OUR SATURDAY'S SALE of WASH GOODS NOVELTIES Wits BUoh a grond huccobh thut w havo roluctantly decided to con tinue tliu phIu for u tiny or two longor, na bo ninny uro unublo to atti nd t iisii sales owing to the fact Hint on tills ilny tliuro 1b n ilou hla amount ol uorlc to 1) performed nt homo which pruvontH tunny from doing tliolr shopping It Is for tholr bunuflt Hint wo hnvo decided upon this plnn. If you will look nt our cornor window you will ho Immediately con vinced Hint wo nro sacrificing boiiio elegant goodd ut wonderfully low prices. Our "silent Biilosln ly" (tho window) has on lior best "bib and tu -kur" mid is ut homo to hor friends nt till times. LADIES' SUMMER UNDERWEAR Ladies' Swiss Underwear Finoat cotton, nlso flnn sheer lisle in ecru or whitu, low neck, eleovelusH, silk tupod; regular 50c, special pnco Three for $1.00. Ladies' Swiss Ribbed Vests M.tilo from flio finest corned cot ton; regular price 2i)e, Special 19c. Ladies' Ribbed Union Suits Tho regular price is 115c, Special 23c. Ladies' and Misses' Sunbonnets, special 19c All Guoilti Marked In Plnln FlRlirou. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY JULY 111, 1800 Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISERS: All Ciimtcs in Advertisements must be hnnilcil in before 10 o'clock A. M., ns no changes will he accepted in the lift crnoon This rule will he positive. CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January 10, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Shaw Company In tliu "Westerner," Toniu'bt nt tho Baldwin. Them will Im n meeting of tho firo' poliee tomorrow evening nt 8:30 ut tho recoider'd ollieo. J- L. Story, formorly of this city, hnH purchased the It. K. .Sitiltli rcflldoueo in union, nnd removed to tho aiuno. Thio wkBna if Mr. Story iutondud remaining n Union, Saturday evening J. 11. Neoloy wan Treated fur being l. l. and (1. and when takon to tho jll thoughtfully left Willi the miHQhnl 119 IiaII for bis up Pmmiico today. Ho not hIiowu up aytn, bm hla lino is tltoruull right. Tho Wnlton oaeo ended in ucfjuittal of io net-used, ovidenco not being niffi cll'nt to convict lilm of thoDufur burg Judge llunuott nnd N. J. Slnnott appeared for tho defense, while Frank aeuefco was for the state. TjKh Valley has always had tho ropu ion ol bolnte a splendid placo to go , n fuw (1"y "Port fifdilng. Thin year not on exception; hut as 0. L. Phll ''PSlniBjuntoturned, wo would advine ws to wait until orao more fish catch KrWn tOBflizo lore enough to K large nu.nbor of town people spent ''ryyonMHUtwk, Alter turnl?8 ,'.n(l hm '" Wenthw urned cooler ,, nUll0Ugh u WM not Z 7 ''ccTftry o leave on account ol nilL . ,.U,,M,Uy WB8 "Pent l wog the banks of tho creek. Aitolf.ynlKhtthe Bu,,KBt bnllilliiie in the n ! ",4"le, ,,0r burn,"K to the ground P' 11,0 AtQrl.lIerm office occu LADIES' and CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. Women's Strong Fast Blaok and Tan With double heels and toes; Special 19c. Children's Scrong Cotton Hosiery In black or tan color? ; Special 12ic. NECKWEAR SALE Our entiro stock of U5c nnd 50c values in Mou's Hand and ishiold Hows, Reduced to 15c. Buy wlulo Hie assortment is good. Pease & Mays. pied tlio u)por etory and in u total wreck , wlillo tho ituiltiot olli-ji) down Htuirg wits considerably dumaited by water. Tho damage will aggregate nearly $-'000. So 111 null business in traiiHncted be tween Prinavillo nnd Tho Dalles, that teleplionu couiieetlon with that, place was n'most a necessity. This tho Oregon Telephone Co. had now accomplished nnd thin morning a "Hello" c.uno over their wires wliieh was heard distinctly at the office here. It will bu a great convenience to nil our business men. .John C. Hertz, formerly of this city, in conne.ttiou with two other gentleman, bus purchased the clothing store of A. H. Steinbnch & Co. in Snlem. Mr. Herts and his partner, Mr. Ulely, will Hiiperintend the business there, while tho other partner will travel and pur chase goods for the linn. John's friends hero Misli him well in his now enter prise. Tho Astoria railroad is now patting excited and travelers to the seaside will reap tho benefit. Saturday uftornoon another reduction was imide nnd the rates are now as follows: Astoria to l'ortlund, $1.20; tound trip, $1.80; Port land to Setibide, round trip, $:i.!10; Port land to Flavel, round trip, $8 15; Port land to Long Beach, round trip, $!30; Portland to Iiwnco, round trip, $-'.80. From Mr. H. T. Cjrum, who canui in today from Wiunlc, we learn that a dis astrous lire occurred in that neighbor hood Thursday night when tho homo of V. Lewis was burned to tlio ground