Teeth Extracted FREE general history, English literature, psy chology. KOI! COUNTY PAI'EUS, Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, read in p. Thursday Written arithmetic, theorv The Dalles. Portland and Astoria The Busy Store. Navigation Co.' SATURDAY. 1. 1..- , Friday Geography, mental arith metic, physiology. FOR PIUMARY CERTiriCATKS. Wednesday lteariinir, penmanship, orlhoprnphy, the art nf questioning, methods of teaching. GRADUATES. All persons who have graduated from chartered institutions, this June, m.iv , v taku examination upon thesis branches, oven though they may have failed in June. 29 Ud Acts gently on the 5! BUSINESS LOCALS. and Bowels Cleanses the System ITI I At NSTIPATION OVERCOMES HiBr ITS B!0 Gr eCTS gUlvRN!ATGPSYRVP I'EOI'LE YOU ALL KNOW. C. L. Ireland, of the Observer is down from Moro today. F. V. Strowbridge and wife came in 'roru Wamic yesterday. Air. and Mrs. M. Long joined the campers at Sprague today. E. C. Malm and wife are up frcm Ilood Itiver visiting relatives. 8. S. Smith, of the Farmers' Hotel, made a trip to decides today. II. It. Hood was a passenger on the bo.tt this morning for Portland. Miss Jpj;ie Fisher left this morning to spend a Iev weeks in Portland. Cha. Clarke returned to Ilood River today, after a week spent at Diiiur. Frank Cram has returned from a week's vacation spent in Union. Or. Miss Pearl Ward, of this city, went to roruanu ttns morning to visit menus. Mhp Louise Iimtonl went to Collins' Landing this mornirg to ioin the campers there. Mr. and Mr?. Geo. Krause went down on the boat this morning to spend a few days at D.-ano, Wash. Guy Burgett went out into Sherman county jesterday, where he will be em ployed for some time. F. S. Flood, who spoilt several months here during the winter, was in the city yesterday on his way to Lewiston. Miss Dora Evoldt, a sister of Mrs. Frt'd Drews, who has been visiting some time here, left yesterday for her home lit Grand Inland, Neb. Dan Roberts, who is now making his home in bpokane, is down from that city visiting his mother, brothers and sisters at their home on Dry Hollow. .IftCMnh Prtlilithnnin nf Htaaa ,t f'.t.lrt " ' ' J" ' " - ....... .u ... .,.. V IIIU- t, l . UUl home, of Portland, and T. Rirdsall, who I .1. . . r . r i iibvu iiiiiuH me trip io an. xioou, came up to tins city last evening and left this morning for Portland. Elder W. 15. Clifton, of the Calvary uapnsi enured, accompanied hy his family, started tor Johns' mill thisinorn- iiig, wnere tiiey will spend ttio remain tier ot tne week. He will return in titr.o to hold service next Sunday. Geo. 11. llush.asiistantsitDerintendent of the Oregon Telephone Company, caned at tne uiiitoritcLK ollice this after nomi. He is on his way to Prinuville to Hiieun to tne niisiness ot tne company mere. lIOIt.N Near this citv Sundav, July 30th, to air. unii .Mre. ictor noruy, a eon. Ask your grocer for Clarke & Fit Ik's pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tt For the best results use the Vive Camera, For sale by the Postoflice narmacy. tf I Latest thing in cameras are Im I proved Magazine cyclones nt Douncll's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mcb25-tf Drink Warreu's Pure Ginger Drandy, For sale nt all first-class bare. C. J. Stubline, agent, The Dalles. Ml7-3m Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at nil first-class bars. C. J tabling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m. Try Verba Buena Bitters, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stublmg, agent, The Dalles. MIT-Um Try Verba Buena Bitters, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elston, Mo., writes : "One Minute Cough Cure saved the life of our little boy when nearlv dead with croup." Butler Drug Co. A diseased stomach surely under mines health. It dulls the brain, kills energy, destroys thi nervous system, and predisposes to insanity and fatal diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. it has cured thousands of cases aud is curing them every day. Its ingredients are such that it can't help curing. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Found. In East End Feed Yard Wednesday morning, July 5th, a bay horse, about fourteen hands high between 10 or 12 years old; white star on forehead, black points; saddle marks and brand B L on leftshoulder witli running R underneath, and weighing about 900 pounds. Owner can have same by proving property and paying all charges. jh81m Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns, cuts, bruises, snrains. wounds from rusty nails, insects stings and Ivy poison ingquickly healed by UeWitt'a Witcn Hazel Salvo. Positively prevents blood poisoning. Beware ot counterfeits. De- Witt's is tafe and ture. Butler Drug Co. Sits. IWatori Dalles Dally (except Similar) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touching nt way poln'-s on both slde3 of the Columbia river. Doth of the above steamers have been rebuilt, anil are In excellent thane for the fcctiMu of 1SVJ. The Iteirulntiir I.Iiip will endeavor to give Its patrons the best service iwsslble. For Comfort. Kconoiiiy and I'lenmire, ttnvel by the steamers of Tim Kefiiiliilor I.IlK). The above steamers leave The Dalles nt 8 n. m. and i'ortland nt 7 a. rn., and arrive nt destina tion in amide time for outcoiu- trains. Portland Ofllce. flic Dalles Ofilce Ouk St. Dock. Court Street W. C. Allaway, General .Kent. KacU tiny our business shows tlio people arc liiuliiip out wu arc pushing to the front with hotter "ooils. lower price., salespeople the very best, ami last, but not least, buyers who know their business ami buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. 'I'lu. iwict unrk at the cord hi our Portland ollice dililn cost. 800 BClR teeth ill nnn vim i. ituck r .it . our ft. kJ.itiiiiHiif lull mi lriiiiiiM'ii in viirv rnmi r.vrtT i TIHK SCHEDULE. j AtlKlVK roB , Kaot Uallks. Fno:i. i I Fat (Salt I-aic, Denver. Ft. Mall Worth, Omahs, Kan- ii:sui. m.i fas city, st. jiuis Chicago and Fast. Sr-okone river 5:10 p. m. S p. m. 8 i. El. Kx.feunday Saturday 10 p.m. Walla Walln, Spokane, .Minne.-ipolls. st. Paul, i)u lit t h, Milwaukee, Chicago aud JCast. From Fobtland. Ocean Steamships. For San Frauelsco January 'Ji, nnd every live days thereafter. Columbia Uv. Steamers. To Astoria and Wav J-amiinzs. Fat Mall 3:15 p m Spokane Fljer. itOOa. m 1 p. m. 1 p. m. r.siindaj ra. n. j Willamette ntVKn. 1 4:30 p. m. Ex.SuudaylOrcsoii City, Newberg.lKx.auudJij j Salem & Way Land's. 7 a.m. Kv, Tues.Thur.i aim sat. jUretron City, Davton, and Way-landings. XAMeTTIS and Yam- 3:C0 p. m. IlILL UlVKRS. IMnn..Wl and Fri. Tcaolier' ICxainliintloo. N.itico is hereby given that for the purpose of making on examination of all perfons who raav oiTer themgelvfl CHii'lidates for teachers of the echools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public ex niiiiiiatioii at the court house in Tiie Dalles, Oiegon, beginning at 9 o'clock b. in. Wtdneeday, August 0, 1699. Dated this 20 ;h day of July, 1S99. n f . n f f ii u dt County School Superintendent, Watco iyonnty, Uregon. According lo law, the following pro gram has been prepared by the state board of education : FOR HTATI! IMI'KUS. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping, phytici. Friday Physiology, geography, men ial arithmetic, cotnpotltioo, physical .graphy. fiaturdat Botany, plaue geometry, "What might have been" if that little cough hadn't been neglected, is the sad reflection of thousands of consump tives. One Minute Cougli Cure cures coughs and colds. Butler Drug Co. DeWitt's Little Early Risers benefit permanently. They lend gontlo assist ance to nature, causing no pains or weaknos, permanently curine conttina- tlor and liver ailments. Butler Drug DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the part nerahip heretofore existing between O. J. Cathcart and J. D. Straus, under the firm name of Cathcart & Straus, is tins Uay dissolved hy mutual consent. O. J. Cathcart retiring. J. D. Straus will continue the business, and will col lectall bills due said firm and pay all accounts against the same. Dated July 1, 1899. C. .1. Catiicaut, J. D. Stuau.i. DeWltt's Little Karly Risers exnel from the system all poisonous accumu lattons, regulate the stomach, bowels and liver, and nurify the blood. Thuv drive away disease, dissipato melancholy ana give health and vigor for the dnKy routine. Do no gripe or sicken. Butler Drug Co. Ia(t. Lal Thursday, in this cltv. a cold watch. Walthatn movement. A liberal reward is offered to the tinder if returned to this office or to E. J. Collins. 25-3t BXO Itewarri. A reward of $20 will be paid for the ar. rest of any person caught stealing flow.era or anything else from the Odd Fellows' cemetery, A good feed yard for sale or rent Qbeap. Inquire at Farmers' Feed Yard, The Dalles, 24dlw2 Yon need have no bolls If you will bay Clarke & Falk's tare care forbolls. fi n. nv Tuc.Thur, and Sa Lv ftlparla dai.y WlLLAMPTT Tfivpp i-f!0,. Portland to Corvallis, Tue.. Ihui and ay-Landings. and Sat. Psakk Hi VJilt. Itip.iria to Lewleton. Lea vp. Lewiston daily ..GflilS. i ' I - 1 FPPJK.. II I -71--r-' r ,11 Nn I ? V M CONSIDER OUE PRICES: 15 M- l,M.r. tt nrL- lMt. L'nUI ). DDT tOOtll llesi s't teeth, guaranteed tf.OQ llest liold Killing t'-OOop Ilest silver or alloy tilling oOcnji Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager. ISooms 11-12 I."., Chapman llloek, Second St and Fanrnens Keeps on draught the celebrated COl.CMlllA lli:i:it, iickuowl edRed the tjest beer in The Dalles, atthutiMial piice. Come in, try it and be convinced. Aim the Finest brands of Wines, LI -juor and Clears. Sandrjaiches of all Kinds always on hand. Improved CYCLONE Meazi"e- FOR 1899. Ton Points lo Consider: 12 Plcttiron In 12 Soooncls. Htuittui- Unit) rtoltuiHU, Shitttur Automatic. Stuittor Lockii, v: Aluminum Hlntotioldoru. Sot tltODH. Spunlnl quick Luna, Autonmtlo HeKiotor. All nrirtu Inturclmnaonbtn. 10 Expound plntoa romoved without dlsturblnf; unuxpouml. A 'r17o??i. v 4.1.) RR.nn No. 5 (steo 4 x 5i . . . 10.00 1899 CataloRuo with com plete information FREE. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OF TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y, Trains leave and arc due to arrive at l'ortlai LZAVE. '8:30 A.M. Dally except Sunday OVllItl.AIiD KX-1 ; nreys. Salem. Itoso- ' bur;;, Ashland, Sac-1 no-1 n I .; I '6'00 I" m J ramento, OKden.San i rraneiseo, Motave, Los AiiKelcs.Kl faso, rew urieaus and KKSt lltoteburg and waySui UUUf . ... ..... . . . fVfa Wooilbura for iit.AiiKcl.ailverton. I West Kcln. Ilr-iwMw. vllle.iiprfrigfleld and 9 A. II. 17:30 A. SI. Katron , ICorvallls njid (atatloni Dally except buudayi. j3:W 1. M. fBT- nxlWs desirinKtORn to Ileppi er should , . ' iv jjutes ni u;m p. in maKMK direct corinccifnn.1 nt lfpm,m,- ii,,,rMr.n ItCtlirnlnrr nfiikln'rHIrn,........1. '11 A. ju.iviiuii 1WWI..U. j.arrnuiK at xuo Dalits at o. rnrournt frclffht. cast hminii. C.'irrV TlMK.nTli.nru iir.i.'r.. 