The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 29, 1899, Image 1

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    l)e D n II cg
NO 91
Would Exclude Every American From
This Would Avoid War and Show the
U. S. That There Is No Advantage
to He Gained in Refusal to Have
Itotiudarv Line Determined.
Nr.w Yuiik, July 28. Tlio Hernld'B
correspondent at Ottawa has interviewed
Sir Charles Tuppor, loador of tho ap
position mid Senator David Mills, minie
ter of justice on tlto Alaska boundary
question. Senator Mills went at greut
length to hIiow that tho Canadian con
tention was supported not only by Amer
ican precedents but by the language
of tho treaty.
"Tho settlement of tho question," ho
said, "In ueeorduneu with our conten
tion a mutter of great importance to
Canada, because it gives us easy and in
expensive Ingress to our own territory,
whereas, if tlio United Stntoa wine, it
will bo u great detriutunt to tia and of
iittlu bum-lit to them. I recall a bound
ary dispute botwouu tho United Stutot
Rial Great Britain in which tho Anier
lean authorities contended their views
ought to prevail becauao tho contention
was of great advantage to thnin without
being seriously injurious to England. "
After detailing their contention that
the Canadian line ,was to follow the
winding "of tho coast" and across the
mouth of Inlets and estuaries from head
lands to headlands without following
tho sinuosities of those urms oi tho sea,
Senator M 11 la made this statement:
"Just why the Americans refused to
arbitrate or to compromise exeopt on
conditions impossible to us ia shown in
the treaty or 1825. By tiio Seventh arti
cle of that treaty, 'the veesols of ituesiu
and England or those belonging to tiieir
subjects' were to bo at liberty without
any hindrance whatever to untor all the
inland seas, gulfs, havens mid creeks for
the purpose of flailing and trading with
the natives, Ily nrticlo 10, tho British
nml I'.usaian vessels navigating tho Pa
cific ocean, If compelled by storm or ac
cident, were allowed to take shelter in
the purls of the respective parties and
wore at liberty to refit there.
"Now Is It not too cleai to admit of
question that tho contracting parties as
sumed that under the proviHlons of this
truaty there were ports and estuaries
along the const that were under the sov
ereignty of each? Yet if tlio United
States1 contention is correct there woie
no purls and waters remaing to Great
llrltaiu. As n matter of fact if tlio
treaty ia followed, tho Lynn canol will
1)3 found to bo ontiroly within Canadian
territory. This point was made in tho
commission. On that Canada would
lmvo won. That is why there is no arbi
tration." Seven Babies nt a Birth.
l!iiow.NHVii,i.K, Pa July 20. Mrs
George Uuokott, colored, uged 22, gave
birth to Bovon bableB today, four boys
and three girls. Though small, all wore
well lormed and lusty lungod. Threo
lived till noon, whon they succumbed to
the awful heat of tho badly ventilated
room in which they lay with their
wether, and later In tho nfternoou three
others died. One, a boy, remains and
doctors say ho has a good chance to livo.
f he hither Is a laborer, 25 years old. The
mother has had two children before,
toth of whom are alive.
Helping the Insurgents.
Nkw Yobk, July 28.-A special to the
Herald from Washington says ; Accord
toll to verbal reports to the navy (ram
oiiiserB reluming from the Philippines,
AHUlnaldo continues to get war supplies
aVAI Baking
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
through German more hunts in Hong
Kong and Japanese merchants in Yoko
hama, nltbouch our consuls have been
directed to keep a sharp lookout for fili
bustering. In ti'ore than ono instance, British
ofllcera hnvo aided the United States in
preventing tho shipment of arms from
Hong Kong, but of liners just returned
say there is no doubt the temptation of
fered by Agulnaldo'e high prlceB line In
duced merchants to violate tho neutral
ity laws and try to force the imperfect
Twelve Spanish gunboats recently put
on blockade duty have done remarkably
good service In cutting off supplies be
tween different islands. Last mail re
ports Bald they had captured 16 differ
ent cargoes of supplies, but not any val
uable munitions of war.
Come Out Red Hot and Go So High They
Get Cool Before Reaching Terra
Pinna Again.
