COMMENCING MONDAY, JULY 24th Wo will ofTor tlio choicest lines nf Ortrnnilli'B that wo have had this gentou at tlio phenomenal price of lOo and Uic pur yard. Thoso poods nro of n yard wldo nnd uro dnhity In the extreme. Von luivo a choice of both pluiu and figtmd. A lino of Fancy Lneo StripnH in green, yellow and pink at 13 cents per yard. A lino of Orgimdics nnd Dimitlos, very choice, at 9 cents per yard. A line of Fanny Lneo StrlpoB in blue, pink and yellow ut 20 cents per yard. Dear in mind that those are linos that have not been offered to you h fore at other than their regular prices and rune In price from l'Jc to 35e per yard. Prices of Waists and Wrappers Slaughtered for the Next Four Days. 75 cents, 85 cents and $1.00. Laundered Poroalu and Lawn Shirt Waists reduced to Bile each ifl.'.T), $l.:t5 an J $1.50 White Lawn niuLfiitioy Pique slaughtered to 7Gc each $1.25 Wrappers in light and dark colorH, ruffled and braided yokes, slaughtered to , , 79c each Children's Wash Dresses to 1)0 sold at plumb cost for tho noxt four days. Fancy Percale and Z-jphyr glnghnin dre.ises, all fancy trlmuied waists and excellent quality. Infant's Wear. Infant's long Nainsook dresses, swish and embroidered yokes at cost. Infant's white cambric and lawn drosses, Valenciennes lace trimmed. Big Special. All our childron'H owlsa hats, cape and bonnets at half price. All GntKlH Mnrkucl In Plnln Fljrurort. The Dalles Daily Chronicla. WKDNMCSDAY - - JULY 2(1, 1891) 7Weiiuw iVo. i. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVERTISEKS: All CliiitiKos In Advertisements must lie handed in before to o'clock A. M., us no changes will be accepted in the aft ernoon This rule will be positive. CIlUONICLIi PUIIUSHINIJ CO. The Dalles, January 10, ib'uo. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. A good feed ynrd for sale or rent c!'p. Inqniro nt Farmers Feed Yard, Tim D.illod. !Mdl-w2 Linden Oarroteon, who was injured Saturday evening, is Improving rapidly "nil will boon l)e able to bo up and "round. The attention of tho Knights of Mac Mbees 1h called to their meeting thin jening ut 8i!10, sharp. All members would be on hand. We learn that a numbor of membera o'lliu militia company contemplate go al! to Portland next week and enlisting the regular army. Stair Copt. WHIIb, tho Son. Sec, of tho North Pacific chief division, will con duct the service at tho Salvation Army wTimraday evening, July 27, 1801). Only throo more days to got ono of tho Prettiest noveltioH in fanoy work evor n in tho WeBt. Where do you (hid ' Why follow tho crowd of ladles who to to A. m. Williams' every day. Tlds morning a spoclul train of four jw paesod through this city about 0 clock. It wua occupied by General MlnttKBr Klioberly nnd party, of the Aorthern PmcKIo road. Nulla Walla people nre agitating the Sueitlou of bringing their aolclior boys "aiue i free of expenie. Paiaenger Agent "oHbnrt, of the 0. R.& N., lm offered m , ' lUl) ,row 'Fr, 10 tb"1 ,lice wmcn i. 8 jMi ,,, Ue UiU,j,fHro, At t rate it will require $1330; to bring Company I Iiouip, and they will attempt to raise that amount among the citizens. Cnmtmtniilng Saturday, July UDth, the 0. It. & N. Go. will sell round-trip tickets to G.iscadu Lucks and return fur $1.50. 'rickuts will tie honored uoing on train No. 1, Saturday, and returning on trains Noe. 4 and 2 tlio following Sunday. Jam. Ii:ui,ani, Agent. jly2C-ang!l Dennis MeColley evidently thought the boys had come home last evening when he saw tho militia out drilling, uud began to celebrate by gutting chuck full, or at least whiskey full. Marshal Hughes reminded him that lie was mis taken and Recorder Gateo charged him .IS for the error. An intelligent West Virginia farmor has discovered that by planting (minus and pntatoeH in alternate rows in the Hume Held, the onions become so strong that they bring tears to the eyes of tho potatoes In such volume that tlio roots are kept moist and a. big crop is raised in spite of the drought. Tho town Ie well spread with bllla for the appearance of the Shaw Dramatic Company in this city next week. This is rather an out of the way season for n show to visit Ua, but tho Haldwin Is cool, and it will bo a splendid manner in which lo pass tho oveniug. Tho pi ices will be 15, 25 and .'15 cents. Kates to tho aoasido this yoaKaro to bo exceptionally low. A rate war is now on, and the Astoria and Columbia rlvor road announces a reduction iu the one way rato from $2 to 1.00, and iu tho round trip from 3 to $2.40. TheO. H. & N. will soon follow suit, and every body can go to tho beach. Astoria la planning to havo McKinley attend tho regatta this suuiiuur