The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 29, 1899, Image 3

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Wu have just one moro opportunity In this month to ofi'ur you
Some Rare Bargains
Wo will quoto you a
2!?c I
i'mLiwiH ....
Cj Uimlllus
Lawns ami Dimities from To, 8,(c!,
5c per yard.
Figured I'Iijucp, Dimities and Lawns, 12,'..'cund loe put' yard,
9c per yard.
.Fancy Iuo Stripu in fancy colors,
13c per yard.
Quadrille OrgandieB in plain colors,
15c per yard.
Quadrille Organdies In flowered designs, and just the thine for the3e
warm days ami delightful evenings,
16 2-3c per yard.
Colored Underskirts in fancy
shines, double flounce and corded
riilllt's, worth $1.50,
98 cents.
Cheaper t!inn ever.
Fine I'ere.ile Frennh Gingham
i mid Lawn Waists -l)c, worth up to
''rcin-h Net Summer CorsetH
'2'k, aii's IS to L'5.
White l'ii-uu and White Duck
SkirtH 7oc.
All Goods Mnrkutl
In Plain FlKtiroci.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JULY 20, 1800
'1'tlephanc No. J,
All Changes in Advertisements must
lie liauih'il in before io o'clock A. M., as
no dunces will he accepted in the aft
ernoon This rule will he positive.
Hie Dalles, January io, 1899.
Wiitch for Slunv's hand Mondav morn
fliere will ho no preaching scrvioo at
Mio -Methodist church tomorrow. Suu
J!y fcliuol at 10. and Kpworth Lo.iiie
"t 7 o'clock.
fha Hist Oregouian says 'Thornae
Harlan, of The Dalles, is in town. Ho
Pro-west establish the Pacilii! Demo
"at, a weik'y paper in Portland."
a pleasant surprise was irlvon Mies I
1 ranees I'jrrott in tho ahiufo of a very
njoyahlo lawn party lasUbvonlni? at tho
"""oi.ui98 Uussio Sfipee, where a
Service at the Congregallonul church
tomorrow inornlnp, whoa tho pastor's
eubjeot will bo ''The Organ of Eternity."
",i,ld 'ioIr will emit the oflertory.
service in the evening
'Hiu funeral of John Irvine took place
"Ha morning at the Christian cburoh,
wv. Knjhing conducting tho aorvlco.
' I nil bearers wore : Geo. Snipes, E.
. ' Gerl'l. Q. A. Liebo, H. C. Niel
. Jo),,, mm Mul Emll gdianno
Yesterday sheriff KoJIy went to Can.
ues for tho purpose of levying on tho
launch "Water Witch," loie
uoslng a chattlo mortgage held by the
Jm1o Conduction Company. Frl-
Ide )ufr DI(ipatc u- n Umt UF(
tteTU,y' ,n t0"n working on
"wJohwton burglary." Murder will
JULY 29th
list of tlio plums.
lUtfc Percales
7J(,c Percaloa ....
10c, IL'Jm'c mid 15c, nil at one price,
The hnlanco of our Summer
Capes will he sold at half tho re
gular price.
Another big drive in Percale
Wrapperp, llu'ht, medium and
dark colorB, BOu eaeh.
Tailor made suits in mixed hlues
and browns ?5.l)j.
Extra special for Saturday only,
Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Straw lints at lfic,
Pease & Mays.
out, and burglary also; hut we never
dreamed it of the Huston. Another
tood man gone wrong.
Detective Ford arrived from Portland
last nllit and this mornini; returned
with the prisoners captured the night
before. They are wanted in Portland
for holding up and robbing a man. The
negro is a deserter from the company
now stationed at Vancouver, having left
there Wednesday night.
The Dalles is again to loose Leslie
(Sutler as a resident, at least for a time,
as ho has accepted a position in the
credit and collection department of
Wadliama fc Kerr ltros., wholesale
grocers. This firm is particularly
fortunate in srenring tho eon-ices of Mr.
Mutter, who is a splendid busiuesH man
nnd thoroughly understands the grocery
List evening 8:!1Q the sly
looked clouded, the lightning flashed in
the east nnd everyone Imagined they
smelt rain in the air. Indeed, many
declare they felt u few drops. That
there should have been a good thunder
storm was too good to be true, and all
indications soon passed away. Tho
lightning as probably what is termed
"heat lightning.'
