3 tt Shriles tpamick. VOL. XI T THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2G, 1899. NO 88 IV HAS RESIGNED He Aclian is In Consequence of Ills Not Having: a Free Hani. LORD SALISBURY MAY FOLLOW Transvaal Must Comply Willi linRlatid's Every Demand or a Hot War Will Follow -Knitter's Rcsiynntloii Ma) Not He Accepted. Cvpj: Town, July 25. Advicoa have been received hero oor.firmine; the report tli.it President Kruur Iihh reaiKnod. News Kept Secret. London, July 1!5. Thu JuhuunoHburi: coru'Bpoiident at thu Standard miya: . "l'rceideut Kroner Hunt u luttur to the volkeraad rodiunliiK thu presidency in cmiei'ipiunce of tint refusal tu i;ivu hint u free hand oa to the dyntiniito mnnopoly. He attutukd tho iniiiiliiiK of tlm volharauil this afternoon, during tho eonuidurution ol hiu letter. It if not known yot whethur iiia resiirtiation wiib euiulitloniil. Thu newa was kept aeerot tit I'rutoriu." Salisluiry May Kesimi. New Yokic, July 25. A dispatch to the Times from London Bays : Thu ut tcntion of till J-ti In tid in iipuin turned tovaid thu Transvaal. The Times bhvb Premier Schrutnor, of Capo Colony, can not incito Kr tiger to inivlcu furthur con cessions. Much unreal is niunifoatcd hero, and tins ia not likoly to bu lessoned in tho next few iluya. An uutliority of tho liltlhoat character made thu following statement today: "I iiiusa every cluiiiaiul of KiiKlund ho complied with, tlioru will lai war. This I1119 l)ei!ii thu iutontion of tlio government from thu outset. Mlniur waa eont to South Afrieu fur tho purposuof oatubllah iRK suzerainty of England, not only in oreiijii, hut In domestic uiraira. Tho Uitlniiilura' dcairoa wore thoroughly con eiderud nail decided to ho reasonable. If Milnur'a demands are grutud,,lt will is tabllali Kugllali rights to iulorforo in tlio domeitii: iilhiira of tlio Trnnavanl ; if not, there will ho war. "Loid Salisbury's n;aii;uution limy bo expected within 11 fuw uiontha. Ilia wife's illness may be given ub tlio cause, llo is tired of tho game and anxious to ro tire. "Kvery littlu dutalt of tho campaign lias been mapped out. It will not bo a "petition of furuior fights with thu Huura. It will bo ratliur a campaign on tlm lines of Kitchener's advance in ttio Soudan. In thu coming conflict, tho wliolu llrillah umpire will tako part. Tho Mulish voliinteora have buon aoundud, and they ro rcudy. Australia, New salami, Canada and Indiu have been hMrd 'roin and will bo called upon." Forty Bushels Per Acre. Wkmon, July 24. Crop prospects nro excellent in thia locality. Forty bualiolH iwac.ru will not bo an unusual yield for hdl-eown grain, and tho coolor weather now prevailing will usaiat greatly 111 ma ,llri"K sprlng-sown, which had an Herod eomowlmt from thu "hot spell," nnd JifyiiiK winds. Some of tlio fall wheat 8 Bo plump nnd heavy that It Iiiib JodKed. Harvesting will iionurally communco wlliin a few days. It la ulrcadv in I'ronreaa in tho Walla Walla valley, yoml Milton, whore groin ia oarllor aid tho damage appears to havo been Baiter thHii In thia section. ltoports foiii ttiuro arutlmt twonty-flvo to thirty liela pur U!ro H til0 ,,8rti yiol(j from elds that promised u third more uoforo "o unfavorable woathor came. Dewey Will Hc Located in Vnslilintoii. ft"w Yoiik, July 25.-A Hpeclul to tho emldlrom Wuahlngton oajH: There "inch gossip in naval eirclea reapeutiiig Kmluty to wlifeh Admiral Dewuy will "Uttiwluiied upon hla arrival In this conn- lAVAl Baking T ABSOLUTELY DUBF Makes the food more delicious and wholesome WOVAl nKIN(l rO-DEH try. Seurotar) Look poaitivuly declarca tlio poat Iihh nit yet heon delected and that u declalon will he made only when he liua had an opportunity to consult with Admiral Dowoy and hua learned ina wialtea. Thuro ia apparently no doubt, liowevur, Unit tho iiilmiral will bo sta tioned in Washington at thu heiid of a strong board, poaHlbly tho board of in Hiiuclion and survey, whoao duties will ho enlarged ho an to tuko in queatioiiB of jioliny rulatint; to ahip cmiHtructioii. Should u board of admirala hu tlio re Hiilt of thonr(:aui7.:itioii of thu muchanical bureaus of thu depurtuiunt, 11 a proponed by thoau wiio favor auch a Holutiou next to tlio