The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 25, 1899, Image 1

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NO 87
EiEiit Iluiidrca Arc Sei-viiiE as Protectors
in llic Riots.
Lsc of Ilviiamltc Continues, Arbitration Failed and State Militia May
Have to He Called Upon.
Cum, Ohio, July 24. Tliu
tci'iiufl of wild diHordor and violence wit
nessed in t n te city throughout yesterday
mid last night in connection with thu
car strike wore miecuci'od thlH mornini:
by tr arki-d tpiiotncsu. The city uuthori
tit';) were in conference nearly nil night,
mid fa r ' y thu morniiii: it call was issued
for battery A, of the First Ohio nrtillury.
Three companies oflho Tunth Ohio in
fantry anil tin.' Lovorturo Kifli'B. With
tin) addition of those organizations, tho
iuilitar force to cope with tho Hlruot oar
strike, now tiiiinliurH 800 men, the city's
entire mllitiiry force.
Nex will come u c.ill for ututo troops.
Mob violence will bo suppressed ut any
cost. Abuut 9 o'clock lust night 11 sub
urban car was blown up between Wiok
lilil'.uid Villoui;hby about fifteen mllea
east of Cleveland, Thu outrage waH not
reported to Ibo Cleveland police until
this morning. The cur wiih well filled
with passengers, who wore badly shnkon
up and uiiiiU'u rush for thu doors.
The force of the explosion wiih so groat
that it shook all tho houses in the neigh
borhood, mill was hoard for n distance of
two or three miles.
There is no eluu to thu identity of tho
pcKun who placed the explosive on the
track. Persons living in the nolghboi
liuod uay they saw n iimn in n buggy
stop at the corner of Kensington street,
wl ere the explosion occurred, and that
be not out by the railway truck, lie re
mained there forn Hhort time, und then
drove rapidly away.
Thu police are now out searching for
the buggy in which tho dynamiter in
supposed to have ridden, und all stations
have been notified to bo on thu lookout
fur it.
Rioting is Renewed.
Ci.i.vKi.AM), Ohio, July 24. -A 12-year-old
boy named Corus'.luh wan eliot und
instantly killed by Kulph Hiuvlcy, a lion
union conductor this uftornoon. Corn
zioh was a pusncngitr on u Itroadway cur
mid iniide some remark to tho eonduotor.
lliuvley waa arrested. An iinmeiiBe mob,
enraged at the shooting, quickly gathered
at the scene, und tho police charged upon
the crowd and made several urrcHlB. The
mob was partially dispersed, but noon
nnethur congregated. Another llroud
wy cir which came down Ornugo Htreet
aa atonud at Terry atreot. Police ngulu
charged tho mob with their clubH und
dispersed it.
The atuto board of nrbltrution haa de
cided It cannot bring about n eottlmnont
of the atrlku, by bringing llio oliloiulH of
U'o Itig Consolidated und strikers to
gether to talk over their grievances und
will abandon all efforts towards settle
ment, or ordera public n public Investiga
tion of thoHtriko.
Yoiuik HucIjs Thrcutcn to Murder North
cru Pacific Extension Graders He
tiinsc Line Crosses Their Hescrvn
(ion. Hoihi:, Ida., July24.-Vortl from Lew
Hon ovor tin, l0Ug distance telephone
1 to "' effeet that whllo tho Indiana on
1,10 Nrz orcos reaervutlon have out-
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
oyi CAKiwa povcrw co., New york.
wardly aubtnittcd to tho ngreemnt of
their chiefs to permit the Northern Tact
ile grade through tho reservation to prc
coed, still tho young bucks continue to
inmifoBt an ugly spirit, which in brutal
ized by liquor furnished by white men.
They threaten to Bwoop down on the
graders nguin as they did a few dayB ngo,
this Inno not to scare them off but to
murder. There mo no soldiers there and
the workingmcn have little protection.
Deputy marshals ut the tcene, report
thai trouble of a serious nature aeema
unavoidable unless liquor have can be
kept away nwny from thu young bucke,
or a military force isBtatiuned to protect
tliu graders. Large quantities of liquor
have been confiscated, but thpro scema
to be no end to thorcfourcefulucsB of tho
bloodthirsty bavngcB.