Honolulu, July 21, y'u San Francisco,
July 20. Tlio volcanic eruption on
MaunaLna is still in full blast. Tho lava
flow le apparently filling up the table
hind, and Hilo uud the whole island of
Hawaii are enveloped in smoke. Vessels
encounter dense clouds of emoko a hun
dred miles out at sea, and navigators are
Eononsly inconvenienced. Kilnun is also
smoking freely and indications nie this
volcano will soon be in active eruption.
Frank Davey, a photographer, has re
turned from a visit to the volcano, lie
says there ia a aeries of eight craters ;
five of them wore dead, but appeared to
have boon active quite recently. One of
the others wan belching forth smoke and
fire and molten rocks of great size. Ac
cording to Davey, the rocks were as big
as horses and went eo high that they
cooled hofore fallintr to the ground again.
It took Davey and his party 15 hours to
ascend the mountain from the active cra
ter to the summit, where their horses
were left. Two men became delirious
from want of water.
The trip is described as a terrible t no
in tho extreme. All around the top of
the mountain was cold, but at the cra
ter It was verv hot, Tho extremes were
such as would knock most anybody out.
Cutiiri'li C'ltniiiit tin Cured
with local applications, as they cannot
reach tho seat of tho disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disense, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal vomeiiios. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken Internally, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by ono of the best
physicians in this country for years, and
is u regular piescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
tho best blood purifiers, acting directly
on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect
combination of tho two ingredients is
what nroducos such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. J. Ciiknky & Co., Props., Tolodo 0.
Sold by drrugglstB, prico 7fc.
Hall's Family Pills arc tho beat. 12
Sue For Marriage Fee.
HiM.Hiioo. Or.. July 27.-A very pe
culiar case has been (lied in Justices
Humphrey's court. Tho parents ol a
brldo suo hor husband for $50, alleged
t-. ha due for their consent to the union.
Julius and Mlnnlo Peopplos are tlio
plaintiffs, and Joaoph Rooka the ueienu
ant. Tho comnlaint allegea that tho de-
f mdant agreed to pay plaintiffs that sum
for the girl's services from nie nmuui
marriage until she became of age. The
plaintiffs Allege that no part of the sum
has been paid. Rooks married Mi s
Peopples last November.
Polygamy, or Spinstcrhood.
Chicago, Jnly 27. A epecial to the
Times-Herald from Independence, Kan.,
aavs: The girls' clubs of several South
ern Kansas towns have resolved never
to marry a young man unless he served
with the famous Twentieth Kansas.
They say thoy are determined to keep
their agreement and that sooner than to
marry a man who stayed at home they
will remain single h11 their lives. They
Intend to give the boys of the regiment
a big reception when they return.
Election Notice,
By virtue ol an order made by the
Board of Fire Delegates of Dalles City
fire department on the 18th day of
July, 1809, notice ie hereby given that
there will bo an election held for the
purpose cf electing a chief engineer and
an assistant chief of Dalles City fire de
partment, said election to be held on
the first Monday in AugUBt, said day
being the 7th of August, 1899. The
polling place of said election shall be at
the fire engine house, situated on Third
street, Dalles City, and the polls of said
election Eball open at 5 o'elock p. m.
and be closed at 7 o'clock p. in. on said
Dated Dallea City, Oregon, this 24th
doy of July, 1899.
Secretary Board of FirH Delegates.
Jly 24-2wk J
Gun-shot wounds and powder-burnp,
cuts, brniBes, sprains, wounds from
rusty nailB, insecte stings and Ivy poison
ingquickly Healed by DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Sulve. Positively prevents blood
poisoning. Beware of counterfeits. De
Witt's is Mfe and sure. Butler Drug Co.
"What might have been" if that
little cough hadn't been neglected, ie tho
sad reflection of thousands of consump
tives. One Minute Cough Cure cures
coughB and colds. Butler Drug Co.
DeWitt'e Little Early Risers benefit
permanently. They lend gentle assist
ance to nature, causing no pains or
weakness, permanently curing constipa
tion and liver ailments. Butler Drug
You can't euro dyspepsia by dieting
Eat good, wholesome food, and plenty
of it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digeele
food without aid from the stomach, and
is made to cure. Buller Drug Co.
Last Thursday, in this city, a cold
watch. Waltham movement. A liberal
reward is offered to tho finder if returned
to tills office or to E. J. Collins. 25 ot
SI20 Kuwiml.
