board of education : FOR STATU IMrEBS, Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading. Thursday Written arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar, bookkecoing, physics. Friday Physiology, geography, men tal arithmetic, composition, physical geography. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, psy chology. vor. COUNTY r.U'KUS. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, reading. Thursday rilten arithmetic, theory of teaching, grammar. Friday Geography, mental arith metic, physiology. VOH ritlMAUY CKISTIFICATES. Wednesday Heading, penmanship, orthography, the art of questioning, methods of teaching. Tie Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' The Busy Store. SATURDAY. Tho let work nt l ho IcaU poMllilo coat. 800 ot tcoth In ono year Is ,,. i li! our I orllatiil ollloo. tiat iafactton Riiurnulerd in every cneo. ur Acts gently on the dneys, Liver and Bowels (.EAN5E5 THE YSTEM EFFECTUALLY OVFRCOU hABlT11A,CST.PAT.ON . -n. PERMANENTLY BUy THE GENUINE MAHT'D By UI?RNIATG5YRVP(g. V HV. - ' i c i .fin t u - . KV. S CAU. Co " N.V. ""t ron sui tYiu cR'j&scTi rccu set rmscmi. PERSONAL, MENTION. Frank Aldriiih, the wheat buyer, came over from fioldendalo yesterday. Mr9. H. L, JoneB and little eon, Guy, left on the boat this morning for Steven-eon. Miss Edna Harnett was wh-i left tliii morning Stevenson. among those to camp at Mrs. U. Klnersly and family were nmoiiK the campers who left for Steven son this morning. George Bolton oamn in from Moro yesterday and today joined the Moro people at Wind river. Mrs. T. J. Kirk and daughter came diwn from Athena yesterday and are vieiting friends here. T. H. Johnston and his cousin, Dr. Win. .Johnston, of Los Angeles, came in from Dnfiir yesterday. Geo. fE. Shepston and wife, of St. Paul, who are making a lour of the coast, spent today in The Dalles. Miss Maude Clarke, of the Chronicle fore, left for Caecido this mornhii! to epend a week with iter mother in camp. Clisa, II Green, tho San Francisco wool buyer, is attain in the city. Ie is alill depending on his crutch for eup port. J, B. and W. Hoaford and L. K. Mooro were Mom neoiiloon trie boat this morn ing bound for Wind river, where their families are camping. Alfred Huot left this morning for Poitland. lie was Hccompauied hv the MispeB Grenier, who have Iippii visiting witn the Atiesea iiuot on s-Miie. Mr. and Mrs. S. Bolton and family and Miss .loate Jenkins left, on ths boat m irning to spend the rest of the fiuiiiintr at their old camping place at Stevenson. J. E. Adcookwis a passenger on the iioat this morning for Portland on a busings trip. He was accompanied by his mother. Mrs Norman, and his child ren, who will visit friends there. Joe Heroux left this morning for Port land. Jot; docs not teem to be content with belli;: si hero in name only, and i.s contemplating enlisting in tlni regular army. He lias not a9 yet fully dt-ciiled, however. Otis Patterson piused through the city this afternoon, on hit way from Ileppner to Portland. Mrs Patteiton will join him hero itnl return to Port land to spend tho remainder of t! e 6unnncr. Rfcorder Gates and F. W. Wilfon were peen on the lower deck of the Dalled City as it pulled out this morn ing. Presumably thoy are not "steerage liacsongers, but will tie allowed in tilt: cabin later. Thny were on their way to epenu Sunday at nprague. Chrifj fe'ehwabe, of the Chronicle lire, was tho ino.U nnpiiMr voting man of the party which left this morning for Hteveneon, and wo havo no idea that Mr. Holton wlil dispute his claim. Hie accident of a fow weeks ago caused the young ladles to determine to tee that tie learn? to ewim.and he is in for a number oi