The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 27, 1899, Image 4

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    h bibibibm aaia. . ,
proprietors tell as they will keep the
Teeth txtraciea thee
beet cameras and supplies for tho tatne
This drug store has for years been
stand-by for Dalles people, and'althonith
it has put ou a new drees and presents
a more attractive appearance, it is still
the e a mo tried friend as of yore.
Oh! Slum!
mm iii vi
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
...iSVf.. - - u rSKUr- V' vn.
n t.
..M "Ale,. VOo,,
CAL. Ca M.Y. "C
r0 SAlt BY ill eiWSWTi "Ml 8St ftR Will. OIKNTIO.V.
D. C.
Ilerrin is in the city.
in from Gross
A. II. Lvle earn
Lnln Blakciu'v went to Cascades to
day to Epend a fow wcek9 with friends.
Leslie Biiilisr was : pifs.'nper this
morning for Portland.
Mrs. J. G. D nvr.'iy left thiJ morning
for her houiti in Vancouver, Wa?h,
Dr. Chas. Adam", of Tych. tv.rne up
last night from a visit in Ills Valley.
Mirs Elsie B.tll came up from thdr
CAiupiiif! p'nee at Colling L Hiding last
Dr. Bslle K;nehatt will lenve on the
afternoon train for n short business trip
to Portland.
Frank Woodcock, Jr., returned from
n trip io Portland last evening, and left
t lis morniii" for his home at U'ainic,
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Ifongh'on and
Mrs. W. Lord started vesWrdav or tho
Lord cottage at Seavieyrfllwaco beach.
Mrs. E.izi Young, who came to this
city to attend the funeral of her eon
tieorge. returned yesterday afternoon to
ner home in Portland.
II. M. lieu!!, vfho has epont the past
ten uays with Ins family in rortlairi,
murntd last niirlit. Mr. UimII has been
in I oor health arid his roat has some
what benefited him.
MiFea Frantiio and Matty FitzGerald.
who have spent about tefdavs in The
Dalles, left this morning for San Fran
Cisco. The former is X teacher in the
fchools there, nnd thoutter is employed
in the pcatoflice. r
Fred C. Drews, bookkeeper in the O.
11. & N. shops at Albina, Or., is takina a
thirty days' layoff, which lie is spending
in Colfax, the uuest of his brother, K. C.
Drews, inaiiagor of the Inland Telephone
& Telegraph Company. He leaves Col
fas next Saturday.
Ilio .nii- llru;; Oouipmiy.
The most successful of all the theatrl
cat companies playing at popular prices
on the Pacifie coast is that capable and
favorite organization, The Shaw Com
puny. This is nn organization headed
by Sam T. Shaw, nnd composed of clever
people, preeenting up-to-date plays,
elegantly equipped from n scenic etand
point, elaborately costumed' and carry-
. log their own silver cornet band and
operatic orchestra.
The reputation which Mr. Shaw has
earned during the five years in which
he has been touring the west is n guar
antce that everything will bo exactly ns
represented. No has been
spared to place the company ut the Inad
of organizations of its kind.
The company will begin a week's en
gagement in Tho Dalles Monday even
ing, July 31, presenting Edward E.
Rose's comedy drama "The Westerner"
and changing the bill nightly. Watch
for the parade Monday nt 11.30 a. m.
Remarkable Betcue.
Mrs. Michael Cirtain, Plainfield, III.
makes tho statement, that she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs; she
was treated for a month by her family
physician, but grew worse. He told her
sho was a hcpales victim of consumption
and that no medicine could cure her.
Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption ; she bought
n bottle and to her delight found herself
benefited from the first dose. She con
tinued to use and after taking six bottles
found herself sound anil well ; now does
her own housework, and is as well as
she ever was. Free trial bottte of this
Great Discovery at Uiakelcy & Hough
ton's drug store. Only 50 cents and $1.
Every bottle guaranteed. 6
In East End Feed Yard Wednesday
morning, July 5th, a bay horse, about
fourteen hands high between 10 or 12
years old ; white star on forehead, black
points' ; saddle marks and brand R L en
left shoulder with running R underneath,
and weighing about 000 pounds. Owner
can have same by proving properly and
paying all charges. jlyS-lm
Bringing North Dakota, Wyoming anil
Idaho Troops Many Volunteers
Kc-cniist About i.;oo Have Ap
plied for He enlistment and It
Believed More Will Follow.
An Kjilileinlc nf lilarrliocn.
Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoa
nut Grove, Fia., siya there has been
quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there.
He had a severe attack and waa cured
by four doses of Chamberlain's Cholic,
Cholera end Diarrhoea Remedy. He
saya he alto recommended it to others
and they eay it is tho best medicine they
ever ineU. hor sale bv IJlake ev fc
Houghton Drugaists.
A CIUIrt'KitJoys.