and Spokane thinks Bryan will bo iu that city during tho industrial exposition. The former Is likely to end in nothing but a plan, for McKlnloy isn't headed this way; whllo the latter well.if wo were betting we'd go 10 to 1 that it would end in "gaa." A letter received in Salem from one of the Second Oregou boya ay the regi ment will come home in a body, and that the boya will atop and parade nt Ainland, Koieburg, Eugene, Albany and Salem, and then finally at Portland. They'll certainly be pretty well worn out by that time. What's the use of their stopping at every little jlm-crow town in the Valley, why don't they come direct to The Dalles, whore there'll bo some body lo seo them. The court of discipline has been getting in its work, as tho attendance at tho reg ular drill last evening proved. During tho warm weather and whllo the pleas ant evenings entice tho members away from duty, it Is deemed best to hold a court of discipline ut which every absentee must give a good reason for non-attendance or be fined. Last night nine fonrti were at headquarters at the usual time for drill and Company D made a fine showing as they marched ahout tho streets. Messrs. A. It. Thompson and B. A. Giflbrd returned last night from thoir camping place, about seventeen miles up Hood Itlvur. They report it an ideal camping place; as perfect a location as they have ever seen, and say their families with that of J. M. Huntington, are enjoying the outing immensely. Mr. Giflbrd and Mr. Thompson made the trip into Lost Lako and back in two days, although it was a hard trip to make in so short a time. Tho former obtained what lie lliinka will be excellent views of the lake. It is said that fishermen along the Columbia are to ask for nu extension of the open season ten days, as the season was so late and the run so light. Pre sumably these are tho lower river fisher men who want not only the earth, but the waters that cover the earth and all that in them is. With their seines, traps etc., those at Astoria capture all they possibly can entrap and then when the salmon get as far as the Cascades the leads put out by the. fiEhermen there, gobble up the remainder, and the fisher men further up the stream get left. A correspondent of tho Liverpool Mercury, in a communication to that paper writes iiB follows: I nu willing to rifck my reputation as a public man if the worst cnee of emall-pox can not be effectually cured in three days simply by cream of tartar. This is tho cure and never failing remedy. One'' ounce of cri'iim of tartar dissolved in a pint of boiling water, to lie drank when cold, at ntorvals; it can be taken nt any time and is a preventative iib well ay a curative. It is known to have cured in thousand of cases. It never fails. Clara Morris, the r.ctreus, has written a charmingly poetic story, "The Princess Porcelain," which is published in the August Ladles' Homo Journal. It is Miss Morris' desire to become as woll known ns an authoress as she is an actress, and in the hope of such achieve tiieut she has entered the literary field Two or three other stories from her pen have been published during recent years, and they have been received with the highest approval. Thus far Miss Morris' literary efforts have met with great MiecobS, and sho finds a place for everything that comes from her pen. Some time ago the GnuoNiui.u strong ly advocated the idea of Ihe early closiug of our businets houses during the months of July and August. Later, however, in conversation with pomu of tlio le.uting business men, wo were re luctantly persuaded that, under the present circumstances, when there ie so much competition for outside trade, t would not tie advisable. Ono thine, at any rato, wo can all do to make the burden of clerks and those who are so unfortunate as to be compelled to spend the evening hours iu clnee otores, and that is to either do our shopping during the day, or early enough in tlio evening to prevent them being kept after tho hour set for closiug, which, in dry ;oods stores, is 8 o'clock. None, we feel sure, would intentionally prolong the stiuud hour, but uuthiukingly enter the store near to 8 o'clock nnd when pur chasing a lurgo bill of goods, or often a small one, of necessity prevent the doors being closed. The same applies to other places of business, mom of which endeavor to close at 8:110. Let's bo unselfish enough to consider this matter. A Child Unjojs. The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing ell'ect of Syrup of Figs, when in need of a laxative, and if tho father or mother bo costivo or bilious, the most gratifying results follow Its use; so that