Cuturrh t.'aiinnt In, (Jtiicil
with local u)plicalioiiH, ns they cannot
reach the seat of the dieeaso. Catarrh
is a Itlood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal lomcdicH. Hall's Catarib Cure ih
taken iuteruully, and acts directly on
the blood and mucous em faces. Hull's
Catanh Cure is not n quack medicine.
It was was prescribed by one of tho beEt
physicians in this country for years, and
is u regular piescription. It is composed
of the bust tonics known, combined with
the beat blood purifluis, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. Tho perfect
combination of thu two ingredients in
what produeoB BUcb wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. .Semi for testimonials,
F. .1. Chunky A Co., Props., Toledo 0.
.Sold by drruggistp, price 75c.
Hall's Family Pillp are tho best. 12
Dewey Accepts Invitation.
Xr.w Yoitic, Jnlv 24. Mayor Van
Wyek today received the following cable
gram from Dewey:
"Trieste. Mayor Van Wyek, New
York : f.ottors received und invitation
accepted; expect to arrive nbout Octo
ber 1. Will cable definitely from Gibral
tar. Hnvo written. DEWEY."
Dewev's cablegram is in response to
invitation from tho mayor, asking him
to bo the guest of tho city upon his nr
rival in Now York, and requesting him
to exnress any desire ho may have in
connection with the programme for his
hlory rn riluvo.
To bo bound hand and foot for years
by tho chains of disease is tho woist
form of slavery. Goo. D. Williams, of
Manchester, Mich., tolls how such n
slave was made free. He says: "My
wife has been so helpless for live years
that she could not tuin over in lied
ulone. After using two bottles of Elec
tric Hitlers, she is wonderfully im-
nroved und uble to do her own work."
This supremo remedy for feinalo die-
oases quickly 'cures nervousness, sleep
lessness, melancholy, headache, back
ache, fainting and dtoy spells. This
miracle working medicine Is a godsend
to woak, sickly, run down people. Every
linltln I'lmriiutot'd. Onlv 50 conts, Sold
by lllukeley and Houghton, druggists, fl
JIlKiiiuruk'i Iron Nurvo
Wna Mm i-nmik of his snliindid health.
Indomitable will and troiuondous onorgy
nro not found where stomach, liver,
klndoya and bowels uro out of order. If
you want thoBO qualities und the success
they bring, use Dr. King's jnow iaw
Pills. They dovelop every power of
i.miii mill hndv. Onlv 25u at Hlakeley
& Houghton's drug storo. 2
Thomas lthoads. Ceutorllold, 0.,
wrlteB : "I sult'ored from piles sovon or
eight years. No remedy gave mo jollef
until DoWltt'a Witch Hazel Salve, less
than a box of which permanently cured
mo." Soothing, healing, perfectly harm
less. Howau of counterfeits. Hutler
Drug Co.
DeWUt's Little Early Klsors benefit
permanently. They lend gentle ussist
uuco to nature, causing no pains or
weaknoifl, permanently curing constipa
tion and liver ailments. Hutler Drug
I . Baking
Fur un Killtur to Itocnmnicnd I'atcnt
From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad,
N. 0.
It may bo a question whether tho
editor of a newspaper has tho right to
publicly recommend any of tho various
proprietary medicines which flood the
market, yet ub a nruvontivo of suffering
we feel it n duty to say a good word for
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Kemcdy. Wo have known and
used this medicine in our family ior
twenty years and baye always found it
reliable. In many cases a dose of this
remedy would save hours of EuO'ering
while a phyoiciun is awaited. Wo do
not believe in depending implicitly on
any medicine for a cure, but wo do
believe lliat if a bott.lo of Chamberlain's
Diarrhoea Itnmedy was kept on hand
and administered at the inception of an
attack, much Buffering might bo avoided
and in very many cases the presence of
a physician would not be riqnired. At
leuBt this has been our experience
during tho paat twenty years. For sale
by Hlakeley it Houghton, Druggists.
Notice is hereby given that tho part
nership heretofore existing between
C. J. Cnthcart and J. D. Straus, under
tho firm name of Catbcurt & Straus, is
this day dissolved by mutual consent,
C. J. Cathcart retiring. J. D. Straus
will continue tho business, and will col
lect all bills due said firm and pay all
accounts against the same.
Dated July 1, 18U9.