Tho pleasant flavor, gentle action, and
soothing effect of Syrup of Fig?, when in
need of a laxative, arid if the father or
mother be costi-e or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow its use; so that
it ia the best family remedy known and
every family should have n t;ottle.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co.
Volcanic Kriiinlonii
Aro grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of j iy. Hucklen's Arnica Salvo cures
Manila, July 6. 12:25 p. m. Trans
port Sherman sailed today for ban
Francisco, via Nagusaki and Yokohama,
with California infantry, consisting of
4S oflicers, 950 men, two batteries Cali
fornia heavy artillery, nine officers, S6
men, anil -o iiucnargeii soldiers trom
other regiments.
Washington, July 2(3. Threo cable
messages from General Otis were re
ceived at the war department today. One
reports anotherengagement witli bandits
in Cebu, in which American forces were
victorious. It bears date of today and
ays :
"Following from Cebu today: Ilandils
from Cebu mountains are robbing and
imprisoning people in coast towns. On
Monday, Lieutenant Moore, with a de
tachment from the Twenty-third in-
fantrv, while Ecouling in tiie mountains.
,vas tired upon from strongly fortified
position, one private killed, name not
given. No other casualties. Enemy loss,
five bandits killed, seven captured."
Another refers to the organization of
volunteers in tho Philippines as follows:
"Bell has enlisted about SCO men.
Wallace, still south, has about 400.
I.ckett, now enlisting, has over -ICO ap
plications which are coming in rapidly.
Might raiso here an additional regiment
exe'u-ively of volunteers.
A third dispatch says : "Storm lias
abated; Sherman iV coaled and leaves to
day with all troops from California. The
Grant ia beingcoaled and leaves in about
four days with troops from North Da
kota, Wyoming nnd Idaho. Minnesota
is preparing to leave on the Sheridan as
soon as the transports can be unloaded
and coaled. Other volunteers' organiza
tion leave as soon as transports are
Otis has-been cabled to send solunteers
home as soon as possible, it being the
desire of the president to have no delay
in the matter.
Knelt day our business shows
the people tire Uncling out wc
arc pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very best, nnd
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business and buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
Hest Crown and Ilriln work (22k. gold, per tooth 4.
Iti'dl si't teeth, guaranteed .$j.00
iit'Pr in) ii i' i ii1' - i.wn.
Hest silver or allov tilling Wcuj
Shaplnin iiiock', second st. Portland Dental Parlor
Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S-, Manager.
Tic Dab Fortlanfl and Astoria
Navigation Co.'
Kioldord Dalles City
Improved CYCLONE M6azine'
Cut?, Uruises, Unrns. Scalds. Channed
Hands, Chilblains, llest I'ile euro on ' 5 B
earth. Drives out pains and ache?. ijPjjj jf V
Oiily 25ct. a box. Cure guaranteed. ! J
Sold bv lllflke'tti- it Hnnnhtrin .lr... M
. . " 1,.. ..,
iila- z
Every time a place of business ia re
modeled, lilted up on tho most modern
plan and starts on a new basis, the city
is benefited thereby, for by the tin
pearance of its busino.-a homes, many
strangers will judgo of a town. And so
by purchanngtho Snipes-Kinerily drug
store and placing so many improvements
therein, tho Butler lira Co.. liae cionnl.
ly added to tho npieararcj of that Tl'?e horse Juno 10. described
block anl wi I fjreUly tnhanco the; tt9 ,0"ow': two ''hing ubout UCO
patrotm re er.joyol by the former owners. 'C3clx- One a light chestnut branded I)
One would ecarcoly recogniz i it as the J on Itft 8I10uIlle"- W horse branded
eame stand were it not for the lar.o Elk jC on Ml e'oller. Ono bald faced
which stiil brows is therein. Th lareo ' 80rrel weighing about 1200; roached
plate via s v.iudows havj wonderfully i "J3",6'
4 , l : .. ... ' .of tho
ii.uiT.urujeu ii, huh inu it anil.: uown J
of ttie wooden awn'ng arid j iitting in its
place a neat canvas shade adds much to
the outside
Dv-Witt's Little Eirly P.isers epel
from the system all poisonous accumu
lations, regulate th stomach, bowule
and liver, and purify tho blood. They
drive awav disease, dissipate melancholy
and give health and vigor for the daily
routine. Do no gripe or sicken. Butler
You need have no boils if you will
buy Ciarho & FnlkV sure euro for bolls.
them ; also old, running and fever sores, ! .
Ulcers, B-iils, Felons, Cjrns, Wart
iMy (cscipt Rtinii.iv; between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching ut way poia'.s on both sides of the j
LGiunbia river.
Jlolh o( thcnbo'-ostenraern hnvebcen rebuilt,
anil nro in excellent shape lor tho H-anm ot Itiy;.
