The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 28, 1899, Image 4

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    , ,
I and they any it is the best medicine they
ever used. Eor sale bv Blakeley &
llougtitcn Druggists.
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the ystem
f OS SAL1 BY 11) ORVCOSrs, PfTXC 50c PIR K7M.
)F. X. Dones is in from Sherars Rriric.
.'John Parott was a passenger for Port
land tin's morning.
G. A. Thomas and wife came up from
"White Salmon yesterday.
Mrs. Clvda rtonnev came up from her
iionte at Flood River last evening.
;Tobn Cates went to Cdecutea thi
jnumins to 'penri u fev weeks with his
V. P. McCully, nf the Goldendale
Sentinel, came over from that place on
hie wheel today.
Miss Lizzie noun, who line spent eome
weeks in Portland, returned home last
jo it: hi, on the boat.
"Miss MilHOross accompanied Miss
Hall to Co'lins Landing today, and will
join the campers there.
T. A. Hudson, drove out to Dufur on
a business trip today, We can't eay
xliat we envy him the' ride.
"Leo Newman left on the hoat this
.mtorning for his home in Portland, after
.-a few days' vitit in the city.
Mrs. W. H. Wilson left this morning
to pass the remainder of the warm
weather in camp at Cascades.
A. R. Thompson eaya it's too warm
in The Dalles, and returned to camp
..near JJppd River this morning.
"Miss Hattie Cram was ft passenger on
this mominc's boat. She will visit
Miss Grace Hobson at Cascadee.
Miss Caesie Bailey, who has been at
Grass Valley for the past three wekp,
returned to her home in this city last
Mre. E. H. Shoomake arrived in tho
.city from Portland a few evenings since
and is a guest at the home of J. L.
lies May Jones left the city ynster
Jay for Soda Sprinsrp, in Klickitat
county, where elm will b) the guest of
Mies Bertha Curtis.
Misses Maude anl Flla Frizzell re
turned to their homo at Cnscdes today,
'imviiii: been called hen; on Mount of
the death of their grandmother, Mre.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Melnnis and family
left this mornint! for .Seaviuiv, Ilwauo
lieaeh. Mr. Mcluuis will return Sun
day, leavine the family to enjoy the Eea
breezes during (ho summer months.
Americans Capture Calamba.
Manila, July 27.-7 :10 p. m. Briga
dier-General Hall, with 1000 men, has
captured Culamba. on Lngnna do Bay.
Loss to the United States forces, 1 killed,
12 wounded.
Washington-, D. C, July 7. Calam
ba is a town of nearly 12,000 population,
located on the eastern shore of the bay
thirty miles southeast of Manila, and is
much further south than tho American
troops had yet penetrated on land.
DeWltt's Little Early Risers expel
from the system all poisonous accumu
lations, rcculato the stomach, bowels
and liver, and purify the blood. Thoy
drive away disease, dissipate melancholy
and give health and vluor for the daily
routine. Do no gripe or sicken. Butler
Drug Co.
Corcoran Was Found Guilty.
ali.ace, lualio, July U. the jury
arrived at a verdict of murder in the
second degree at 4 o'clock this morning
Within 20 minutes after tho jury retired
eleven of them favored tho verdict final
ly rendered, one man holding out six
hours for murder in tho iirst degree.
Under Idaho's laws, murder in the
eecjnd degree is punishable by im
pri8onment from ton years to life
Sentence will ba rendered at 1 o'clock,
when the court will take a recess until
fall. Judge and attornevs leave for
home at 2 o'clock.
The verdict is well received by friends
of the state. Tiie defense calls it an out
rage, but it is not believed that an ap
peal will be taken, trusting to executive
nlemsucy later, rather than risk a new
Falls Victim to Dastardly
Assassins, -
Plot of
Caroline Islanders Want to Ik Annexed
to the United States.
San' Fju.vcisco, July 20. Tho Call to
morrow will say :
"The natives of the island of Kusaie,
in the Carolines, want to be annexed to
the United States. The king, high chiefs
and prominent men on tho island, to the
numb t of 72, have fo-warJed a petition
to that effect to San Francisco, with the
request that it be laid before the presi
dent. They eay not a word about the
Spaniards or the Germans, but simply
ask to be taken under the fold of the
Stars and Stripes. The petition was for
warded today to the president.
"When the barkeutine Ruth arrived
from the islands a few months ago, she
brought the news that the Germans were
trying to secure a foothold on the island
and the natives were preparing to resist
them. Now that Germany has pur
chased tho group from Spain, ehe will
at once tako possession, and there may
bo a war on Kusale similar to that in
the Philippines. Tho petition iias ar
rived too late."
