A' I have just received n (Ino line of "Woolen9 iu Suitings, Overcoatings ami Tantings, mul will bo pleased to have you call nnd Eee them. J. A. Eberle, Flno Tailoring. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 9UB8CKirXION 1T.ICK. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year G 00 TUESDAY - - - JULY 25, ISf 9 ,iiV ENGLISH VICTORY, Oxford and Cambridge athletes were victorious by a narrow margin over the representatives of Yaln and Harvard in the events at Queen's field in a most sportsmanlike contest, but the victory can not be called a sweeping one. The visitors were handicapped by the change of climate and wafer, the strange field and the introduction of the three mile run, for which they were un prepared, yet the- made an excellent showing against the flower of college athletes in Great Britain. Yale and Harvard athletes are not the fastest collegians in America this year. In fact, of the four great colleges which make pretensions to representative championships, they are weaker combined than Pennsylvania. It is highly probable that Pennsylvania alone could defeat the Englishmen with little trouble. Kraenzlin, the famous athlete of Pennsylvania, could be depended upon to win the hurdles, the high jump 'mid broad jump, and there are others in his college who could more than hold their own in other events. In the recent intercollegiate games between American college athletes Pcnnsyl "vania scored mote points than the second and third colleges combined, her neatest competitor having less than one-half the points of Pennsyl vania. No true sportsman desires to take from the glory of the English athletes. They were mo3t gentle manly in their treatment of Amcri- can cousins before the struggle, during the progress of the games and after their conclusion, but they did not defeat All-America by any man ner of means. The contests were between virtually All England col legiates and only two American colleges. The entire affair, however, has been productive of the best of feeling and probably will lead to International amateur athletics of a more general character. It is. gratifying to note that the use of American flour abroad has reached its high-water mark in the fiscal year just closed with an ex- portatlonof 18,000,000 barrels. The average price per bushel of wheat exported during the year was 74 77c. aud the average price per bushel for the wheat exported in tho form of flour was 87.C7c, calculating that 4 bushels of wheat aro utilized In tfce production of n bnirel of flour. This adds 12.0c. to tho amount of woncy received for each bushel of wheat sent abroad in this form, thus waking over $10,000,000 during the year as n compensation to tho Amer ican labor which transformed the 80,000,000 bushels of grain into the 18,000,000 barrels of Hour exported during tbo year. Mr. James Creel man is a mysteri ous sort of person. A few weeks ago 1m was performing alleged wonders at a correspondent at Manila, using carrier pigeons, and anticipating the news of the current day for tuo American breakfast table. Now Mr, Creclnian is out in a statement that "Gen. Otis' conditions for press dispatches were so outrageously un fair that I and other correspondents, too, refused to send anything, pre ferring not to send n lot of lies." The papers that piinted so-called Greelman dispatches seem to have fdled the vacuum with devices of their own, singing his name to them, though he was sending nothing, as he states himself. Mr. Greelman thinks Otis should have attacked Aguinaldo instead of trying to avoid hostilities; that Otis is incompetent and a tntli- tar