The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 31, 1899, Image 1

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NO 92
he 9) idles
OiiEiiioii May Brim SoluHmi of Ibc
Alaska Bonnlarv Frolilciii.
At An) Hate, the United States, Canada
ami liritain Must He Neighborly
About It.
London, July, 120. -Tljtr'Alnska bound
ary ii(:un looms laruuhi tlie newspaper,
uml a limited iliecjiSHiiiii l raging for und
nu'iinst tlio HUggi'stlon that a liurbor
should l) lij.iBiul to Canaihi. Tho ofliulal
view Feuuia to Ito (avoral)lo to thin com
promise us a basis for n fritndly urraiigu
merit. Itii pointed out that iih the
United Status, Ca inula and Greut liritain
h.ivo to livo as neighbors, mid, in there
Iie.irt9 i led ire to livo ns frloiitle, neither
eiiluc.m afl'ord to .tsjunio n rionpotjuiinua
".Hindu or act ns if it wort) the lust tran
saction to In; arranged und us the main
question at iastie, ilinuyli almost Inst to
view among the multitude of irritating
eiiio isauoH, was a tncaiiH of easy nccesB
to the Klondike, tho lease of a harbor
would seem to he the practical need of
Cun.iihi. On tho other hand, tliot-'attir
day ltcviuw voices tlio feellni; of a conei
deriililo section of tho public in pointing
out that by accepting tho suggested
settlement Canada debars hereolf from
atrnin raising tlio tiueHtion of territorial
right, and becomes u more licunseo where
Bins dcsirca to become tlio owner in feo
simple. Munv think the proposed com
promise would lead to eniluss complicu
tions, annoyances, acts of retaliation
and attempts on one Aide to exceed thtir
owner restrict tlio other Hide's righta
under tlio proposed compromise, tho
Saturday ltoview thinks Canada ought,
in no event, to surrender hor rights in
international law, unless alio concurrent
ly receives considerable concesaioiiB from
the United States on other questions be
fore tlio commissioners.
Hie baturday lioviow proceeds to
claim that Ounntlu now suUicos, both
politically and economically, mid has no
further need of tlio United States ; tlint
only tho most factious policy on the part
ol brent Britain could rovivo the annex
fltioiuet party in Canatlu, and asks what
possible reason the Canadians could hove
for involving tho country in tlio gravest
inttriiatioiiiil questiona.
Absolutely Ihjre
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
done no more than would have bcisn
dono by any other person, and is en
titled to all possible consideration.
"Brevet Brig. Gon. Commanding Second
Oregon Infantry, U. S. V."
The Crime
of a Rejected
Suitor at
Private (iirard Acted in Obedience
Good Impulse.
iWiAND, July 20. Governor Geor
vecterduy received the following letter
rm General Summers in regard to
Iriviilo Frank Girnrd.
"Headquarters Second Oregon In
fantry, U. 8. Volunteer, Prealdio, Son
tranclsco. ICal., July 20. Hon. T. T.
eer, Governor, Salem, Or. : My clear
oh-I am in receipt of your favorof July
"i toKothor with several petitions in the
interest of Frank Qlrsrd, a private in
company I, of tins regiment, und in re
P'v would state thst there is no necessity
w 'y uneasiness iu his this
mn was granted all tlio privileges that
we possible, and lie will not be die
'"rued. Uo has done exactly what you
w or any other soldier of metal, would
"avo done under the circumstances, and
1 certainly would not be disposed to
treat the null.. .....).. xr. m
have to
"""port here for final muster-out.
not thedis,)osltlon of the command.
"gomes, of this regiment to be mere
" wuo endeavors
Obedience to good Impulns.
to aotin
lie has
Aiimnc-ton, Or., July '!0. At 8 o'clock
lust night, Al Keller attemptetl the
murtlor of his nwcetheart, Aliss Maudo
Mitchell, who came hero from Portland i
few days ago.
Miss Mitchell had rejected Mr. Kessler,
whereupon lie followed her from Port
land to this place, and, locntiiic her,
watched his opportunity to got in his
deadly woik. When she wua preparing
for bed, Kesslor entered her room
masiscu, Knociccu ner senseless witti u
club and tied a towel about her neck to
produce strangulation. He then jumped
out of the window und escaped, thinking
ho had accomplished his purpose.
