The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 24, 1899, Image 3

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    V ...
Wu will offer tho choicest Iluns of Organdies that wo -hove had this
eeason ut thu phenomenal prico of 15c nnd 10-?uVper yard.
Tli(!H poods are 7 of yard wide nnd nre dainty in thu extreme.
Yon liuvu it cholco of both plain and figured.
A lino of Fancy Lace Stripes in green, yollow-and pink at
18 cents per yard.
A lino of Organdies mid Dimities, very choice, at
9 cents per yard.
A lino of Fancy Lncti Stripes in blue, pink nnd yullow nt
20 oents per yard.
Hear in mind that these are linos Hint have not been offered to you bo;
foro at othor than thulr regular prices and range in prlco from liy.u to .)5c
por ynrd.
Prices of Waists and Wrappers Slaughtered for
the Next Four Days.
75 cents, 85 cents and $1.00.
Laundered Purcalo nnd Lawn Shirt Waists reduced to 59c each
11.25, $l.:!.ri an 1 $1.60 Wtiltu Liiwii and fancy I'iquo slaughtered to 75c each
jl,2 Vmppurn in light ami dark colors, milled and braided yokes,
slaughtered to ; 79c each
Children's Wash Dresses
to lie sold at plumb cost for the next four days. Fancy Purualu nnd
Zephyr gingham dresses, all fancy trimmed waists and excellent quality.
Infant's Wear.
Infant's long Nainsook dresses, swish nnd embroidered yokes nt coBt.
Infant's white cambric and lawn dreuses, Valenciennes lace trimmed.
Big Special.
All our children's owiss hats, enps and bonnets at half price.
All Gootlo Murkud
In Plain Kliuiren.
The Dalles Daily Chfoniele.
MONDAY . . JULY "4, 18f)
Telephone No, 1.
AH Cliniijjcs in Advertisements nuist
banded in before io o'clock A. M., as
o changes will be accepted in tbe aft
"Boon This rule will be positive.
' Wilts, January io, 1899.
Thd etiinlnvitn nf fli.k n t .p. a kt
i w VMM -X tv i Al
, ve donated fll to the monument
""l; Lt some othor organization
Ataone tlm fmiliftP nf tmun iuKa titit
"tl granted state toucliora' eortifi-
we notico that of UUa Dalsle
lwiy,0f this city.
". Kllza Young arrived in tho citv
' flight frnn. l...n...l ...111
J until after tho arrival und burial
lmJ"in0",a ho wlllcl WB "hipped
''Victoria Saturday and will prob
,b'J"eacl, here tonight.
morning Deputy Olork Holton
remarriage license to Lewis M.
VV and Anna K, Brlwndliie of Boyd.
Jl7,r?Spc'cllvoKroom 47 yearn of
;"4 lhbriMo-be21, it Is a case
December will marry young May.
trio s., cg?lnlor- wIcb made the round
CunilMiy,dla l0t reR0h the douk
bitMri.11.; yMterttay morning i
lerd 1 tnot Anting voice waa
Mth..." ab"ndn ol way-frelght
"becau,o of the delay,
Wd A!!0,B Turn,i Jo Cam,
he . , . ' W00d nd tu
Cl " he got broke and
Mlltanea. U. Q.-..I
JULY 24th
Pease & Mays.
not awaro that he was about the farm
last week until the farm hands told liim
a tramp was sick out near the barn and
when he went nut to attend to his
wants fouud it was Cain.
Sam Jones may be all rinlit in I lie
ellitto Kast or umoui thu fastidious
Southerners; hut when he comes umoii
the "wild und woolly" Westerners, he
isn't quite so well appreciated ; in fact
the "wild und woolly" do not appreciate
liia' and are too rellnod to
caru to have a second visit from the
reat (V) Jones.
News came from Ileppnor by 'phone
today that K. M. Shutt, editor of thu
Ileppnor Tunes, is a victim of the
smallpox, and is in a serious condition.
While tho entire town Is not quaran
tined, thu individual cases are, and
every effort is lieini made to piovent
its unread. A number of Dalleaites are
taking precautionary measures by be
ing vaccinated.
