I' ll v Acts gently on the amd Bowels manses the 5ystem W,,,, Constipation fl U-fc- DrDMAMPMTIV today making arrangements for the en gagenient of his company In this city. M. Holden, representing the Park DAVisdrtig company, of Detroit, ie in; the city in the Interest of his company. Ha is accompanied by Mrs. Holden. This mornlnL' Paul Krcft left for Portland, where ho goes to consult specialists regarding his case. He will also visit tliu suasidu before returning. E. 1). Clark, agent for thoO. It. & N. at Hood Kiver, ncrouipnniud by Airs. Clark, epent yesterday with Sirs. M. Parkins on their way to rpend their vacation at Roalyn, 11. C. John Ikckit, traveling freight agent for the Uio Grande Western, is in thn city from Portland. Mr. 'Decl.it was a lormer sciiool chum of H. W. French in DeKalb, III., and stopped oft' to spend ..... .1 . f . , . It . I lue uny vritii iiiu. Mrs. D:ichro;ult, of Portland, wlio has been the guest of Mrs. Win. Union, on the Washington side of the river, is now visitinvj Mr3. A. Duuhler. She will leave tomorrow for Portland. Mrs. Mensing and daughter, Miss Tussle, who have spent the past two weeks with friends here, left this morn ing for their homo in TRcoma. Mrs. Mensing was formerly a resident of The Dalles, mid this is her first visit in seven years. BUSINESS LOCALS. Buy THE GENUINE - MANY D By (AUi?ffNIA TG $YRVP(S ten nit si tu caoscui rs.tt soi rtnecmt. rRKSiix.it. mkstion It. J. Gorman went to IIoj.1 River to day. Deputy Government Inspector ButUr is in the city. II. E. Bartholomew came down from Pendleton yesterday. Prof. Birfold wai a passenger on the bj.it from tsprague l.it evening. Miss Christina Nickelson returned last night from n week's stay in camp at Spragne. B. It. Mnrcliie came down from Wasco yesterday and spent today transacting business here. O. T. KlUnq flio t.vla mtirfimnt came up on buaiuesj yesterday, return ing this morning. Mrs. F. V. McCune and family will join the campers at Sprague, having gone uown tins morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Metcalf, of Van couver, Wash., are visiting his mother, Airs. m. A. ftwing, ol this city. W. P. Watson, an old-time Dalles resident, cstno up from Hood River last nigiii anu fcper.i touay in tno city. Last evenim: Mrs. Darnell and Mrs M. Z. Donnell and family returned from then camping tripnt Cascade. Mrs. Mary Downey came up from VnLC'Uver yesterday to be pietent at the funeral of her brother, Geo. Young. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Wells returned tast nicht from n few days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. Henderson at White Salmon. Mrs. J. P. Abbott and children and Mrs. Ddloro cune in from Wapinitia yesterday mid left for Portland by boa: this morning. E. R. Allen, the advance agent for tho Shaw Dramatic Company, is in the city the tf tonie. C. J. Try tonic. C. J. Scrofula, a Vile I Use Clarke & Falks Rosofoam for teotn. For the best results use the Vivo Camera, For sale by tho Postoflice harmacy. if Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell'e drug store. Fresli cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. nich23-tf Improved Magazine cyclones are win ners. Donnell, the druggist, will gladly show thorn to you. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. .1. Stublinc, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J tubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m. Try Verba Bueua Bitters, tho best For salo at nil first-class bars. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Verba Duena Bitters, tho best For sale at all first-class bars. Stubling, agent. The Dalles. M I7-3in For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera that will take larger pictures than any ctiier Camera on the market. For sale by Clarke & Falk. tf Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elston. Mo., writes : "One Minute Cough Cure saved tho life of our little bov when nearly dead with croup." Butler Drug uo. