The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 25, 1899, Image 3

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Wo will offer the choicest linen of OrRiindloH that wo have had thin
fljition nt tho phunumuiinl price of lfie iintl luTyu per yard.
TIicbo poods urn of it yurd wide mid nro dainty in tho extreme.
Von havo a oholeu of both plain and figured.
A lino of I'ancy Lneo Stripca In groen, yollow and pink at
13 cents per yard.
A linu of Ornundiou and Dimities, very choice, at
9 cents per yard.
A lino of Fancy Dace Stripes in blue, pink and yellow at
20 cents per yard.
Hear in mind tlmt these nro 1 1 dor tlmt havo not been offered to you be
foro at other than their regular prices and rane in price from 12Jo to .'15c
per yard.
Prices of Waists and Wrappers Slaughtered for
the Next Four Days.
75 cents, 85 cents and $1.00.
l.iundored Percale und Lawn Shirt WaiHtH reduced to 5!)c each
$1. '-', $1,115 an 1 $1.50 White I.uwn and fancy Pique slaughtered to 7ie each
il.'J'i Wrappers in light and dark colors, ruflled and braided yokce,
slaughtered to 7'Jo each
Children's Wash Dresses
to bo sold at plumb co'st for tho next four days. I'ancy Porc.ile and
Z'pliyr gingham drcjsco, all fancy triuiuied waists and excellent quality.
Infant's Wear.
Jiifnnl'a long Nainsook drosses, ewies and embroidered yokes at cost.
Induit'b wliite cambric and lawn dresses, Valenciennes laoa triuiuied.
Big Special.
All our chlldruu'ti swiss huts, caps and bounetH at iialf price.
All Gouclsi Markucl
In Plain FIrhi'ob.
The Dalies Daily Ghfoniela,
Tfkjiliottc No. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
lie handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
crnoon This rule will be positive.
Tlie Dalles, January 10, i8un.
A good ftod yard for nulo or rout
clienp. Inquire at Farinere' lVed Yard,
'I'lio HaMes. 2-hllwli
Tlioin.iH Gu'nnenn, who whb for eo
many years proprietor of tho Imperial
I'otol in Portland, has purchased tho
Ornn 1 hotel In Spokuneand took posses
sion yesterday.
1 the exodus to seaside, vale and doll
continue, Tlio Dalles will be depopu
lated. Thia morning tho Ualleo City
w8 loaded with pmsonijorB on their
wav to upend tho warm weathor tit vnrl
ous resorts.
'i'wo men, who bear the stereotyped
names of Doe and Koo, were arrested
Jat night for being liiliuioualy drunk,
ilio former paid his $2.50, but the
lattor'B caso bun not rb yot come up
before fie recorder.
At a recent wedding In Atchison,
Kan., tho Congregational mliuater of
"ittt city refuBeil to perform the core
Mny, though tho brido was u momber
o Ilia churcli, fur tlio renson tlmt alio
was n divorced woman.
om Denver coinea a complaint
Klnn a too wise piihlie impounder,
ilioilo; oUcher atnnds on a corner and
loudly ojlldi ..Here, Dewey I here
'oweyl" ,( t,on gnthera in tho luok-
lm ul8 doga that answer lo their
in 1,10 n1y urop ,H tM0 vlolnHy o' Anio
will not bo more than half a crop.
conie(,uei,C(J .lock men are ahead?
Wiling Imy at $10 per ton. The alfalfa
JULY ?4th
Pease Mays.
crop will be splendid. It Ih the wheat
and rye hay crop that is a failure.
Crook Co. Journal.
Prof. C. 1 4. Gilbert was able to he
driven to tho court house ealerday
afternoon, for the first time Bitieo his
A gentleman who baa just returned
from a trip lhroii;h Rhenium and the
northern pait of (.iilliain eountioH con
tinue tho report ojueerniug the damage
to crops, and says ho dooa not believe
tlioy will produce a half crop thin sea
son, being very badly burned.
The Bittnor theatrical company, which
eo captured Dalles people on their visit
hero uioro than a year since, has just
finished a seven-weeks engagement in
Spokane, where they were very popular
They will return to that city on August
M, for another extended engagement.
Theater goei a in thia city would be much
pleased were they to again visit u, as
thuy carry a llrst class company.