Tin- llt-giil.-itnr I.iim-ulll i-Mleuvor to gnu lis
I'troiis the best service pas slblo.
lor (.omr.irl, Kcniioin mill I'lrnxtirf,
travel by the steamers oi Ilio ltrKiilutur
The above stenmcni leave The IMlle. at S a. in. rorl!aiflt" u. m., nnd .irrlvo at deslliia
tion iu rnnpl time for outKoinK traint.
'ortld.'id omcc. The Dalles 031c.
Oai st. Dock. court Street
W. C. xlllavray,
Ueoeral Agent.
! 1
1 1 -y
No. 4-
U No. 5
FOR 1899.
Ton Points to Consldor;
2 Plcturno In 12 Socondfi.
P. bhutttir Htiiu noionHo.
3 SluittMr Automatic.
V Sluittor Lockn,
Alum tuim f'lutenoic ern.
Sot iitonii.
SdocIo Quick Luns.
B Antonintlc Koirintor.
ft A'l pnrtH Intorohnnrronblo.
IO ExpoHtttl plfituti romovoc! without
(llBtttrblnR unoxpoHutl.
sizo 3'j x 4'u S8.00
-(sizo4y. 5). 10. GO
1899 Cntnlonuo vlth oom
ploto information FREE.
Just Arrived
Tin- t.nly MiikiIiii
Camera with bull, h.i tier.
f l 1 ilV
How About Your Title?
But if lliu outside hie improved, what
of tho interior, which looks as clean us a
new pin? A partition has been placed
across tho building dividing it in half or
allowing a 50-foot front room. Then
helving, painted pure white, encircles
this ortlon, uhilo nt tho back atands
the neat pemcriptibn case, one of (ho
nicest and. most luti'ly imaginable. Be
tide, the entire building lia been re
painted, papered and the floor newly
coveted, making it look cool and in
viting. The now firm has made a great out
lay in putting In new drug of all kinds
and a fresh stock In iteneral. They will
lso keep a large slock of pilots, oil and
wall paper of the lateit lylw.
We notice, too. tbat the EaitmiB
koUik, wnlch ii not eicWled, stli; keepa live. One Minute Cough Care cures
Iti bode iu Ibis lieaJqimUrr, and tkej coiigbe and oldf. Butltr Drag Co,
A liberal reward for information
whereabouts, or tlm return of
same. A. Mason, J. Bays. Contractors.
j Viento.Or., or E. V. Husija.nd, Mosier,
Or. j23-Ini
A diseased elomach fiirelv mulcr.
mines health. It dulls the brain, kills
and predisposes to Inranlty ond fatal,
diseasee. All dyspeptio troubles aro
quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It has cured thousands of cares and is
curing them every day. Its ingredients
are euch that it can't help curing.
Hnlpe6-Kluersly Drug Co.
You can't cure dysp -psla by dieting
Eat good, wholesome food, and plenty
of it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
food,without aid from the stomach, and
U.made to cure. Bullsr Drug Co.
What might hay beeu" If that
little coujh hadn't been neglectedis the
u retlectlon of thourands of cooiuinp
..ghhs. m
and Farmer's
ciIrmI lliobcst beer in The D.illej, piiee. Come In, try
It niul be coiiviueiHl. ai-o the
Miii stbtutids of WIiicj, Uiuor
and Ciaarn.
ol alt Kinds always ou band.
n UK YOU SURE it Is all right? Uunieinbor it ii Ihe
H UMCOltD that governs. It is our huslne-H to
search the records and show what thev contain in
relation to land titlee. If you eoutoniphvtu linying land
or loaning money on real estate security, tiiko no limn'
word, nut insist upon knowing what the record shows
regarding the title. An Abstract is us essential as a
deed. Insist on having it. Wu linvit tho only set of
Abstract Hooks in tin-County. All work pi otnptly ex
ecuted and biitltfuctlon guiira'uleed. II you liavo prop
erty to insure, give iir a cull. We nro (igiiuls for four of
the beat fire insurancii companies in tho world. If you
have property for sale, list it with us and we'll ilnJa
J, M. Huntington &Co.
Phono 81. SttSt., opuooltoA. M. Williams : Co.
H simony
i.ui;n miuuunsmiirii m
and Machlno work. Z
Charles Burchlorf.oiai: S
F. s.
ifte Columbia Packing Co
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies,
PHonc 167
Lettere of Credit Hued available in tbe
o...L. EMUrn States.
St. Louis, San Franeieco. PottUn. (Sl
Ron, Seattle Wash., and various Bolato
This brand of Wilis!
in i It i- i it i ,S0U1 MAS WHISKEY for Family
and Medical Use. Sold hv
I Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
Headquarters for Feed n
ixeaaquarters for RollfiH
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts' tft&
Headquarters for "Byers' Beit" Pendle
ton FlOUT. Wr u tnanuractnred uDrMilv lor fan
., We Mil our good! lower than TLul .ifX?. ' ' to g Ive TMtlifactWJ.
Hi ht Priori Paid for Wh9ftt Barlty and Oati,