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vascouvkb. Wash., Julyo, lb'JD. Jsotlco Is hereby civtn that tho following named tettlirsliiivi; Hied notice of their inten tion to wnko linal proof in tumiort of their claims Hurt that tald proofs will be made b;foro , .U; l'K' Unfed i-tatea Commissioner for iikaiuui ui ii ha i ii-'ii ill . itr n is n rn in imiiinn. dale, Washington, on Monday. AukusI II. lhM. viz.: Stephen .Harlrtt. Homevtcad Entry Xo. WJI, for tho S. U X. K. i' ?.f y?,1.1 r0' Township a Xorih, 'of Ku'iijfe' $ tast, Will. Mer. 11a llnmnu tlm fall,,i.,t,v l,.,r,..-.., ... ... ..... continuous residence. u;kjii and cultivation said land, viz: (,nrt hranzet), Christian Franzen, I'orter L. Hardison, Marion Splaivn, nil of I.yie l't 0Wash. Porter I.. Ilardlhiin. Ilomestuuil Knlrv Xn. oa".t. fur ty,n u v v r E. U nf Sep ttnn V- thr. a 1 a) a -' i y sertlon i; iJ, '.j of X. II, U of Scctlnn nuTo'wa.' fhlti :i .Norlh, ot ItaiiKc l:l East. Will. Mer. lKnnme.s Hie followiiiK witnesses to prove hlS r.-lTltlllllfin M'VlilrlUini.nii uml .... 1 1 1 .... . I of said land, viz.: Carl Krinn. rMirlctl-in rrnn-.b. ci... Marlctt, Marion SpliiHii, all of I.yie I'.'o', f ush. J'JS II W. It. UUNUAU. Iteiilster. The Busy Store. Kadi day our business shows tho people arc finding out wc arc pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. The Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' 111311 jlllppj Sits. It m t i on ii n.'i. ecuiaior a uaiies wtj Dally (except Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood Kiver, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Touchln; at win poin's on botli sIcIcn ot the I.. . He mm no Co eoRl PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MAN UKAGTU l'.K ltd OK Fine Lard and Sansaeres Gurersof kr BRAND HAMS & BACOK a)RLKD 15EEF. ETC. Bcrof ula is the most obstinate of blood troubles, and is often the result of an inherited taint in the blood. S. S. S. is tho only remedy which goes deep enough to reach Scrofula ; it forces out every traco of ho disease, and cures the worst cases. My son, Olurlle, was afflicted from infancy -with Scrofula, and ho suffored so that it was impossible to dress him for threo years. It in ihead and body wero a mass of sores, and his eyesight also became nffected. Xo treatment was s no red that wo luoujiiu ivouiu reiiovo lilni. but ho irrew worse V" until Ms condition was'ii indeed pitiable. I lmdB almost dcs-pslred oflilsf mum vureu, wneu jz, hv tho advice of a friend lli wo mwo him H, fi. 8. I Swlfl'u KriMf.f tl A .In cidod Improvement was tho reiult.and after . i f r "uzon ionies. no ouo who knew of Ws former dreadful condition would have recognized lilrn. All the cores on his body liavfl healed, his sUln is perfectly clear ana smooth, and he has been restored to perfect health. Mbs.H.S.Mabrv. 830 Elm St., Macon, Ua. For real blood troubles it is a waste of tinio to exnect n cum finm thn !. uioou uiseasos ai-o bovond thnlr a i n NOTICE OF FINAL SKTTLEMKNT. Notice ;Is hercbv rrlvcn that the undcleriti! lias liltd his llnal iicrount aH exi-cutor of the eh tato of Sarah McAto ultli t .o clerk of tho count court of tho statu of Ort-'nn, for Wfco county, mid that Thurbdny.tho lath day of July, lnw, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in, has been fixed us tho time and tho county curt room In Dalles City as tho p uco for tho bearltiB ol ob jections to taid final account and cettlcnient of said estate. Dated July 13, lb. TIIOS. XOltVAI.. and Secon Hand Furnitu bought and sold at th.s Old Stand Pawn Broker. j.loney nantid on valii.tblu. llorpea oouiiht ami eoW on foiuniiifion. 61 2d St. E. B. HOOD CITATION. fX TIIK CODNl Y COUKT OK THE STATE -I- of OreLVHi. fnp tlin Cmiiti, nt iv,i...n In tho matter of the cstnteofj ,. alias w. lavis,utteatcd., w Tu Us nir.llm, l)..