"It will be considered in plneo, though
overlooked last week, for the Flag to
congratulatejits excellent, carofu1, consci
entious foreman on his marriage to Miss
Gertrude Ketchuin, during hia 4'.h of
July vacation. Wo bespeak for this ex
cellent young couple a happy voyage
over life's stormy sea." Fulton, Ken.,
Flag. The above undoubtedly refers to
Mr. G- II. Wick formerly of this city, hia
many friends claiming tlio characteristics
of tho groom fit him so woll, and they all
join with tlio "Flag" in congratulations.
The cool weather the past few days
have been n God send to the farmers of
this valley and in u great measure has
obliterated tlie danger which wivb sup
posed to have reaulted from the hot
wlnda of last week. Several prominent
farmers fiotu different sections of the
county were in tho city yesterday and
brought encouraging reports of the eon.
dition of wheat. W. If. lkbcock and
0. F.l'lcknrd of Kuroka ond 0. N.
Wlioelor, who Uvea above Preacott,
were In the city and any the cropB are
all right bo fur. W. W. Union.
Every few days drunken Indians
create a disturbance in and about the
city, frighten women and children and
furuliii a job for the marahal and then
occupy the city Jull for a nlgbt or ao.
1. ait night another arreat of thia aort
was made, and as tho old fellow hnd no
"chiekaninn," he "served his time."
VVIiilo tho previous method of arresting
every ono who was found sclline llquorB
to Indians waB perhaps calculated to
Induce officers to defraud tho govern
ment, yet havo we not gono lo the other
extreme In permitting such laxity in
regard to tho matter, and in not en
deavoring to Hoarch out tho guilty
parties and put a stop to this wholesale
traflle in "iro water?"
Tho amount of Ptcknet9 in our city
and tho Omn.vici.n'H hint Saturday as
to the water being ' tlio cause, has
awakened interest in the matter and the
question will bo canvassed thoroughly
in the immodiato future. It ia not a
matter to be trifled with, for tho health
of theentiro community is hanging on
the decision to ho made by our citizens
regarding it. No place has a better op
portunity to Hocuri! the purest, clearest
water than Tho Dalles, end it Is the
height of folly to neclect it. With an
expenditure of $15,000 a pipe can be laid,
as far as tlie Wick's place, or beyond,
escaping all the farms it now runs
through and is used to irrigate. Tho
water in the large reservoir is eaid to be
better, being taken in at Mesplie's, but
that of the small reservoir, w hich is nv
coived near tho Dennett place, is the
cause of the most disturbance. A meet
ing should be called at onco and some
action taken in the mutter. No doubt
every consumer is ready to do his ebare,
Dl-Hlli nf (irui-go V, Ymilic.
YeBterday on the aftcn ODn train Geo.
Moss, of Victoria, D. C, arrived in the
city, biinging with him the body of
Goorge W. Young, who was killed last
Friday on tlie Esquimau & Nanaimo
Mr. Moss called at the Ciino.vici.c
office this morning and gave the re
porter the following particulars con
cerning his death :
For the past eight or nine years George
lias been a resident of Victoria and
roomed at Mr. Moss' home. He was
much respected by all, his kind-hearted
nature and eociahle manner winning
him many friends. Particularly was
he a friend of the children in his neigh
borhood, never paEeing them by without
a emile and cherry word.
He has been employed by the Esqui
mau it Xanaiino road for about tux
years, and at the time of his death was
conductor on a branch road run by the
Chetuanus & Victoria Dumber Co., an
eigbteeu-iuile run to Cheinanus. That
day ho was doing double work, as con
i!uJtor and braketuan, and at 1 o'clock
had stepped between two cars to couple
them, Ko ono saw the accident, but it
ia supposed a brakebeaui struck him
and threw him under the train. His
left side was badly mashed and he died
almost instantly, bieathing but once
after the men reached him.
Tlie company deeply deploro tlio sad
accident, aa George had been a faithful
employee and one who had won their
esteem by his trustworthy character.
The body was shipped Saturday night,
and but for a delay in Taconm would
have leached hero Sunday night.
Having spent hia boyhood days and
much of hia life when quite o young
man in tiiis city, lie has "yet many
friends here who sincerely regret his
untimely death.
The funeral will take place from the
residence of.hia brother, S. D. Young, on
Sixth street, thia evening at 0 o'elcck.
