The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 24, 1899, Image 1

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    I) e Dalles
vol. xir
J&j5,'HC-iC5 0HOrJ0e50J)0fSHSf $H
lit llovf York lawyer Becaiucs S
tarv or War.
Tcmlirr of the Office Made After the
Conference Hetween the President
nml Senator l'lntt.
V.hiiinoton, July '22. Ullhu Root, of
New York, lias ureopted tlm war port
folio in President McKluloy'H cabinet.
Tlie telegram of acceptance wits received
etiortly tf tcr noon, while Seerntury Long
was with thu president. Secretary Alger
hail just left.
The tender of thu wiir portfolio whh
made to Mr. Hoot hint night after the
conference at thu White House. Ah tho
prcsiilunt will leave for tlm Adiroiitlui:k
Wi-iliii'dliiy or Tl'iirsduy of next week,
it la probable that Mr. Root will count to
Washington to confer with lilm before
that titiiL'. It in legurded hh more likely
that Mr. Hoot will meet the president nt
LakoCiiamplnin in tint lattur part of tho
Fear That Knot Will He Merely a
Washington, July 22. Unless the
new tecri'tury tf war takes hold wltli
v!;or ami retains all tint bureaus of the
war iliipartinoiit within It i h personal
supervision, tho cliuugu from Aljjer to
ISoot will nut result in very muuh iood.
ft in feared Unit Root in Koing to be
lftr(uly a figurehuud, und will conduct
tlio business of thu war department that
relates purely to civil matters and In
volves Kt.i1 questions, Instead of taking
liulil of tlm military end of thu depart
ment and reforming it. If t Intro is to ho
a continuation of Corblnism, it will he
found that thorn is little dlllurenco he
tween Hoot and what tho country has
coino to know as Algorism.
Alger to His Friends.
Wasiu.nuton, July 22. Secretary Al
ger is in receipt of n great numbur of
letters and telegrams from per tons in
every station in life, all touching upon
his retirement from tint cabinet. So
numerous are connnunlcatloiiH on this
euliject that tho secretary finds himself
physically unable to make propur supu
ral responses to all of tlium, theroforo
I'" has requested the Associated Press to
convoy to the wrilura and Benders his
dip ai)reciation of tho sentiments
expressed. t '
Island May He Cone.
Sax Fiianuihco, July 21. The ottlcers
"I tlio steaoutr Australia, which arrived
today, Buy it would not surpriHO them to
r that thero had been a fearful ox
P'odon at tho volcano and that Mauna
w Is no more. After louvlng Honolulu,
'l thp ran into a remarkuble cross sea,
lilcli tho eruw thought was caused by u
"lowarlno disturbance of unusual force.
A Wli vapor hung over tho water for
yand a heavy cloud, shaped likud nu
uiubrolln, came, borne on the wind from
'" direction of the volcano.
It Will He HC, Tuesday, at the Dolib's
Ferry Home.
?ltW Yo,lK Jly 22.-A8 yet no nr-
ffmT for 11,0 u,,,orttl t,,u "
M,,, In"H tve been made,
tZ 7. '",l l)u,,H tMl " tot the
.mn , 'y tl", n,alu nwuiUew of tho
15 y .' tho wi,0v "a fl(h
wiii e, Ul() ,Iner(l Taud and tmt ,
""lt0lul, It W m private. No one
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
will bo invited but those nearoBt and
dearest to tint dead. It will he held at
the homo in Dobb's Furry. It will be n
socular funeral.
Today there camo many offers from
musicians of note to brine; their orches
tras and piny, but the family declined
them all, There will he no music, per
haps not even an address. No sinking,
no prayers; nothing but a lust louve
tuklng. Regarding Colonel Ingersoll's estate,
his brother-in-law and private secretary,
0. P. Furroll, said:
"If lie left a will I do not know it.
Colonel Ingcrsoll died poor, fie was a
groat money earner, but a poor saver.
Ho has not left any estate worth speak
ing of. What he did not spend on hiu
loved ones he gavoawuy in charity."