munition of thu pruuent ayatuuia, thuru ia littlu doubt that thu admiral will hu mado the head of the board. IS IT KlUHT I'nr 1111 Kdllur lo Itiimiiiiiiiiiiul .lliilllulneH'.' J'lltmit From Sylvan Valley News, Urevrad, N. C. It may bu a queation whether the editor of u newspaper bus the rfcht to puliliely recommend any of tho varioua proprietary medicinea which flood tho market, yet uh a nruventivo of Bufferine; wu feel It u duty to aay a nond word for Chamhorlain'K Colic, Cholera and Diur rhoua Uemedy. Wo lmvo known and uaed thia medicinu in our family lor twenty yeara and hayo always found it roliuhle. In many cuaue 11 doau of this remedy would wave lioura of Euiluriui: whilu a phyaiciau ia awaited. Wo do not believe in depending implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but wu do believe t tint if a bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Itemed' waa kejit on hand and adiuiniatcred at thu iuceptiun of an attack, much auiluriuc, might bo avoided and in very many caaea thu presence of a phyaiciau would not bu required. At luuHt thia lias been our experience during tlio past twenty years. For Bale by Dlakuloy & Houghton, Druggiata. Death of Lloyd Tevis. San Fkancihco, July iM. Lloyd Tevie, the well-known capltuliat, died tonight at tho residence in thu city. The end wiih entirulv unexpected, although he had been confined to ilia room witli a aovure cold for about a fortnight. Ho 1 ad not buen robuat for eomc tune, nnd owing to advancing yeara ho wub unuble to withatund tlio complications which followed hia original indiapoaitiou. Uutiii'i-li Uiililiitl l) Oun il with local iinplicalioua, na they cannot reach thu Heat of thu diaeaao. Catarrh ia a blood or constitutional dleeuse, and in ordur to cure it yon niuat tako inter nal luinediuH. llaU'e Catarrh Guru ih taken Internally, and acta directly on tho blood and niucoua Hiirfacea. Hall'a Catarrh Cure ia not n quack medicine. It was wiib preaenbod by one of thu boat phyalciaiiH in thia country for years, and Ih ureeiilar nieacrlntion. It in composed of tho boat tunica known, combined with thu heat bluod purilluta, acting directly on the mucous aurfacea. Tlio perfect combination of tho two ingredienta ia what nroducua audi wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Sund for teatiuioniale, free. F. J. CiiKNiiv & Co., Tropa., Toledo 0. Sold by drrugglata, pricu 7c. Hall'B Family IMlla nro thu heat. Vi Was Stepmother lo Minnie Hank. FoiiijstGhovk. July'Jt. Mra. Andrew ilauk, of CornolliiH, who died Friday evening from thoetlecta of a strangulated hernia, need fiOyeaia, waa liurioii touay in tho Catholic cemetery at Verboot. She had baun a rualdeut of Washington county fifteen yeara. Shu wus stepmother of the prlma donna, Mlnulo Hank, the singer, who has a world-wide reputation. Grcen-Hycd Monster. I.0W11 Hcauh. (Jul.. July t!5. F. Thu- vor, a cobbler 60 yeara old, allot and iu atuntly killed MUb Dorothy McKee, aged I.M. 'J hovnr was jealouH 01 tno aiioiiiion paid the lady by a young nmn iiaiued Powder CO., NW YORK. Caker. Tliever attempted to shoot Ba ker nlao, but failing in this, turned the weapon upon himaulf. Ho is thought to be fatally wounded. rttory nf u iSlnvn. Te bo bound iiand und foot for years by tlio chains of dieeaee is tho worst form of aluvery. Geo. D. Willintnp, of Manchester, Mich., tella how audi a slave was mado free. He aaya: "My wife hr.a been so helpleaa for five yeara Unit olio could not tuin over in lied alone. After uaing two bottlea of Elec tric Iiittorp, Blie is wonderfully im proved and able to do her own work." This Biipremu remedy for female dis eiifliiB quickly ,curea nervousneas, sleep lusBiieaa, uieluncholy, headaclic, bnck aclie, fainting und Aiv.zy spella. This miracle working medicine is a godeend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. C U. P. Will Double Track. St. Paul, Minn., July '2i. -A special from New York says it was announced today that tlio Union Pacific would nt once begin double tracking its entire line, at tho cost of if 10,000,000. New double Bteel bridges will supplant the preaent onea. The work will be done in 11.' sectious, and it is to be completed in two