A lady was hoard to remark this morn
ing that alio bad iuBt bought u new pair
of shoes nnd the li rut time she wore them
they bit the nail on the head and Buffered
tbe consequences. Now sho declares
she won't buy another until the
uuils are driven down in tho sidewalks.
It muy bo all right for womon to go with
out hats, but when it coiuos to koIiic
barefooted, that's another question.
Hadn't we better annihilate the nails?
Saturday evening A. L, Gude, S.
Nutting, Vic Schmidt nnd Gub lioun
started out on a llehing expedition, nnd
yesterday morning when they discovered
themselves were on tho banks of the
Little Klickitat river, near the soda
springs. Horo they made camp aud
spout tbe day angling. They report fish
ing good, but said nothing about catoh
Ing. As the proof of the fish is in eating
it, tho lOiiuoNioLK reporter cannot say
as to tbe catch.
Saturday the Gillespie party, number
ing eighty-two tourists, eame up from
Portland almost to Hood Kiver, 011 the
Dallas City. They are from Pennsylvania
and came through New Mexico to Los
a buIim. and vet tbev declared the day
on the Columbia the red letter day of
their trip. The boat was stopped at
Multnomah. Falls and with the assist-
Mrs, B. S. Huntington, who happened
to be on board, they missed nothing
along the vivor which would be of inter
est to them.
There are at present eleven families
from The Dalles camping at Cascades,
enjoying the cool atmosphere and drink.
Ing tho clear cool wator theiiS which is
said to be exceptionally good Thursday
nfternoon nnd evening it rinod slightly
but not enough to annoy them much.
Among those who went
to spend the day were
H. Wilson, C.
E. Dawson, J. G. Hosti
, Dr. Sanders,
W. II. HobBon, Jas.
eland, Bert Bald-
win, Leon Dawson,
Belle Kinehart,
Miss Dawson and Clara Sampson.
At tho invitation of Miss Edie Fisher,
about thirty young peoplo spent the day
yesterday at tho farm of Fred Fisher,
fivo milus from tho city. They were
chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, who,
being as lively as any of their guests,
Haw that all had a good time. The shade
of the largo trees was greatly appreciated
and the day was passed pleasantly but
quietly beneath their protection. Lunch
was spread on a large table which had
been improvised, and but a few scraps
remained to tell the tale of well-filled
baskets. They returned in the cool of
the evening, and at tho invitation of
Carey Ballard, made their way to his ice
cream parlors, where the ice cream soda
soon disappeared at a rapid gait.
Every city and town about us is doing
something toward the monument fund;
but what is the matter with The Dalles?
Are we going to eutlrely Ignore the
matter? Surely not. Then let us be up
and doing. Why not follow the ex
ample of some of our sister cities and
have a roaring baseball game the Fate
against the Leans, for instance. John
Schenck would make n splendid captain
of the former and Harry Lonsdale for
tbe latter: By charging 25 cents ad
mission, a handsome sum could be re
alized therefrom. Nothing of lato has
given more real enjoyment than the
game between the A. M. Williams pull
and tho Mays & Crowe push; then
imagine a game between the Fats and
LeauB. When could we have it? Why
not set apart an afternoon best suited to
the business houses and let them close
for a few hourB. Or, if this is not ad
visable, why not charter one of the D.
V. & A. N. boats and give an excursion
down the river. Of course our pe-ple
desire to nsbist, und are only waiting for
some plan to bo suggested.
L. I ml tm UurrvtHitii ISudly Hurt.
An unfortunate accident nnd at the
same time unusually lucky escape, oc
curred to,Linden Garretson about 5:-l
o'clock Saturday evening. Together
with young Waltherand Keller, he was
riding up Second street, when Keller's
bicycle wabbled and running into Lin
den's threw him oil' and under the feet
of u four-horse team, which whb stand
ing in front of I'ease & Mays' grocery
department. J ho norees, ol course,
were frightened nnd began to jump and
kick. With rare presence ol mind the
lad grabbed hold of the tug aud then
attempted to escape under thu feet of
the wheelers. Mr. T.Gavin ran out from
thu store and grabbing hold of him, as
sisted him in extricating himself and
carried him into the store.
lie hud, however, received a bad
gash on thu right cheek bone, which cut
through thu cheek, a slight cut on the
buck of thu head and a few elight bruises
on his leg. His face was soon swollen
almost beyond recognition and the
blood flowed so freely that tho by
standers were much frightened. As
soon as thu doctor camo and the blood
was removed, he wt9 placed under the
intluencu of morphine and a stitch
taken in the wound.