genuine duckiiigi). Teacher' Uxau.luatioii. GlSADUATES. All persons who have graduated from chartered institutions, this June, in in take examination upon the six branches, even though they may have failed in June. 29 lid OUR CHURCHES. Regular meeting Christian Scientists every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the small K. of P. hall, in the Vogt building. All are invited to bo present. Calvary Baptist church Rov. W. B. Clifton, pastor. Regular eervices at 11 a. m. and S p. m. Young people's meeting nt 7 p. m. Sundav school at 10 a. m. Zions Lutheran church No morning service until a new pastor arrives here. Evening service Sunday 16, by Riv. Holl, of Tacoma. Rev. Beates, of Seattle, will preach on July 23 and 30, at 8 p. m. BUSINESS LOCALS. sirs. Regulator & Dalles uity Dally (except Sundav) between The Dalles, Hood Rivor, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touchlnj at wny points on both sides of the torn mum river. Both of thij nbovc steamers have been rebuilt, and arc In excellent thniiu for the season of lWJ, Tlio Itcirulntiir Line will endeavor to give Its patrons tuc best service possiDie. For Comfort, Kcmioiiiy and I'leaauro, travel by the steamers of The ltrKUlnto l.lue. The above steamers leave The pallet at 8 n. m and Portland at 7 a. m., and arrive at deitlna tlou In anipl'j time for outgoing trains. Portland Ofllee. Tho Dalles Ofilc, Oat St. Dock. Court Street W. C. Allaway, General Agent, .R.&N. Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf For the best results use the Vive Camera. For Bale by the Poatoflice harmacy. tf Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell'a drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. Mt7-3m Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J tubling, agent, Tiie Dalles. M17-3m. Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the best For sale at all first-class bars. Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles. M17 3m Yerba Buena Bitters, the best For sale at all first-class bars. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m and Mrs. B. Lackamn. Elston. Mo., writes : "One Minute Cough Cure saved the life of our little bov when nearly dead with croup." Butler Drug Co. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tho part nership heretofore existing between C. J. Cathcart and J. D. Straus, under the firm name of Cathcart & Straus, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, C. J. Cathcart retiring. J. D. Straus will continue tho business, anil will col lect nil bills due taid linn and pav all accounts against the eame. Dated July 1, 1S09. U. .1. Cathcart, M. D. Stjsaus. DeWitt's Little Early Risers expel from tho system all poieonons accumu lation?, regulate the stomach, bowels and liver, and purify the blood. They drive nwav disease, dissipate melancholy and uivo health and vlor for the daily routine. Do no gripo or sicken. Butler Drug Co. tonic. C. J. Try tonic. C. J. Mr. PART TOR Kast Mall 11:50 p.m. TIME SCHEDULE. FROM DAM.ES. Salt Lake, Denver. Kt. Worth. Omaha. Kan sas City, St. Louis,1 unicago ana j-.nst. Spokane Klvcr 5:40 yi.m. S p. m. Walla Walla, Spokane, Jllnneaiolls. St. Paul, i)n I nth, Milwaukee, Chicago and Kast. Arrive Kkom. Ft Mall 3:15 p in Spokane Fler. 5:00 a. m From Portland. Ocean Steamships. For San Francltco January '., and every live days thereafter. 8 n. m. Ex.sunday Columbia ttv. Steamers. . J To Astoria and Way Saturday Landings. 10 p. m. 4 p. m. 4 p. m. Ex.Sunda fia. rn. Willamette River. ! 