A reward of $20 will be paid for the ar
rest of any person caught stealing flowers
or anything else fiom the Odd Fellows'
Iliirinoii)" Whlshoy.
Harmony whitkey for family and
special use', sold by Ben Wileon, Tho
Dalles. tt
To Oure u Hold in Oim Day.
Take Lusatlvo Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All drugglate refund the money if
it falls to cure. 25a.
You need have no boils if you will
buy Clarke & Fnlk's sure cure for bolls.
Use Clarko & Fulks Rosofoam for tho
teet'n. tf
Cures Impotcncy, Night Emissions and
wasting dlBcaecs, all effects of self-
nbuse, or excess uuu tnum
crction. A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks anf
restores the fire of youth.
Rv mall JSOa ner box: O boxes
iuU Kt with a. written sruaruil
teo to cure or refund the mouoy.
We AIM if Natives Is Far Fia
Commission ccms to Have Accotn
plished Nothing Justice Chamb
ers Talks.
Sax Francisco, July 28. Samoan ad
vices under date of July 14, were receiv
ed today by the steamer Moanna as fol
lows: The situation in Samoa is one of
great uneasiness, the attitude of natives
being far from reassuring. Several fights
have occurred in different portions of
the islands between supporters of rivals
for the kingship, and several natives
have been killed. Nothing much seems
to have been accomplished by the high
commission since arms were surrendered
by the contending factions.
Chief Justice Chambers, being dissat
isfied with the support extended to his
court by the commissioners, will leave
today for Washington. Their action in
refusing the aid asked for to sustain the
court'B authority is said to have been
prompted by dispactches received by the
German commissioner from his home
government, which, it is claimed, is
greatly displeased with his recognition
of the eupteme court in the kingship
The commissioners have been well re
ceived on all tho islands they visited.
They expected to sail for the United
States on tho Badger on July 10.
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or ,
June SO, lbW. j
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance
with the piovislnns of the net of congress of
June S, 187i), entitled "An act for the sale of
timber lauds in the states of California. Oregon,
Nevada and Washington territory," Charles
tiossou, of ThCDnlles, couuty of Wasco, state of
Oregon, has this day filed In thiB ottice his
sworn statement No. 141, for the purchase of the
lot 4 nud SEJi SW,l; of Sec. No. '."J, in Township
No. 1 N, range No. 12 E, and will oiler proof to
show that ttie loud sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, und to establish his claim to s ild land bo
fore tho register and receiver of this oltlco at
The Dalles, Oregon, on Friday, the 11th day of
September, 1S'J!.
Ho iiamts as witnesses, A. Turner, . Clark.
Peter Eugau. G. Whltmore, all of Tho Dalles, Or.
Any ami all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to file tlnlr
claims in this otlice on or before said 8th day of
September, lbW. J. 1. hi' CAS,
jlyts-ti Register.
Notice of Filing Final Account
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
the assignee of J. W. Moore, II. E. Moore, and
.1. W. audit. H. Moore, insolvent debtors, has
tiled with tho clerk of tho eiicuir court, of tr.e
State of Oregon, for Wasco couuty, his tluul ac
count as such assignee: the same will be heard
and passed upon by said circuit court on the 1st
duv of tlio next regular term of said circuit
court, to-wit, tlio November, lblO.term thereof, tit
(he hour of ton o'clock a, m,, or as soon there
after as the matter can be reached.
jlyl& 11 1'oLK BUTLER, Assignee.
Land Office at Tun Dalle?, Oregon j
Juuo io, lsi'y. i
Iwitlco Ik herebv riven that the fullowim;
named wettler has tiled notice of his intention
to make tlual proof In support of his claim, and
that s ild moor will bo made before the icuistcr
and receiver at Tho Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday,
July '."J, 1KW, viz:
IHUIH ..rilllHlHI.
widow of Pierre Urimaud, deceased, of The
Dalles: II. K. No. U070. for the K.'i SK!i See.:!!,
Tp. 1 north, K 12 K. W M.
lie names mo louowjug witnesses m prove
his continuous residence uuon und cultivation
of said I'Uid, viz;
Ctms. A. Schutz, Rock Cary, Louis Samloz
Andrew Urquhurt, all of The Dalles, Oregon.
JuuU ll JAY 1'. LUCAS, Register.