I. ot.
Three horses June 10, 1899, described
aB follows: two weUhin: about 1400
each. One a )i;ht chestnut branded D
1 r . .i l.l it, t . v
vii it'll Miuuiuer. uuut iiuio'j uiuiiul-u j
C on left fhoulder. One bald faced
eorrel weighing about 1200; roached
mane. A liberal rovrard for information
of tho whereabouts, or the return of
asine. A. Ma a on, J. Bays, Contractors,
Vicnto, Or., or B. V. IIuhua.nd, Hosier,
Or. j2S-lui
Volcaulc Iirtitlunn
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of.jiy. liuckleie Arnica Salvo cures
them ; also old, runuing and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cut?, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Beet Pile cure on
arlh. Drives out pains and aches.
Only 25 cte. a box. Cure guaranteed.
6old bv Blukeloy & Houghton, drug
tktfl. Z
An Epld.mlc of OUrrlioea.
3Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoa
.at Grove, Flu., there has been
qalte an epidemic of diarrhoea there,
file hd a revere attack and was cured
by four dotes of Chamberlain's Chollc,
Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy. lie'
ejra he also recommended It to otberf I
Use Clarke & Falks Roeofoam for the
teetn. tf
Aik your grocer for Clarke & Falk's
pure concentrated fUvormg extracts, tf
For the best results uee tho Vive
Oniimra. For sale by tho Postoflico
harmacy. . tf
Latest thing in cameras are Im
proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's
drug store. '
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of
ch'cken feed. mch25-tf
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy,
For sale at all first-class bars. C. J.
Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles. Ml7-3m
Drink Warren's Pure Gicger Brandy.
For tale at all first' cln eh bare. C. J
tubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m.
Try Verba Buena Bittere, the best
For sale at all first-class bare,
Stubling, agent, The Dalles.
M 17.3m
Verba Buena Bitters, the best
For sale at all first-class bars.
Stubling, agent, The Dalles.
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
that will tako larger pictures than any
other Camera on tho market. For sale
by Clarke & Folk. tf
Mr. and Mrs, B. Lack amp, Elston,
Mo., writes : "One' MInuto Cough Cure
saved the life of our little boy when
nearly dead with croup." Butler Drug
DeWitt's Little Early Risers benefit
permanently. Thoy lend gentlo atiiil-
anee to naturo, earning no pains or
weakneia, permanently curing constipa
tion and liver ailment. Butler lrug
Co. -
Ami Second Killed An Old Man Stand
ing Near By Gomez Aspires to
Succeed the Murdered President.
Cape IIaytikn, July 27. Details of tho
murder of President Heureaux, of San
Domingo, received hero arc to tho effect
that he was assassinated as he was about
to leavo on horseback for Santiago de
los Caballeros. The assassin, Ramcn
Caceros, surrounded by several accom
plices, approached tho president as ho
was talking witli some friends, and fired
twico with a revolver. Tho first bullet
struck the president in the left side and
penetrated tho heart, causing instant
death. Tho second bullet killed an old
man standing near the president. The
assassin and accomplices then fled to
avoid shots lired at them by the presi
dent's friends. The body of tho president
was taken to the palace of the governor
of Moca.
Ileureaus's death has caused a panic
It is said that one Juan Isadro Jiminez,
who took part in the attempted iu9urrec
tion of June, 1S9S, is a candidate fur the
presidency. It is reported General Maxi
mo Gomez, formerly president of tho Cu
ban insurrectionists, n ho is u native of
Santa Domingo, also aspired to the pres
idency. The father of Caceros, the as
sassin, was put to ueatn uv order oi
Ileureaux in 1SS1.
C. J.
C. J.
No Disorder Yet.
Foist de Fkance, July 27. News of
the president's death spread rapidly and
caused much emotion among the inhabi
tants of the island. It is believed by
many that the murder was the result ot
political conspiracy. Vice-President
Figne has taken precautions to prevent
disorder, and has taken command of
troops to that end, but up to the present
all is quiet.
Confirmed at Washington.
Washington-, July 27. Tho state de
partment received confirmation of the
death of the president of San Domingo,
in the ehape of the following dispatch
from tho United Stales consul at Puerto
Plata: "President Heuroaux assassin-
Iteumrkalilo Uescuo.
Mrs. Michael Cirtain, Plainfield, III.
makes the statement, that she caught
cold, which eettled on her lungs; ehe
was treated for a month by her family
physician, but grew worse. He told her
she was a hopales victim of consumption
and that no medicine could cure her.
Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption ; tho bought
a bottle and to hor deliuht found herself
benefited from the first dose, fiho con
tinued to use and after taking six bottles
found herself sound and well; now does
her own housework, ami is as well as
she ever was. Freo trial bottle of this
Great Discovery at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. Onlv 50 cents and $1
bvery bottle guarantied. 0
A diseased stomach surely under
mines health. It dulls the brain, kills
energy, destroys tha nervous system,
and predisposes to Insanity and fatal
diseases. All dyspeptic troubles aro
quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It has cured thousands of caees and is
curing them every day. Its ingredients
are such that it can't help curing.
Rnipes-Kinersly Drug Co.
Ktic'j day our business shows
the people urc finding out we
arc pushing to the front with
butter goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very best, nnd
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business mill buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens j
Second Street.
Teeth Extracted FREE
llest Crown and litido work .22k. gold;, per tooth
lies) pet teeth, guaranteed
Best Gold Killing
liest silver or alloy filling
... $1.50
$1.00 up
, f)0c up
Rooms 11-12 13,
Chapman Block, Second St.
Portland Dental Parlors
Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S.. Manager.
Tie Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.'
sifS'RepIalord Dalles Citj
Dally (except Sunday) between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Looks,
and Portland.
Touching at way tioinji on both tides o the
Columbia river.
Both of tho above steamers have lioeii rchullt.
and arc in uxccllen: uic fur the reason ot lhW.
The Itrculntitr I-tf will endeavor toirivc Its.
miruua me oi'si tervico jxjbsioie.
lor Couir.irt. Kcoiiomv ami I'lramirc.
tinvel by tho ttcauiers oi The Ituculutur
The above hlcnmers leave The Dalle at a 11. m.
nnn foriiami at 7 n. in., una arrive at dcstlna
Hon In mnpl time for outgoing trains.
Portland Olllcc. I'lic Pallest Ofilcc-
oak fat. Douk. Court Street
W. C. Allaway,
General Agent.
Office over French it Co.'b llnk
Physician and Surgeon,
8cclal attention given to surgery.
Boomh 21 and Si, Tel. 32$ Voct Block
Oflloo ovci First Nat. UhdK.
ovr ntNAtltaak.
..cjuis. mM-
' ButehePs
and Farmer's
Keep on draught tho celebrated
COMJMIIIA IlHEIl, acknowl.
tdjjcd tho best beer In Tho Dulh-s,
at tho usual price. Come In, try
It and be convliiocd, li the
Fluent brand of Wines, Liquor
uud Cigars.
of all Kinds always on band.
F- s.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
nor. Second & LanatiliD. 'PJaone 157
improved CYCLONE Wagazine-
No. 4 islzoa1, x4,' SB. OO
No. 5-(3izo4x5). 10.00
FOR 1899.
Ton Points to Consider:
12 Plcturoo In 12 Socontlo.
hliuttur Hulb riulimao.
Slutttor Automatic.
Shuttur Lockn,
la Aluminum Hlatoholdors.
Sot otopH.
Spoclnl Quick Land.
Automntla Hijirmtar.
AM unrtH Intorclinnrronhlo.
t:xi)C)Hii(l pltitoH rnmovotl without
(llQturhlnir unuxpoHuci.
1899 Cntnlofiuo with com
ploto information FREE.
Jtiat Arrived
i j Caiiiera with bulb ehuttcr.
How About YourTitle?
A UK YOr Sl'UK it nil ritjht? Uctiiombor it in tliu
H liHCOlM) tlmt k'overiiu. It ia our liusim-es to
fearch tin) rcuonh mill fcluiw what thov contain in
relation to land titles. If you contonitilnto buying land
or loanini money on real eatatu security, take no iiiiut'
word, but iuaiel upon knowing what tliu record allows
rt'nanlititj the title. An Abstract la as eaaontiul n a
deed. Insist on having it. Wo liavo tho only net of
Abstract Hooks in the County. All work proinntly ex
ecuted and satisfaction uiiaranteed. It vou inivo nron-
erty to in-uro, jjivu us it call. We aro ntiuntH for four of
the best firo insurance companies in tho world. If you
havo property for sale, list it with uh and we'll linda
J, M. Huntington & Co.
Phono 81. 2d St., oppo3lto A. M. Wllllama & Co.
mmr,rnl(ln Vj 8lcc.l to the consumer as a
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
Letters of Credit leeued available in the
Ollint Ekchftnra and
Traaifers eold on New York. Sliitiio,
8t. Looia, 8n Francleco, Portlnd Oi
Kon, Seattle Wuby and variolic polnti
In Oregon and Wublngton.
COlieCtiOBI fiaada at alt I
orabletero.. " v"
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headauart first f. m
A v woou vjrraiii ot ail Kinas,
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ,n kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain a kind
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, saaSSS.
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOn FlOUT. Wonr is manufactored expraeily for UtaWf
Hlghert Prices P.ld for Wht, Bwl.y and Oatt.