blunderer, and as a censor of newspaper sensation simply uncudur able. In a word, the United States has missed a gicat opportunity by not putting Creclman in command instead of Otis. Lost. Three horses Juno 10, 1S99, described as follows: two weighing about MOO each. One a light chestnut branded D on left shoulder. Black horse branded C on left shoulder. Ono bald faced sorrel weiuhtug about 1200; roached mane. A liberal reward for information of the whereabouts, or the return of same. A. Mason, J. Bays, Contractors, Viento, Or., or E. V. Husband, Mosier, Or. j2S-lm A diseased stomach surely under mines health. It dulls the brain, kills energy, destroys tha nervous system, and predisposes to insanity and fatal diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has cured thousands of cases aud is curing them every day. Its ingrediente aro such that it can't help curing. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. You can't euro dyspepsia by dieting E it good, wholesome food, and plenty of it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests food without aid from the stomach, and ii made to cure. Butler Drug Co. 1'anli In Your cueclta. All countv warrants registered prior to August 1,1895, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after June 9. IS99. C. L. Phillips, CVtnntv Treasurer. "Hannonj" AVlilslioy. Harmony whiekoy for family and eptcinl use, sold by Ben Wilson, The IMIIefl. il Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk'e pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf A Beautiful Skin. Iiiilics, if youdttiro n transparent, clear and Jrcsh complexion us-e Dr. liourdon's French Arsenic. Complexion Wii'crs. Their clleet is Mmplv magical possctiuK tlie wizard touch in prolucini; aud prescivlnK ii beantllul trnni parency and pellucid clearness of complexion, Bhapely contour of lorm, billliant ees, Kift nnd nnooth snin where the reverse exists'. Kven tho coartest and mo,t rupu'tlvo tkin, r.iaried by freckles, moth, hlackhci'ds. pimple, vulgar ridne.-s, lellotv and muddy fliln luepennunent ly removed, and n dellclou&ly clear uud rellncd complexion utsiircd l'rlcc per mien box, fo cents; large box, tl.or six large boxes, ?5. Ktnt to any aCdits post ptid and under plain wrapper ujon receipt of ilu! above amount. Write lor free circular. The Parisian Drug Co., 131 MontsDHiery St.San Francisco Cal, ..ST. UlY'S GCflljlL Under the direction of the Sisters .of the Holy Name of Jesue and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR. TI:U Institution Is pleamnlly i-ltuitcil nror the Columbia on the line of the Union l'uiillc; lueuceitiseasyof excess for all llioso who de h re to becuruu comfottnhlo homo and a progres sive ten of learning for their daughters or uaids The location of tho Anmlumv Umw.nf ; the most healthy on tho l'ncltlo slote, this por- inii ui wiijua uciiik pruycroiai ror us pure water, embracing air aud plcluresquc scenery, ltie Academy is incorporated and authorl.ed by Iho State to confer Academie boners. Jli ard and tuition per scholal.o year 1G0. Similes Hill ba resumud Tuesday, September 5th. l or detailed Information apply to tho Sister superior. Jty-R'm PROFESSIONALS. IJA. STUflDEVANT, Dentist. OHlco over French fc Co.'s Uault riioao C, THKWAI.LKiJ.OIlKaON Pi If UKISKMHmt'FtSU Physician and Surgeon, SiKicial attention given to turscry. ttoomi 21 aud 22, Tel. 828 Vogt Block FRKIi. W.WIUON, ATTOHNKV'AT LAW, omeoov,K1tNt.liV,lkK.,JALLE6'OUEUON- D HONTIKQTON l WIUOM TJUNTINOTOH di WIWOK ATlOKNKYb Al'tAW, Mv.i8i$MUM',1MllM Ofllwov'r A good drug sign. 1 pmM fi Itr J T 9 J You well know that a good drug