U. e. Land Office, The Dali.ks, Oh. j
July 11, lb!H. j
A Milllclout contest ntlldavit having been (lied
lu this office by Janus Toulk, contestant,
aealnst homestead entry No. 41)38, mudu Nov.
4th, 1MU. for Sk bVj4. NKtf SWJi.Scc. Sl.tOHn
ship 3 8, It ia K, nud HW'i NWfef, Bee, 3, towu-
min b, n to a, uy i nonius jeureys, comouce,
in which It is ulleced that he bus abandoned
sUl tract for more tlmn 0 months, Bald parties
are hereby notified to appear, respond und
crier evidence touching- said allegatlou, at 10
o'clock n. lu, on Sept. 4. 1MW, before the register
and receiver at the United States land olflcelu
Tlio Dalies, or.
Tho Hiild contestant having In a proper
fttUdavlt, llted July 1st. lbW, net forth facts
which show that alter due dillKeuec, personal
service ol thin notice cau not bo uuue, it is
herebv ordered and directed that auoh notice be
Jlven by due and proper publication.
IjW-U JAY V.LUCA8, ftegUter,
Jast Opened....
paney Silk
Shirt Waists
A. M. Williams & Co.
If Tl f i
I f ? 1
1 $ I
I f f Th, I
II r The- T Danes, ( I
I ? t Chronicle, ' 1
i . . Job Printers. 1
I ft f 1
1 5 .a. S
I ( I
I i I
W ! ! i
II ! $ f
Land Oitick at Vancouvek. Wash.,)
July 6, isiw. (
Notice is hereby given tlu.t tho following
named settkis have hied notice of their Inten
tion to make llual iiroof in sunnoit of their
clulins. and that satil proofs will be made b.'foro
w, u. riesnv, I'lineu siaieB uommisoioner lor
Dlstiict of wiislilugtou, at his olUco in (iolden
dale, Masblugtou, ou Monday, August U, lbtW,
viz, i
Stephen Mnrtett.
Homestead Entry No. Wl, for the S. !; N. E. i,
N. E. i S. K. 54 section VJ, and B. W. li N. W.L
of Section 20, Township 4 North, of Range U
r.ui, n in uer.
He unmcji tho followlne nitnessf b to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation
sum lunu, viz:
Carl Krunzen, Christian Frunzen, Porter L.
Ilurdlboii, Murlon Bplawu, all of Lyle 1'. 0.,Viisb,
l'orter L. Hardlsou,
Homestead Entry No. 9051, for tho 8. E. l of
B, K. 14 of Section iy; tho 8. W. i of 6. W. X,
Section 20; E. i n( N. E. Section 3.), Towa
ship 3 North, of Rauao 13 East, Will. Mer.
110 names the followiug titueksea to prove
his continuous residence upon, und cultivation
of said land, viz.;
Curl Pranzeu, Christian Frauzon, Btopheu
Uarlett, Murlon Splawu, all of Lyle 1'. O., Wash,
Jt8 II '. K. DUNBAR, KOK-iter.
U. 8. t.AND Office, Tho Dalles, Ore.
July 25, IblM. I
Nntlco is hereby given that tho order of De
cember S, lt'J I, temporarily withdrawing from
disposal, for the purposes of n bout railway, the
latids ou tho south side and within six miles ot
tho Columbia river, between 'lliu Dulles and
Celllo, has been revoked by tho president, er
reptus to tho following dcscilbed parcels: one lu
tho NWUof See 31, T 2 N, It 14 E, ciilitslulng
about four and one-half ncro, and tho other in
thoNVM.8cc2l, T 2 N, K 15 E, containing about
half an acre. '
On and after September 1, 1S09, we will receive
applications lor uuy vacuut lauds Included
then-Ill. J. I. l.UCAB,
OTIS 1'ATTEBSON, Register.
Receiver. jlyO t
Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned,
has tiled hU llual account us executor of tho es
tate of Surah Me A tea with tuo clerk ot tho
count court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco
county, and that Thursday, tho 13th day of July,
IBW, at the hour of 10 o'clock u. ni. baa bean,
fixed us the time and tho county court room In
Dullei City ai tho p uco for the hearing of ob
jections to said niiMl account uud settleiueut of
said estate.
, Dated July 13, 1S99. THOB. NOHVAU
Jun U l Ksecutor.