Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels imeanses the System v- v v r-r-r-r-i a l l 3- HEcr- OVFRCOMFS ' srr& PERMANENTLY 0 Gf pfFECTS. ITS fttsii. DUy THE GENUINE MAM'F'O ey- ui?rniaTgpSyrvp(. foa 511 ei ail onusaiiTSi pmtt sot rts Mine IBRSONA(. MENTION of 'Vancouver, in the city, Win, Kolsay came in from Antelope yesterday. Geo. Johnston came in from his home ftt Dnftir today L. E. Crowe left yesterday afternoon for a short trip to I'o'rtlund. II. Glenn left Saturday to join his family at the seaside. A. A. Keller went down to join his family at Sprague today. Archie McCully returned last night from Cascade much improved iu health. Lin Newman is up from Portland to spend a few days visiting his friends nere. Mrs. Alice Sheldon has returned from a three-weeks visit with friends in Portland. Misses Melissa and Julia, Hill left this moruim; to spend their vacation at Ocean Park. Miss Fannie Schwartz who spent yesterday returned noroe today. Miss Hilda Beck, wiio lias spent some months past with friends in Portland, returned home Saturday evening. Miss Harris, a teacher in the Port land schools, arrived in the city last niisht and is the ueatof Miss Butler. Miss Ida Foss, who lias been teaching in the neiuhborhood of TroutJ Lake, came up from Hood River yesterday to this city. V. E. Walther arrived homo from Portland yesterday, accompanied by Mrs. Walther, who lias beeu under the care of physicianR there. Mr. and Mrs. J. HSherar returned to their homo at Shernt's Bridge Saturday accompanied by Mfa. O. M. Grimes anil her daughter, Mis Pearl. Mrs. II. Nielsen and famify were pas seniors this morning onlfie boat, bound ior ucean 1'ark, lliviuro beach, whoro uiey win spend too eotntner. Mrs. M. Lyle and daughter, Mis? .Alice, icft this morning for Portland, the former to spend a few weeks anil tho latter to remain during the summer. Zcharv Tavlor arrived in the citv Saturday evening from Spolrani', on hi? wav to Antelope. Sir. Taylor's son is under the care of Dr. Sutherland at that place. 111.- I r r i nta wie lames oi ine uaues, who are interested in beautiful needlework, will be glad to know of Mrs. llamrick's nr- rival. Display at A. M. Williams. Newest designs from Chicago. Charles Clarke came un from Hnnd Itiver Saturday, and loft yesterday to spenti a snori vacation at Dufnr. Charles says hunting in that vlcinitv is good. Wonder if ho won't capture a dear? BUSINESS LOCALS. For the best results use the Vivo Camera. For Dale by tho Postofllco harmacy. tf Latest thing in cameras are Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at tho Wasco warehouse Finest kind of chicken feed. mch2o-tf Improved Magazine cyclones are win ners. Donnell, the druggist, will gladly show them to you. Try Yerba Buena Bitters, tho best tonic. Fur sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stublmg, agent, The Dalles. M17.:im Try Yerba Buena Bitters, tho best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Sttibling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elstou, Mo., writes: "One Minute Cough Cure saved the life of our little boy when nearly dead with croup." Butler Drug Co. "What might have been" if that little cough hadn't been neglected,',is the sad reflection of thousands of consump tives. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and olds. Butler Drug Co. r o mill. In East End Feed Yard Wednesday morning, July 5th, n bay horse, about fourteen hands high between 10 or 12 years old; white star on forehead, black points; saddle marks and brand B L on left shoulder with running It underneath, and weighing about 900 pounds. Owner can have same by proving property and paying all charges. jlyS-lm "Wo have sold many different cough remedies, but none gave better satisfac tion thnn Chamberlain's," says Mr. Charles Holzhauer, Druggist, Newark, N. J. "It ia perfectly safe ami can be relied upon in all cases of coughs, colds or hoarseness." bold by Blakelev & Houghton Druggists. 1'or ISeut. Two tenement houses; fine .location. Inquire at this office. Jly 17-lwk : Dry granulated sugar, best grade !?5.50 per 100-lb sack at Maier & Benton's. Jly 12-lw. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stnbling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at all first-class bars. C. tubling, agent, The Dalles. M17.3m Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf The Busy Store. Kac'j day our business shows tliu people are finding out we nro pushing to the front with better goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and Inst, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE trade marks Designs Copyrights &c. Otis Patterson mado a trip to Portland Saturday afternoon and returned yes terday accompanied by Mrs. Patterson, who has spent Bomo time there. She will return Saturday and mako a trip to the seaside. Miss Delia Greeley, the young E.istern milliner, who was the guest of Mrs. Mario Perrano during hor brief visit in tho early spring, and who accepted a position in the most, fashionable mil liner store at Wnlla Walla, is again the gneel of Mrs. Perrano, Frank DeHnff and wife, whn hnvo been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Peter DoIIuff lor len ilavs past, left this mornimr on their wuy to thejir home in Vork, Penn, They were accompanied to Portland by Mrs. Peter DeHuff. Miss Kate Baird, who has been the BiicBt of Miss Carrie Butler, returned to her home in Portland. She was accom panied as far as Cascades by Mies Carrie, who will spend koine time with Miss Grace Hobson in camp there. Use Clarke & Falks Hosofoam for the ,tmn. tf Anrono tendlnc a sketch nnd dnicrintlnn nm- GUfclcly ascertain nuronluton free niethpr rr. Invention la probably patentable. Communis tionsMrictlyconUdcntial. Handbook on I'atcnta ocntireu. uiuesi aircniT ior gecunuf? patents. I'atents taken through ilunn ft Co. receive tp fetal notice, without charge, In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of nny sclentluc journal. Terms, la a year: four months, Jl. SoMbyall nowsdcalcra. MUNN & Co.361Broady- New York Branch OWco. OS V BU Washington. V. U. ONE FOR A DOSE. rtcmoTO Plop!., pront !i'!7t"0"i'VBr,f'.th8U'oli NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OrricE at Vakcouvpk, Wash,, ) Julys, lb'J. j Notice is Jictcby Riven that tlio following tiainol tettlcrs have Mai notice of their inten tion to muko llnul proof in Mipport of their claims., hji4 that Kiid proofs will bo made beforo w. II. 1'resliy, United States Uonunihtionvr for PUtrlctof WakliliiKton, at liUotllee in Uolilcn dz' rt,",hlusty", 0,1 iIoll(Ju)'i August 11, 18'j'J, Stephen Mnrlett. Homestead Entry No. txl, for tbo 8. U N. K. U: N. i:. i S. K. 'A Section I'j, and b. W. N. W.L of ricction UU, Township y North, of Kuijeo 13 hnt, Will. Mer. Ho names tho following witnesses to provo his continuous residence iimjii mul enltlvniinti mild land, viz: i:uri rranzen, t'lirutun Kron.cii, I'orler L. Hardiion,ilutlonljplawii,allof io'luI',0WusI), l'orlev 1., IliirdUou. PLEASE LOOK HERE. WM. MICHELL, 1 and Embalmer. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES . AWAY DOWN, ex -3tAi 33S QNV 3IAIOO Te GolimiDia FiDg eo., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANHFACTDUKUa OK Fine Lard and Sausages Cursrs of BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF. ETC. Homestead Kntry No. 0051, for the H. E. If of y. K. of Section 19; tho B. W, of 8. , U, tectiou IM; K. J of N. U. of HectTon DO, Towa' fchlii :i North, at ItMiEO 13 Kfttt. Will. Mer. Ift) Illllllen the follO'.VhlL- ultlll' In i.rnni hU coutliiuoiis rcsldenco upon, and tultlvutlon of ald land, viz.: Carl tfrnlizen, Christian Kraniun, Stephen Mrtrlctt, Muilon Sphiivu, all of I.yk . (,, Wush. Jl8 II W. K. DUNUAIt. Iteglster. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notico is hereby given that tho undersigned lias illul his liu ill account us executor of tho o tatt) of Sarah lleAleu with tliu clerk nf thn count court of ihettato of Oregon, for county, una Hint Thursdiiy.tho 13th dayof July, UW, nttlieliourof iu o'clock n. m, liaa been llxed hh tho timuuiid tho county court room in Lalles Citv hh tho n'aee for tlin lnrliii f .,. Jccllonatoiiaidlinul account and kettlemeut of msiu vsiaie. UatnlJuIr 13. 