sign is the patronage which is bestowed on the store. It is the purity of the goods handled and the manner of doing busi ness that makes and keeps this business. We are pleased with the result of our ef forts to supply the best drugs at the best prico. Wo are particular about the compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street, THE DALLES Just What You mant. Now ideac in Wnll Paper here. Such wide variety as we aro showing never bo fore Braced a single etock. Iteal imitu tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, vours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route ' OF THE- Souihern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive nt 1'ortlaL OVKKLAND KX-1 riress, Salem, Hose-' burg, Ashland, Sac-1 rnmcnto, Oijdcn.San I h'ranciseo, Mojnvc, ( 6:00 1". Jl. rinien 9 A. M, I Los Augeles.Kl Paso, i New Orleaiis and I Fast 8:30 A. M "oseuurc aim way ti' 'Hons . 'I Daily except Sundays. fvltt Woodbur.T fori I Mt.Angel, Sllverton, West C-cio, lirowns vUle.Spriugfleldnud I Natron J (Corvallis and way I (stations 1 Daily except Sunday 3 I7:'J A. il. 5:M1',JI, INUEt'ENBKNflE I'AS9ENaKK. ICspress truln I l;S0p. m. I.v.....l'ortInnd....Ar.) 8:Sin. ra C.Wn.jjj. Ai..MnMlnnvlll l.v I ni S;30i. m. (Ar..Indviicr.dcuce..I.v.) 4:Mn. m. Dally. f Dany, except bundny. DINING CA US ON OGD1JN ItOUTE. I'ULLMAN llUn'ET BLFHI'KItS AND :COND-L.S3 fel.EEl'INC CAUb Attached to nil Throush Trains. Direct connection at yn KraacHco with Occl deutttl and Oiierital and l'acllio mall dteamtliip linen lor JAI'.VN aud CHINA. Balling dates on aj plication. Katvi hud tickets to Eastern points aud Ku AlTItAnAA N' CIUNA' NOI.IILU anc AH abovu trains arrive at arid depart from Orand Central Station. Filth and Irving ktrectb YAJIII1I.I, IlIVIBION. ratEenger DefKit, loot ol Jeiierwm street. Uux'i Jot Sheridan, week days, H:30 p. ro Arrive at I'ortlaud.yjM a. w. p' U;avc for AIItUK on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9: Wo. ni. Arrive at Portland, Tus-s-duv, Thursday and Saturdai it3;0Sp. in. -axcepi uunday. "Jixcept Saturday. K. KK.L.t,Kll, (J, II. MAKK1IAM, Asst. (. V. rti Pass. Aal Through Ticket Ofllcc.ttl Third street, when through tickets to Hi po.uts In tho iasU-ro SUtcs, Canada and Kuropo cau bo obtained l lowest rates from i or N. WIIKJA&0KN.KKUN"' T,Cket AgeUt" KERViTA uoicw. VII ALI I t, LOST V'GOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotcucy, Nifiht Emissions and wagting diseases, all 2ll'ecta of self- abuse, or excess and indla crctlon. Ancrvo tonic iiml IjIooU builder. Brhifjs the pink glow to pale clieelta anr restores tlie fire of youth. By mallfiOc ner liox: ( boxes for $2.50; with a written Kiiurau (eo to cure or refund tlio inouoy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. ONnton Jmokn Ms OHIOAQO, ILL. 4 IP m HKt TIMK FCIIKllUIX. AllItlVK jou I'I'.om Dali.ks. From. l'nt Salt LnUr, Denver. Kt. Knt Jlall Wottli, Omaha, Kan- Mall 11:60 p. in. mh City, St. Louis, 3:lop m Chicago nnd liast. Spokane Walla Wnlln, Spofeanc, Spokmio t'lvcr .Minneapolis. St, l'aul, Vljcr. o:40p. m. iMiltitli, Milwaukee, 5:00 n.m Chicago aud Unst. 8 p. in. Kr.osr I'onTHNi), l p. m. Ocean Steamships. For San Francisco January '21, and every live days thereafter. S p. ni. I p. m. Kx.tunday Columbia Uv. Steamers. Kx.Sumlaj To AsTOittA anil Way Raturilay Ijiudings. 10 p. m, fin. ra. j Willamrttk Hivkk. 1:00 p.m. Ex.Sunday Oregon City, Newbcrg, nx.hundaj' j Salem i: Way Ijind's. " a. m, IWlLLASKTTK AND YAM- !I:I p. 111. Tues.Thur., inij. UtVKiis. Mon.,Wcd and Sat. Oregon City, Dayton, and FrI. and Way-Ijiiullngs. C a. m. WlLLAMKTTK HlVRli. 