SATURDAY, JULY ?9th We hnvo jiiHt ono moro opportunity In tttta month to nft'ur you Some Rare Bargains Wo will quote you n list of the pluma. iV- Iiwtm Tii: Cunllius .2Jfe I ! Perenlea -,'fcu I 7ju'c Pcrcnloa -lc fie Uwnuund Dimities fiom 7Jo, 8,is'c, 10j, ILe nnd 15c, nil tit ono price, 5c per yard. Figured Pique?, Dimitien nnd Lnwna, 12Jc and 15u pos- ynrd, 9c per yard. Fancy Lace Stripe in fancy colors, 13c per yard. Quadrille Organdies in plain colora, 15c per yard. Quadrille Organdies in flowered deaigns, nud just the tiling for thoso warm (Iuvb nnd delightful evenings, 16 2-3c per yard. Skirts. Colored UnderHldrtH in fanev etrini-H, double flounce nud corded rallies, worth $1.50, 98 cents. Waists Cheaper than ever. Fine Percale Frmi'ih Giuiiham and Lawn WulatB "tie, worth up to fl.L'.J. French Net Bummer CorsotB '2:, Hiiiffl Hi to !5. While Piiiuo nnd White Duck fjkirts 75c. Capes. The balance of our Summer Cnpes will bo sold at half the re gular price. Wrarae JVx a. Another big drive in Percale WrnpperH, liyht, medium and dark colore, 69c each. Suits. i J ailor mnde suitn in mixed hi iipt nnd browtiB $0.93. Kxtrn ppocial for Saturday only, I.ndiob', Mianee' und Children Straw Hats in 15c, All Cioocln Marked In Plain FlRiiren. The Dalles Daily Ghronfela, FRIDAY JULY 28, ISO!) Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVEUTISEKS: All Clia iics in Advertisement!! must be handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., ns no changes will he accepted in the aft ernoon This rule will lie positive. CHRONICLE PUHUSHlNd CO. The Dalles, January 10, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Watch for Shnw'a hand Monday morn lug. Tomorrow ia solo day at A. M. Will iams k Co.'a. Don't forget tho date. Monday, July 31st. in when tho Shaw Company begins its engagement. U'h an East wind Mutt blows nobody Kood those days, ulMiongh U doepn't (com "so warm," coming Irom a little to the Northeast. Got poatod on Wllflnma &, Co.'a sale. Shirt w-ilata cm bo bought only be tween tho hourj of 0 nnd 12 n. in. nt tho reduced prlcos. The tomperatuie today eaya 00 In some plucoi and a little lets in others. Jn Portland the tomporaturo waa iionr tho 100 mnrk yesterday. Uat night's Times - Mountaineer claims the presout protective tariff Is a "breeder of trusts." He haa forgotten "at the untl.protecllve policy n Uw years slneo wai reajonsiblo for the "busts." Hay Oroek today say "Hollo" to B over the Oregon Telephone lino. In "y or two It will bo "Hello Prlne V'llo." Kouert May, Jr., Is talking ol having a "phone put In at Ills place near Antolopo. The effect of tho foreit fires Is now be R'nning to be Je!t In earnest, and this morning the elty was surrounded with a which told tea plainly (bat the wonarchsoltbelorMt had begun tbtlr yearly "smokers." Everyone draada he approach of the smoky eeiison, w hieb reudurp thuhent mi lunch more opprca aivo, and ulao rominds us that our timber ia fust being destroyed. Yesterday afternoon Frank Connolly went to Dnfur nnd brought hack with him Jell Walton, who ia cliurgod with Mm robbery thnio Monday night. Ilia case will cjino up tomorrow in Justice Bay arda'a court, nnd ho ia held in ?-00 bonds to appear at Mint time. Puat Grand Sachem John Michel), F. L'ltuki! and XV, II. Uutta returned yea day from Pendleton, where they havo boeu attending Mm grand council of Red Men. They report a splendid fil'aaion, nnd pay the banquet Tuoedny night was "hiyn ekr.ukoin muokamuek." Just below Bridal Veil, oiyu island, are toiiH upon tons of natural Ice. This body of ico was frozen during tlio winter, and tho heavy wind a blow the Band in great drifts over it. Tho loaidentH of Mie vicinity of Capo Jlorn crosa over to the inland nnd dig down in the eand nix or eight inches und out out great ehunke of ice. Tho fishermen tintinged in auin ing for ealmon ueiir tliia ialand use tho ico constantly. Work on M10 6. U. A N. construction I ttsi DXrtnviit try T .mt.i f m o linf tprilritn. lug very fast, owing to tho difficulty ex perienced In getting men at n day. Farmers aro offering men $1.75 a day Including hoard, and the mnu aro do sorting tho oontraetor to work on farms. Tho heat bus been intense, and work men socio to profor drinking buttermilk with the farmers rather than ehovoling duet nnd sand for contractors. Prosident Penroeo of Whitman college nt Wnlln Walla, tins recently received a check for $5,000 rb a subscription to the dormitory fund of thocollogo. The donor is a wealthy lady of Massachusetts who does not deslro to have her naiuo mHde public. Her huaband before his