The people of tlio house, hearing nn
unusual noise, went to her room and,
receiving no nnewer, forced tlio door,
anil found Miss Mitchell, as they sup
posed, (lead. .Medical aid was sum
moned and she was restored to con
sciousness, and will recover.
The police ure on tlio truck of young
Fur mi XCilltor to Kuuniiimonil
I'ati lit
Fiom Sylvan Valley News, Brevrud,
It may bo a question whether the
editor of a newspaper lias the right to
publicly recomtnoiid any of tho various
proprietary medicines which flood the
timrkut, yet as a ureventive of Buttering
wo feel it n duty to say a good word for
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Itemed. Wo have known and
used tills medicine in our family ior
twenty years and have always fouud it
roliablc. In many cases u doso of this
remedy would save hours of euflcring
while a physician is awaited. Wo do
not believe In depending implicitly on
any medicine for n cure, but we do
believe tiiut if a bottle of Chamborlaln'e
Diarrhoea Remedy was kept on hand
and udniinlHtered at tlio inception of an
attack, much Buffering might bo avoided
and in very many cases tlio presence of
a physician would not bo required. At
least this has been our experience
dnrinir tho tmst twenty years. For sale
by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
Was Not Killed By The Cars.
Dakuk Cm, Or., July 20. Tho cor
oner's jury returned a verdict this oven-
ing that the unknown man, apparently
about !5 years old, who was fouud under
a Similiter Valley railway car yesterday
morning, did not mtot death from the
. I. Tl
care, mo man wbb a siranger noru. no
displayed money and was plainly but
neatly dressed.
HjimIu' Greatest Need.
Mr. R. P. Olivia, ot Barcelona, Spain,
spends his winters at Aiken, S. C.
Week norves had caused severe pains in
tho back of his hoad. On using Lltctric
Bitters, America's greatest blood and
nerve remedy, all pain soon loft him.
He says this grand modioino is what his
country nceda. All America knowB that,
It euros liver and kidney trouble, puri
fies the blood, tones up the stomach,
strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor
aud new life into every muscle, nervo
and organ of the body. If weak, tired
or ailing you need it. Every bottle
guaranteed, ouly 5oc. Sold by Blakeley
& Houghton, druggists.; 1
Did Boil His Wire.
Ciiicaoo, July 29. Adolph L. Luet
gert's sudden death in the penitentary
at Joltet on Thursday last has brought
to light tho fact that States Attorney C
b. Denecn has had locked up in the
vaults at tlio criminal court building
almost from the tseainning of accused's
trial for wife murder, two joara ago, an
implication that is considered morally
Ilia confession o( guilt. It was made hv
Luetgert to a fellow-prisoner in the jail
It was Eworn to by the latter at the
time before tlte state's attorney. Now
it is given publication for the first time
rrom mis document it would appear
that Luetgert nsked his wife to go with
nun to ttte sausage inciory otnee on
May 1, 1S97. She refused. This anger
ed him. During the quarrel that follow
ed lie guve her a violent kick in the side
Tins rendered hor uuconseiouB. Luet
gert expected she wonld come to, but
she did not. Seeing that sho had died,
ho disposed of her body in the factory
Cutnrrli C'utiuiit be Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach tlio seat of the disease. Catarrh
is u blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, aud acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by ono of'the best
physicians iu this country for years, and
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of tho best tonics known, combined with
tiic heat blood purifiers, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of tlio two ingredients is
what produces such wonderful results iu
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. .). Chesty & Co., Props., Toledo O.
Sold by drruggists, price 7ic.
Hall's Family Pills nre the best. 12
litilistinetits Arc Numerous.
Washington, July 29. Col. Pettit,
commanding the Thirty-first regiment
at Fort Thomas, Ky., telegraphed tho
war department today that his enlist
ments number 1150, which is within 200
of the full quota of the regiment. He
will withdraw the recruiting officers on
Monday and the legiment will then be
organized for actual service. He thinks
that in a month it will be ready, it ib
stated at tho war department that tho
Thirty-tlrst, tho Tweaty-sovonth and
tlie 1 hirtieth will no doubt be ready to
bail for Manila on tho Grunt, Sherman
and Sheiiatui about September 10.
