. The body will be burled
tomorrow ut the Presidio, with mili
tary honors, unless relatives are beard
Private Doyle was about 35 years of
age. Ho npunt several weeks in the
hospital at Manila before his regiment
left the Philppinee, His condition
while here seemed to improve until a
day or two eiuce, when ho began to sink.
"Otis froze me out of Manila," said
Private Lang, who is registered with the
others at the Montgomery house. "I
wanted to start a little restaurant there,
and begged Otis for a license, but he
would not have it that way. lie said I
wanted to have my eating-house too
close to u Spaniard's place of business,
and that the competition would not be
fair. Another man wanted to go in with
me. lie told Otis he would starve un
ices he got employment very soon. If
you do not want to re-enlist in the army
you would butter leave the island, was
all the satisfaction he got. There is no
show for n soldier in Manila.
Laugjlives in Kuseellville, nnd says he
and his comrades are going north in a
day or two.
Volonnlo Eruptions
Are grand, but ekln eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures
them ; also old, running ond fever sores.
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Outs, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Beet Pile euro ou
earth. Drives out pains nud uchee.
Only 25 cte. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. C
A i'llglitful 111 under
Will often cause a horrible burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, tho best in the world, will kill
the paiu and promptly heal it. Cures
old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns,
felons and all skin eruptions. Bost pile
cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a bos.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggists. 1
Catarrh Cannot lie Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach the Seat of tho disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional discaec, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
tho blood nnd mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by ontt of the beet
physicians in this country for years, and
is a regular pteFcription. It is composed
of the bost tonics known, combined with
the best blood purificis, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients is
w.nat prodnces such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciieki:y & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12
Notice is hereby given to all property
owners In Dalles City to immediately
cut down and aestroy all thistles grow
ing on their property; and if said
thistles are not immediately cat down,
I will proceed to remove them at the
expense of the property on which they
are located, and the property owner will
also be liable to a One.
Dalles City, August 1, 8(J9.
l-3t N. D. IIuohks, Marshal.
Three horses June 10, 1899, described
as follows: two weighing about 1400
each. Ono a light chestnut branded D
on left shoulder. Black lioree branded
C on left shoulder. One bald faced
sorrel weighing about 1200; roached
mane. A liberal reward for information
of the whereaboute, or the return of
same. A. Mason, J. Bays, Contractors,
Viento, Or., or E. V., MoBier,
Or. ' j28-lm
To Cure a Culit id One Day.
Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25c.
"UHruiimj" Whiskey.
Harmony whiskey for family and
special use, sold bv Ben Wilson, The
D-illes. jl
Paraffins Wax
r 'nuimuiiivo, ei mhdujj
f mora vusiiy, muro quiuttiy. more
Panxfllne wax than by any other
method. Dozens of other uses will bo
fouud for
In every household. It la clean,
and acid proof. Get a pound cuke of
It with a list of Its many uses
from your druggist or grocer.
cum cveiywure. juuuv uy
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
waatlnc diseases, all effects of self-
ubuse, or excess aua indis
cretion. Anerve tonic ami
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale clieekBanf
restores the fire of youth.
Rvmn.ll BOo oer box : O boxes
for vfita a written yuHruu-
tuo to cure or refund tke uiouey.
Otinton JM-n Hi, CHMAOO, iU,
Notice of Filing Final Account
Xntlpo is hnrohv i.ivon thut tlin limlfrsli-nfMl.
the nssiRHfe of J. W. Mooic, II. 1'. Moore, and
.1. W. nud II. K. Moore. Insolvent debtor, has
tiled with the clerk of the clicult court, of t&e
Stale of Oieiron. for W'nsoo county, his limit i,c-
count n (inch nhblRiiec; me sumo will bo hemd
mid passed ujion by mid circuit court ou thu Ut
day of the next reculur tono of mid circuit
court, to-wn, tne.Mivemuer, it'.u.ieriu tiiereoi,nt
me uourot ten o clod; ii, in,, or us soon more
utter us tho matter mii he remitted.
Jl 15 ii UUTIJJK, Assignee.
Juno 10, 1W. i
Iiotlco is hereby given that tho following
mimed xottlcr hus tiled notice of ills intention
to mnke tltial iroof in Mimiort of his claim, and
that H'lld proof will 1h luude before tho reenter
nnd receiver nt Thu Dulles, Oregon, ou Saturday,
July.!!), 1MK, viz:
J'uuln DrliiiKud.
widow of I'ierro UriniHud, dincnsod, of The
Dlillee! II. K. No. OOTt., for tho Ks, 8KJ4 Sec.'Jl,
T. 1 north, ft 12 E, W M.
Ho iinmen tho following wltiirme.s to prove
hit coiiilnuouH riibldenee upon and cultivation
of fcidd lrttid, viz:
UIiiih. A. beliutz. Hock Carv. Louis Sandoz
Andrew Uruuhnrt, nil of Tho Dullcn, Oregon,
JunH U JAV 1'. LUCAS, Keslster.