-fu Mr. 1. Mrs. Lizzie J. Kanls hllas E. 'DavIs, William II.' Daus, Anette Kranel McXe.il, liny Mary Ma- of ! Junll-1 KM 4& i.xccutor. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Swift's Specific, t01M skill. S.S.S.'n, Blood reaches all deep-seated cases which other remedies havo noeffect upon. It is tho only blood remedy guaranteed Iiuroly vegetable, and contains no pot anil, mercury, or other mineral. Books mailed free to any address by Swift Specific Co,, Atluntu, Ua. haneynrid hilie Ivtnc-1 Davis, heirs at k w .1 . . . . . .-iiai .i unm, uurai!ii, aim lo ,Illln n. VI. Hum, . II. Varilllbbcr. ."Smith French, K (J. IW, and llosj K.Mculll, tuorlKHKeun; Otect- ln Hie namoof the Mntool Oregon: You are hereby cited and required to appear In ......................... .M1V ,t w.vi'ii mr till county of Was-o, at the couit room thereof, at Monday, the -hlrd day of July, MM. at ten o clock In the forenoon of that day, then and there tn Mion- caute, If any there be, why an order of the abovo entitled court fhould not bo miiditillnpiliMr it r i .,i,,. 1. 1 u ...i... 1-t... nl I I . Vl' llll un l4 111 111 15 I H4 lUf . . en.. vEiiuc m ,11,111 ti , jjavi", iieeeukeil, to re deem tho inortfiiiKfil premUes belonjjlnn to said (.slate, or If haul redemption be diciued iuex pullent, that said admlnhtrator bo authorlel and ill tec ted to toll all of tho real cMato belonij. .t.h ... tiiuw vi riuu ui-L-uaeu, aim particu lrly described as follow, to-nit; it No. I of ,b.'A'ck.No- y' ,)aUe -'lt' l'rper in Dalles ( Jty, Nai-cocouutv, Oruxon; also tho north half of thonoithwcit iiartcr, tho northeast 'inarter. and tho nortn halt of tho nmthe-it iiuarlcr ol krltWltt lilt, f i,,.l,l., 'I .. I - ... ... of tho Wlllametlo meridian, in Waneo county, vrivgi.ii, iiMiiiii'ino; oji acres, nioro or less, said kilo to be niado at i utile auction for cash In U.IUVI, in uiu iii.iiinur preset iiicu uy iav, and tho proceeds of such mlo to bo held by fcald mtinliih- I rt,ii 1111,1 llu,,Liui ..r i.A i I.. ., , .. .. ..-.v.. ...... v,i us uiu; uu Ifimni'u ,y 1110 order of tho abovu entitled court. Witness, the Hon. Kobert Mii)6, Judge of tho County Court of tho State of Oregon, for tho County of Watco, illh tho K'al of said Court alllxtd this Secoud day of Juno A. D. ittw, SK.t JuniMl ATTKSTi A M. KKI.SAY, Clerk. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. uiaests what vou - VM I It artificially digests the food and aids 1 ir . p mviiitig uuu iccori- i -----.n v..v, vAimuurai uiKoative or gans. It is tho latest discovered dlKest I ant and tonic. No other preparation lean approach It in cfliclency. It In" aranlln tiAlUun. n .3 . . . r . icuuTua uuu uvnuiiuentiy cures IE. VIII Afe iDysncDS U. Indltrestinn. !To. i inn " I'fupnl mMM U fti nuiwioiiw;, duiii Dtuiimcn. riatlHcn For ulu by Uutlor Dtat Co,. lmth ot tho abov", .steamers have been rebuilt, and arc in excellent shape (or Hie sc.isoit of 1MW. Tlio Itt'uiiliitur l.liin ulll emleavor to give Its tiatrons tho best tcrvicc possible, 1'nr Ciiinfiirl, Hcimiiiny mid t'lriisnrc, travel by the steamers ol Tho ItfRiilntiir l.liiu. Tho almvc steamers leave The Dalles at s a. in. and iVirtland at 7 a. in., and arrive at destina tion in umplv time for otttKCltiK trains. l'ortlatid Otllce. I in- Danes innet Teeth Extracted FREE SATURDAY. I worj; llt tin. leap! powihln cost. fiOO pHh tooth In nno year la oUr rs Portland olllee. Hutiaf.iction Kiunantfi'd in uyory case. Tho no? Ill,- iivi.- i " - - com! In our I'ortlnntl ollifo CONSIDER OUE PRICES: Host Crown and llridno work :2Jk. K-iltl), per tooth Ik-fi) sot tooth, iinaranlootl IJ.W llt'Et Uol.l Killing ?1.00up Uoat ellvor or alloy llllinj: "up arilScS-. second St. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager. Oak St, Dock. Court Stioet W. C. Allaway, (jeucrat AKent. rrA-rA-rATATJk-rk-rjtxATxrTA-jcTA-rjcj-Ari '8 BP.QS. Improved QYCLONE SMESI IE'' . (IKN'KltAI. .MID.. FOR 1899. Ton Points to Consldor: I I2 Plctitrnn In 12 Snoontlo. S hliuttur Hull) Itdlnatiu. ii Sluittnr Autciriifttlc. I- Shtittor LookH, r. I'.' Aluminum I'latuhoklorn. (J Hut atopn. 7 Spoclai Oulok Lmm, H Automatic HoKHitor. v All pnrtn liU(irohnru;nnblo. 10 l-lxponud iil.itus riiitiuvutl without (llnturl)ltiK tinuxpoaud. mm , 4-!Kizo8'.i S3. 00 . 5-lv5i20 4 x Di ... 10.00 1399 Cataloijuo with com plete) information FREL". Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothors Vngon. Just Arrlvml i in i uii .vitirngiiM iru with bull, shutter. M. Z. DONNELL. Tliird aui JciTcr'ou, Bul-chers and Farmcps ..Exchange.. Keep on draught the t'elcbrateit COl-UMIIIA lIIJKIt, acJrnow! eilKdl the best beer in Tho Dalles, at the usual price. Come In, try It and be convinced. Also tho Finest brands of Wines, l.l iuor and Cigars.. SaDdtxtiehes of all Kiwis always on hand. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TUANSACTA HNKltALllANKINO MJiilNKH Letters of Credit issued nvailahlo in the eastern states. Siidlt E.r.li:uiL'H nnil Tnl TraiieifrH unlil nn Knw Vi-l- cm.: J. St. Loins, San Francisco, Portland Oro- Kon, ceattie wasn,, nnd vanoiiH no nin in Oregon and Washiniitoii. Collectinnn mndn t nil oraulo terms. How About Your Title? j , UK YOT Sl'ltli it in all riL-hl? Itumuiiibur it is tho ItKCOKI) that yoverriH. It i r3 nnr hminoefl to ttnri!li thn tpcnrilM nnil ulime u'hul tlu.v- f-mitiilti in relation to land tltk'H. If yon i:ontuniilatt linyitiK land fir lii'iriim. mi. rt,. .1, .. ...I... .... .......1 ... mwii.ij wii 11:111 wQuue cet uriiv, iiiitu iiij 1111111 word, hut inijist upon knowing what the record shows ri'irardini; tho title. An Ahtraot is aa essential as a deed, limiat on havini; It. Wo havo tho only slit of Abstract Hooks in tho County. All work promptly ox- ceil ted anil pntli-f.irtliin iMIitrtiritiiiiil II fun Iniui. it-iiti. ortv to inxuri', iflvo us a call. Wo aro nituntH for four of tho hull Ilro inHtiranoii coiiipank-a In tho world. If you havo proporty for sale, Hat it with us and wo'll find a buyer, J, M. Huntington &Co. Phono Bl. a,i sti) 0,J)0(,t(1 A, M, willlnmti & Co. TnACC MAR0 iFir.Ni rrfTf CopvniQHTa&c. Anyonoeiidlni' Alicli-li end description ina qulckljr nscerlalii rmr opinion pee whether iv liivniitloil j prolmbly nalentahlo. Coriiruurilri. tloiistrlctlrconuaoritlal. Handbook on I'atentf aent free. Oldcit i.ircncy for rocurluir patcntB. l'aieiita la'sun tbrouuh Munu ft Co. receive iptetal notice, without, charco, in tho Scientific American A handBoniely Illustrate! weekly. Trtrnat rlr. Plllftllftri flf unv fitttitn Imirnnl TArmn 't . Cn.30iBro2tiartNfluu Ynrlf 'u.vvi V BV 1, tWUIUHIUII, lit V. J.S. HCJIRNK, President. II. M. IIEAJ, , Cushlei UHE FOR A DOSE i-' "-,."."' eu ar it UN,,..,, fiAiSy. uTw.iifiVi.irA?,? i'J'.0"'0';0!. Ftet National Bank, THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections niado and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of eolloction. Sight and Telegraphic Kxchnnge sold on Now York, Ran Francisco and port. laud. D. P. rnoMi'aoH. J.no. 8. fiunawoif. tu. M. W iLtiAMU, Gao. A. Likuj!. II. M. Uuai.u F. s. Gunning, Blacksmiih, WaRon Shnn Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor, Second & Laanbliu. Ttoiie 167 A 66 O lQJLVl22J12y UI hiskey. Ilfmnl'vf u,!l,8,."y is "m'a,,ltt'1 t the consumer ns a UKh 1 1 AM) .MAI) 15 SOUU MASH WIUSUI5Y for Family iiinl Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain oi aii mms. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ,n kinds lieaaaua.rt.fvna fn "onj j wm w awiicu vjri'ain, jk"0- Headquarters lor "Byers' Best" Pendle- XOD. J lOlir. 'J,l'Ia Hour is inaniifiinhiri.il v...i i-..- family Highest PrioeB Pald for Wtoat, Barley .nd Oato.