All friends of tho deceas-ed and of the
family aro invited to ho pieeent.
Kli't'tlmi Nolllt'.
By virtue ot an order niadn by the
Do.ird of Fire Delegates of Dalles Citj
fire deiiartinent on tho 18th day of
July, 1809, notice is hereby given that
there will bo on election hold for the
niirnoso c.f electinir u chief engineer and
t "
an assistant chief of Dalles City tiro de
partment, Biiid election to be held on
tho llrst Monday in August, said day
being tho 7th of August, 1SIH). Tlio
polling place of said election shall bo at
the fire engine house, situated on Third
street. Dalles City, and the polls of Baid
election shall open at 5 o'clock p, m.
and be closed at i o'clock p. in. on en id
Dated D.illoa City, Oregon, this 24th
day of July, 1800.
.Secretary Doard of Fire Delegates.
Jly 21 2wk
A Chilli Kejoj .
Tho pleasant flavor, gentle action, and
soothing effect of Syrup of Figa, when in
need of a laxative, and if the father or
mother bo costive or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow Ite use; so that
It is the beat family remedy known and
every family should have a bottle.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co.
To Our Void Ju tin Day.
Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tab
Iota. All druggists refund the money if
it falls to cure. 25c.
You need have no boila If you will
buy Clarke A Falk'a aure cure for holla,
Tho New Mill and. Acljiiliilng llulld
InKd Dcdlr'iyl-.l-WlO.OOO
Word reached the city about 2 o'clock
this afternoon that tho fato of Cascade
Locks was hanging In tho balance; that
a destructive fire was raging, and as tho
wind was high and thero was no means
of fighting It tuceesfully, the entire
town was liablo to go.
The fire started from a pile of sawdust j
which is continually burning near the i
new Hnssell & Smith saw mill, and the
mill was eoon ablaze. Everyone fought 1
it as if frantic, but in vain, tlie main j
building and all adjoining buildings
used by tho company were soon de
stroyed. A high wind was blowing in the op
posite direction from two large structures
near by, and the only way lo save tho
town was to secure them. Everything
was removed trom them, but as tlie
wind kept in tho same direction they
were saved, and witli them thelittlc city.
Word was Eent here to Sheriff Kelly,
wtio authorized a deputy to take charge
of goods carried out of buildings.
It looked very dubious for a time there
and the residents began to fear their
property was doomed.
The loss to the company is about $10,
000. The conflagration ia doubly un
fortunate as the mill has been finished
but a few months, and was first-class in
every respect.
All of the bookB and valuable papers
are said to have been saved.
U hat Secietary Wlltfiin Thinks or East
ern Oregon.
Regarding his trip in Eastern Oregon
last Friday, Secretary of Agriculture
WilBon said among other things:
"I consider the ride up the Columbia
to be the finest on earth. I have never
seen its equal.
"Above the dalleB I saw an orchard
which proved to me that fruit will do
wonders theie. The only mistake made
was in putting out varieties of trees
whose fruit i: designed for immediate
consumption. If such an orchard was
near a large city, it would bo a money
maker instead of having its fruit wasting
on the ground as now. -The owner will
change the variety of his trees and make
the place a paying proposition. I con
sider the dried fruit industry of Eastern
Oregon as one of great promise. I pro
piose to buy and ship some dried fruit
from the Columbia valley and send it to
the Orient on trial, and publish full
details of results, and will do tho same
u ith canned salmon.
'This ia my first visit on the Pacific
coast and I am thoroughly looking into
your lesourcee. The possibilities for
this western country are simply wonder
ful. It is just budding into an immense
trade with the Orient. I visited ai
steamer a few days ago at Tacoma being
loaded for the East. There was cotton
from Alabama, tobacco, Milwaukee beer,
olcomaigarine, machinery and many
other products of this land. A few years
ago the goods were shipped from west to
tlie Atlantic, but now tho tables have
turned and the tide of trade has started
westward for the Orient. There are
great possibilities in the trade with
China, Japan, the Philippines and
other eastern lands. 1 am a firm be
liever in expansion and I believe all
you western peoplo nro of u like mind,
at any rate you should be.
"In legard to your lumber trade, at
the present rate of destruction to your
timber in fifteen years you will be short.