4:S0 p. ni. Tuc.Thur, Portland to Corvallis, Tue., Ihur and Sat. and Way-Landings. autl Sat. ! S.VAKK HlVKIt. I.IIAVE Lv Rlparlni Iilparla to Lculslou. Lr.wisroM daily daily I forties deslriUL' to iro to lleinii.cr should taj.u .. i, leaving tau Danes ni o.m . in makiiiL' direct ronncf?tinns at Hnmmpr limctlou Kcturiilng maklngdirectconuectlon at Ilcppuvr junction with No. l.iirriving nt The Dalles at .1:10 i. in. No. -i.', throught freight, east bound, docs not erry jmsteugers; arrives a. in,, uep.irts 3:Ma. in. No. '.'I, local freight, carries passengers, easl uuuuu; arrives p. ni departs p. in. No. 'Jl.ivct b'lund through fieight, iloes not carry passengers; arrives :io p m., depart! 'J:S0p. in. No. 2J, west boiinil local freight, amies pas. sengcrs; arrives 5:13 p. m., departs 3:S0 a. in. For full particulars call on O. It. A N. Co.'s ngeiu i ne italics, or address W. II. IIUItLllL'ItT, (Jen l'as. Agt., Portland, Or, ORTHERJM PACIFIC RY. ) Sloeping Car; Dining Cars Sleeping Car MT. J'AUI, .IIINNIIAI'OI.I DUI.UTII U ISA Mi run OIKIOIC9TON WINNII'UO iii:i.:;na un ISIJTTK Pullman Elegant Tourist. TO Through Tiekets (;iih:a(!(i wahiiinmton rilll.ADKt.I'llIA VOliK llOtli'ON AMI Ahts VmUTti IJABT mm HOUTII For Information, il Din flMC D V-.!. .. ,1 tll cal Oil or url n n W. O. ALLAVi'AY. Agent, The Dalles, Oregon AlUfON. Aoet. G, 1 A., niton Cor. Third. Portland Ornroi' A. D. AS OiTurs travelers choice of the ollowinc rpn es enet. They aro all f, nous for their E-jcnio iittraction. u. 1.. N. view 0den and Denver. . i !8ia. ,t0 vIow Sacmmento.Ogden Hliaettt Ilriiiln vlnw Rafri.r,nnt t ... AnrHlnn ...! All.. W. . Kmu .Ar A')!!? 1,1,0 of throiiuh PULLMAN .LAH0KK.W,,, TOUKIbT 8LKKPKB, mil San Frnni'iBxn n.,,1 i ....... i. ... ;r.7i""V,"'"'-'.,""r,,I"u.' oiiicio. isr. iv "" The Short Line from eouthorn Oallornia To the East. Apply lo tho ouents o( tho O. H, & N ten. Agt. WorwHer. Illdg. 1'orlUnd, Or. n Santa Fe Route It will be our aim to carry a Complete Line of the Purest Drugs. Ami wo invltuymir attention to our Htoek of PAINTS, OILS, G-LASS AND WALL PAPER, BUTLER DRUG COMPANY, .Successor loSulpo3-Klnornly DruCo. j. STUBLiNG-- Wholosalo and Rotail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Groate t American Liquor c. stone Sour WHISKEY from r-.V" u l 00 per i-ullnn. iMFORTEI) O00NA0 frotii $7.00 to $liJ.0O "ALilOMi HiIiinB lii ipili.Sf) u ONLY THE PUREST LIQUOES SOLD. 0LYMPIA BEEU on ilraulit, ami Vul lm ported Alo and l'ortur. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. THE DHLLES Dewey whilo wash? 't., nnd wash white. You can Havana thing washed at tho Steam Laundry. Tho Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronizo us. Our prices aro not Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Comer of First 'Phone 341. HS-lnoh Mot or. MANl.'r.U"ITI!i:i IIV AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO. SUITABLE fOH DRIVING G-ENERATOKS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, POINTING PRESSES, ETC. Clroulara uni! pr.r!icul,ir furiiielicil on npiilieiition. 1?. iiii21 PIONEER I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fanoy Grooer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. toftdall&Bwget DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS ifi EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Funepal Supplied Mash Whiskey, (1 in Ifi yi'iirH olil.) pur millon. (11 to a() yuiirH old.' tO I ' unlloii. H 11 yenm old.' Hints and Olympiu Deor in buttles LAUNDRY. and Court Street, THE DALLES, OE. Motors S. GUNNING, Agent, THE IMMiKS, OUK00N BAKERY. Robes, Burial Shoes Etc. W!i6oIs i