m m m ass mi Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. I advantage nud with greater hope of suc cess. Bnt the current was too swift, otid though he used every effort, lie was un able to overtake the body ant! it eoon passed from his view. He then ran about three-quarters of a mile to the Mt. Hood Mill Co.'s mill to secure as sistance in finding the body and t) give the alarm. Everyone turned out and joined in the search, and word was sent Itartlficially digeststtaefoodandalds 1 below to have the river watched at var- x?ature in strengthening and recon- Sous points. Between 3 and 4 o'clock in BtrucMwthe exhausted digestive or-1 .. .. , , , ,, , i Bans. It is the latest discovered digest-, the afternoon the body was found lodged ntand lonia No otner preparation ! in a pile of drift at which the men had can approach it in efficiency. It in-' been working for some time, about a stantly relieves and permanently cures ' quarter of a mile below the scene of the wspcpsin, inmpesuon, nenriourn, . ntiilnnno Vnttf Vtnmnoh ntirnn awful accident. Carefully the form C..r,..j '.v. fj-ctmicrin Pmmc nnd was removed und tenderly carried to the all other restlltsof irnperfectdlgestion. FrCDorcd by t. c. oewm Co.. ctjicaRO. For sale bv Butler Drue Co.. me Dalies. Portw aM Astoria ifeeth Extracted FREE Navigation Co.' 1 ; SATURDAY. B9 mmm ;steRfflIatord Dalles City, Acts gently on the home from which she had departed so j I full of joy and animation in the morning. The funeral eermon was preached at the McKamey cemetery, Monday at 11 a o'clock, by Ilev. Frank spauldiug, of KIDNEYS, LIVER Hood River, and Rev. Mr. Cooper. A mm. large concourse of friends were in at- AMH RftAFI ' tjedanee, many being present fronijjthe bv drownine in lement, and it has ' left sorrowing and sympathizing hearts u CvrTm tower valley. . p a Jsj5E5 THE JYOTEM : This is the first denth V -t rrrtrtr-Ti iai i ' the history of the settle; BiTUAL CO NOTICE FOi: PUBLICATION. S DA' PERMANENTLY BUT THE GENUINE - MANT D By (aoi??niaTgpSvr(2. f 6AU ill CWSUi ft SSL fU tTTTU. SAD DROWNING AT MT. HOOD. C. 5. Lisr OrriCF., the iiauk. or. ,( June UO, l;yy. j Noilee is hcrcbT civen that In compliance with the tuovlsiniij of the net of consne of June C. 1Tn entitled "An net for the sale of timber land- in tlie Mute Of OiIKomiIh. Oregon, Nevada and Wiuhicston lenitory," Charles (ivon, of The Unite, comity of Yact, Mate of OrtRnn, ha tlii clay tiled In this office hi sworr statoment No. 141, for the purchase of the lot land feK". SW4 of tec. No. 2, in Township No. 1 K. rnnif No. l'J E. and will oiler nroof to every home, where deceased was so J show that the land fmchti more valuable for well known anil SO blgbl reepSCted. pose. and lo.tablMi hi claim to silil land be- oyninm r.i.zacem uunmics was oorn , Oron7on Friday. le 11th day of riDKI in lhe Ualles, (Jr., April 4, ISivJ. About i September, liM. I IUIN . ! i.l lie names a wltnecs, A. Turner. V. Claik. six months later tne iamily moved to ! pe'.cr Kosan. G. Whiimore. all ot The lHes, Or. Mt TInnH trlmrp )ip Imcfrmrn tnrnnno Any and nil jietson cnimiur anvuroiy tne iit. uooa, wiiere stie lias grown to young i nlj0T ,l4jrTlbe(j Iamls ate lef,uestpi to file their womanhood. She was the vouncest of ' claim in thtsotneuon or teioiesaid th day of , . ., i- tehtprat-er. li?J. J. r. l.OCAS. TVrltn-n In airinorj' of Cynllila Dituuiick, Who Was lrua;il l.ut Satunlay. rever have the quiet and serenity of a community been more sorrowfully dis turbed than was the ca;e last Saturday in the peaceful and contented little set tlement at Mt. Hoed, when the report passed from home to home that Miss Cynthia Dimmick had been drowned. Useless though was doubt or hope, fur with blanched cheek and tearful eye was the awful truth too soon continued. That mo:nt:ig in company with her brother, George, and her niece, Lizzie Davis, she started across the river to Uvans creek, intending to spend the day in fishing and berrying. Laughingly, she eaid good bye to friends, doubtless little thinking that never cgain should she see the dear old home. But alas! how limited is human prescient. In crossing tht river on a foot-log, some thing sne had done time and again, with