it is the bcBt family remedy known and every family should havo a bottle. Manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. fouutl. Iu East End Feed Yard Wednesday morning, July 6th, a bay bone, about fourteen hands high between 10 or 12 years old ; wjiito star on forehead, black points ; saddle marks and brand li L on oft shoulder with running It underneath, and weighing nbout 900 pounds. Owner can have same by proving property and payiug all charges. jly8-lua You need have no bolls if you will buy Clarke & Falk'a sure cure for bolls. A DISGU8TINQ TRAIT Cnrlonlty ninplkjred Regarding Crimi nal and Thnlr Victim Ainu In Private Life. For a paper which just hits tlio nail on tho head and attacks wrong in a manner which is commendable, and calculated to show them up in a fearless manner, which should make the guilty parties hide thoir feces in very shame, com mend us to the Telegram. If thoio is a trait of human nature which is disgusting to those who have a spark of refined feelinus, it is the morbid curiosity which prompts, not only the riff raff, but those who claim to bo re spectable people, to swarm about a jail where an a leged murderer or other criminal is confined, in tho hopoof gain ing a glimpse at the prisoner. Tho more henioua the crime he is charged with, the more anxious do they appear to strew flowers in his pathway or heap at tention upon him. Equally as revolt ing is tho habit of fairly troddlDg upon one another in the effort to gain ad mittance to the morgue where is the corpse of ids victim. What possible satis faction can there, be in gazing upon the lifeless features of a poor unfortunate who has met such a fate as did Clara Fitch last week in Portland, and yet tho papers tell us that it would seem one half of the populace of that city visited the morgue in the endeavor to gain a glimpse of her face. Not alone do we see this trait ex hibited in such cases, butthe inquisitive ness displayed at a private funeral is only another feature of the same innato curiosity ; when many who in life per haps had never seen the one whom friends are paying the last respects to, or at any rate, had never spoken with, hasten to the home (which perhaps will scarcely accommodate the nearest friends of the deceased) merely through a feel ing borne of curiosity. Often have we seen mothers lift the infant child to gaze upon the features of one whom the little one had never seen and could not realize what it all meant, but returned home to have its dreams disturbed by tho mystery which had been Hiub par tially revealed to it. These are unpleatant subjects upon which to dwell, but nevertheless have become so familiar to all that it is im poesiblo to pass them by unnoticed. Iiegarding tho case now being tried in Portland uud touching on the same subject, the Telegram says: " Morbid and disgusting curiosity, epringiug from tho soil of frilly minds and operafmg in an atmosphere of bad manners, brings a swarm of silly young females to the city jail, eager for u chance to gaze longingly upon tho prisoner McDaniel. These mentally and morally unlovely specimens of femininity would hug uud kibs him if they could, on the theory that lie is a local Durraut and a monster who after injuring ono of their sex during her life strangled her to death. This isn't proved yet, by a loog way ; but these idiotic creatures suppose he is guilty; otherwise they wouldn't be "stuck" on him. It is a pity tho whole swarm can't be locked up for sixty days." MORE TALK OF OPPOSITION Which Huyn tho ItvgulHttir Lino Will Soon Iliivo Coinimtltoin. This morning's Telegram is again talking about an opposition boat line. Tho Regulator line, however, dojs not seem lo have been frightened off the river by the announcement, and is still doing business at the old stand. The latest report says "unless there Is reason for tlio contrary tlio steamer Sarah Dixon will go on tlio route be tween Portland and The Dalles between August 1st and 15th, in opposition to tho D. P. & A. K. Co. The Dixon is now helping the No Wonder in the towing business, that boat having mors thau she can haudle.but as eoou us tow ing slacks up the Dixon will go on the up-river route. "The excellent busintps transacted by the Regulator line has caused talk of opposition from various quarters for many yeats past, but for some reason the opposition has never developed. This year tho talk is more definite, and while information Is refused by the companion who are expected to u into it, they do not deny specifically that they are thinking of the rrfatter. "Jacob Knmm Is suspected of having designs on tho up-river traffic. The new