A Chicago paper says that members
of tho girls' clubs of several southern
Kansas towns have resolved not to marry
a man unless ho served with the fa
mous Twentieth Kansas. They say thoy
ore determined to keep their agreement
nnd that sooner than marry a man who
stayed at home they will remain single
all thoir lives. Tho glrlB ought to havo
lo't a loophole for escape, because the
fighting Kansans might havo made other
From tho immonso crowds which
throng tho boats every morning bound
for the seaside nnd numerous camping
places along tho river, it would seem
that Tho Dalles would soon be entirely
deserted. However, a few of the beat of
us still remain to carry on tho duties
left behind. Truly Dalles -eople ore
fortunate in being so sltUHted that in a
few hours thoy may be "far from the
maddening crowd" (of which we form
M part) nnd by the side of the sea or in
owe cool mou u tain retort. Such tripe,
too, are 10 inexpensive that it is within
the reach of all to enjoy the opportunity
afforded. Wo do not appreciate this
fact as we would were we for a few years
shut out In some of the inland cities of
the state, where, with a large majority,
it Is impossible to make these enjoyable
The case of Jrff Walton, who is
charged with robbery from Johnston's
store at Dufur last Monday, is being
tried in Justice Bayard's court this
aftornoon, Judge IJonnett appearing
for the defense. Among the witnesses
who have been subpoenaed and are in
the city are: T. II. Johnston, Cvcar
Pound, George Drown, Lindsay Thomw,
Mrs. .In?. Wilson, Mrs. Bird, Mrs, Bart
lett and Miss Margaret Covey. Up to
the time of going to press no decision
had been reached.
The following new books have been
added to the already largo collection at
the public library : "The Rough Riders,"
by Roosevelt; "Kspirita Sr.n'.o," by
Skinner ; "McTeague," by Norris, and
"RMinini&cences," (,2 vols) McCarthy.
Summer is an excellent time to join the
library as you then havo tho advantage
of taking with you some good reading
aB you go on your vacation trips, for if
you do not return in time to exchange a
book, friends will do it for you, and thus
you receive much satisfaction therefrom.
The following letter is a raro example :
"My darlin' Peggy: I met you last
night but you never carne! I'll meet
you again tonight whether you come or
whether yon stop away. If I'm tiiere
first, Eure I'll write my name on tbo
gate to tell you of it ; and if it's you
that's first why rub it out, durlm', arid
no one will be the wiser. I'll never
fail to be at the tryBtin' place, Peggy ;
for, faith, I can't keep away from the
spot where you are, whether you're
there or whether you're not. You're own
The arrangements recently made
whereby tho rate tickets to and from
tho points along the river are good on
Saturday's afternoon train, is a good
one. It waa somewhat of an incon
venience for those who wished to spend
Sunday with their friends at camp, to
be compelled to leave on tbo early morn
ing train and then bu so late in return
ing. This arrangement will also give
them much more time in camp and a
good night's sleep away from the heat
which keeps one awake most of the night
and makes them feel as little reBted
when they arise bb when they retired.
Wo believe there was an ordinance
passed by the city council ordering all
bicycliBts to carry a lantern when riding
at night. If such is the case it should
be enforced and if not a law'shoulJ be
passed. We cannot escape serious ac
cidents if the present state of afl'airs
continue. Libt night five cyclists came
up Third street abreast, none carrying
any kind of a light ubr ueemlngly having
bolls on their wheels. It wna by mere
chance that a bupgy going down the
street parsed them, as. they could not be
seen. Something should be done re
garding the matter before a serious ac
cident takes place.
Coroner Hart and George Talmar came
over from Goldendale Thursday evening
to the Washington Bide of the river
where a body was found flouting in the
river that day. No inquest was held
and yesterday tho body was buried near
the place wheio it was.found. Tho man
was about 1)5 years of age, and was well
dressed. In his pocket wan found a
letter, but the writing had been so
blurrod that it could not be read. Many
have thought it might bo one of the
Whitney brother?, who wore drowned
in tho Snake; but tho description did
not tally with the one given of Elmer
Whitnoy, whose body was not found.
A t lilld i:iJiy.
The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and
soothing effect of Syrup of l-'ige, when in
need of a laxative, anil if tho father or
mothor bo costive or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow its use; so that
it is tho best family remedy known and
every family should havo a Dottle.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co.