A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiety was felt for tho
widow of the bravo Gonoral Burnhani of
Machias, Me., when tho doctors said
she could not live till morning," writes
Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who attended her
that fearfnl night. "All thought she
must soon dio from Pneumonia, but she
begged for Dr. King's New Discovery,
saying it hud more than once caved her
life, and had cured her of Consumption.
After three small doses she slept easily
nil night, and its further use completely
cured hor." This marvelous medicine
is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest
and Lung Diseases. Only 50c and if 1.00.
Trial bottles free at Blakeley &
Houghton's drug store. 1
To (Jure Cold iu Ono Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money if
it fails to cure. 25c,
Dcsirovcr Gsllstorwli Journeys Down
tbe Ways
Christened by Little Gertrude Ballia,
the Boat Slid Easily and Grace
fully Into the River.
PonTLAXD.July 29. Fully 5000 people,
fringing both the Morrison and Madison
street bridges, etanding 10 deep on the
docks along the west Eide ot the river,
and crowding every possible point of
vantage on the east bank, witneesed the
launching of the oO-knot torpedo-boat
destroyer Goldsborough from the waje
at the WolfT&Zwicker iron works yester
day. The event was called for 2 o'clock,
and it came off on time. Belated sight
seers were Btill struggling with their
earlier neighbors for places to view the
launching when the last shore was
knocked from the cradles, and the boat
began slowly to gather headway for her
first journev. In -10 seconds more she
was riding gracefully on the river. There
was hardly a ripple under her stern as
she entered tiie water, so easily did she
slide down tlio ways, and scarcely did
the lines intended to restrain her lift
from the water and vibrate as they tight
ened before she was quietly swinging
dawn with the current, a flag which was
unfurled as she h'ft the ways floating
from her stern. From the knocking out
of the first shore there hud not been a
hitch, and the launching of the Golde-
borough was a start iu life which any
sailor might covet for tiie ship on which
tie cast iiis lot.
A 1 rightful It under
Will often cause a horrible burn,
ecald.cutor bruise. Buckleu's Arnica
Salve, the beet in tho world, will kill
the pain and promptly heal it. Cures
old 6oree, fever sores, ulcers, bolls, corns,
felons and all skin eruptions. Best pile
cure on earth. (July 2o cts. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton, druggist. 1
"Harmony" Whiskey.
Harmony whifckey for family
special use, $old by Ben .Wilson,
Notice of Filing Final Account
NnMrp Is horhr pivot! that llin inti!fr.!tmn.
the assignee of J. W. Moore, H. K. Moore, und
.1. V. unci II. K. Moore, insolvent debtors, has
Illud with the clerk of the circuit court, of tue
Btntoof Ort'Kon, for Wnsco county, his liuul uc
count ns nucli uBblgneo; tlie piiiuo will be heard
mid imbted uiou by tmld circuit court on tho li-t
day of tlio next regular term of eald circuit
court, to-wlt, the November, lbW.term thereof, ut
llic hour of ten o'clock n, ni or ns boon there
after ns the matter can be reached.
Jlj lS II l'OLK BUT1.KK, Assignee.
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
wasting diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess and lnais
cretlon. Auervetouloaud
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks ant1
restores the fire of youth.
By mailSOc per box; 0 boxes
for A2.50: with ft written guaran
tee to our r refund Um wouey.
Land Office at Tub P.u.i.e, Ohkgok;
Juue 10. law. i
Notice Is hereby jrtvcu Unit tho followlnc
iinmou seiner uns nicu noucc oi ins intention
to make Una) uroof In fcuimort of his claim, and
that s ild proof will be made before the rccUtcr
mm receiver at i lie Dimes, uregou, oil Saturday,
juiy w, itw, viz:
1'hiiIm Grlutauil.
widow of IMerre tirimaud, deoeoscd, of The
Dalit's; II. K. No. 070, for the M SKW Bec.'Jl,
Tn. 1 north, ft 12 K. W M.
lie names the following witnesses to (trove
iiis continuous resiueuue uuon aim cultivation
of sulci iHiid, viz;
Chas, A. Boliutz, Kook Cary, IxhiIb Bandoz
Andrew Unitiliart, all of Tho Dulles, Oregon.
JunH lt JAY 1'. I.UUA8, Keglstcr.
U. 8.
Land Offick, The Dallks, On. )
juiy ji, iwj. )
A Milllclent-contest uflidavtt having been 11 led
in this oulce by James Toullc. coutustaut,
against hmiiculeud entry No. 4'Jj8. mudo Nov.