boiler for his crack boat Lurline has been shipped from Chicago, and will arrive in a week or ten days, and but a short time will be needed to in stall it, when he will have a boat too many. It is pointed out that it he sent tho Lurline on the up-river route the Undine could take care of the company's Astorin run, and tlio Mascot could be operated between Portland and LswIb river and could also call at Vancouver on her trips. When Mr. Kamm has any change iu view ho does not mako e practico of talking about it before hand, and no one knows what is coming until tho change ie mado. Hence, if he in tends to run the Lurline to The Dalles it will be known certainly the day on which she starts " Election Notice, By virtue ot an order made by the Board of Fire Delegates of Dalles City fire department on the J8th day of July, 1899, notice is hereby given that there will be an election held for the purpose of electing a chief engineer and an assistant chief of Dalies City fire de partment, said election to be held on the first Monday in August, said day being the 7th of Aucust, 1899. The polling placo of said election shall be at the fire engine house, situated on Third street, Dalles City, and the polls of said election &hull open nt 5 o'clock p. m. and be closed at 7 o'clock p. m. on said day. Dated Dalles City, Oregon, this 24th day of Jul v, 1899. E. M. Winqate, Secretary Board of Firo Delegates. Jly 24-2wk "We have sold many different couch remedies, but none gave better satisfac tion than Chamberlain's," Enys Mr. Charles Holzhaner, Druggist, Newark, N. J. "It is perfectly safe and can be relied upon in all cases of coughs, colds or hoarseness." Sold by Blakeley &. Houghton Druggists. For Kent. Two tenement houses; fine location. Inquire at this ofiice. Jly 17-lwk "lluruimiy" IVhlkey. Harmony whiskey for family and special use, sold by Ben Wilson, The Dalles. jl "What might havo been" if that little cough hadn't been negiected.Iis the sad reflection of thousands of consump tives. Ono Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and olds. Butier Drug Co. It's a real pleasure to get the meals for tho family when yon hare a complete sot of needfull utensils and have a new Garland stove or Pteel range to cook upon. We fur nish kitchens and can save you money and many steps when you want nnything In the way of kitchen supplies. Our stock of tinware, j;ran!townro, delf ware, table cutlery, car verB, meat cutters, iiileen seed ers, pots, irons, ronsting pans hundreds of other things to mako the kitchen complete. We can furnish double oven jjj CUUlk BIUVUB llUIil -O.UU up. ijij aee tno ocst liange on iartu, The Garland It has no equal. Also a complete line of build er's hardware. Notice to Poultry Raisers: No moro Chicken Lice. Call at JInler fe Bfnton'a nnd see tho Aiitlw;ptlo N'pKt EgR. With the use of this Not Ksg jou will have no more Lire, Jlites or Vcrnlii in your poultry houses, rietting hens will set better eggs and will hatch butter uud chickens will Uvh aud grow better where Authepttc Kgg Is used. Sco them at piaier I m 167 Second St. 1 i m n. s 1 a I i in Blsmarck'fi Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kindeys and bowels are out of order. If you want thess qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c" at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 2 Thomas lihoads, CenterGeld, 0., writes: "I suffered from piles seven or eight years. No remedy cave me relief until DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, less than a bos of which permanently cured me." Soothing, healing, perfectly harm less. Bewait of counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. Lost. Last Thursday, in this city, a qold watch. Walthiim movement. A liberal reward is offered to the iinderif returned to this ofiice or to E. J. Collin?. 25 3t 3 I -Our Bicycle I Repairing Department si 1 M Ts now in shape to properly A handle all kinp3 of work from a puncture to .building a wheel. Also repair Locks, Guns, Sowing Machines anr all t kinds of light machinery, etc. l This department is under the charge of Mr. J. KirchoU". MAYS & CROWE. i V - - I I Baldwin Opera House 0X15 WEEK, UEG1NX1XU MONDAY EVENING-, JULY 31st. MR. SAM T. SHAW, supported by a talented company of players. Positively the strongest aggregation of ite kind in the west. The Finest Uniformed Band and Orchestra. Concert aud parade each day at 11:30 o'clock. Opening Play, Monday Night, "THE WESTERNER." Chnugo of play nightly. Special Scenery. Funny Comedians, Songs and Dances, POPULAR PRICES , 16c, 36o and 35o JF Boats on sale at Blakeley & Houghton's Drugstore. SHAW'S COMPANY