nnd nil its contents. Occurring as it did in the night, it had gained such a headway that 110 time was given to save anything. Mr. Lewis cuino to this city today to purchase houeehold goods, etc. lie is a man with 11 laro fnmilyi making tho occurrence doubly unfortunate j Portland is again preparing to recolvo tho boys. Wo knew sho would. They roitch that city on tho 10th, leaving San FrauciBco on tho 8th. Tlio train will move In throe sections, tin first containing headquarter, the field and stuff und tho First battalion ; tho tccond, the Second battalion, and tho third, the Third battalion. At the present time it is the Intentlou to drop off at all the principal points up the valley whore (he several companies came from, In order that the roildonts of theeo mora distant cities from Portland may have opportunity to aee the command. A dispatch in another column tells ol the late ol an unfortunate young lady at Arlington who dared reject a Portland ultor. It would seem Irom tho uuiubor of cases of a similar nature that tlio young ladles now have but two courses to perstie accept every suitor who presents himself or part with life ns a result of her refusal. Hero is a splen did opportunity for woman's rights advocates to get in a strong point, If it lias corno to such a pate that a woman Iibh not a right in such n mntter. The best mennB to employ in ouch a caeo is for tho young huly to carry a revolver and mako her rofucnl an emphasized one. For sotno tlmo tho T-months-old daughter of D. C. Saling, of Bnllston, Or., hnu been suffering from what was apparently nti nllmont of tho throat. Tho child was taken to a doctor, who said that there was a gntbering in the throat, which in a few days would be ren.lv for the lnnco. A few days inter tho child's grandmother noticed a small pimple nt the side of the jaw, nnd upon cxntnluntioti found tlio point of some object imbedded in the flesh. Working at this n moment, sho succeeded in get tine hold of it, nod pulled out a feather about two inches long. It is presumed Hint the child had, when in bed, put the feather in her inruth, and thnt it had caught in her tonsils nnd the ehaip quill had worked its wnv to the surface. W. W. Union. A number of Indinns wero seen on our street today, which is quito an un usual bight in these late years, and at tracted no little attention. A few years ago the preceneo of poor "Lo" in our midst would not have been noticed, when now it niways crenteB more or lees commotion among the little folks nod dogs. Those Indians, having read in tlio columns of the Chronicle of a tribe of Ited Men having n wigwam here, con cluded to come over and visit them, and when interviewed by a reporter informed him thnt thojo who represented them selves as Ked Men wero "bins cultuB Boston tillicums," nnd did not under stand "siunsh wawn," and they would none of them, and leathering their pesiFBies gracefully nbout them strode uwuy. La Grande Chronicle. Yesterday Judd Fish received a paper from nn Illinois editor, who was a member of the editorial excursion party which visited our state recently. In his write-up of their trip down the Columbia, he gives Tho Dalles a splen did send-off, and speaks of the dinner served at the Umatilla in the beet of terms. Ho also mentioned the large salmon on display there, which rivaled the IndiniiB in tho attention it drew. Tlio complimentary terms which the editors used in regard to Hie Gurround- ings of the city, the coidiulity with which tho people received them nnd the dinner ns they left Tho Dalles was enough to persuade thoBe wiio listened that they wero highly pleased. The only tiling that marred tho visit at nil was the ehort time given them here, uiving tliu proprietors of tlio hotel no tune to prepare the second table and visitors little time for enjoying their meal. Mesers. Douthit and Klakeley doserved much credit for their efforts to raise the sum required, which is never a pleasant duty at best; the citizens also did their part in responding, ocd Sin- unt t & Fish spared no pains to make the spread a good one. They should, there fore, have been given more time iu the city. No matter how quiet a town may have seamed a few liotira previous, just let a good band mako its appear- unco on the Btreut and everybody turns out in tliu space of a few moments. Such was the case this morning when Shaw's band came up Second street. Wo thought everybody hud gone to tho summer resorts, but found out they wero all at home. And they were repaid for staying at home, for it w.ib a treat to listen to those thirteen musicians as they gave a concert on Second street. They certainly have