C. J. Catiicaut,
J. D. Stiiaus.
i:niiiiirl(lI Ki'dcun.
Mrs. Michael Cartain, Plainfield, III.
makes tho Btutement, that the caught
cold, which settled cn her lungs; she
was treated for a month by her family
physician, but grew worse. Ho told her
sbu was a bopules victim of consumption
and that no medicine could cure her.
Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption ; she bought
u bottlo and to her delluht found herself
benefited from the first dose. She con
tinued to use und after taking six bottles
found herself sound und well ; now does
her own housework, und Is as m ell as
she ever was. Free triul bottle of Ibis
Great Discovery at Hlakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. Only CO cents and .fl.
Every bottle guaranteed. 0
DoWltt'a Littlo Eaily Kieers expel
from the system all poisonous accumu
lations, reguluto tliu stomach, bowels'
and liver, and puiify the blood. They
drivo nwuy disease, dissipate melancholy
und give health and vlnor for the daily
routine. Do no gripe or sicken. Dutler
Drug Co.
For Sale.
Thrco houses and four
lots in Tho Dalles, as a
wholo or separalol y. Lo
cation oast of high school.
Pays oxcoptionally good
inlorest on investment.
Properly in good con
dition. Add ross,
M. F. Fitz Gerald,
Tho Dalles, Or.
Send In euro of Tho Chronicle.
Sir Wilfrei Lanricr Loses His Bolter
Conservative, Cool-Hcadcd Men Regret
the Occurrence No Conflict is
Ni:w Yokk, July 21. A special to the
world from Toronto s.ive : Professor
Goldwin Smith, after reading Premier
Laurier's speech upon the Alaska boun
dary dispute, said :
"I am surprised and sorry Sir Wilfred
Laurie should have even alluded to the
possibility of war over the Alaska boun
dary question. It would be a disgrace
to statesmonsbip if it were possible that
war should break out between Great
Hritain and the United States about
such a matter.
"The question 19 not pre-sing. All
that is immediately wanted is some joint
arrangement for the preservation of
order to the dleputed territory. After
a little reflection and everybody has bad
time to cool, means will bo found for a
settlement ol the question in an amica
ble way.
"1 havo thought from tho beginning
that it would have been better if the
Alaska boundary question had not
been mixed up with other questions,
such as reciprocity questions, with which
it bad nothing to do. Let the Alaska
boundary question be kept apart and
lot conference on commercial reciprocity
procrcd. The two things, I repeat, have
nothing to do with each other."
There is u greal deal of talk about gen
eral elections in Canada being held next
full. It is reported that the Laurier gov
ernment decided before Minister of Pub
lic Works Tarte left for England a few
weeks ngo to appeal to the country, and
word comes from different provinces
preparations are being made for general
Forgot One Method.
Ni:w Yonic, July 24. A special to the
Herald from Washington says: There
will bo neither war nor arbitration over
tho Alaska boundary dispute. It will be
settled by amicable agreement, both the
United States and Great Britain making
concessions. This is the view expressed
by an ollleial having much to do with
tho pending negotiations.
An J.'il(U'iulo of Diarrhoea.
Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoa
nut Grove, Flu., Bays there has been
quito an epidemic of diarrhoea there.
Hu had a sovero attack and was cured
by four doses of Chamberlain's Cbollc,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Keinedy. He
says bo ulso recommended it to others
and they say it is die best medicine they
ever used. Eor sale bv Hlakeley &
Houghtin DiiiKwists.
Gun-shot wounds und powder-bump,
cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from
rusty nails, insects stings and Ivy poison
ingquickly healed by DeWitt'a Witch
IlaKul Salve. Positively prevents blood
poieoning. Beware of counterfeits. De
Witt'a iB mfe and sure, Hutler Drug Co.
Volraulo Kruptloiig
Aro grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Hucklen's Arnica Salvo cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Bolls, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Hums, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pilu euro on
earth. Drives out palna and itches.
Only 25 cte. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Blukeley & Houghton, drug-
gIBIS, o
VO Itewuril.
A rewind of $20 will be paid for (ho ar
rest of uny person caught stealing flowers
or unythliig else from tho Odd Fellows'
A Tan Shoe Sale!
A sale not of odds and ends, but of our
regular and most desirable, up-to-date
Spring and Summer of 1899 styles.