yeurs. Itntuurliublo Kiwcuii, Mrs, Michael Cirtain, Plaiufield, III. milked thu statement, that she cuught cold, which settled on her lungs; she waa treated for a month by her family physician, hut grew worse. IIu told her alio waa a hopulea victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her drnggiat suggested Dr. King'a 2s'ew Discovery for consumption ; elie bought a buttle and to her delight found herself benefited from the first, close. Shu con tinued to use and after taking six bottles found herself sound and well ; now does her own housowork, and is as well ae she ever was. Free trial hottto of this Great Discovery at Blakeley & Hough ton's drug atore. Only 50 cents and $1. Every bottle guaranteed. G An Kiililomlu of liliirrliuoa. Mr. A. Sundera, writing from Cocoa nut Grove, Flu., saya thuro lias been quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there. He had a severe uttuck and was cured by four dosea of Clianiberlutn'a Cholic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Kemedy. lie says ho aleo recommended it to others and they say it is the best medicine they ever need. Eor hale bv Blakeley & Houghton Druggista. DoWitt's Little ;Knrly Kiaera benefit permanently. They lend gentle oeEiat unco to nature, cauaing 110 puiua or weakness, permanently curing constipa tion and liver ailmente. Butler Drug Co. For Sale. Three houses and lour lots in Tho Dalles, as a wholo or separately. Lo cation east of high school. Pays exceptionally good interest on invoslmont. Property in good con dition. Addross, M. I7. Fitz Gerald, Tho Dalles, Or. Send in care of Thu Chronicle. LAST TIME ON DRESS PARADE Scconi Orep Beviswcd ty General Bgcdc and Staff. THEY MADE A GOOD SHOWING Same Thorough Efficiency Which Gave the Second Oregon the Reputation of Being the Best Drilled Regiment at Manila, Still Manifest. Pnnsmio, Cal., July ly. Yetterdny afternoon the Second Oregon regiment gave what will probably be its Inst dress parade while iu tliijervice of the United States. The parado was formedan line of bat talions in cloEe columns Although the itgiment had not held a dress parade or battalion drill for live months, it ac quitted itself j'pleudidly and elicited highly favorable comments from arixy officera present. At Manila it was freely admitted that the Oregon regiment gnve the best drees parades there, excelling evtn the Fourteenth inlantry, the best regular regiment there. There la pro bably not u regiment now in the Eervice tiiat can equal it in this respect. After the parade the regiment was reviewed by General Beebe and staff, and then it marched in review, twenty-four files front, preserving perfect alignment in every company. Physical ExaminaUtjns. The work of phvsicd ixnmination of tlio men began yesterday; the first bat talion being taken firsts The surgeons finished with the band and hospital corps ani companies A and D. Today companies II and L will be disposed of, and then thu second battalion will be taKen. The scratch rolls of some of the companies will be completed today and handed in for critical examination by the mustering officers. After these have been checked and corrected, five copies will be made, two for the paymaster, oue for the adjutant-gpneral of tho army, one for the adjutantgeneral of Oregon, to be filed with the state records, and one for the company commander, with the company records. This work will consume ulLof two weeka longer. 'ulCHlliC lOl'lllHloilH Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen'a Arnica Salve cures thutu ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boila, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 eta. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists. " r. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given that tlio part nership heretofore existing between C. J. Cathcart and J. D. Straus, under tho firm name of Cathcart k Straus, is thia day dissolved by mutual consent, C. J. Cathcart retiring. J. I). Straus will continue the business, und will col lect all bills due said iirm and pay all accounts against the same. Dated July 1, 1899. C. J. Catiicaut, J. D. Stkaus. DeWitt'a Little Early Itieers expel from the system all poisonous accumu lations, reguluto tho stomach, bowels and liver, and purify the blood, They drivo away disease, disalpatu melancholy and give health and vigor for the daily routine. Do 110 gripu or Bickeu. Butler Drug Co, ano ituuuid. A reward of 20 will be paid for the ar rest of any person caught stealing flowers or anything elto from tho Odd Fellows' cemetery. Gun-shot wounds mid powder-burns, cuts, brulei'H, sprains, wounds hum rusty nulla, insects stings and Ivy poison, lug-quickly lieuled by DeWltt's Witch Hatful Salve. Positively prevents blood poisoning. Beware ol counterfeits. Do Witt's is m(t and mxt. Butler Drug Co. THIS A Tan Shoe Sale! A sale not of odds and ends, but of our regular and most desirable, up-to-date Spring and Summer of 1899 styles. Oar Loss Will Oxblood Russian ralf lace shoes, value $3.00. Thia week Ladies' Oxfords. Chocolate Viena button ox fords, hand-turned eole, handsome coin toe, value $3.50. This week 2.20 Chocolate vesting top south ern tie, flexible sole, value $3.00. This week 2.00 LadieB chocolate vesting top oxfords, hand-turned sole, value $3.00. Thia week . . . 2.00 Lidies' chocolate vesting top oxforde, value $2,50. Thia week 1.70 Value $2.00. This week ... 1.50 Miss' and Childs' Lace Shoes. Chocolate, vesting top, lace shoes, coin toe; sizes 8'.. toll, value $1.50. Thia week " $1.10 Sizes 114 to 2, value $1.75. This week 1.30 Men's tan willow calf, nickle hooka and eyea, latest popular last, value $3.50. This week 2.35 Men's chocolate vici kid, reduced for the week from $3,00 to 2.20 Sale commences Tuesday a. m.: concludes Sat- f. urday at 9 p. m.' A. M. Williams & Co. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice la heiebv (riven that 1 have Hied with thu cluik (it thu rounlv Court of thu Suite 11I Oregon, fur Wukco County, jay tjnal account ni aduiinUtrator ol thu u.tatc of O. W. Kco, ilu ceaMtt, ami by tmonlur of thu County court Hiori'siiiu, uumu juhu i, itvj, .Moiiuuy, jwi) .1, ls'Jti, at thu hour ol 'J o'clock . 111., 1ms been tlxed us thu time ami thu County Com t room in pulton City 10. the plticK for thu hearliiKof objections to wild 11 mil m-couiit, und thutcltlc mciit ol mid cm ate. Y. V. MAY.-', Juii li lt AdmlnUtrator. Executor's Notico. Kotlco Ih hereby Riven Unit the uuderi-lKiicd hax been ituly aiHlutcd by tho honorable County Court of the Statu of Orcnon, for Whm-o county, a executor of thu cutato of Cliche J. HalKht, (liccubcil, All piT'Oiu liuilnK claims UKaliibt bald estate 1110 hereby notlllcd to ru wet the Miine, piopcrly vcilitcd, tu inu at my ollleu la Dalles Cltv, Oienou, within Mx luouthb from thu ilaluof ttiU notice. Dated this Mil day of July, lew. h'KANK MKNKKKK, Kxcctitor uf thu mtatu of t'liebu J, JUIrIiI, decciuud, Jlyhll WEEK Be Your Gain. Ladies' Lace Shoes. Chocolate willow calf lace shoe, up to-date last, worth 4.00. This week only $2.75 Tan kid laco shoe, fancy jfj vesting laco stay, flexi- ff hie sole, valne $3.50. Thia week only 2.35 w Chocolate kid vesting top lace shoe, Goodyear welt sole, new coin toe, value $3.00. This week 2.2c coin toe, medium heaw sole, gf , 1.S5 f Il$g Men's Colored Shoes Mot's $5.00 tan willow calf, bull dog toe, nied. eole. Tina week 3,45 Men's choeolato vici kid, vesting top, value $4.00. This week 2.C5 Men's cliocolatu vici kid. coin toe, value $3.50. $J xuis wecx . iu ' 4 NOTIOK FOR PUBLICATION. I.amij Ofkick at Tiik Dam es, Oitunoh-; Juno in, Ib'j'j. I Kotlco U hereby given that thu following named settler has tiled notico of Ida intention to muUe final iiroof iu sujiiiurt of bis claim, mill that s ild proof will bu niadu beforu the rcuixter and receiver at Thu Dullcn, Urccoii, 011 Saturday, July ii'J, lbiw, viz: I'll 11 lu (Irlmuiid, widow of 1'lerre (irlmaud, lUceiisetl, of Tho lMiUd.; II, K, No. tOTO, for the li'u SKK Hce.'JI, Tp. 1 north, it la K. WW. IIu uauieii thu follouiug witnciscN to mvu hUroulIutioiih reidencu upon und cultivation of nld Ixiid, viz: Clnu. A. Suliutz, Hock Cary, Umls HuudiM Andicw Uruillmrt, all of Thu Dalles, (Irifrnu. Jaiill 11 JAY 1'. LUCAS, ittulsU-r. V , liOOlIP, JOHN IUVIN MOOItE & GAVIN, ATTOItNKYS AT LAW. Itoouu ay mid W.ovcr U. a. Ijind Ollleu. wmm IB