The effects of tho morphine and the
tlow of blood into thu mouth has made
blm very ill, but aside from that he is
getting along nicely, despite tho rumors
of all soits which nro alloat regu'din;
his condition, na is usually thu case In
such instances.
Mr. Garretson was horrified this
morning on answering a call nt the
door, to find a little sirl with flowers,
saving alio heard Linden was dead. We
art) glad to inform our readers that such
is not thu case, although he had a nar
row oscapo. Indeed tho doctor says had
thu horse which kicked him worn shoes,
bo would likely have met Ids death from
the blow.
New fur l.tullt).
Mrs. M. E. Hamrlek, of Chicago, is
at A. M. Williams & Co.'s for the rest
of this week only, with a fine display of
art noedle work. It is the attraction of
the town. Every woman Is delighted
with her cushions of the "new brown
linens." Lessons given from tbe new
est designs of Russian, Calcutta, Peru
vian, Battenburg, Point lace, etc. Call
at once. Stamping done.
uo itawarU.
A reward of $20 will be paid for tbe ar
rest of any person caught stealing flowers
or anything else from tiie Odd Fellows'
The Men a Well the Women,
They nhonld Take It.
A matron of Pendleton, rending an
editorial In tho East Oregonlan the
other day relating to cummer vacations
and wives who go away with tho
children, leaving the poor "hubby"
sweltering in tbe hot, hot winds and
awfully high temperature of thio part of
tho earth, said vigorously as follows and
to the point :
"Now, I want to say something for
the women. I believe in vacations. I
believe in them for the women, and
I believo in them for the men. Time
taken from business by the men, and
from household cares by tho women, is
time well spent. That is, a reasonably
long vacation time. You return re
freshed, and tbe better able to take up
the work of life, and accomplish good
"Thd American man needs education
along this line. He is a slave. He is a
slave to his business. He thinks that
he must remain at bis desk or in his
office or behind tbe counter the entire
twelve months, and that his business
will go to rack and ruin if he leave it
for a month to ecek rest aud recreation
at some summer resort.
"I will venture the assertion that, if
the average business man will follow my
advice, he will be astonished at tbe
outcome. Here is my advice :
"Let him say to hie chief assistant
'I am going away for a month, and want
you to handle the business while I am
gone. Attend to it the best you can,
and, upon my return, you may go for a
month on full pay, and have your rest.'
"That assistant will work faithfully
during the absence of bis employer, and,
besides the natural and certain desire to
be commended upon tho employer's re
tnrn for good management and attention
to duty, he will have the extra incentive
before him of a vacation with no loss of
"He will, ten to one, do all of his own
work, and tbe employer's too, and things
will go on In that establishment almost
as Btnootbly as though the proprietor
were there.'
"My husband has been tied down for
the paBt fifteen years, in this city, and
has scarcely taken one vacation during
all that time. What does life mean to
such a man? If he is not a slave, then
1 would like to learn in what slavery
"If huBbands would go away for the
summer with their wives, and both rest
and enjoy themeelvee at some resort
agreeable to both, they would return
worth just about two wives and two
husbands for the remainder of the year.
"The men of Pendleton need reform
ing in this particular. Tli.y need it
very badly. I wish some influence
could effect that ro.'orm. It would bring
good results, and everyone would be
happier for the change."
IViiut tu CuniH In n Itutly,
The latest news concerning the pros
pect of tho volunteers coining to Port
laud in a body is contained in tin;
following telegram, which was received
by Judge Northup Saturday, and which
is self-explanatory :
"General Shatter is away, and I can
not arrange in regard to tho men retain
ing their armR after reaching Portland
until his return on Monday. General
Summers is desiroua of bringing thu
regiment in a body to Portland. I am
quite confident that all will go. Date
for yiuster out is tixod for August 7ch.