an excellent band and their selections from tho orera "Wang" especially line, though to many tho familiar strains of "Tlio Vacant Chair" surpassed all others. Tho mili tary drill at the close of tlio concert was novel and very well executed, which is a difficult matter when the music is kept up nt tho Biinio time. Tlio conumny will begin its engagement tonight, pre senting Edward Kose's comody "Tho Westerner." Unllko its name, tlio play does not deal with cowboy or mlulng imp life, hut, is a bright, sparkling comedy of New York up-to-date, de pending for its plot upon ono of those Wall street flurries which nuke or mar fortunes dally. A Chilli KrJctJ. The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing effect ol Syrup of Figs, when In need of a laxative, nnd II the father or mother bo costive or bilious, the most gratifying rrsults follow its use; so that It Is the best family remedy kuown and every family should havo a bottle. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. For Htiit. Two tenement houses ; fine location. Inquire at this office. Jly 17-lwk WANTED-MEN TO ENLIST. llecrultlni; Officer I-cwU In tlie City to ltecttlvo Any Who Mny Deilre tii KnIUt. A number of young men In our city have been contemplating enlisting in the United States Volunteer Army, and an opportunity is now afforded them to do so, or to mako application without leaving tlio city, Recruiting Officer Lieutenant Lewis being now in tlm city ready to receive applications for enlist ment. Ho will probably remain here two weeks, having his headquarters at No. (19, Second street, between Court and Union. A man who chooses to enlist now, having full knowledge of what it means from tho experiences of their Immediate friends nnd no excitement such as prompted those who heard tho woids "I'emembor the Maine" ringing in their enrs, must have studied tho matter and in sober judgment, decided to give their best service to their country. Deeming it possible that among the Ciikonici.k'k readers are some who are contemplating such amove, tho following requirements will give some enlightenment on tho subjsct : The term of service is for tlio period ending Juno SO, 1901. Applicants for enlistment must be between the ages of eighteen and thirty-Pyo years, of good character and habit, able-bodied, and frco from disease. Persons who are not physically perfect will be rejected, and it will be a waste of time for those know ing themselves lo be unsound to apply. Married men will not be enlisted ex cept upon the approval of a regimental commander. No person under eighteen years of age w ill be enlisted or re-enlisted ; and minors between the ages of eighteen and twenty-one will not bo enlisted or re-enllsted without tho written coneent of father, only surviving parent, or legally appointed guardian. All soldiers receive from the govern ment (in addition to their pay) rations, clothing, bedding, medicines, and med ical attendance. Whenever a soldier is honorably dis charged at the expiration of liiB enlist ment, or on uecount of disability not caused by his own misconduct, his travel pay is ample to carry him to tho place of enlistment. A Uiitiilflimie Dictirnt id Window. Such is the dry goods window of Pease & Mays. We, like many otlierp, ad mired the nrtistic decorations vervmuch and asked, what wo afterwards thought might be considered impertinent ques tions, regarding tho decorations. We wero anxious to know if it were to be photographed as a competing window for honors in the contest for original windows, B8 offered by the Dry Goods Economist. We were informed by the gentlemen in charge that lie did not take the. credit of the work, that all he did was to furnish tho goods and tho articles. Mr. Carle, of Djnw.r, did tho work. The work iudeed is very credit able and mij;ht have easily passed us the work of the usual decorator, but Mr. Miller says "honor to whom honor be-' longs," and whilo he wishes that he might do as well, yet ho would bo iudeed glad if he could remove tho decorations 111 ns artistic a manner as they havo been put iu the window. Mr. Carle is a gentleman of elegant leisure, travel ling en-cou, and may at some future limo visit our little city again and give us a furtlierdemonstratiou of his artistic ability if ho is not u 11 for tun a to in taking n sleeper, forget the brakes and getting between tliocojis. Tliut Tlirobliliif; llriuliiclie Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchles1 merit for Sick nnd Nervous Headaches. They make puio blood .and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Blnkeley & Houghton, druggists. 