U. 8. Land Ofkick, The Dalles, On, (
July 11. im, i
A hutllclcnt contest nttlduvit huvlug been filed
In thin ollluo by James Foil Ik, contestnut,
UKUlUKt homeitrad entry No. 4U58, made Nov,
4th, 1MM. for 8W BW'j , K V.i S ,. 34,toH
khlp 3 B, It 13 E, nud NV;i N W'f. tioe, U, t.nvn
hlp -I 8, it 13 K, by ThomiiB Jeftrey, routostco,
In which it U ulleced thut he htm abaiidonnd
said trnot (or more thttti 6 tuoutlm. Said iurtle
aru hereby notified to npiicur, iei.ioud and
cfl'er evidence toucUlog hind allocation, nt 10
o'cloolc 11, in, ou Uupt. , tm, before the roglntur
und receiver ut the United State, laud otlicuin
The UulieK. Or.
The uulu contOntant Imvinir In a uroner
affidavit, tiled July nt. lkU, net forth (iioin
which ahow that after duo diligence, perbonal
nerviceol tin. notice can not be made, It U
Hereby ordered and dlrocted that nueh notice bo
J 1 ven by duo and pror publlcntloii,
IjlMt JaY 1. LUt'AU, iiegUter.
1 Waists
land Skirts,
See our window display
of Stylish Silk
and Fashionably Tailored
Prices are considerably less than they should
be; but then that's to your advantage.
A. M. Williams & Co.
i'i 1 11.1 1 j 1 1 rrrrm ii'!n ?n r.TiTi rt n
Job Printers.
Iakd OrncK at Vancouvfb. Wash.,
July 5, 1SW. j
Notice is hereby given that tho following
named bottlers have tiled notice of their inten
tion to niako tlnal pioof In supjKut of their
clainifc, nud that said pi oofs will bo made before
w. 11. I'resbv, United States Commissioner for
District of WHsbliigton, ut his otllce in Golden
dale, Washington, ou Monday, August It, lbW,
Stephen Murlett.
Homestead Entry No. 9001, for tho 8. H N. K. i,
N. K. ii 6. K. H Section IU. und S. W. N, W.I.
ot Seetlou -H), Township 3 North, of ttutigo 13
Hunt, Will. Mer.
Ho names tho following witnesses to nrore his
continuous residence upon und cultivation
sum lauu, viz:
Curl Krauzen, Christian Vranzen, Porter L.
Hurdlson, Marion bplaw 11, all of l.yle 1. O,, Wash,
l'urtcr I.. Hardlsou.
Homestead Kntry No. W01, for tho 8. E. !i of
ti, K. H of Section IU: the 8. W, W of S, W.H,
bvotlun '.t: K, i of N. E. i of Section 30, Towa
thiii 8 North, of Hauao 13 East, Will. Mer.
iiouamea 1110 ionowing witnesses 10 prove
hiscoutlnuous residence uoou.and cultlvutlou
of aald laud, viz.:
Carl rranzeu, curlsiisti Franzen, Stephen
Marlott, Marlon Splawu, all of Lylv Y, O,, Wash.
Jl) (Ml W. K. bUNHAK, RclsUr.
U, S. Land Ofkick, The Dalles, Ore.)
July 25, lbW. (
Notice Is hereby given thut tho order 01 De
cember 8, IS'JI, temporurily withdrawing from
disposal, for the puriHiscs of a bout railway, the
lands on the south side and within six miles ut
tho Columbia river, between Tho Dalle and,
C'elilo, hus been revoked by the president 1 ex
cept as to the following described parcels: one 1 11
tho NWHof Sea 31, T 2 N, KHK, containing
about four and one-half acre, and the other In
thoNW.U.Scc'Jl, T -J N, H 15 E,coutulning about
half uu acre.
On und alter September 1, 1899, we will recelyo
nppllcutloua tor uny vucuut lauds Included
theieiu. J. 1. LUCAS,
Iteceivcr. lyz6 i
Notice la hereby given that tho undersigned
hus tiled his llnal account as executor of tho ea
tuto of Sarah McAteo with tuo clerk ol the
count; court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco
county, and that Thursday, tho Ulh day of July,
1899, ut the hour of 10 o'clock a. ui. baa been
fixed as tho time and tho county court room In
Dalles City a tho p'aee for tho hearing ol ob
Jeclloustosaldllual account and settlemeut oi
said estate. V
, Dated Jul)' 13, 16M. TIIOS. NOKVAL. '
Juu H I Executor.