Por a Nice Suit of Clothes. rsr.tinp, Overcoating or Fancy Vesting. "Kindly rail nnd examine my stock of Im ported tnil Domcblic Woolens. A fine stock to wlcct frctn. Suits nmde from the lowest prices to the high est grade. J. A. Eberle, Fine Tailoring. THE DALLE, OIIEGON. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 9U118CKirTION rillCE. One week ? 15 One month 50 On year 6 00 SATURDAY - - - JULY 29, 1SJ9 POLITICAL TIDE IN THE WEST ISo calamity party is in sight for next year. Its foundation has gone to pieces. Nebraska Uanks report deposits amounting to 21,000,000. la the dark days of the Cleveland failure and the Bryan scare, the Nebraska bank deposits amounted to only 611,000,000. They have doubled under a Republican admin istration. Bryan, if renominated, will be pushed hard in Nebraska. Though state pride is enlisted in behalf of a second trial, the Repub lican vote has grown sincQ 1890. The fusion plurality last year was only 2721 for governor, the Repub licans carrying the legislature and gaming a senator. Bryan has no certainly in Nebraska in 1900. In fact, the chances are the other way. Some of the Western states in his list before are sure to go against him nest year. One of these is Vv'ash ington. Bryan's anti-expansion views alone settles that. Washington is for commercial development on the Pacific. Its Republican plurality last year was 8023, quite n change from Bryan's 12,493 in 189G. .Kansas has parted company with the silver party. Its Republican plurality last year was 15,870. Kan sas and Washington combined take fourteen electoral votes from the Bryan column. A change of 1G00 votes last fall would have given Nebraska and South Dakota to the Ucpublicans. The gains of Re publican congressmen in the trans Mississippi states last November were .remarkable, and had the high dis tinction of saving the house. All of Nebraska's neighboring states arc as prosperous as itself, and can match its increase in deposits. Speaking in the light of mathematical facts. Bryan's prospects in the stales west of the Mississippi have generally faded. Figures of all kinds prove it. Nor can he count on gain? east -of the Mississippi, unless in Kentucky, m which the Democratic party at present is more seriously divided than in 1890. The facts in the case suggest n change in the Democratic candidate, but even that might cost orc votes than it would gain. Prc;jerity, expansion and gouud money are a winning combination. Whenever organized labor becomes nob defying law, and disputing with violence the right of any man to employ whom or worlc for whom lie may pleae, then the original disputes aro Ion sight of, says the Statesman. Then it becomes the duty o! organized society to demand wholesome respect for its necessary imIm fur its laws and to enforce Um. demand at whatever cost. Hence the very j roper use of the state .arilKia in the Cleveland, Ohio, troubles growing out of the strike of the street car men. There were likely two sides originally. There can be but one side now. So with the case of the mining riots in the Idaho district. But in the latter organized labor simply stood for organized crime, before the riots. CIi tu Vuur Check. All corntv warrants registered prior ti October 1,1893, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after -July 20, IS9J. C. I.. Piiii.ups, Oonntv Tre-iFiirtrT. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids Mature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache,Gastralgia,Cramps,and all other results of Imperfect digestion. Prepared by E. C. OeWItt A Co., Crjlcaao. Offers travelers choice of the following routes east. They are all famous for their scenic attraction. O. II. & N. view Ogden and Denver. Shasta Route view Sacramento, Ogden and Denver. Shasta Route view Sacramento, Lcs Angeles and Alberquerque. A dailv line of through PULLMAN PALACE and TOURIST SLEEPER, from San Francieco and Los Angeles to Chicago. This is The Short Line from southern California To the East. Apply to the agents of the O. It. & K. Co. or the undersigned, for folder aur descriptive literature. J. J. DEVEREUX, Gen. Agt. Worcester. Wdg. Portland, Or. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Copyrights c. Anyone f cnllnj n sVctrh end description ma quickly ascertain our opinion free whether a. invention Is probably patentable. Comronnlc. t ions m rictl 7 contlUentlnl. Hand book on t'atcnte tent free. Oldest ocency for Bccurinj: patents. I'atents taken throuch Jlunn & Co. recetTe rjYriat net Ice, without cunrse. In the Scientific Bnericatt A handsomely lllnptrnted wceily. I.arecst clr dilation of any scientlac Journal. Terms. t3 a year: four months, tL Sold by all newsdealer. MUNN & Co.38,Broi:da' New York Branch Ufflco. (25 P Et.. WashiOEton. 1. C. PROFESSIONALS. JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. OfJlce over Trench fc Co.'s Banlc Phone C, THE DALLES, OREGON j-h- (ii:iSKNi)i)i:rri:r. Pliysician and Surgeon, Special attention given to tursery. ttooias 21 and 22, Tel. 323 Vost Bloet NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LANDOrnCEATTlIE DALLES, OjtEOOX,! July IS, UW. J Nollce li lifrcbv eiven that the folloulnc narr.fil tcttlers have ftlol liotieuof Intention to. rrnik'.' linal proof In mpiKirt of their respective , tmiHip uiui; iuv iij;i9ivr niiu ii-cvnri ai iuu Dalles, Utegon, on Saturday, .usutt 19, Ib'J lt. : J.rv! Chrlmnau, of Tlio Dalles, Or.; on II. 1-". No, 5119, for H)J NWJJ, nntl KVf, tcctlon 7, toirnship 1 toulh, range 13 ciibt, VV. il, I" .nn It Clirltman, ofTlio aUea, Or.; on H. K. No. 5131, for SJ$ NKJf. icctloti 12, town tblp 1 south, raiitfe 12 mil, and MjNW'j. kec lion 7, townthlp 1 t-outh, runee 13 catt, W. M. WltueiKPS! ri. It. llrooksandS. ). iptlnscrof The UtMvt, Oregon, and (J. W. Covet t and U. V. McCfllVfy of KinliNtby, Oregon. JAY V. LUCAS, JlyLVIi Ueslsier. Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby glvrn thit the undesigned has been duly apjioiuttd by the hoiMinblC County Coait of the State of Oreston, forVM,o county, as executor of the estate of fhcbsJ. lUlsht, deceased. .Ml ieroiu havlrif,' claims against tald eitntu are hereby notilled to pre bent the same, properly veilflcd. to me at ray ot!)ee In Uallen City. Oregon, within tlx months from the dntorf this notice. Dated thli 6th day of Jnly. IKK). KKANKilKSEFKE. Executor of the estate of I'hcbc i, Jialght. deeexsed. Jlyb-li Santa Fe pie NOTICE OF FINAL SKTTLEMKNT. Notice Is hereby civeu that I hire filed tf 1th tbeCletk ol the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Wmoo County, niy final account m alminUtratorot the etute of C. W, liee, de ceased, and by an order of the County Court aforesaid, m4e June 1, lfcW. Monday, July 3, lb'), at the bour of '2 o'clock . m.. has been fixed as the time and the County Court room In Dalles City as the place for the bearing of objections to said final account, and Me set I le st eat of Mid estate. F. P. mays Jun 3-11 ' Aduiinliirator. A good drug sign. 7? v I You well know that a cooil drug sign is the pationago which is bestowed uu the store. It is the purity of the goods handled and the manner of doine busi ness that makes and keeps this business. We are pleased wilh the result of our ef forts to supply the best drupe at the beat price. Vu are particular about the compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street. THE DALLES ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. n s Pullman Elegant Tourist Sleeping Cart Dining Cars Sleeping Car !5T. I'Al'l. JHNNEAroi.J UULVTII 1-,U!G(I OltANU FOU CItOOKSTON WJNNiriiO ui:r.::NA un HL'TTi: TO Through Tickets chiuaoo T IVAHIIIKCTOK I,IllI,AIKl,rillA NEW YOltK HUSTON AND A 1. 1. I'OINTS EAST and SOUTH 7fZ For information, time cards, naps and Ucien, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon OR A. D. AHLTON. Asst. G. P. A., & rriwjn Cor. Third, t'ortlacd Orccti. Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. ..RAMBLER.. Lock and Gunsmith, and Machine work. Pharlno Durnlifnrf Second St. UIIOIICO UUIUIIlUll.opp. Tnc Columbia Packing Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANOFACT0KKK8 OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON x)RIFiD BEEF, ETC. FBED. W.WILf-O.N. ATTOUSEV-AT IW, ,,.. J,,E DALLES, OREGON. CMLoe ovet First Nat Bins. B I HUXTHfOTON H I WILSOX ltVe rmmm mm I sfSsf''" V " i Zi lohntton. HUNTINQTON . WILSON, AT1DINKYK AT LAW, THE PAUEi, OREGON Ostoa or'r rst Nat. Baok Just What You Luant. Kow ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as we aro showing never be fore graced'a singlu stock. Keal imita tion creton elfect9 at ordinary prices. IGood papers at cheap paper prices ' Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, your: for a small price, at our store on mini street. Also a full lino of bouse paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. GENERAL : ' Wagon and Carriage Work. V jT Fish Brothers' Wngon. Third and Mxm, PIigug 159 1. New and Second Hand Furniture bought and sold at thi Old Stand. Pawn Broker. Jloncy oaned on valuable?. Hor?es bought and sold on commission. 61 2d St. R. B. HOOD. J.S. SCIIBNK, frcsldent. II. M. Beaj. , Cashk'i First Rational Bank. THE DALLES - - OPEQON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight ' Draft or Check. ; Collections made and proceeds promptlj 1 remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold or. , Now York, San i'ranciaco and porl ; land. DIREOTOK8 D. P. Thompson. J.vo. S, Schknce. Ed. M. Williams, Gao. A. Likuk. H. M. BcAr.u For Sale. Three houses and four lots in The Dalles, as a whole or separately. Lo cation east of high school. Pays exceptionally good interest on investment. Property in good con dition. Address, M. F. Fitz Gerald, The Dalles, Or. Send in caroof The Chronicle. ONS FOR A DOSE. BH I ft A max r0 BiacKsmuns ...AND... Horsesnoers i It will be our Complete Line of the Purest Drugs.- And wo invito your attention to our utock of PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND WALL PAPER, BUTLER DRUG COMPANY, .Successor to Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. J. STUBLING Wholesale and Rotnll Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t American Liquor owstone Sour Mash Whiskey. i "WHISKEY from f-'.To to t.l!0 'r imllnn. i i Imported oognacj from -f .w ?i-.w ONLY THE PUREST LIQUOKS SOLD. 4 0LYMPIA BEER on tlrauht, and Val Importtd Ale and Porter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. THE DHLLES TEAIYS LAUNDRY. Dewey white wash? Ye., and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. Tho Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OR. !i- 118-Inch f.lato-. M.u;i.TArri'w:n iiv AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO. SUITABLE 'FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC. Circiilara am) particulars furnished on application. F. I PIONEER I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grooer. Gratidall DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS fp EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funepal Supplies aim to carry a i-l to If) viMtrH out.) ir . Hlatz nnd Olympla Reor in Iwttlej S. GUNNING, Agent, THE DALLES, OltKGON BAKERY. & Burget tyobes, fittriil Shoes Etc. P muiuio