perhaps no thought of danger, either by a 6udden gi tdinuss or a slight misstep, she was thrown into the mad current below. Maufully and bravely the brother strove to rescue her, struggling against the chilling and cruel waters with a de termination and desperation born of a brother'3love, while horrified and help less the niece watched the fearful and unequal battle. Onward the two wore borne by the surging current, until finding that the odds were too great, and that both would be lost, George thought to reach the bank and by reinovinc his clothing to attempt the rescue to better i ing. One brother, Zilu, resides in Walla Walla, another, James, is in British Columbia. John L. and Joseph B are with troop G, Fourth TJ. S. caralry at Manila, or, as the family hope, enroute home withthe Second Oregon, as they Vulnnteered as recruits. The regaining brother, George W., and the sister, Mrs. Belle Coffinberry, are living at the old home at Mt. Hood, while the mother, Mrs. Ann Perkins, resides near them. Ziba was the only one living at a dis tance who was able to reach home in time for the burial. Thus, suddenly and unexpectedly, Cynthia has been called horn us. Why, we know not, but we submit to the will of the Alwise One, She will be ixrissed, yes, most sorely, by relatives and friends. By her sunny disposition, and genial, frank manner she had won the afiection and esteem of all. With a kind smile and a pleasant word on all occasions for every one, what wonder that there are aching hearts left behind; hearts that will cherish p. memory of her for aye, and that will regret that her young life, so bright and full of promise should have terminated eo suddenly and so tragically. A Fiuexu. Yon need have'no boils if you will buy Clarke & Falk's sure cure, for bails. Jlj.-il lltgbter. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at all fir-:t-cias bars. C. J tubling, agen', The Dalles. M17-3m. Dally (ciceiit Sunday) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vanconver and Portland. Touching at way poin'-s on both .ldcs ol the Columbia river. Both of the abovi ,teamer have been rebuilt, and ate in excellen: hai for the feaon of The Ki-ciilHtor l.int- will endeavor to give lt Iiation.s the best .-ervleo joMlblc. j For Comfort, I'.riinoiny nnil l'lrnntire. , ttavel by the steamers of Tlu lleculator , Line. ; The above steamers leave The Dalle.- at a. in. , and i'otlland nt 7 a. m., and arrive at deatiuu- j tion in amjnf time lor outgoing uiuu. I'ortUnd Otliee. Hie Dulles Ofiice, t;ouri aireci Allaway, liencra! Agent, i CONSIDER OUR PRICES: Best Crown and Ilridcn work ;'-'2k. cold), per tooth. . Ite?l 9t teeth, guaranteed ... ltest Gold FilliiiL iiest silver or alloy filling . . . HflO tl.OOnp . !)0c up Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager. P.ofmiB U-12 i:i, Chapinau Iliock, Second St Oak St. Does. w. c. I r NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalle., Oeeoox,; July Vi. Wfj. olice Is hreby civen that the following namttl tettleit. have flit-J notice of inlentiou to niaki-final proof in mpport of their respective claim before the re&icer and receiver nt The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, August VI, if.i viz.: I.eri C. ChrUuinn, of The Ilalle, Or.; on H. E. No. 5119, for S',NW and N4 sV, tection 7, township 1 nouth, muge 13 eas:7 V. ii, Fauk Clirisman, of The Dalles, Or.; on II. E. No. 513!, forNii NE. section V2, town hip 1 south, range 12 east, and NJNWJ. ttc tion 7, towushlu 1 foutll, range lSeiut, W. n. Witnesiea: !:. P.. llrooks and S. D. bpiinser of The Dalles, Oregon, and G. W. Covert and' O. V. McCalveyof Endeitby, Oregon. J.VY 1'. LUCAS, Jiytvii iteahter. Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Cfstarrh is one of the most obstinate diseases, and hence the moat difficult to Ret rid of. There is but one way to cure it. The disease is in the blood, and all the sprays, washes and inhaling mixtures in the world can have no permanent effect whatever upon it. Swift's Spe cifiocures Catarrh permanently, for it is the only remedy which can reach the tliscase and force it from th lilnrxl. Mr B. P. "McAllister of Ilarrmlahnrrr ' to nialie final proof in upport of liU claim, nd TTv ntJ-h f... rVj 01 Vaxr SU.Urf?' that.ild proof' will be rna.Je U-foro the ivsl.ter Ky., lia 1 Catarrh Tor years. He writes: , and reedier at The Dalle, Oregon, on haturday, though Ivrss constantly treoled with sprays , 1'oula Orh ! ainer- Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby glvsn that the nnderslcned hai btn duly nni"int(d by the honorable County Court of Ibe fctstc of Oregon, for Wawo county, as executor of the eitate of HhebeJ liaigbl, Utccattl. All proiu having cia.ms agaimt taid estate are hereby nollriui loru ent the same, properly verified, to me at mv offlce in Dalles City. Oregon, within ix months irom tne naieoi ims nonce. Dated this ath day of July, 1TO. FKANK MENEFKK. Executor of the tate of l'bebe J. llilg!i. d-eaed. jlyvii QlFASli: LOOK MERE. WM. MiCHELL, fndertater and Einbaliiier. THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 3tM 33S ONItf 3IAJOO If. , 5' It ir r., 'ft &QOS.. C.ENLIIAL BleoKsmaas .AND. HofSBSDoen Wagon end Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third and JGiTcr'on. Phone 159 r. i 1 5, Improved CYCLONE Meine 1 No. 4 sizo 3'4 x 44 No. 5 '.size 4 x 5i . 1 . Just Arrived The Hilly MavniitH amera with htilb shutter. FOR 1899. Ton Points to Consider: 12 Pictures In 12 Seconds. fahuttr bulb nulotiuu. SnuttT Automatic. ShutUtr Lockh, Vi Aiumlruim Hlateholdora. Slit HtflDH. Stinclm Quick Lnns. Automntlc HttRiHtor. AM nnrtH Intorchanaonbla. lO Expostnl tilntas removotl without disturbing unoxponod. SS.OO 1899 CataloRue with com 10.00 plote information FREE. M. Z. DONNELL. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice it. hereby civen that the nmleri!:ned has filed Ms fin:ilBerouiit).:scut(irnf the es tate of Saruh JlAte- with t v clerk of the county court of ihestate of urvenn, for asco cooniy, arm mat inimuav, me i.itn dav.it July, KAJ, at th" hour of lu o elk n. rr has Ukii fixeil ui the time and ihe county e urt room in Dalles City a ihe p ace for the hearing of ot jectlons to said final account nnd jettleiaeut of uld estate. lated July 13, 15W. 7HCS. NflllVAL. JunlM Kstcutor. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE NOTICE FOU PCULICATION. Orncc at The Dalle, Onnno:;) Jnue 10. i ! Nollco Is hereby Riven that the following nanitu sewer nut hkii nonce or tnientlon nnd vrathej. and ent InlmlinK rraedie in fact. 1 could feel that e-teh winter 1 trasworK than the rear previous. "Finally It wiif broueht to my notice "i wamrn: a0 Dlood Andrew L'rouhart. nil of The IMIIm. n,wni. ..GHflS. FRBM.. Butchers and Farmers ..Exehangc.. Keep on drausht the celebrated fOLl'MIUA KEU, actnowl olxeil the best beer in The Dulles, atthcutual price. Come in, try it and be convinced. Alio the Kineat brands of Wlnea,, I.I'juor and Clears. Sandrjuiehes of all Kimls always on hand, How About Your Title? Marks Jcsicms CCPYniCHTC &c. Anyone tending a sketch and dejcriptlon rna qnlckly ajc.'rt.Aiu our opinion free whether & Inrentlon U probably patentable. Communlc. tloiutnctlrcontjilntUl. Handbookcn 1'atente tentfree. Oldest aaency for ecurint'uitent.s. Patents taken thriush Jlunn lc Co. reeelvo ipfflal notUt, nlthout coarve. In the Scientific fliwieait A hanrtto-nelr Illnstrated weekly. I.inreit eir. rotation of any clentlup Joarnal. Term. 13 n yeir: four months, JL, Sold by all neitidealerT. HUNN & Co.3e'Bro. New York Branch omce. CSS V fit, WaahlDiHon. D. C. mauil. widow of l'lerro (irimaud. dtf-easMl. of Thu Dallea: It. E No. .WJ. for Ihe KU HKi-i Btc.'Jl, I Tp. 1 north, ft 12 n, W M. Ho name's the following wltriees to prove I hi continuout rtsldeuee uion and cultivation ) oj saiu lino, viz; una, a. i-cnutz, kcjcic uary, Louis Eaudoz. JAV 1'. LUCAS, Itriter. ilUc3e,nndrifterthlnk. i junll il jj; tawltwasunreajonnble' liziA. tiicn decided to trv C t! C . ) . . 