4:C0ij. m. fcLauadayreBon City, Ncwberff,Ex.sunday Tues.Thur., nai. Kivkrs. Mon..Weu' i a. m, and hat. I Oiegon City, Davton and ay-1 endings. Willamette IttVKi:. inc., fhur.ii'ortland to Corvallis, Nqlica is hereby ilv3ii that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who may offjr tl emeelves aa candidates for tuichern of tho schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public ex amination at tho court l.omo in The Dillee, Oregon, beginning at 0 o'clock a. in. Wednesday, A'iU3t 0, 1890. Dated this .20t!i tUv of July, 1800. C. L. GlLBKBT. County School Superliiteiident, Wasco County, Oregon. Accord in rto law, tho following pro graoi has been prepared by the state Preserves i fruits, Jollies, plcklei or catsup ara more easily, mora quickly, mors uuaiimuujr Btiaiuu wiia iuuqki l'arafllns Wax than by aay other method. Dozens of other uses wlU be rounarorReflned Paraffins Wax In ovfry boiuebold. It Is clean, tasteleaa and odorless air, water and acid proof. Oct a pound culco oi ii wim u mi or its many usm from your druggist or grocer, Hold everywhere. Ilado by aTANDAIlD OIL CO. Lv Rlparla aai;y Snake Uiver. Hiparla to Lewlston. and Fri. 1:30 p. m. Tue., lhui and Sat. I.eavb Lkwisto: dally Pardes dc-ittin; to go to Ileppner thould tate .No. I, leaving 'Ihe Dalles at 5:ao p. r.i maklni; dlteft rantiripptfnn& nt, Hcturnlng rouMngdlrect connection at IK-ppuer 'j7- j.anmuii m ine uanes at No. io, tbrotieht freight, cait bound, does not cany pasteiiKtrsj uriives 'JjJO u. in., depatts 3:C0u. in. No ai, loeul freight, carries pasfcngers, east bound; arrives i:jp. m,, departs s:15 p.m. fto.'Jl, west b'iiinn through freight, doc not carry passengers; arrives b:15 p in., departs -o. L'j, west bound local freight, carries pas eager?; arrives 5;15 p. in., departs H:S0 a. m. teagcri; For full particulars call on O. r.Kt'in iiiu ujues. or address w. u. nuiti.itui'.T. It. ti K. Co.'i (ien I'as. ist., Portland. Or, F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. nor. Seuoud & Langlilin. 'Piione 157 Each tiny our litisinoks shows the people are finding out wo nro pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, mid last, but not least, buyers who know their business anil buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. r ..GHflS. mM Batcher's and pexrmevs ru v v w F rJ CONSIDER OUE PRICES: IlMt Crown and liriilpu work (22k. itolil), per tontli y$ ileal pot tooth, iiar.intped IVCO Host Hold 1'Illim: $1.00 op Host bilvur or alloy llllln wop l!,!n !S.HecondS, Portland Dental Parlors i Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager. ..Eehange.. Keeps on draucht tho celebrated COl.ininiA HKKK, ncknnwl cdxetl the best beer In The Dalles, attheu-mal price. Conic In, try It and he convinced. AIo the Finest brands of Wines, Minor and Clgari. Sanduaiches of all Kinds always on hand. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -OF THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at l'ortlat. LEA VK. OVKIIUVND KX-1 i nress. Salem. Hose. I ! burg, Ashland, Sac- S'OO I M U raraento, UKuen.san Los Angeles, El l'aso. New Orleans auc: East 8:30 A. JI.I0l,Cburt! a"d w,,jr ta 0 A. JI. Dally except bnndays f Via Woodbnra fori I .Mt.AUKCl. Hllvorton. i West Bclo, Hrowns- i vllle.SprlngHcldanil iairon . 17:00 A. Jl. (Corvallis I stations.. and way) l Dally except Sundays. SiSOI'.M. INDEPENDENCE PASSENOEIt. Express train uany (except Sunday). llMn. rn. fl.v Pnrllanrl A- ). 7::p.m. Ai..j:cMIimvllle.. I.v.J 5:.V)a.'in rti,.iiiuvjn;iiuejjce..I.V.; 8:30 p. in. i:IOa. rn. Dally. tDany, except btinilar. DININfi CAHS ON OODKN UOOTE. PULIJ1AN IIUKKET Hl.fEPEItS AND SECOND-CLASS 8M5KPI.NO CAIlh Attached to all Throush Trains. Direct connection at fcan Kr.,tir,u,. um, t,.... dental and .Oriental and Pacllic mall steamship i pi Tlcatlon. uiiiriA. salimB dates oh Uau;s and tickets to EaKern points and Eu AjEbTIWUa! ' (JI"NA, l!"'N01'U1'" "K All abilVd trnllipt nrtivn nt u...t ,. . , Grand Central Station, fifth and Irvii 2 str.ii YAMIIH.l, DIVISION. PassenKer Depot, foot of Jcilerson street. Icai'o for filiprldaii Arrive ut Portland;j;bO a. in ' ' ,ou 1 1 " IjOnVC for Alfll.!!'