death ,was In the habit of giving $1,000 a year to tho colloge and for his sake nnd be cause of her own deep interest In the institution, the wife has kept up the yearly donation. This splendid gift brings tho dormitory fond up to about 28,000. A great menace U the sidewalks of the city is tho bet Uiat the herd of cows being driven to ad fro each morning .... ann evening are permuted tt pass over tiiem, thus damaging the walks and oftimes making them impassable. This is inn measure tho fnultof the herders, who seemingly tnke m pains to keep mom in tho road, but have bern eeon to gallop up tho walks Ion horseback at though they had been mode for that purpose Complaint should bo made to tho marshal and n stop put to the practice. An Irish priest had labored hard with 0110 of his flock to induce him to give up tho habit of drinking, but tho man was obdurate. "I tell you, Miehnel," said tho prlcot, "whiskey ia your woret enemy, and you should keep as far away from it as you can." "My enemy is it, father," responded Miehnel. "An it was your livironco'a self that was tellin' ns in tho pnlpit only last Sunday to love our enemies." "So I was, Mich nol," rejoined tho priest, bat was I any ;vhero telling you to swallow 'cm?" Ex. Pooplo returning from North Beach say that the benchers are having a heavier run of crabs nnd clams this year than in any year 'in M10 history of the resort. On the nightB of the 22d, 23d and 24th north winds landed thous ands of crabs, and each rnorninc'follow ing tho ueaeiders were out with wagons, baskets nnd sacks to bring in the fish, and to ship largo quantities to friends. Clams also were unusually plentiful, and it was an ordinary matter for a eea sider to dig up enough to last for a week with less than an hour's work. Now that business is somewhat dull dining tho Bummer months it would be flne opportunity to mako a general eloan-un of the streets and alleva sur rounding your places of business. Do not, however, dump the refuse into the street nnd lrave it there, or, what is jnat ns bad, set fire to it there nnd make your neighbors miserable by the smudge created. It is never entirely coiienmed in that way. There ia n man about . 11 WHO UlUKCS 1113 KV2I12 nv Haulms refuee outside the city limits. Let him tnke it to tho bench nnd there set fire to it, not leaving it to litter up Mie water front, as many are in tho habit of doing. A telephone message was received ljst night from officers in Portland by Marshal Hughes to stoj) two men wbo would be on the freight train which pasfea through this city about Miree o'clock. They are wanted in Portland for robbery. He accordingly appeared at tho train nud found his men one n negro. The latter ia said to he a mem ber of tho Twenty-fourth regiment which haa been utationed at Vancouver, lie allowed tight, und also a ra.or, when the officer attempted to arrest him ; but tho marshal was too many for him and bringing fortii his "dlasolver," ooon sub dued the fallow and made him to under stand hu did not belong to si New Yoik regiment nnd wouldn't be walked over. They now "quietly repose" in the city "summer legort," where they will re main until Ru officer arrives from Pert land this afternoon. ToJay wu were shown ono of the most beautiful views of Oregon Ecenery we hnvo ever seen. It na a pictme of Lost lake taken by Mr. GilTord. In the foreground was tho beautiful lake, clear nnd calm, while mirrored in ita waters waa tlie imnc.0 of old Mt. Hood eo plain that one could tunrccly toll whether the mountain in i ho background was the original or the shadow. Mr. GilFord snys he hao another view which ho con siders even littler than Mile. The mountain is smaller, but lie haa more foreground, and by the side of the mountain ia a timber covered peak. To ono side of the lake aro largo fir trees, whibi on the opposite eido tiro tho charred remains of Iiiph pino trees. Jutting out into the lake ia n largo sung, which always makes n good effect in a picture of that sort. They will be splendid additions to liiu already large collection. The Astoria people havo changed the dnto of opening the fall term of echoo) from September 25th to October 2J, which ia n splendid idea, Weie the schools of our city to open nt .'east two weeks later, it seems to us it would be much piefernble. Ah it is, they close early In the season when it ia yet cool und when teachers nnd pupils would just as soou remain in the school room a few weeks Inter, und open during the very warm weather, thus causing families to hnston homo from cummer resorts much earlier than they would