1 .... .1 t lt!pi A M.hwnllliln Imnmvuniltflf. Vn t i Ml, I nn ' nyetcnt. and n couioletn cure wag the result. V- B"!1 ladvUeall nhohave this dreadful rlifease to abandon their loan treatment, which hasnever douo them anysool, and taSo fj.6. fin rfm- eo; f that ran reach the iliwaj.e nnd cure It." ml "il To continuo tho wrong treatniont for ,01, L, ContliiuinK' Notice is hereby pltcn that the itndenlsucd, 1 out of my the ai(tnce of J. V. Jfoore, II. E Sloore, mid j, n. aim ii. i.. jioore, iiiMirent ueoiira, lus filed wllh the cleric of the circuit conn, of ten Slate of Urwron, for 'aco county, hi final ac count as such auliruee: !!:; xune will be heard and jiakted upoii by tald circuit court on the Ut nest reguur term ot taid circuit court, to-wit, the.Voeuibfr, UW.term thereof, at ine nour oi ten ockjck a, 'n or us aouu there- Atslsnee. Catarrh is to continue to ufffr. Ktvift'H :- , ... . . 7 MUM Ml IVIIUVIIA 4 .11 HI I opc'cjiic is it real blood remedy, nnd affrui the matitr can bo reached cures obstinuto, deop-snatcd diw.'iises, Mv 11 l'UUK m-'TtEK, which otner rntnfUieH imve no etiect whatever upon. It promptly reaches Uatnrrh, nnd never faila to cure even the most aggravated cuHes. NOTICE OF FINAL SPJTTLE.MKNT. G C CSr The I Hotlee i hereby civen that I have lllul with the Lleik of the (.'utility Court of the .Suite of Oresrou. for Watcn County, inv llnal areount u julrnlnUtratorol the estate of C. W. Ilein, de- I II II II II I eedei, and bv an order of the County Court -- -- larorewna, mane June i, itvj. jiounav. July 3. is Purely Vegetable, and U the only : ,BW- b ' ?o-eioci; p.m., iu un !:i V "V IUed a the time nnd tho County Court room r.ui..vvu ..w ln wane city a thepuc-o for tho liearlnirof uaugurous iiiinerflld. loiijectiom io nam tinal account, aim the kettle ' Hook mulled free Bwilt bpecUlo ' "u Cotupany, Atlanta, Georgia. I Jun 3.,i r' Adlnioiitrator. Jioises lot Sale 11 head of Good Work Horses. For terms apply to WM, WATERMAN, At M. M. Waterman's, on 8-iuile. i n KE YOtT KUUE it is nil ri;lit? Komemuer it if tlio H KECOHl) tlmt iroveriiH. It is our litisint'ea to heariih ttiu rerorde iititl ehovv wluit they contain in relation to lain! titles. If you contemplate buyini: html or tnanintt iiiiniey on real eHtate hccnrity, take no man' word, jmt itisiet upon knowing what tho record whims regarding the title. An Abstract in iib eBeential ae a deed. Inniat on having it. We have the only net of Abstract llooke in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and batififiictitm etiaranteed. It vou have oron- ertv to insure, give lis a call. We are airentR for four of the beat lire insurance companies in the world. If ynti have property for Hale, Hat it with tie and we'll find a buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. 'Phono 81. 2d St., oppoalto A. M. Wllllnma &. Co. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A. EN'EUALHAKKI.N'U IIUisI.NKb Letters of Credit issued available in tiie I r.antern htateg. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers eold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore uon, Seattle Wash,, nnd various pointe in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all pointe on fav orable terms. J.E. t-CHENK. President. ii. ii. 11EAJ. , Cuhlei lle&oliiiiPaekisCD., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF 1! ANUFACTUUKUH OK Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON JRIF.D BEEF, ETC. Fftst national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking BusineBB transacted DopoBite received, Bubject to Sight Draft or Check. Collectione made and proceeds promptW remitted on dav of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on Now York, San Francisco ani Port land. D1KEOTOKS D. P. Thomphon. Jmo. S. 8che(jj, Ed. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likbb. H. M. Buai.l. CQhiskey. Tmlm!'r,a,n.ll.?f U'iliskci' is Kimrniitccil to the consumer as a I'UKE HAM) MA UK SOLK MASH WHISKBY for Family ami Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. p. S. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shoo. Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies, Cor. Second & Lam sPJwhb 157 Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Jieanquarters for Feed Grain ot ,n kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts' V$8 Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr. T1,iB inartufocturwl exprwily for 4inHjr Wa sell our goods lower tim!," ?.I .?urv "tt.ck K'"uteed to give satisfaction, call ud get our Xw$rl'n ,u tto X" don't think Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Date,