1S.99. Tllrm. kiihvai. Jun 1M Kxecutor. New and Second Hand Furniture bought and sold at tli.i Old Stand. Pawn Broker. Money ouned on valuable. Ilornes boutfht and sold on coiiiuiIbhIoii. Tie Dalles, Porllani and Astoria Navigation Co.' Dully (esrept Stindny) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vanconver and Portland. TouchliiR nt wnv ioin"! on both sldc of tho L'olunibin river. lloth of tho above steamers have been rebuilt, and me in excellent Khajie for tho trnvm of lhW. Tlu Itrfilliitur Mm wilt cmlciivor to Ktvolth Vl rons the best tcrvico 9iblo. For Comfort, Kriiiinniy and I'lPitmirr, travel by tho sdeatners of Tlu ltn;ultur I, lint. Tho nbovo sleamers leave Tho D.illc.s nt S n. m. and t'ortland at 7 . in., and arrive at destina tion In mpl lime for outBoliiK train. Portland Olllco. Hio Dulles flfilcc. Oak St. Dock. I'ourt Street W. C. Allaway, (ieucral Agent. Teeth Extracted FREE SATURDAY. CONSIDER OUR PRICES: Hi-st Crown and Itri(lj!o work (1!2I:. roIiI), Ior tooth. .. . H60 Ik'Hi sct tooth, uiinniiiti'fd 'JJ.00 lli-st Oold 1-lllinu' fl.OOtjp Heat silver or alloy liHiuc 0JUp llootna 11-11! 1.", Cliiiiniian Itlook, Second SI Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray. D. D. S., Manager. CYCLONE Meaz'"e ; LiAflE j I: Ton Points to Consldor: to tone M JwifeS' y y 'J U CWSMftVv 2 Shutt.jf Mull) HtilniiHo. C, ,.m.,u .5 5 &f.(KWlk 3 SlutttHr Automatic, rt ,I" KKAI' Si N mM:WwX?' Shuttor Looks. . f l ... '2 ,J Aluminum Hltttolioklorn. . wuiujiiii (. itj fa... jg'SgfrrW) , IO Exiiomitt pUitoK nimovutt without k ...AND... Si ' l tipgGBisl-ZZ? . dlaturliliiK utiuxpomul. i 0 HfliTDQPr.OrO ''h No. 4-isizo3'.1x4l.l)S8.00 1899 Cntalonuo with com- ' f' nUlutjufilluiu No'5-sizo4x5) iao ploto information FREE. ; R- Wagon and Carriage Work. j SiXVA,- M Z DONNELL. k Fish Brothers' Wagon. (..mem win, bulb shutter. xu" k' a-'vxi aixjwoj. 1 Third aiifl JeiTcrou. Piioiic 159 1 ..GrjJIS. m- Butehens and Fafmeps 61 2d St. R. B. HOOD. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially digests tho food and aids Mature Id strenathaninir nnrt atructinsrtlio exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest disco vered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It In tantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence. Sour HtamiAh k.i....1 8lckHeadaclie,Gastralgla,Oramps,and another results of imperfectdlgeatlon. PrMerad by C. C. (XWltt Co.. Chicago. For sale by Butler Drug Co., ..Exchange.. Keeps on ilruuKlit tho celebrated COl.UMIIIA IIKKIt, ncknowl GdKift tho bust beer in Tliu Dalles, nt tho usual price. C'omu in, try it nnd be eonvlnceii. Aim tho Finest brands of Wines, Li?uor ami Clifitra. Sanduuiehes of all Klmls always on hanii. How About Your Title? FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rilANSAOTA K.N'KI'.AIj HA.SKINO IllJfc'lHKS Lotters of Credit ieaueil uvailnblu in tlif Eastern Htntea. Rilit ExclntiiKO and Telrapliit Transfers Bold on New York, Cliicano, St. Louis, Kan Francieco, Portland Ore koii, Seattle Wanh,, and various points In Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. J. 6. BCHKHK, l'reIJent. It. M.IIKAI. , C'nshlei First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREOON A General Banking LusinesB transacted isujHJDii.0 icuuiveu, suujeci 10 oight Draft or Chenk. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on Now York, San Francisco and iorl. land. DIHRcyrnuu Thompson. Jmo. 8. Sohknojt. Ed. M. Williams, Gko. A. I.ikuk. H. M. JJkai.l. , UK YOU SUHK It iH all riitlit? Umiitniibur It tlio UKC0U1) that uovcriiH. It iu nur ImiinuHH to en rch the reninls and show what thuv cotituin in relation to land titles. If you contemplate inlying land or loaning money on mil entate cciiiirlty, lake no nmn word, hut Insist upon knowing what the record shows regarding the title. An Abstract is as essential as n deed. Ineist on having it. We have the only set of Abstract Hooks in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and satlsfiicllou guaranteed. It yon have prop erty to insure, give us a call. We are uguiiltrfor four of the bust lire insurance companies in the world. If you have property for sale, list it with ns and we'll Hilda buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. 'Phono 81. 2d St., oppoulto A. M. Wllllnmn & Co. 66 aimonv 99 CQhiskey. This brand of Wbkla-v i im-.r.,..i,.,i ... . .. f ,R u 1 iA'V ,MAI,I': S0UK MAS" WHISKEY for Family ami Medical Use. Sold by ? Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shoo. Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, to Seuoufl & LatiNi "PJione 15? Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ii kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, a kinds. Headquarters for Rrnn ndiikir.di Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- j -j-ii tOU U lOUr. Tl,i Mour is manufactured xtr4i(ilv for fumW Highest PrioeB Pald for Wheat, Barley and OatB.