1 SHAW'S COMPANY Opening Play, Monday Night, "THE Change of play nightly. Special Scenery. Funny Comedians. POPULAR PRICES Klectlon Notice. By virtue of nn order made by the Board of Fire Delegates of Dalled City fire department on the 18th day of July, 1899, notico is hereby given that thero will be nn election held for the purpose of electing a chief engineer and mi assistant chief of Dalles City firo de partment, said election to be held on the first Monday in August, said day being tho 7th of August, 1899. The polling place of said election shall be at the fire engine house, situated on Third street, Dalles City, and the polls of said election shall open nt 5 o'clock p. 111. and be closed at 7 o'clock p. m. ou eaid day. Dated Dalles City, Oregon, this 2lth day of July, 1899. E. M. Wing ate, Secretary Board of Fire Delegates. Jly 21 2k Notlcr. On account of business interests call ing mo to Portland for some time at least, my household furniture and car pelsjiro now for sale. Any who may desire to purchase may examino them by calling at my residence on the (O.-ner oi Fourtli and Union streets. The house is also for lease. 29-lw Lksme BuTLsn. I,ot. Threo horses June 1G, 1S99, described as follows: two weighing about 1400 each. One a light chestnut branded D on left shoulder. Black horse branded C on left shoulder. One bald faced sorrel weighing about 1200; roached mane. A liberal reward for information of tho whereabouts, or the return of same. A. Mason, J. Bays, Contractors, Viento, Or., or E. V. Husband, Mosier, Or. j2S-ltn Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's A-nica Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. " 5 Commencing Saturday, July 29th, the O. R. & N. Co. will sell round-trip tickets to Cascade Locks nnd return for $1.50. Tickets will be honored going on train No. 1, Saturday, and returning on trains Nos. 4 and 2 tho following Sunday. Jas. Ireland, Agent. nug9 "We have sold many different cough remedies, but none gave better satisfac tion than Chambcrlain'p," says Mr. Charles Ilolzhauer, Druggist, Newark, N. J. "It is perfectly safe and can be relied upon in all cases of coughs, colds or hoarseness." Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. Use Clarke & Falks Kosofoam for tho teeth. tf Our Bicycle Repairing Department K - Ts now in shapo to properly handle nil kinps of work from a puncture to building a wheel. Also repair Locks, Guns, Sewing Machines and all kinds of light machinery, etc. This department is under the charge of Mr. J. KirchofT. MAYS & Baldwin Opera House ONE YVHEK, HEOINNIJCCJ MONDAY EVENING, JULY 31st. MR. SAM T. SHAW, supported by a talented company of players. Positively the strongest aggregation of he kind iu tho west. The Finest Uniformed Band and Orchestra. Concert and parade each day at 11 :30 o'clock. Seats on eale at Blakeley & Hougbton'a It's a real pleasure to get the meals for tho family when you havo a complete set of nccdfull utcneilB nnd havo n new Garland stove or steel range to cook upon. Wo fur nish kitchens nnd can save you money and many Bteps when you want nnything in the way of kitchen supplies. Our stock of tinware, raniteware, delf ware, table cutlery, car vers, meat cutters, laisen seed ers, pots, irons, roasting panB hundreds of other thing! to mako the kitchen complete. We can furnish double oven cook stoves from $8 00 up. Soo tho best Rangoon Earth, The Garland It has no equal. Also a complete line of build er's hardware. I ili in Ml Notice to Poultry Raisers: 1 No more Chicken Lice. Call at Mnlcr A Benton's nnd sco the Antiseptic Ncit ICkb. With the use of this Not Kin? jou will hnve no moro I.lce, XIIUs or Vernln In your poultry houfes. Setting hens wilt set better eggs unrt will hatch better nnd chlciicns will live and grow better wheio Anlhcplic Kggis used. See them at 1 167 Second St. Itismarck's Iron Nrrvo Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liv.er, kindeys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities nnd the success they brin, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25u at Blakeley &. Houghton's "drug siore. 2 Thomas Rhoads, Centerfiold, O., writes: "I suffered from piles seven or eijjht years. No remedy cave mo relief until DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, less than a box of which permanently cured me." Soothing, healing, perfectly harm less. Bewnti of counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera that will take larger pictures than any other Camera on the nuiket. For salo by Clarke & Falk. tf ) 'i 'i ' 'i ' ' CROWE. OBITS! "IVES. -A. WESTERNER." Songs and Dances. 16o, 25o and 35o Drugitore. per & mm