'It'j .. ... ., n,rj' 1 -..a-..., -a. ui,, uvp.lfls o.'Jl, Iwal freight, c.irrlen paif-engcrs, catt No. 21, west bound throuxh frelaht. does not S?17 I''cngers; arrives 8:15 p m depart No. ta, west bound local frclRht, carries pas teuserni arrives 5:lr p. in., departs 8:20 u. m. for full particulars call on O. K. & N. Co.'f nbvub mi; lyaiies. or unurcs? W. II. HURLIiUftT, fien Fas. Aut., l'ortiaud, Or. F. S, Gunning, Blacksmith. Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. (lor.tai&LamOiliD, Tiione 157 FRENCH & CO.. BANKERS. TBAH8ACTA KNHUAL BANKING BUBINW Utters of Credit issued available in the Hlirht Kv nlinnnn mnA P.I. IVausfers sold on New York, Snlago, 8t. Loobi, Ban i Francisco, PortUnd Ore gon, Seattle Wash., and variow poinU fnOrMoaaad Waahisgtoa. OollaetloBa tnadu t nil Mint. i orabla Urau. ltJDEI'ENDKNCK l'AS9E.VGKK. F.xpress train Dally (except Hunday). JlCOp.m. rl.v I'ortland r.) 8:r,a.m (:;30p.m. jAi..MoIlnnvillo..I.v,5 5:60a,m b:m p. in. (Ar,.Indeciidnce..I.v.) 4:.'i0a. m. Dally. (Daily, except Sunday. DINING CAKH O.N OODKN ItOUTK. PULLMAN HUFFKT SLEKl'KKS AND SECOND-CLASS 8I.KEl'ING CAItfc Attached to all Through Trains. Direct cnnnnctlnn at wn ....... dental and Oriental and I'acliio mall .tea mi. hi, inies tor JAI'AN aud CHINA. Sailing datea on Kates and tlftlfnts tn Vntm ,n imT.:1'!0,'A1'ANl U,II;,A' "i'NOLULU auc All iltiOVi' trulna orHvr. n i .1 . Grand Central Htatlon. Fifth and Irvii'g itreeU YAMHILL DIVISION. Fatwinger Depot, foot of Jeucrson strceL Leave for 8herldan, week daye, at!:Mo. m Arrive nt Port nn.l n.in.. ' ' . ..' J if . w . . Hi . -txcepi bunday. "Except Saturday. K. K0KM.EK, (1, f. MAKK1IAM, Manager. Amt. (1. F. a p... a .. Thrnnnh Tllrt, n.iM 10. wui-j .. thro, it," IiAmV . "rccl.-"crc 8tit(i. Chi arta .,,,1 K. Vr. Z"'" ' ""W low.t r,t-frn.,r uuiainca ai or N. VItEAl!DO,NUiK,'Af,, T'CtCt AgCnt Just Arrlvod. I he only MniratiiM Camera with bulb shutter. M. Z. DONNELL. tVVsarsJaVarssTvBSSrvjs How About YourTitle? Phono 01. rUK YOU STHE it is nil rijrht? Itoniumlmr it if tlio H ItECOItl) that kovi'mib. It is our husitieES to ewuuh tlio records and show what thnv contain in relation to land titles, if you wjiitimiplnlu Iinyln Inml or loaning inniu-y on real t-stntu fcccnilty, tuko no nun1 word, hut insist ujion knowing whnt thu record shows rfuurtlin tlio title. An Abstract is as essential as a deed. Insist on having It. Wo havo tlio only st ol Ahstruct Hooks in the County. All work promptly ex tented and satisfaction nara'ntced. It you havo prop erty to insure, u-lvo us a call. Wo nro utrunta for fourol the best fire Insurance companion in the world. If you have property for sale, list it with ub nnd we'll llntlft buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. 2ti St., opponlto A. M. Wllllnmn & Co. A Beautiful Skin. I-JlfllPjr. If Will Hnclrrt t. ...... . Arniecnp-iexion TvAVffUM in Proluf in?' and wrenc, .ud-Wiucid clea nts of "comploon" sbaiKSly contour of form, brllluiit oft- t rcdnons, yellow and muddy iklu SSweimm int ihra&of.s',v,w The Parisian Drug Co., 131 Montgomery St.San FmucI.co Cal M00RE & GAVIN, ATTOUNKYfl AT LAW. Uoobh uu , 0Ter u. 8. Una Oilcv. sTsBXBrMSB "H armony" Cdhiskey. m.pr rn l?,f tey is guaranteed to the consumer ns a fi 'V ,MAI,I; S0UI MASM WHISKEY for Family anil Medical Use. Sold hy Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for xieaaquartera for tto ni -M- - - VVL Jfi CVIhU Ul Cil Ml-' headquarters for RoUed Grain, ta Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ftSW Headquarters for "Byers' Beat" Pendle- tOn f lOUT. Tl,i Flour is mimifictuMri .nMulv for W sell our goods lower tlmn" LTry .ck L" KnarantsMKl to give MtlstaJ til Md get our wim Saa,IS!M 8d " ,0" dn Hihe.t Prices PMd for Wht, Brl.y and Oats.