It is cause for alarm the great damago
being done to your forests by fire, anil
nt present 1 have a man in the field to
investigate the matter of preserving tho
Opening Play, Monday Night, "THE
Clianno of play nightly. Special Scenery. Funny Comediaue,
timbers of this state, The East is draw
ing on your soft woods, besides tho
Orient and your home consumption,
and with all these markets, besido the
great damage by fire, tlie splendid
forests of this state will soon be de
pleted." Coming Next Week.
The Dalles is to be congratulated upon
the coming engagement of the Shaw
Company, which will be seen at the
Baldwin opera house for a week, com
mencing Monday, July 31st.
The company is one of the best known
organizations of its kind in tho West,
having been playing on tho coast for the
patt five seasons. And although they
nro strangers hero now, it is safe to pro
diet that their friends in The Dalles will
bo legion before tho week ia past. Their
rcpei toiro is composed of tho latest up-to-date
Eastern successes which are
producsd with that careful attention to
detail, which cannot fail to bring forth
a eatisfuctory result in the performances.
Each play ia cast with the idea to fit
each part to the actor who has to por
tray it. Special scenery is carried for
each piece. The costumes aro elaborate,
and, what is Liore to the point, they aro
The company's orchestra is one of the
best organizations of its kind on the
roid playing all classes of music from
the heavy classes to the modem "Rag
time" melodies thus touching in turn
a responsive chord in every heart. Their
band parade, concert and military is a
feature of each day.
JP ouud.
In East End Feed Yard Wednesday
morning, July 5th, a bay horse, about
fourteen hands high between 10 or 12
years old ; white star on forehead, black
points ; saddle marks and brand B L on
leftshoulder with running It underneath,
and weighing about 900 pounds. Owner
can have Eaine by proving property and
paying all charges. jhS-lm
Last Thursday, in this city, a gold
watch. Waltham movement. A liberal
reward is offered to the finder if returned
to this office or to E. J. Collins. 25-3t
"We have sold many different cousih
remedies, but none gave better satisfac
tion than Chamberlain's," says Mr.
Charles Ilolzhauer, Drugeist, Newark,
K. J. "It is perfectly safe and can be
relied upon in all cases of coughs, colds
or hoarseness." Sold by Blakeley &
Houghton Drughts.
Tor Kent.
Two tenement houses; fine location.
Inquire at this office. Jly 17-lwk
"What m'ght have been" if that
little coiifc'h hadn't been neglected, the
sad reflection of thousands of consump
tives. One Minute Cough Cure cures
coughs and colds. Butler Drug Co.
Our Bicycle
Repairing Department
Ts now in shapo to properly
A handle nil kinps of work
from o. puncture to building n
Also repair Locks, Guns, Sewing Machines and all
kinds of light machinery, etc.
This department is under the charge of Mr. J. Kirchoff.
Baldwin Opera House
MR. SAM T. SHAW, supported, by a talented company of players.
Positively the strongest aggregation of its hind in tho weet.
The Finest Uniformed Band and Orchestra.
Concert and parade each day at 11 :liO o'clock.
SouU on Kale at Dlakeley & Houghton's
It's a real
to get tho meala for tho family
when you havo a complete set
of needful uteneila and have a
new Garland etovo or steel
rango to cook upon. We fur
nish kitchens and can Dave you
money f nil many steps when
you want anything in tho
way of kitchen supplies. Our
stock of tinware, grnniteware,
delf ware, table cutlery, cai
vers, meat cuttere, raison seed
ers, pota, irons, roaRtm? pana
hundreds of other thing to
make tlio kitchen complete.
We can fnrniph double oven
cook stoves from ij-S 00 up.
See tho best Range on Earth,
The Garland
It has no equal.
Also a complete line of build
er's hardware.
Mm to Poultry Raisers:
No more Chicken Lice.
Cnll at Malcr t Benton's nnd see
the Antiseptic Neat Ere. Willi the
useofthls Nest Kbit ou will have
no moro Mee, Mitts or Vernli" in
your poultry ijcitins hca3
will set better eggs and will hatch
better nnd chicKcns will live nnd
growbclttr whcio AntUeptie Kgg is
used. Sec them at
167 Second St
Lock and Gunsmith,
nnd Machine work.
Charles BurchloiUffl:
Songa and Dances,
15o, 25o and 36c
per & Benton