I think that tho sentiment to pioceed to
Portland In n body is strong among the
" F. Bekuk."
Klei'tlmi Nutlcu,
By virtuo ot an order made by the
Board of Firo Delegates of Dallea City
fire department 011 tbe 18th day of
July, 1899, notice is hereby given that
there will be an election held for the
purpose cf electing a chief engineer and
an assistant chief of Dalles City fire de
partment, said election to be held on
the first Monday in August, said day
Bicycle j
2 ..RAMBLER. 2
Look and Qunamlth, 2
Z and Machine work. Z
being the 7th of August, 1890. The
polling place of said election shall be at
tho firo engine house, situated on Third
street, Dalles City, and tho polls of said
election shall open at 5 o'clock p. m.
and bo closed at 7 o'clock p. in. on said
Dated Dalles City, Oregon, this 24th
day of Julv, 1899.
E. M. Winqate,
Secretary Board of Fire Delegates.
Jly 24-2wk
A Chlhl Knjoyn.
The pleasant flavor, gentle action, nnd
soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in J
need of a laxative, and if the father or
mother be costive or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow its nso; so that
it is tho beet family remedy known nnd
every family should have a bottle.
Manufactured by tho California Fig
Syrup Co.
I desire through Tin: Cinto.sici.E
columns to express my heartfelt thanks
to those kind friends who ministered to
ray mother, Mrs. John Cates, during her
sickness, and after death showed such
loving respect during the last sad rites.
Mrs. J. H. Shekak.
AdTertUed Letters.
Following is the list of letters remain
ing in the poatofllce at The Dalles un
called for July, 22, 1899. Persons
calling for the Eame will give date on
which they were advertised :
Boullard. Charlie Johneon, A J
Barnetyki, C K
Kamph, J? red
Burden, J; red
Bohin, Henrv
Bist, S B
Carstins, A W
Cone, Ethel
Evans, N C
Fyfle, O C
Fredenbnrg, TI103
Grant, Nellie
Grotb, H A
Gardner, Louis
Golithn, John
Kelleher, Jack
Kochltr, Chas
Martin, Alice
Meeton, Melleu
Miller, P A
Phillips, Emma
St. Martin, P F
Smart, Lizzie
Smith, Summer
Sher, John
Sitb, George
Thompson, H K
Groves, C O
II. H. Kiddeix, P. M.
For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera
hat will take lar ger pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sale
by Clarke & Falk. tf
Kl Z .
I Our Bicycle f
I Repairing Department I
now in shape to properly
handle all kinps of work
from a punoture to building a
Also repair Looks, Guns,
kinds of light
This department is under
It's a real
to get tho meals for tho family
when you have a complete Fet
of needfull utensils aud have a
new Garland etovo or steel
range to cook upon. We fur
nish kitchens and can duvu you
money and many steps when
yon want anything in tho
way of kitchen supplies. Our
stock of tinware, graniteware,
delf ware, tablo cutlery, car
vers, meat cuttere, raieen seed
ers, pots, Irons, roasting panB
hundreds of other tilings to
make the kitchen complete.
We can furnish double oven
cook stoves from $8,00 up.
See tho beat Range on Earth,
The Garland
It has no equal.
AIeo a complete line of build
er's hardware.
Notice to Poultry Raisers:
No more Chicken Lice.
Cull at Motor & Benton's nml see
tho Antiseptic Nest Egg. With the
use nf this Net Ksfs jou will hnvo
110 more Lice, Mites or Vernli" In
your poultry houses, rfetting hens
will set better eggs and will hatch
better aud chickens will live aud
grow better where Antiseptic Kgg Is
used. Sec them at
167 Second St
To Care a Cold In One Day.
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druugiats refund the money if
it fails to care. 25o.
D alloc-.
Job PMntcfs
Sewing Maohines and
machinery, etc.
the charge of Mr. J. Kirchoff.
per & Bon
-. u bimiimhi WH
nee of Agent Allaway and Mrs. and