3iiL ML Acts gently on the dneys, Liver and Bowels Cleanses the System overcome; i umu PERMANENTLY BUT THE GENUINE - MAHTO Oy (auivrniaFTgyrvp. ro sut emu onuoGiSii pact soc Ftneonu. PUItuilK.Vb MENTION, P. G. D.mt went to Cascade today. Airs. H. Dict7.al left this morning for :t short visit in Poitlund. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Strang, of Salem, were in the city yesterday. Donald McLennan and A. McLennan came in from Antelope yesterday. Mrs. G. A. Lol5e was a passenger on tliiHiiinrniiiL''4 boat, bound for Portland, where ehe will visit relatives. George Muss, who accompanied the btidv ot Gecrcu Young to thU city, re turneit today to his home at Victoria. George Herbert, who was called to this city on account of tho death of his mother, returned last night to hid home at Cornucopia. MiBa Bessie Snipes returned last evening from a visit to Portland. She was accompanied by FtanciH Parrot, who will he her guest for u few weeks. G. G. Clark arrived in tho city veter day Irnm Pendleton. Ho will relieve Night Operator W. II. Swart, who goes to ijimriiam hpruigs to spend In vacation. Uev. and Mrs. WycfTand Mips Clara Bailey, of San Francisco, who have been guests of Mr. and Mra. Pease for the past two days, left for homo on tho after noun train. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wood and T. A. Van Norden left on the boat this mom ing for Wind river, where they will spend the remainder of the warm enther in camp. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holder and child ren, Mrs. J. JJ. Hoaford and Mies Z Mason c.ime in from Moro yesterday hikI left mi tho boat this morning to camp on ind river. Misa Anna Thompson, who graduated in am iinimiouui normal fctiool Fome week uyo and who has since been visiting in Portland, returned home on the boat laut evening. Howard M. tairfowl, wluhas spent me past two yearn in trie Klondike re.on, returned from Dawson lastni.'ht, having left there two WvaUa ago. Mi p. Fxirliiwl bus been stepping in this city wiih Mr. and Mrs.Rchenck duiing bis uhtence. BUSINESS LOCALS. Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for the teotti. tf Aek your grocer for Clarko A Falk'a pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf i For the best results use the Vive Camera. For nnlo by tho Postofllce liarniacy. Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magiaino cyclones at Donnoll drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn nt tho Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. tnch25-tf Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy For sale nt all first-class bars. C. J Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Drink Warren's Puro Ginger Brandy For sale At nil first-class bars. C. . tubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Trv Yerba Buena Bitters, tho best For ealo at nil first-class bare Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles Yerba Buena Bitters, tho best For sale at all first-class bars Stubling, agent, Tho Dalle M17-3m For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera that will take larger pictures than any other Camera on the market. For sale by Clarko & Falk. tf Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elston Mo., writes : "Ono Minute Cough Curo saved tho life of our little boy when nearly dead with croup." Butler Drug Co. tonic. C. J. Try tonic. C. J. Oit-h In oiir OheoUH. AM conntv warranto registered prior to October 1.1SV5, will bo paid at.niv ofhe... interest ceasea after Julv L'G, 0. r,..Pi!u.urs; Oonntv Treasurer. NOTICE FOP PUBLICATION. Lakd Omen at VAXrouvun. Wash., ( Julyo, lS'JO. J Notice is hereby given that the following nntnci; settlers iiHve nan notice of their inter tlon to innke final woof in Mimort of their clnlms. iiiui thnt mid proofs will bo mnile bsforo w. 1!. l'rcshv, United States Uotamistloncr for Dlsttict of WafhiiiEton. at his otlleo in ( olden linlo, aihingtou, on Monday, August 11, loW, viz.: Stephen Murlett. Homestead Entry Xo.OODI, for tho S. Ji N". K. U j.. , . y.. , section u. ami f. . y ... iv. 1 of Bcetion 20, Township o North, of Kangci: East. Will. Mer. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his coniimioui residence upon ami cultivation said lnml, viz: Carl 1'ranzen, Christian Frnnzcn. I'ortcr L. HarUlson, JIarioii &j)lan,all of I.yle 1'. 0.,Wush. l'orter I.. HarillHou. Homestead Entrv No. 9051, for the S. K. ',-fof S. l:. M of Section l'j; the S. W. V. of 8. W. t tcctioii i!U: V. l. of N. K. H of Uection 81, Town ships North, ot IJauce 13 Kast. Will. Mer. lie names the follow ins witnesses to prove nis c.munuous resmeutc upon, ana cultivation oi sum laim, viz.; Carl Franzen, Christian Frnnzm, Stephen JIarlett, ilarion Splawn, all of l,yt I'. O., Wash. jlyS-Ii W. K. 11UNUAK, Kcgister. CITATION. TN TIIK COUNTY COUUT OF THK STATE of Oregon, for tho County of Wasco. In tho matter of the estate of) ,.... Silas W. Davis, deceased.) CITAT0S To Mrs. Emcline JJ'tvis, Mrs. Cora K. Conim, Mrs. Lizzie J. Farris, Silas K. Uivis, William 11. Uavis, Anetto brands MeNe.il, Tiny Mary Ha liflney ami Etlle Ethel Davis, heirs at law of Silas W. Davis, deceased, and to Anna M. Wil liams, W. 11. YauUlLber, Smith French, K C. l'eas, aud Uos i E. Mculll, mortgagees; Oteet iiiB: in the namoof tho statoof Oregon : You are hereby cited ami required to appear in tbo county court of the state ot Oregon lor tho rounty of Wasi-o, at the court mom thereof, at 1 he iJalles, Oregon, in the county of Wasco, on Monday, the 'third day of July. 1SW. at ten o'clock in tne forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an order of the above entitled court should not bo mado directing Ii. F. Jjiughlln, af administrator of said estate of fellas W. Hurt", defeated, tu re deem the mortgaged premises belonging to sold estate, or if said redemption be deeuied inex pedient, that said administrator bo authorized ami unectea to ten all of tne real estate belong ing to tho elate of said deceased, and particu larly desciibcd as follows, to-wit: ijt No. I of block No. 9, of Dalles City ptoper in Dalles City. Wasco couutr. Oreson: also tho north half of the northwest quarter, the northeast quarter, and the nortn half of tho southenst quarter of section 11 In towiithln 2 north of rnmru !. cntt of the Willamette nnridian, in Wasco countv, Oregon, eoiitai'ilngi".,o acres, more or les. said snlo to bo made at l ubllc auction for cash in hand, In tho manner prescribed by law, and tho proceeds of such sale to be held by said adminis trator iitid dirsed of as mav tjo ii'niilnvi hv thn order of tho alxivo entitldl court. W'lTSEfi. the Hon. Hobert Slurs. .Inri prn nf Mm County Court of the State ot Oregon, for tho v-'iirjuiv ni tiatco. wim rmi trui fit tniii fnnrt unixeii tuis tecoau uay of June A. D. EEALl Junli-ll Attest; A. M. KEIjSAY, Clerk. The Busy Store. Each, dny our business shows the people nre finding out wo are pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, nnd last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' wmm J7 r - rr I Wfflffl t T I n T It f-J i sirs. Kfiirii stiff ffl m fis itv 1U (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood Hiver, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. TouchliiR at way points on both tides of th Columbia river. lloth of tho above steamers