Oiilnrrli Cannot tin Oiirnl
with local applications, ns they cannot
reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh
is a blood or constitutional disease, and
in order to cure it you must take inter
nal mtnedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is
taken internally, and acts directly on
thu blood and mucous surfaces. Hull's
Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine.
It wns was prescribed by one of the tfeet
physicians in this country for yeurs, und
is a regular prescription. It is composed
of the best tonics known, combined with
the best blood puritleis, acting directly
on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of lite two ingredients is
what producus such wonderful results in
curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials,
F. .1. Ciu:ni:y St Co., Props., Toledo 0.
Sold by drruggiste, price 7rn:.
Hall's Family Pills aro tho best. 12
Kills n Tramp Who Attacked Her With
a Scythe.
Pasco, Wash., July 22. About 10
o'clock tonight an unknown nuui entered
the house of Frank Schunoinunn, at
tacked Mrs. Schunemann with a scythe,
and was nhot anil killed by her son,
Louis Schunemanu.
Thoload man was a tramp. Ho had
iresented himself at tho house the pn-
vious evening and asked for food, which
was furnished him. During thu night
be returned and entered the house,
awakening Mrs. Schunemann, who called
her eon und left her room. Upon this,
tho Intruder uttackod her with the scythe
which had Beeured in the garden.
Sehuneniftni hearing his mother's
screams, rushed to tho scene with u ritle.
In die darkness ho wus afraid to shoot,
but tlnully succeeded in getting tho
in truder between himself and the window
and fired with fatal result.
htory of u rilurn.
To bo bound hand and foot for years
by the chnlns of disease is tho worst
form of slavery. Goo. D. Williutns, of
Manchester, Mich., tells how such a
slavo was innde free. He says: 'My
wife has been so helpless for five years
that she could not tuin over in bed
alone. After using two bottles of Llee-
trie, Hitters, she is wonderfully Im
proved and nble to do her own work."
This supreme remedy for female die-
ouBeH quickly 'euros nervousness, sieop.
Ihsbiiosb, melancholy, headache, back
uche, fainting and dizzy spells. This
miracle working medicine is a gousenu
to weak, sickly, run down people. livery
bottle gmirunteed. Only 60 cents. Sold
bv Blakeley and Houghton, uruggisis. u ,
HoWltt's Little Karly Risers benefit)
nornmnently. They lend gentle asslst-
ance to nature, causing no pubis or
weakness, permanently curing constipa
tion und liver nllinents. Butler Drug
I Baking
For mi Kdltor to Ueonmmenil Patent
From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad,
It may bo a question whether the
editor of u newspaper has the right to
publicly recommend any of the various
proprietary medicines which flood tho
market, yet as a preventive of suffering
wo feel it a duty to say a good word for
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. We have known and
used this medicine in our family tor
twenty years and huye always found it
reliable. In many cases a dose of this
remedy would save hours of suffering
while a physician is awaited. We do
not believe in depending implicitly on
any medicine for a cure, but we do
believe tnat if a bottle of Chamberlain's
Diarrhoea Remedy was kept on haild
and administered ut the inception of an
attack, much suffering might be avoided
and in very many cases the presence of
a physician would not be required. At
least this has been our experience
during tho past twenty years. For sale
by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists.
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
C. J. Cathcart and J. D. Straus, under
the firm name of Cathcart & Straus, is
this day dissolved by mutual consent,
C. J. Cutheurt retiring. J. D. Straus
will continue the business, und will col
lect all bills due said firm and pay all
accounts against the same.
Dated July 1, 1809.
C. J. Cathcaut,
J. D. Stkaus.
K.Miuirkuulu lNifcut).
Mrs. Michael Gartuin, Plainfield, 111.
makes the statement, Unit she caught
cold, which settled on her lungs; she
was treated for a month by her family
physician, but grew worse. He told her
she was u hopeles victim of consumption
and that no medicine could cure her.
Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New
Discovery for consumption ; she bought
a bottle and to her delleht found herself
benefited from the first dose. She con
tinued to use and after taking six bottles
found herself sound and well ; now does
her own housework, and is us well as
she ever was. Freo trial bottte of this
Great Discovery at Blakeley & Hough
ton's drug store. Only 00 cents and $1.
Every bottle guaranteed. 6
DeWitt's Little Jiarly Risers expel
from the system all poisonous accumu
lations, regulate the stomach, bowels
und liver, and nitrify tho blood. They
drive nwuv disease, dissipate melancholy
und give health and vigor for the dai.y
routine. Do no gripe or sickeu. Butler
Drug Co.
For Sale.
Three houses and four
lots hi Tho Dalles, as a
whole or separately. Lo
cation .east of high school.
Pays exceptionally good
intorost on investment.
Properly in good con
dition. Addross,
M. F. Fitz Gerald,'
Tho Dallos, Or.
Send In earn of The Chronicle,
Fonr More Ortjon Companies Wert
Entertainment for Officers and Men of
the Regiment Honorable Dis
Sa.v Fhaxcisco, July 22. Four more
companies of tho Second Oregon A, L,
15 and E went before the medical ex
aminers today. This work will con
sume but little more time if the remain
ing companies have their rolls ready
when their turn comes.
Examinations arc not bo detailed as
when the troop mustered in, except
where a soldier claims to have suffered
some disability in the service. In such
cases, care is taken to learc whether the
alleged trouble was eo incurred. From
present indications, not many of the
Oregon men will be classed as perma
nently impaired. Some of the wounded,
of course, are injured for life, although
the number is not large.
General Beebe and staff were in camp
most of the afternoon greeting members
of the regiment. Major Moore will re
main a day or two later to astertain if
anything definite can be learned con
cerning the regiments'e return to Port
land. General Shatter was away today,
so that conference with him could not
be had.
General Summers and his staff were
this afternoon the guests of the Bo
hemian club of San Francisco. The
Oregon boys were tonight invited to two
functions, and also had tickets to the
baseball in the afternoon.
Honorable Discharge.
Washington, July 22. It is stated at
the war department that nothing will be
done to prevent the honorable discharge
of the members of the Second Oregon
regiment who have criticised Geueral
Otis and his management of tho cam
paign. Tho action of these men is
severely condemned by officials in the
war department, and it is asserted that
they Bhould have at least waited until
they had been diechargsd before making
any such statements.
Volcanic Kruiitluns
Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life
of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salvo cures
them ; also old, running and fever sores,
Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out pains and aches.
Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed.
Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug
gists. S
An KpldKinlo or Illnrrlioea.
Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoa-
nut Grove, Flu., says there has been
uite an epidemic of diarrhoea there.
He hnd a eevere attack and was cured
by four doses of Chamberlain's Cholic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He
says he also recommended it to others
und they say it is the best medicine they
ever ueed. Eor sale bv Blukeley &
Houghton Drininists.
Gun-shot wounds und powder-burns,
cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from
rusty nails, insects stings and Ivy poison
ingquickly Healed by DeWitt's Witcli
Hazel Salve". Positively prevents blood
poisoning. Beware of counterfeits. De
Witt's is safe and siire. Butler Drug Co.
Thomas Rhonds, Ceuterlleld, O,,
.writes: "I suffered from piles seven or
Ight years. No remedy eave me relief
until DeWitt's Witch Huzel Salve, less
than a box of which permanently cured
me." Soothing, heuliug, perfectly(hurm
less, Bewmi of counterfeits. Butler
Drug 0').
You need hve no bolls if you will
buy OUrke & Fulk'i are cure for bolls.
A Tan Shoe Sale!
A sale not of odds and ends, but of our
regular and most desirable, up-to-date
Spring and Summer of 1899 styles.
$ Our Loss Will
Oxblood Russian calf lace shoes,
value $3.00. This week
Ladies' Oxfords.