On account of business interests call
ing mo to Portland for some time at
least, my household furnituro nnd car
pets are now for sale. Any who may
desire to purchase may examine them
by calling at my residence on the corner
of Fourth and Union streets, Tho house
is also for lease.
20-1 w Lksi.ii:
A diseased stomach surely under
mines health. It dulls the brain, kills
energy, destroys th? nervous tystem,
and pn disposes to insanity and fatal
diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are
quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure,
It has cured thousands of caees aud is
curing them every day. Its ingredients
are such that It can't help curing.
Snlpea-Kinerily Drug Co.
Don't forget the date. Monday, July
31st, Is when the Shaw Company begins
Its engagement.
To Be Held lit the Old Stnnil In Sevtem
ber'n Help It Along.
In sp! to of the efforts of Portland and
its assistants throughout the 6tate to de
prive Salem of tho state fnir, which for
thirty-nine years has been held at the
capital city, the state board of agricul reduced to five members, is do
ing business at the old stand, and hav
ing paid nil tho indebtedness, is now
starting in with renewed vigor to make
tho fair of 1899 a howling snccess.
Many complaints have been raised
within tho past few years as to its
management; but what have thoce who
raised these objections done toward as
sisting in making tho meeting a success?
Seemingly forgetting that it is a state
fair, they havo left tho management and
everything connected with it entirely in
the hands of Marion county people (par
ticularly Salemites) and then, not even
taking tho pains to attend, they have
proceeded to listen to the report of a few
sore-heads, whom nothing would please,
and then ripped the affair, as the saying
is "up the back."
Portland and many ontsideis claim
that were it to be held in Portland', a
great change would be noticed. Would
it V We doubt it. Removed from the
place where for neatly forty years it has
been sustained and from the metering
care of those who have grown up to be
lieve it is their protege, we much fear it
would have been short-lived. Perhaps
for a year or two a renewed interest
would have been taken but it would
soon wane (like that taken in the
exposition) and it would have died a
natural death in four years instead of
But it ie to be held at tho old stand In
Salem, commencing on September loth
and closing on the 22d, and as its pro
moters are making great efforts to make
this lite year, when new vigor is put into
the meeting, every citizen of the state
should deem it a privilege aud duty to
assist them by Bending in exhibits, in
troducing their tieEt stock, trying the
speed of their horses, and then enjoying
the fair by taking the family down and
attending. In siiort let us remember
that its a Btate af-fair.
The Hmnlliox ut llpiiuer.
The Heppner Gazette Bays in part:
"Dr. Blalock arrived on Monday night's
train and early next morning went to
tho homes of both the Driskell and
Shutt families, making a careful ex
amination of the eases and pronouncing
them most emphatically smallpox, and
nsBiueB that verdict from any physician
who may be called. In an interview
with the Gazette the doctor spoke very
complimentary of tho town's prompt
action in t lie matter, assuring us that
in the early stages of the disease no con
tagion from the affliction is liable. The
quarantine had been moro than ample,
and advised the release of many quar
antined. About quarantining the town
he thought it most inadvisable, as a
majority of the towna in the northwest
bad cases of it and a thorough quaran
tine would take in the entire northwest.
The disease is bein; held in check by
tho intelligent co-operation of the com
munities effected, and in these towns is
interfering in no way with business.
"ThoEcare and general demoralization
of business in small towns like ours is
tho result of sensational agitation. It
seems natural for most people to try to
go the other fellow 'one better," and
thus the sensation extends."
I' omul.
In East End Feed Yard Wednesday
morning, July 5th, a bay horse, about
fourteen hands high between 10 or 12
years old ; white atar on forehead, black
points ; saddle marks and brand B L on
left shoulder with running R underneath,
and weighing about 900 pounds. Owner
can have same by proving property aud
paying all charges. jly8 lm
i'or Kent.
Two tenement houses; One location.
Iuqulro nt this office. Jly 17-lwk
Opening Play, Monday Night, "THE
Change of play nightly. Special Scenery, Funny Comedians.