have been rebuilt. and are in excellent thape for tho tcaton of lS'JJ. Tim KcKulntnr Miih will eude.ivor to cive Its jiuiious me pest fcervice possiDie. For Comfort. Kconulliv Illlil TMonmin. tiavci by tho steamers of The Kculnto J.IIIU. Tho above sleamers learn The DnllnntK.i ,n and 1'ortlaud at 7 a. m., and arrive at destlna uon in ampi'j time lor outgoing trains. I'ortlund Otllce. i'ho Dalles Ofllce uaK oi. uoci:. Court Street W. C. Allaway, General A?ent FAIIT rou Fast Mall 11:60 p. m TIMK fRUKtlltt.It. FllOM DAI.LKS. Halt I.nkr. Denver, Ft. W.irth. Omaha. Kntl- tas City, t. IaiuU,' Chlrngo and F.iiat. Spokane Walla Walla, Kjiokanc, Swlinno Flyer MinncaiH)lls. St. I'aul, Fler. 5:l'Jp. m. iu in t b, Jilluaukce, ft:0Ou. in Chicago and Fast. S p. in. From Foiulami. 4 p. m. Orciin Sleainships, For Sail Francisco Jatiuarj 'ii, aud every live days theie.iltcr. . , . Sp.. I p. m. Kx. Sunday Columbia Uv, Steamers. Kx.bundaj To AsTontA and Way Satimiay UinJings. W p. m. 0 a.m. Wiu,AMKTTK lltVKi:. Kx.Sunday OrcRon City. Notrbcrc, Salem t Way laud's. AlllllVK Fl'.OM. F.nt Msll S:irl m Teeth Extracted FREE SSTURDHY. I:ii0p. m Kx.sunil.iy Ta. m, Wilmsitttk ASnYAM- :t::Jn m. Tuesrhur. niu. Kivi!i:s. Mou.,Wut Orcjron City, Dayton, and Frl. ami n.'iy-ijiiiiiiuss. aud mt. fi n. m. TucTluir,! and Sat.1 Lv I'.ipariai daily WlLI.AilETTK ItlVKl:. I'ortland to (.'orvalllt, and Way-Laiidlnjis. PNAKK U1V2K. Illparia to Lowhton. I:.m n. m Tue thin and sal I.liAVK Lkwiwon dully JTS!r I'.mk.s del!lnir to an to Ilctinner thoiild uiiku .u. i, ivaviiii; lue iiiues ai ii.) p. m making direct eorinrclions nt lletmner iiiuntlnn lteturuiiur I'laldimilircctronnrctnm at lltftiouer juiiciioii nun o. i, arriving at ine D.tnesat y.io p. m. No. Si, throucht freight, cast bound, doe not carry jsnein;era; artivos a. m., departs 3;50a. in. xo. 21. local freight, cnriica nassriiuers. oa&I uuuiiu; urrives ii. m uenariM s:u p. m. :o. 'il, west b 'Ulid throuirh freight, iloes not carry passengers; arnvis ild p m., ilepnrta fo. .m, west bound local frelEht. eanles na.v uKers; airivea o;u p. m., cupart:, a:; a. a. For full rart'culars call on u. 1!. a M. t.'oJ agent The Dalles, or nddiexs W. H. IlUIIUlt'llT, (ien l'as. Aat.. l'ortliind, Or, To t)ur a Cold in One Day. TrtkH Lax.itivH liromo Quinine Tal lete. All drusiiista redinil the monev if it i .Us tri cure. 2." New and Second Hand Furniture 8. Scheme, President. II. 11. BeaI. , Cat.bic; First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General JJanking Busljieufl transacted Dopositfi rwieivot!, eubject to Sight Draft or Cheek. Collections! jjiedn and proei-hdn promptly T'unittwl on day of collection. Si'lit and Telegraphic Jfechaiiuo Bold 01: New York, San Fraaduco and port. land. DIKSOTOKS D. P. Thomi'ooh. Jho. S. Hohxmci;, Ko. M. Williams, Oko. A. Linu. II. M, nuAix. bought and eold at tli.i OSd Stand. Pawn Broker. Jloiify laiii'd on valtialile;. Hornes liou'.-ht mid told on coiiitulaalon. 6l2d:St. R. B, HOOD. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artJflcUlly digests tho food and aids xjaturo in strengthening and recon structing tho exhausted digestive or gans. It is tho latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation vu umjiimiiii ib ju inciency. it in atantly relieves and permanently cures 1 DySDCDSla. Indiireatinn. TTsarvi Flatulence. Knnr Rtm.n Not .' S'ckHeadache.Gastralgla.Crarnps.and all other results ot Imperfect dlireatioiL rrorta oy e. C. OaWHt Co., Chicago. For ealu by Iiutler Drug Co.. Butchers and Fofmefrs ..change.. Keeps on draucht tho celebrated COlX'MillA llKEIt, achnowi cdxed tho best beer In The Dalles, nt tho umal piice. Coinu In, try it mid bo convinced. a!m tho Fliii'st brands of Wines, Liiuor aud Uiuurs. Saodrxtiches of all Kinds always on hand p. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Hor. Second & Lan&lilin. 'Phone 157 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TUAKbACTA BNUUAUASKINO JUUKINEH Letters of Credit issued available in the o. . . Etrn SUtes. bltfltt Exchange and T1arar.i... Transfera eold on New York, CMaxw, Bt. Louis, San I-rancieco, Portland Oro gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at ail points on fav orable terms. Offers travelers choino of the follow! in: routes cast. Thuy am all fatnoua for their Ecenic attrHction. 0. I. & X. view Option and Denver. Shaatn Itouto view .Saciameiito, 0;den and Denver. Shaha Koutn view Sacramento, Los Angeles and Alberqiienjuo. A daily lino of tliron-jii PULLMAN P ALA OK and TOURIST SLKKl'HK, from San Fran'eiseo and Loh Angeles to Chicago. Tins is The Short- Line from southern California To the East. Apply to tho aeents of the O. It. A ". Co. or the undersiuned. for fohlo ru ii n r descriptive literature. J. J. DEVEllKUX. Gen. Act. Worcester. B1(1l'. Porilund. Or. TitecoiomiiaFauKingGD., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTUHKKSOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JULKD IJKEF, KTO. CONSIDER OUE PKICSS: Ilest Crown anil IJrlili! work (U2I:. K'tD. V loot1' J'J-W" llesi set teeth, I'liaranleed 00 liest Hold rillinu ?l.00up lieat silvur or alloy tilling 6U "P SlnatViSS second st. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager. Tmprovecl CYCLO'HE Mzine. j " Ton Pointtito Consldori 1 3 jfiWtSr?fifrr&'ax$ti 1 12 PlnturoHln t2 SticondB. N'Wtmfei; 9v'--S',l",' Looks. I i a:vX-ViMf:'r- is Aluminum Hlntoholclorn. Spor.lnl Quick Lonn. Automatic Hi.f. M -Aiitnm.it r; Hi'i.'ln tor. O AH pnrtu Intorohniiironblo. IU liXpoHiul plntuti romnviitl without (lliiturlilni; unuxpomitl. No. 4 laizo 3'.i x 41.,') S8.00 No. 5 (sizo4x 5j... 10. OO 1899 Catnlorjuo with coin ploto Information FREE. Junt Arrived. Tlioonl)' Miiituziiirf Crtincrn wiih l.ii lb Kliuttcr. ' Crtincr Si u u u r nT rj T-rvTSJTvTTTT T XIJ.. JLi. O.N III i I I. k How About Your Title? 2 UK YOU SUUK It iH nil ri(?ht? HenitM.ilior it i tho HKOOItl) that wovertiH. It Is our business to MMfc'li tin) ti'i'ords mid show what thnv fotitnlii in relation to laud titles. If you contomplatu buying land or loaniiu; iniiniiy on real estate tcenrlty, luku no man' word, but insist upon knowing what the record shows U'cnrdiiiK the title. An Abstract is as essential as a deed. Insist on having it. Wo have tho only eel oi Abstract Hooks in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and satisfaction nuarn'ntced. II you hnvu prop erty to injure, lvn us a call. Wo are atiuntii for four of tho beat lire Insuraucn companies in tho world. If you have property for sale, list it with us and we'll Hilda buyer, J, M. Huntington &Co. 'Phono 01. 2d St., oppoalto A. M. WllllnmB &. Co. Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. J JJ CHhiskey. Tills brand of VhisIicy I'UKIi HANI) MADIJ SOUR anil .Medical Use. Sold by guaranteed to the consumer as a MASH WI1I8KBY for Family Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER.. Look and Qunsmlth, nnd Maohlno work. 1 Charles Burchtorf,o,l: Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kind. Headquarters for Feed Grain am kin. Headquarters for Rolled Grain aU kin headquarters for Bran. Shorts, Headquarters for "Bvers- nil kind MILL FEBD Evflrfi' "Roof" TSo-nrne- LUX1 i? lOUr. ,1,'i9 Wuwr ih inanufacturecl wxprowly for family WawIIa.. llet,i V(irv flack Ih infactiOS Hiehest Prices PMd for Wheat, Barley and Oatt.