Chocolate Viena button ox
fords, hand-turned sole,
handsome coin toe, value
$3.50. This week 2.20
Chocolate vesting top south
ern tie, flexible sole, value
$3.00. This week 2.00
Ladies' chocolate vesting top
oxfords, hand-turned 'sole,
value $3.00. This week ... 2.00
Lidies' chocolate vesting top
oxfords, vnlue $2.50. This
week 1.70
Value $2.00. This week. .. 1.50
Miss' and Childs' Lace Shoes.
Chocolate, vesting top, lace shoes, coin toe; sizes 8V. toll, value
$150. This week $1.10
Sizss ll(j to 2, value $1.75. This week 1.30
$P Men's tan willow calf, nlcklo hooks and eyes, latest popular last,
value $3.50. This week 2.35
Men's chocolate vici kid, reduced for tho week from $3.00 to 2.20
x Sale commences Tuesday a. m.; concludos Sat
? urday at 9 p. m.
I A. M. Williams & Co. Si
Notice U hereby irlven that 1 lmvo lllcil with
thu Clerk ol thu County Court o( thu Statu (
Ou-gou, for Wiihcn Cimnty, my 11 mi 1 account i:
artiiilnlhtriilor (it tliu cstuto of C. V, I tec, do
ccMkeit, ami by an order of tho County Court
aforesaid, imulc Juno 1, 1K)'J, Mouiluy, July .'I,
Ih'.iy, ut thu hour ol 'J o'clock i. in., Iiat becu
fixed us thu tlmu und tho County Court room
In Dalles City a the jiluco for thu hearing of
objections to tali tltial account, und thu settle
ment of bald eMate.
l' P. MAYS,
Jim U II Administrator,
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby tdven that lliu tuidcrIiuci
litis been duly a.olnUd by thu houojulilu
County Court of the btxtu of Diction, for Wmco
county, us executor of tlio estate of I'hebeJ,
HulKht, ilcueubcd. All pcrMius havliiK claims
UKutnst Mild cbtuto are heieby notllUtl to (iru
cut tlio same, iiiopvrly vcijllitt, to uio ut uiy
oltlie in Dulles Cilv. Oickou, ultlilu tlx mouths
from thu date of this notice.
Dated this Mil day of July, IMW,
Kxccutor of the estate of 1'hebo J. lislulit.
du eased. JlySil
Be Your Gain.
Lace Shoes.
Chocolate willow calf lace
shoe, up to-date last,
worth' $4.00. This week
only 2.75
Tan kid lace shoe, fancy
vesting lace stay, flexi
ble sole, value $3.50.
This week only 2.35
Chocolate kid vesting top
lace shoe, Goodyear welt
sole, new coin toe, value
$3.00. This week 2.25
coin toe, medium heavy sole,
Colored Shoes
Men's $5.00 tan willow
calf, bull dog toe, ined.
sole. Tins week 3.45
Men's chocolate vici kid,
vesting top, value $4.00.
This week 2.C5
Men's chocolate vlci kid,
coin toe, value $3.50.
This week 2.40
Officc at The D.u.i.ks, Oiieoon j
Juno 10, ls'.cj. t
Notice is hereby ulven that Iho followhitr
named hettlcr has lllcil notice of his Intention
to make dual nroof In sumiort of his claim, ami
that s lid pioofu ill 1h uuiiio heforu tho rculHtur
and receiver at Thu Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday,
July -."J, lbtW, vi:
1'iiuln ClrliiiHiiil,
widow of I'lwo (irtmuud, deeeiiMil, of Thu
Dulles; II. K. No. fjOTH. for tho li'a SK' ; bee. til,
T. 1 north, K 1J K. W M.
Hu names thu followiuK witnesses to provu
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of suld hnd, viz;
Otitis. A. PchuU, Itock Jury. IjhiIs Baudot
Andrew l.'riailiart, nil of Thu Dalles, Oregon.
Juull ll JAV 1'. I.DCAb, iteglstcr.
ltuouu 8'j mid iO, over U. b'. Und Olllce.