For an Kdltor to Kecnmmcnd Patent
From Sylvan Valley Newe. Brevrad,
N. C.
It may be a question whether the
editor of a newspaper has the right to
publicly recommend any of tho various
proprietary medicines which flood the
market, yet as a nroventive of suffering
we feel it a duty to say a good word for
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. We havo known and
used this medicine in our family lor
twenty years and have always found it
reliable. In many cases a dose of this
I remedy would save hours of suffering
! while a physician is awaited. We do
not believe in depending implicitly on
: any medicine for a cure, but we do
believe tnat if a bottle of Chamberlain's
Diarrhoea Remedy was kept on hand
and administered at the inception of an
attack, much suffering might be avoided
and in very many caees the presence of
a physician would not be required. At
least this has been our experience
during the past twenty years. For sale
by Blakeley A Houghton, Druggists.
Three horeea Juno 10, 1899, described
as follows: two weighing about 1400
each. One a light chestnut branded D
on left shoulder. Black horse branded
C on left shoulder. One bald faced
sorrel weighing about 1200; roached
mane. A liberal reward for information
of the whereabouts, or the return'of
same. A. Mason, J. Bays, Contractors,
Viento, Or., or E. V. Husband, Mosier,
Or. j28-lrn
Volcanic Eruptions
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Buckleu's Arnica Salve cures ,
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, I
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure cn
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
Cists. ' z
Commencing Saturday, July 29th, the
O. R. & N. Co. will sell round-trip
tickets to Cascade Lock3 and return for
$1.50. Tickets will be honored going on
train No. 1, Saturday, and returning
on trains Xoa. 4 and 2 the following
Sunday. Jas, Ireland, Agent. aug9
"We have sold many different cough
remedies, but none gave better satisfac
tion than Chamberlain's," says Mr.
Charles Holzhauer, Druggist, Newark,
N. J. "It is perfectly safe and can be
relied upon in all cases of coughs, colds
or hoarseness." Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton Druggists.
A good feed yard for sale or rent
cheap. Inquire at Farmers' Feed Yard,
The Dalles. 24dl-w2
Our Bicycle
Repairing Department
j Ts now in shape to properly
jj handle all kinps of work
from a puncture to building a
Also repair Locks, Guns,
ViiirlR nf licrlit;
kinds of light
This department is under
Baldwin Opera House
MR. SAM T. SHAW, supported by a talented company of players.
Positively the strongest-aggregation of its kind hi tho west.
The Finest Unifox'med Band and Orchestra.
Concert and parade each day at 11:30 o'clock.
Seat! on Bale at Blakeley & Houghton's
B-i'"TT,i,--'rTr,gB7ir"'ii"nrl .tEb
It's a real
to get tho meals for tho family
when yon have n complete sot
of needfull utensils and havo a
new Garland stove or pteel
range to cook upon. We fur
nish kitchens and can eave you
money and many Bteps when
you want anything in tho
way of kitchen supplies. Our
stock of tinware, traniteware,
delf ware, table cutlery, car
vers, meat cuttcre. taisen seed
ers, pots, irons, roastin? pans
hundreds of other thingj to
tnako the kitchen complete,
Wo can furnish double oven
cool; stoves from irS.OO up.
See tho best Range on Earth,
The Garland
It has no equal.
Also a complete line of build
er's hardware.
Notice to Poultry Raisers:
No moro Chicken Lice.
Call at Mnlcr it Benton's nnd sec
the Antiseptic Most Egg. With the
use of this Nest uu will have
110 more Mce, Mites or Vernli' in
your poultry homes. Setting hens
will set better eggs and will hntch
better and chickens will lire nud
grow better where Antieptic Kgg is
used. Sec them at
rnaler & Bentnn
167 Second St.
lilsmarck'a Iron '.Verve
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where stomach, liver,
kindeys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the success
they bring, uso Dr. King's New Life
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c" at Blakeley
& Houghtcn'e drug store. -
Thomas Rhoads, Centerfield, O.,
writes: "I suffered from piles seven or
eight years. No remedy uave mo relief
until DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, less
than a box of which permanently cured
me." Soothing, healing, perfectly harm
less. Bewau of counterfeits. Butler
Drug Co.
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
that will take larger pictures than any
other Camera on the maiket. For sale
by Clarke & Falk. tf
Sewing Machines and all
manliinorv. fit.c.
machinery, etc.
tho charge of Mr. J. Kirchoff.
Songs and Dances.
15c, 26c and 35o