l)e Do 1 1 co Cipfflifele. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1899. NO 90 July 29, '99. OUR SECOND July 29, '99. Saturday Surprise Sale promises to excel our first of two weeks ago. Ribbon Day. Room must be made (or our full atnck ot fanny ribbons. Satiirday'11 be moving tiny. Note thcHe prices : Saturday from , 8 to 11 a. m. only. ;)S bolts funcy striped nnd plaid silk ribbons, I! nnd 4 Inches wide, Op per yard fww. Limited to 10 yards to a customer. Silk Ribbons. .lo 1 inch wide; pure silk ; in assort ed dark shades; suitable for bair ribbons, mill's on ekirts, etc. Saturday 5 yards for Limit 10 yards, Children's Dresses. Saturday next another great day. The many pleased customers and the general success of our recent Saturday Surprise Sale, has prompted us to repeat the same, and if possible to make it even a greater event than the former. We never do a thing the second time, but we strive to outdo the first. For this Coming Event we have selected entireh' different goods from what we showed at the former sale: never-the-less, goods of equally staple goodness and seasonable worth, which when quoted at the extra-special prices to prevail next Saturday, should prove of intenso interest to every conservative shopper. Goods bought at this sale positively not subject to exchange or return. Summer Corset Covers. 5c.! yfrm The tbing shirt waiate. for IN" THE MORNING- ONLY, 9 to 12, A Duck or Pique dress for the young niisc; is thorn anything more satis factory for seaside or home wear? Saturday will see n general price level inn in all the better grades. $1 CO ones, Saturday .72 " H7 " 1)5 " 1.12 " I.:i7 " 1.-12 " 1.(32 $1.15 $1.25 $uo 1,80 I 08 12 as Dry Goods Dep't. Fur the convenience of ladies who can not iittuiid In the aftoruoou, we will sell from the following lines during one hour in the forenoon fioin 10 to 11. To con tinue from 1 to 0 p. in. ISG-incli lVrcalefl. special 7c qual ity . ... 4c yd. Limit, 10 yards to a customer. f inch white checked Nainsook, value 7 and 8u yard 4c yd. Limit, 10 yards. ;0 inch Dross Sateens, value 10c 7c IMucli " " 16c 11c Crash Suitings fur skirts. Linen ground with light etrmes in colors. 14 different pieces, width 29-inoh. Value SSe yRru -j fir oaturday'a prico AvL Piques, bulit and dark stripes ; only 6 pi 'nub. Value 10'3o outuruaya price Sootoh Silk Fanoies. A very beantiful material, in light stripes am' plalde, especially dealrablo for ahirt walata. Value 30c per yard. imffo?!f.: 49c Camel's Hair Suiting. A rare bargain. Material ia 25 inohoi wh o, coiora dark gray or brown mixed Uluo 12)50 per yard. Satur- ocea ; uu- lie day 12 yarda for 76c Thin coraot cov er containa in the imrkHlR mm nnir nf Kiel nort's beet lightweight shields made expressly for this garment. The pockets ab sorb all moisture and take the place of lining and bind ing. Our Ladies' Suit Dep't. 2Gc 35c roc Three Grades: grade Saturday 18c Embroideries. A new lot ; a lot worthy of your atten tion if you are needing embroideries. Some patterns 8, 4, 5 or 0 inches wide, worth 12jc, 15c, 18u and 20c per yard. Saturday 1 to (i p. m , Qp per yard cw' Gents' Furnishing Department. Another Shirt Event. From 7 to 8 a. m. From 1 to 0 p. m. Finn Rummer style, Flannel Negligee Shirts, soft and comfortable, silk sewed, best of finish, ai.ea to 17;. neck. alue 11.75, Saturday 92c. Fine silk stripe Negligeo Shirts; value Saturday $1.29. Silk Negligee ShirtP, worth $2.50, Saturday $1.92. Tells an interesting story. Saturday from 9 to 12 a. m. we will sell . an entire recent shipment of stylish plaid tailor-made ekirts, including some ot the newest golf patterns, at the following, very liberal reductione: 12.78 3.57 4.37 4 49 5 12 5 22 14.00 ones, Saturday a. m 5.00 " " " (i.00 " .. " " $6.50 " " " r7.50 " $8 00 " " " Navy Blue Circular Flounce Skirts Just received, but also included in this trreat Saturday offering. 9 to 12 a. m. enly, this regular $3.60 value, $2.10. From Bicycle Skirts. Cut and finished in the moBt recent style, In modest brown checks and plaida. $4 50 values Saturday a. m $3 29 $5.00 values Saturday a. m $3.75 Black Silk Skirts Straiaht-gore, figured Silk Skirts, plaited and gathered backs, well lined and finished. Actual values at the regular prices, which fuel, how ever, will not save them from a geu.ral cut for Saturday. $5 00 Figured Silk Skirts Saturday $3.42 $0.00 " " ' " 4.18 $8.00 " " " 5.1o Plain Black Satin Skirts; our S 50 quality Saturday $5.30 IN THE AFTERNOON FROM 1 to 5 ONLY. Golf Shirts. Percale, linen and white pique; valuo 75 cents. Saturday 42c. 0c Neckwear Sale. Colored Lawn Band Bows, valuo 15c Saturday Colored Lawn String Ties, a whole dczjii for 1Ht! White Lawn String Ties, usual prlco 40c dozen, Saturday per bunch, (!,. dozen) 100 Four in-lianda; our 75o alike, tbe choicest of this grand stock bat.. . 