4th, 1MKI. for HWJ4, NKlf HWJi.BCC. 34,tOHU
khip 8 8, K 13 E, and N i N Wi, Boo, 8, town
slilp 4 H, U 13 K, by Thomas Jeffreys, couteitee,
In which it Is uliCKod that he has iibaiidonoa
said truot for mora tliuii C months. Bald (turtles
arc hereby notified to itmicur, rcspoud aud
otter ovldenoe touching hald allegstlou, at 10
o'clock a. m. on Sept. 4. IKK), before the register
und receiver at the United Btates hind olfleo iu
The Dulles. Or,
The Buld contestant having iu a proper
affidavit, tiled July 1st. im, set forth facts
which aliow tiiut alter due diligence, personal
service ot this notice can not be made, it is
hereby ordered aud directed that such notice bo
given by due aud proiier publication.
JlylMl JAY V. LUCAS, Keglstcr.
I Waists
land Skirts.
See our window display
of Stylish Silk
and Fashionably Tailored
Prices are considerably less than they should
be; but then that's to your advantage.
A. M. Williams & Co.
jif ! f
1 1 ? ?
I3E h If,
I I f f
I t f '
5! f f
1 f ?
I ' ? ' f
H (
1 f
. I
I, ?
f "f
'!,i?iTi?ir?n?rr fnrirTn
Job Pfinters.
Land Office at Vakcouvkb. Wash., (
Julys, 181)9, j
Notice is hereby Riven Ihat tho following
unwed het tiers have tiled notice of their Inten
tion to make liuul proof in support of their
claims, and that said proofs will be made btforo
W. 11. l'resbv, United States Commissioner for
District of Washington, at his olllee lu Golden,
dale, Washington, 011 Monday, August 11, 18W,
HtcpUeu Marlett.
Homestead Kntry No. 9091, for the 8. l( N. K. i,
N. K. i S. K. l4 Section 19. und t. W. H N. W.k
of Bcctlon 'JO, Towuship 8 North, of ltuiige 13
Hast, Will. Mer.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upoii aud cultivailou
said laud, viz:
Carl Krauzen, Christian Frsnzeu, Porter L.
Hurdlsou, Marion Bpluwn,all of Lyle l',0.,Wush.
l'orter L. Uardlsoa,
Homestead Kntrv No. 1)051. for the 8. E. V. of
f . K. Vi of Bocllou l!i tho B. W. Ji of 8. W; l,
Section ills U. y. of N. K. i of Bcctlon 80, Towa
khip 3 North, of KatiKe 13 East, Will. Mer.
lie names ine loiiowiug witnefcses to prow
his continuous residence unon.HUd I'tiltl vutlmi
of said laud, viz.;
can franzeu, unrisuan rrauzan, Stephen
Marlett, Marlou Bnluwu, all of Lyk 1', O., Wash.
Jljb Jl W. K. UUNUAK, UcgUter. i
U. 8.
Land Office, Tho Dalles. Ore.)
July '.'3, J6U9. 1
Notice is hereby given that the order of De
e ember 8, 1891, temporarily withdrawing from
disposal, for tho purposes of a bout railway, the
lands on tho south side aud within six mile ot
the Columbia river, between The Dulles aud
Celilo, lias been revoked by tho president, ex
cept as to the following described parcels; one In
the NW!4of t-eo 81, T 2 N, 1UI K, containing;
about four and one-hnlf acres, and the other lu
IheNWU.Bcc'.'l, T '.' N, K 15 K.coutulnlng about,
halt au acre.
On mid after September 1, 1899, we will receive
applications lor any vaeaut lands included,
theieiu. J, 1. I.UCAd,
Hecelver. Jly6 1
Notice Is hereby given that the underslgucd
has tiled his liuul account us executor of the w
Utt) of Baruh McAtOJ with the clerk ol the
county court of ihestato of Oregon, for Wasou
county, and that Thursday, the 13th day ol July,
1899, at the hour of 10 o'clock u. m. baa been
llxctl us the time und tho county ojurt room iu
Dalles City as the p ace for the hearing of ob
jections to said flual accouut and st'ttlemeut ut
said estate.
. Dated July 13, m, TU08. NOKVAL.
Juu H I Kxocutor.