Our Loss Will
Oxblood Russian calf lace shoes,
value .3.00. This week
Ladies' Oxfords.
Chocolate Yiena button ox
fords, band-turned sole,
handsome coin toe, value
3.50. This week 2 20
Chocolate vesting top south
ern tie, flexible Eole, value
$3.00. This week 2.C0
Iidies' chocolate vesting top
oxfords, hand-turned sole,
value $3.00. This week . . 2.00
Lidies' chocolate veating top
oxfords, value $2.50. This
week 1 70
Value $2.00. This week... 1.50
Miss' and Childs' Lace Shoes.
Chocolate, vesting top, lace shoes, coin toe; sizes 8ls toll, value
$1.50. This week $1.10
Sizes 11j to 2, value $1.75. This week 1.30
Men's tan willow calf, nickle hooks and eyes, latest popular last,
value $3.50. This week 2.35
Men's chocolato vici kid, reduced for tho week from $3.00 to 2.20
Sale commences Tuesday a. m.; concludes Sat- Jf
urday at 9 p. m.
I A. M. Williams & Co. 35
Notice U hereby Klven Hint 1 Imvo llleil with
tliu l leik of tho futility Couit of thu Statu of
Uiepon, ior imii i omity, my imiii iktoiiiii its t
U'ltnintsttator of tlio oitittu of (I, W, licet, ile-1
rented, Hint by tin order of (lie County t'ourt
ufoH'Mild, made June 1, W), Mottdtiy, July ii,
wy.i, at llio I) our 01 'j o ciucu , in., mu oeeu
llv.ul ifti. II. tut mill .In. I'.llllilli '.inc. rrlimi
In Dalles City us the jilneo for tliu heatiiii; of
objections to kiitd rlnal ucrouut, and the kettle
meat of mid CMUte,
F. 1' M.Wi,
Jun 3d! AdiulnUtrntnr.
Executor's Notice.
Notice is hereby jtlvin (hut the tiiulertlk'iicd
lum been duly iiiointid by the hoin.nible
County Court of tho State of Oiokoii, for Whk'o
rouiity, a cMTUtor of thu cstuto of I'liebeJ.
HniKht, deceased. All eroim limlr.K rluluib
iiRalnt-t fciild citato are heicby iiotllled to pro
dent tho huiiio, properly verified, to uio nt my
ollli'o lu lJullth City. Oregon, vtfthlu Mx iiiunthk
from thu dutoof this notice.
Pitted this 6lli day of July. lKXi.
Executor of the (atuto of l'hebo J, Jiulitht.
accented. Jly 841
Be Your Gain.
Lace Shoes.
Chocolate willow calf laco
shoe, up to-date last,
worth $4 00. This week
only 2 73
Tan kid .lace shoe, fancy
vesting lace stay, flexi
ble sole, value $3.50.
This week ouly 2.35
Chocolate kid vesting top
lace shoe, Goodyear welt
sole, new coin too, value
?3.00. This week 2.25
coin toe, medium heavy sole,
Colored Shoes
Moi's $5.00 tan willov
calf, bull dog toe, med.
sole. This week 3,43
Men's chocolate vici kid,
vesting top, value $4,00.
This week 2.G5
Men's chocolato vici kid,
coin toe, value $3.50.
This week 2.10
I.AND Office at Tub Dalles, OitEnoN)
JllllO 11), lh'J'J. I
Notieo Is heiebv (riven that tho following
iiained settler has hied notice ol his Intention
to make II mil lnonf lit support of his clnlia, nnd
that s ild vroof will bo lamlu before tliu register
Mini receiver nt The Dalles, Oregon, on Hitturday,
Julyj'j, lKi'J,
I'aiilit (Irliiiaud,
widow of I'lerru (irliauud, deeensnl, of Tho
Dalles; II. K. No. )7ii, for tho K, UK' . Heo.'.'l,
T. 1 north, it l'i K. W .M.
He names thu follow lug witnesses la provu
hU continuous residence 11)1011 and cultivation
of Mill! Nnd, iz;
Chiis. A. iiahtiU, Hurl; Cnry, 1-outs Hmuloi
Amliew Uriiuhiut, nil of Tho Dalles, Oregon.
Jutill ll JAV 1'. l l'CAS, Ileglster.
Uoonis 30 mid 10, over U. S, I jud Olllee.