4lc 25c Black allk or satin Band Bowa. . 12c Underwear. 1 to 0 p. in. only. Ladles lino blBOk rlbbod Vest, low neck, Hleovoleia; 35o value 2lo Pure Si'.fc Vesta, same atylo, value 00 conla oUu Infant's Summer VeatB, ribbed, ileoveleaa, sixes 1, 2 and 8; val 20c 12c Boys' Summer Drawers, witnu auge, in io wiii ."-1 $1 Kid Gloves 59c s Saturday. A. M. Williams & Co. Saturday will see the greatest Kid Glove selling of the season nt this store. A new invoice of 10 doss, pair of bright, now and desirable Foster's patent hook lace Gloves, in tans and browns, oxblood and greens, greye, modes, white and black, represent the lot. Just enough onlv for a hundred and twenty pair of bauds, therefore be timely if you would share in this otl'ering. Remember, in the afternoon fiom 1 to 5 or from 1 till as long as they last. Per pair 59c. Silk Bicycle Gloves Or for driving as well. This is a pure Silk Glove, with u gauntlet protecting tho wrist; would make equally as nico a marketing or street glove; color black only ; value 75c per pair. Saturday p. lu. from 1 to 5 0j Handkerchief Specials. Ladles' white hemstitched drawn-work handkerchief regular price 10c, 3 for 25c 5c Men's colored border hemstitched linen handkerchiefs, tegular 25c val. Saturday p. in., 13c Great Sale in shoe Department All Day. 99 windows for full particulars. Ladies' Tan Kid Bicycle Boat; value $2,75 Saturday $1 00 Mines' Tan Button Shoes; $2.26 value Saturday $1.00 Shirt Waists. Saturday morning, 9 to 12 only. Ladies will please be prompt if tbey want Shirt Waists Saturday mnrmnir at. these reduced r prices. We commence selling them at 0 o'clock promptly and continue until 12, w ben every price goes back to tbe original. From 9 to 12 a. m. All 50c Shirt Waists $ .40 All 75c Shirt Waists 55 All $1.00 Shirt Waists 07 All 1 25 Shirt Waists 79 All 1.50 Shirt Waists 1.10 All 1.75 Shirt Waists 1.32 All 2.00 Shirt Waists 1.39 All 2.50 Shirt Waists 1.05 Ail 3.00 Shirt Waists 2.15 All 3 95 Shirt Waists 2.62 This applies to our entire stock. Ladies' Leather Bicycle Belts. Fancy colored Peal Belts, with purse attachment; neatly finished; our regu lar price, 90c; Saturday a. m., 29c. Clothing- Dept. Saturday morning, 8 to 12 o'clock. In tho evening from G 10 9. Unlined, Dou ble Breaeted Blue Serge Coats, to be worn with white duck trousers for sea side outings. The correct thing. fS.CU Double HreusteU Sorgo Cout ().!' O.Oil JJouble llruutod Serge Cout and Vest. . I.'.'ri O.UO Double II reus te J Herge Cout und Vest l.J'J Men's Crash Suits. f.V I.ltieu Orai.li Suit f:i" 0.00 llluck mid White clack, Crtwh Butt . 4 :',s 7.f0 lllue KhU Utotlt Stilt A.1U y.uu Wool Onwu Hult 5.UU Men's Suspenders. Funcy Kliutle Web, braided lUte cud; 25o value; Saturday tOe Brownie Overalls. The little boy feels more comfortable and enjoys his playing n great deal more when properly dressed for it. We claim to sell tbe beet overalls made for boys. Sweet, Orr & Co.'s soft denim, never rip overalls, per pair, 50c. Other brands at 40c and 25c. ff Collars. Ladies' while Pique Collars, tho mo9t up-to-date collar nn the mar ket. Valuo 15c. Saturday, 11c TRADEMARK i- White Linen Chemisettes. Essential to the completeness of your tailor-made costume. Value 25c. Sat urday 18c. Ladies' Silk and Washable Neckties All the most loiked-for styles may be seen in our etock Saturday morning. Take your choice of tho 25c ones at 19c the 35c ones at 22c the 50a ones at 35c Thia includes 9tocka, puffs, bowe, etc. Fancy Neck-Ruchings. One of our latest ai rivals of fashion able Kuchings baa a prominent black chenille dot on maise, pink, turquoise, cream and red; or a white dot on black. The value is 35n; Saturday, per yd, 21c. Hat Department Offerings. From 8 to 12 a. m., and from 1 to 9 p. m. CRASH TAMS, with quills, s.'e win dotv; 25c values, Saturday 10c Flat Wired C-ash Tarns ; 25o valuo, Saturday 14c MEN'S CRASH HATS, entire line of 09a and 75c styles, including many silk crown hats, Saturday choice ..48c BOYS' LINEN CRASH HATS, black band, quilted brim ; 50c value, Sat. 32c Saturday- aii etraw hats, worth 50c wards; at one-half price. and up- Hosiery Event. 1 to 0 p. m. Our 25c pinnnier woight ladles hose, Louis Ilermsdorf dye, Saturday 13c Boys' Stockings. good heavy ribbed Ecamless stockings, black ; every pair warranted. Regular price 25c, Saturday 10c New This Week. Pique Embroideries and Insertions. A. M. Williams & Co.