wish, and at just the time when the weather is tho most pleasant at tho bench. We hnvo hoard many parents express the rlah that the date of open ing change and would suggest that such be the case unless the directors have some reatou which wo kuow not of for tho present arraugement. The season being later tbis year will no doubt cause the worm weather to continue during the entire mouth of September, VMto lu Vour CkMki, All oountv warrants registered prior to October 1,1895, will bo paid at my office. Interest ceasea after July 20, 1890. C. .L. Philups, County Treasurer. THE LA8T RIVER CRO8SED. J Oil II Irvine, 11 Pioneer ol '63 flics at ru II dine lu TliU City. Yet Another pioneer has made tho last long journey, compared with which nil others aro nothing. Tho final river has been crossed and "sweet lielda beyond the owellinz flood" burst upon the view of ono who waa among thote .who In early years cought tho West ns his abid ing place and to whom tho view of tho rivers of the Pacific coast most have been as a very oasis after months of weary travel through barren plains. But forty seven years hnvo passed sinco that timo nnd in those years John Irvine had passed from a young man of 20 years, with life before him, to the ripe years of throe-fcore and thirteen, for on his last birthday he was 73 years old. For five yenrs he ha9 been a contlnous Bufferer from consumption, and for over a year tho end has Seen e xpected almost daily. No doubt it was hoped for by him who grew weary of the tedious months of pain, and who welcomed the hour shortly nfcer noon yesterday which brought him relief. Coming from Indiana to Oregon in '52, hie first home was what Is now known as the Stipes ranch nt Rowenn, eight miles below this city. A few yenre after waul he cold it to Georgo Snipes and coming to tho Dalles, was married to Miss Catherine Kieth, purchasing from her father a ranch (now the Kelsay place) three miles below town and making his home there. Here they lived, with an interruption ot but five years spent at Klamath, until a fe1? years since. In '54, when tho massacre occurred on the Snake river, Mr. Irvino enlisted as a volunteer, hut outsido of this his lifo has been comparatively uneventful, for while he watched The Dalles grow from a place which contained only nbout three fumilies, those of Judge Laughlin, Dr. Shang and W. C. Keith (not considering n Blight scattering population) to ita present thriving con dition, his life was spent on the farm in a quiet manner. To Mr. and Mrs. Irvine were born six children Frank, Emma, Alice (Mrs. Laurensen), John, Will and Anna (Mrs. Ed. Spencer). Of these threo aro living Frank nt Antelope, Mrs. Laurensen and Mrs. Spencer in this city. Mrs. Irvine died about three years ago and was buried here. Ilia life contained much of sorrow and perplexities, but he waa ever good nutured and pleasant to tlioee about him, while lie was honest in the strict est sense of tilt terms. Word was sent to his son, Frank nt Antelope, who ariived this afternoon. Tho funeral will occur at 11 o'clock tomorrow fiom the Christian church. appendix, and it was tho only foreign body that he had discovered in his cases. In one of Dr. Wyclh's cases ho bad eeen some lemon eocds. Adverllhcil Letter. Following Is the list of letters remain ing in the posloffice at Tho Dalles un called for July, 28, 1890. Persons calling for the same will give date on which they wero advertised : Braida, M Y Chamber?, Calvin Cars, I.orian Davis, Eugene uaugnnrty, fcaran lieorire, JmI Hnrdz, .1 w Habhiwr, F L Hall, L Morgan, NpIHo Martin, Delia Stewart, I) F Segglinsr, Fetter II. RlDDCM, P. M. Johnson, Frank Luinesy, Charley Hnckctt, Jennie Mealv, K A Miller, J S Snult, Ueorgo Smith, A II H. THE APPENDIX. The Foreign Bodies That Are Sometimes Font. ! In It. A Child Enjoys. Tho pleasant flavor, gentle nctioi, and soothins effect of Syrup of Figp, when in need of a laxative, and if tho father or mother bo costive or bilious, tho most gratifying results follow its use; so that it is tiie best family remedy known and every family should havo a bottle. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. F ouiiil. In East End Feed Yard Wednesday morning, July 5th, a bay horse, about fourteen hnnds high between 10 or 12 years old ; white star on forehead,- black points ; Eaddle marks and brand B L on leftshoulder with running Pv underneath, and weighing about 900 pounds. Owner can have same by proving property and paying all charges. jly8-lm Commencing Saturday, July 29tb, the O. It. & N. Co. will sell round-trip tickets to Cascade Locks nnd return for fl.oO. Tickcta will be honored going on train No. 1, Saturday, and returning on traina Nos. 4 and 2 tho 'following Sunday. Jas. Ireland, Agent. aug9 "We have sold many different ciugh remedies, but none gave better satisfac tion than Chamberlain's," Eays Mr. Charlea Holzbauar, Druggist, Newark, N. J. "It is perfectly safo and can be relied upon in all cases of coughs, colds or hoarseness." Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. "What might havo been" if that little cough hadn't been neglectedis tho sad reflection of thousands of consump tives. One Minute Cough Curo cures couyhs nnd cjlds. Butler Drug Co. Read A. M. Williams & Co.'a ad. It may save you disappointments ; will surely save you money. Tia not every day you can buy dollar kid gloves at 59j. A. M. Williams & Co. offer that opportunity tomorrow. A. M. Williams & Co. advertise to sell 5 yards of silk ribbon, one-half to an inch wide, fcr 0 centa tomorrow. It's a real pleasure to get the meala for tho family when you havo n complete set of needfull utensils and havo a new Garland etovo or steel rango to cook upon. Wo fur nish kitchens und can envu you money nnd many steps when you want anything in the wny of kitchen supplies. Our stock of unwaro, srnnitewnre, delf ware, table cutlery, car vers, meat cutters, iniaen Rend ers, pots, irons, roasting pans hundreds of other things to mnko tho kitchen complete. Wo can fumirh double oven cook stoves from ,S.OO up. See tho best Range on Earth, The Garland It has no equal. Also a complete line of build er's hardware. Notice to Poultry Raisers: No more Chicken Lice. Cnll at Malcr Benton's nnd bco the Antiseptic Nt'st i:?fr. With the use of this Nct Kzg 5011 will hnve no moie l.iec, Mitts or Vernii" In your poultry houses, fictling lions will bet hotter eggH ana will lmtcli better and cMckchs will llvo nud prrov better wheio Antiseptic Kggis utcd. See them at pieief & mm 167 Second St. lilsinnrck's Iron .Nervo Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where alomach, liver, kindeys nnd bowels are out of order. I you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at Blakeley & Houghton's dm? store. 2 Thomas Bhoad.o, Centerfiehl, O., writes: "I suffered from piles seven or eight years. No remedy cave mo relief until DeWitt'e Witcli Hazel Salve, less than a box of which permanently cured me." Soothing, healing, peifectly harm lees. Bewau of counterfeits. Duller Drug Co. i.nflt. Last Thursday, in tin'a city, a cold watch. Witltnam movement. A liberal reward is offered to the tinder if returned to Mils office or to K. J. Collins. 2o-3t Dr. Cliarlea Phelps reported thia case before the Society of Aurnni of Pellevue hospitul. He stated, saya The New York Medical Journal, that the attack had be gun eight days before, but tho patient had not come under his observation uu til three days before the operation. A small abscess had been found and evac uated. A perfectly smooth mass, feeling like a kidney, had been brought into the wound, und h'ad 'teen found to contain M10 appendix. Within this appendix waa a minute piece of bone. Tho irri tation produced by this foruign body had resulted in tho production of this mass of inflammatory exudate. Some surgeons, hesaid, maintained that they had never found a foreign body in ilielr cajea of appendicitis; he had found them quito frequently, but this waa tho most minuto ono Mint ho had met with. Dr. Robert T Moiria said that usually tho things which nie called arape seeds, etc., proved, on searching microscopical and chemical examination, to bj ordi nary concretious of insoluble saltp, mixed, in uost casep, with more or lesa j faecal matter. For thia reason one should ba careful iu determining this point. lie j had found a pitce of apple core in one Our Bicycle Repairing Department Ts now in shape to handle all- kinps from a puncturo to wheel. properly of work building a AIbo repair Locks, Guns, Sewing Machines and all kinds of light machinery, etc. This department is under tho charge of Mr. J. Kirchcfif. MAYS & CROW! -4 "n SHAW'S COMPANY JFl. .A. Baldwin Opera House OXK WKEK, HKtJIN.'II.Vd MONDAY EVENING, JULY 31st. MR. SAM T. SHAW, supported by a talented company of players, Positively the strongest aggregation of its kind iu the went. The Finest Uniformed Band and Orchestra. Concert and parado each day nt 11 :30 o'clock. Opening Play, Monday Night, "THE WESTERNER." Change of play nightly. Special Scenery. Funny Comedlane. Songs and Dances. POPULAR PRICES : 15o, 25c and 35c SettB on sale at Blakeley & Houghton's Drujtctore.