! nn PfMM,la iv,t...s.. . Krlay uty;Wu. in. Aniv. nt'1'nrH..rwi MS Improved CYCLONE Wa8azine- FOR 1899. Ton Points to Considar: I- 12 PIcturaB In 12 Snoondo. 2 Hhtittor Uulb Ftulnnao. 3 Hhuttnr Auteirniitlc. 4 Sluittor Lockn, r. n Aluminum Hlatoholctors. e Sot HtOPB. 7 Snoclnl Quick Lunn. 8 Automntlo noRlBtor. H AH parts Intorchunponblo. IO Kxpouml plntuH romoved without (llstiirlilnit imoxponott. No. 4 islzo 3'-4 x 4'4'i S8.00 No. 5 (sizo 4 x 5) 10.00 L 1899 CatoloRUo with com ploto information FREE. Jii3t Arrived The only MaitizliM Camera nilh bulb shutter. M. Z. DONNELL. How About YourTitle? f UK YOir BUKE it is all rijrlit? Itumonibor it i? the H liECOHD that povurns. It is our business to ei'iirch tlni recortls nml bhow wlmt thov contain in relation to lautl titles. If you coiituiplatu iiiiylnir land or loaning moimy on real estate K-eurity, tnko no uiiin' word, hut inuist upon knowing whut the ret-ortl shows rettanliiiK the title. An AhMraot la as essential naa deed. Insist on havini; It. We have tho only set of Abatrnet Hooks in the County. All work promptly ex tented nml gatiefattloii euaranteed. It volt hovo nnin- erty to insure, lvu us a call. Wu are njtento for fouroi the best lire insurance companies in tliu world. If you havo property for Bale, list it with us and we'll find a buyer, J, M. Huntington &Co. Phono 81. 2d St., opposlto A. M. Wllllam3 & Co. J ICII'IJ JUO y Inlvc at Portland. fcxeept faunday. "Except Saturday, K. Ki.KM.KK, (1, Jf. M.UiKIIAil, -Maiiai;er. Asit. O. l A Pan Ail Throuoh TleVr-t nriirr. t i ti.i..i h. m, , n h ' 1 1 b-t . . . ; . . " '. " ' w u er e orNWIIE:u!ioltKUS,,''nCkCtAKent- CUhiskey. This hrniid of Whiskey is Riinranl I'UKE HAM) MA I) 15 SOUK MAS .tun .Medical Use. Sold by tccd to the consumer as n SH WHISKEY for Famllv 11 head of Good Work Horses. For terms apply to WM, WATERMAN, At M. M. Wnterman's, on 8-iuile. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. IltANaACT A BNKttALUANKINO BUttlNKd Lettrs of Credit Issued Available in the Eastern SUtes. Bight Ekchange nod Telegraphic Tramfera eold on New York, Ch!cico. St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Waab., and varioui iwluu in Oregon and Washington. Col leet lose aula at all peiaU on fay orable terau. A Beautiful Skin. Ladle, if you deilre a tran.parcnt, clear and frch complexion inn Dr liourdon'V i'rVn , Arbenle Complexion Wafirs. " Lclr em t fluiplv luaxlral. poMmlni the vlard tmJh n proluclnn and i.retrvl.i,f Teaiuuil Ira parenoy and pellucid clean Vs of comi leiYiii nhapely contour of form, brilliant 0 kn audmnoothkKin wi.r 11.V. i.'.."l...ut'l'..fc0't Price per small (mix, Mcnts: luritolmx 11 r,, ihe abovo amount. WrluVor fr"o ciieulai'.' ' The Parisian Drug Co., 131 Mon tgomerySt.Saa KraucUco Cal Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. V. MOOUK JftHM tl 4 I'.u M00RE & GAVIN, ATTOBNKY8 AT UW. Hoow. i) .ud over U. 8. Und Office. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed O-rain rt-faii kinds. neaaquarters for Feed Grain ot ?n kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u wndfr Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, ftKWft Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton FlOUr. T,,l f'luar id tnamtfactured expreeily for family Wa ell our uootU lowr tuHV 8rv"".ok KUrantel to give aatUM call Md get cur 1 ,n lho ou don't think Highwt Price Paid for Wheat, Barky and Oat,