I have just received n fine line of "WooleiiB in Suitings, Overcoatings und Pantinge, and will be pleased to iiuve you call and see them. J. A. Eberle, Fine Tailoring. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 9UB8CKIFTION PKICB. One week f 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 territories tell every few days indi untc that this country is likely to soon pass again to tho front. The story of the' industrial expansion and proiperity produced by tho gold discoveries in California and Aus tralia, which cast a glow over the social history of the United States and Europe forty or fifty years ago, is likely to be repealed on n broader field nt the present da'. An Epidemic of Dlnrrhorn. Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoa nut Grove, Fla., says there has been quite mi epidemic of dfctrrhoen there. He had a eevere attack and wab cured by four doses of Chamberlain's Cholic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Itutiiedy. He enys he also recommended it to others and they say it is tho best medicine they ever used. Eor sale bv Dlakeley & Houghton Druggists. TRIDAY JULY 21, 1S99 A NEW GOLDEN AQE. it The term golden age, with a differ ent significance from that which lias in poetry ami romance, will have to be revived, and be applied to the present day in the United States, Jrivery weeK nowadays, ana some times several times a week, brings news of the discovery of gold or silver mines somewhere in this country. All the dreams of national wealth which the gold discoveries in California aroused half a century ago are revived, with the certainty mat this time they will come nearer to fulfillment than they did then. Aue certainly comes rrom lue cir cumstance that the discoveries cover a larger extent of territory than tuej did then, though, of course, none of them are so rich as some of those were, and by the further cir cumstance that the methods of ex tracting the pure metal from refract ory ores is far in advance of what it was'formerly. By a striking coincidence, too, the piesent golden age, like the earlier one, begins at the commencement of a period of great national expansion. The manifest destiny idea was re ceiving its most conspicuous and extensive manifestation around the timo when the Sierras began to give up their secret to the world. At the time that Marshnll and Sutter were making their gold discovery the region in which they lived was, less than a week later, to become part of the United States through the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo with Mexico. Willi California came New Mexico, which comprises several states and territories at the present day. Pre ceding by three years the cession of these localities came the annexation of Texas. About the period when the great gold discoveries of half a century ago were made a Yost empire, extending from the Sabine to tue Pacific and from the Gulf of Mexico up to the Oregon line, was being added to the domain of the United States. Now, as then, gold discoveries nnd territorial acquisition came together. On .the south and on the west the boundaries of the country are being extended outward. Mineral wealth, unsuspected previously, is being brought to light in various parts of the United States, with a possible chance, as in tnc Alaska case, that the new territory will add to the wealth contributions of the parent state. Not since Spain's galleons, over 300 years ago, carrying their hoards of gold and silver from the nines of Mexico and Peru, sot the world's imagination and cupidity -alame, has there been such dis coveries of the precious metals as re being revealed at tho present tine. Tho United States, which was long in the lead of all the rest of the world in the extent of itn gold out put, bas now fallen to the second place, but the stories which the fwoapectors.of Colorado, Alaska, Cal ifornia, Arizona and other state and hound. In East End Feed Yard Wednesday morning, July uth, a bay horse, about fourteen hands high between 10 or IS years old ; white star on forehead, black points; saddle marks and brand BL on left shoulder with running E underneath, and weighing about 900 pounds. Owner can have same by proving property and paying ail charges. jlyS-liu A diseaeed stomach surely under mines health. It dulls the brain, kills energy,, destroys tha nervous -system, and predisposes to Insanity and fatal diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are quickly cured by Eodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has cured thousands of cases nud is curing them every day. Its ingredients are such that it can't help curing. Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. Thomas Bhoads, Centerfield, O., writes: "I suffered from piles eeven or eight year9. No remedy gave me relief until DeVVitt's Witch Hazel Salve, less than a bos of which permanently cured me." Soothing, healing, perfectly harm less. Iiewan. of counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. i Cath In lour Chech. All countv warrants registered prior to August 1, 1695, will be paid at mv office. Interest ceasen after June 9. 1839. C. L. TniLLiPs, Countv Treasurer. A good drug sign. Y? if in You well know that a cood drug sign is the patronage which is bestowed tin the store. It is the purity of tho goods handled and the mHiner of doing busi ness that mnkes and keeps this business We are pleased with the result of our ef forts to supply the best urugR at the best price, we are particular about the compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Stat, THE DALLES Just What - You cuant. To Core a Cold In One Diiy. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. -'5e. A Beautiful Skin. Lndles. if you desire it trtinmnrpnt. o.lonr nnd fresh comulKSlon ute Dr. liourilon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers. Their ell'ect Is fclmplv musical. vosksjIiic the wizunl touch In prixluclui; and ienitvlng n lienutiltil trans- virenpy ami pellucid clearness of complexion, bhiipsly contour of form, brilltnnt wis, foft uml ttnoothsKin where the reverse exists. Even tho coarsest tind tnml repulrlve skin, marred by freckles, moth, black litiuls. plniplo, vulgar rdnc8. vellotv and irmddy skin mo permanent ly removed, nnd it delicioasiy clear imd refined complexion assured. Price per smull box, JO cents; targe box. 51, or six large boxes, W. bent to any address post pi Id and under plain wrapper iimn receipt of the above amount. Write for free circular. The Parisian Drug Co., 131 JJcn inn tij St,an Francisco Cal, New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such wide variety as wo are showing never be fore graced a single stock. Real imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, votirt; ior a sman price, at our store on Third streot. Also a full line of house paints D. W. VAUSE, Third St. 0.R.&N. taut rou Fast .Mall 11:50 p. m, Kixikmic Flyer 5:40 p. ni S p. m. HUE SCUKPULR. FROM 1UIXKS. B.ilt Ijike. Denver. Ft Worth. Omaha, Kan- shH City, M. uiu.li, ChtriiKo and hunt. Walla Walln, Hpokanc, Mliini'MlMill!. Ht. Paul, iiu luth, Mlhwiukve, Chicago anil tfiisi. Fiiom 1'ortTLANn. Ocean Hteamshlps. For San Francisco Jut. nary 22, nnd every l!e days thereafter. 8 p. m. Kx.bundiiy Columbia Hv, Steamers. To Astoria aim May Saturday Landings. 10 p. in. j 0 a. m. Kx.buuday 7 a. m, Tucs Thur. and bat. WlLLAMKTTK ltlVKU. Oregon City, Ncwberg, Baicm & nuyuinon AnntVK Fiiom, Fat Mall 3:15 p in Bpokano Flcr. 6:00 a. m 4 p. HI. 4'p. m. Ex.suuda) 4:fX)p. m. Kx. Sunday WlLLAMKTTK AND YAM Hlt.I. KlVF.lt?. Oregon City, l'ayton, and FrI. and ay.uimuugs. 3:Stl p. m. Mon.,Wed C a. ni. Tnc., Thur, aim sat. Lv IHpariii uaiiy WlLLAMKTTK HlVKU. Portland to Corvallis, und Way.Lnudtugs. SNAKK IilVKH. Ilipar'u to l.eivlaton. It will be our aim to carry a Complete Line of 4 And wo Invito ymir attention to our stock of BUTLER DRUG COMPANY, Siicrcseor toSnlnes-Khiursly Drug Co. C. J. STUBLING Wholosalo nnd Rotall Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t Amerioan Liquor VnllmifMnriQ Qnnr Mach Which BullUffOtUllu wuui iiiuvhi wiiiiongi, WHISKEY ii' t" .0l t!r cullon. d i) lf vmrHjtliU iMPOETED OOGNAO (r"" 1"-,MI l"'r "llo,, (11 to " yt'tuw qlj T L'fi GIMA "I HAM I'll B "ni HVJ, u MttO H-r i?nllon. (4 to 11 ytMitToig ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 4:30 p. m. Tue.. I'hut and iaL I.KAVK LEW15T0.N ilaily 0LYJIPIA BEER on draught, Imported Ale and Porter. uiul vai iiintz ami uiympia jieer in botUtt JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Parlies desliinT to aa to Hummer should take No. 4, leavins 'iho lulles at 5::i0 p. ni maklnj: d.icct eoniec.'o,)h at lieppncr Junction Hcturuill'r malli. rnc. minreiinn at HetiniiHr Jiinctlo i with No'. 1 arriving at The Dalles at 1:10 p. ..i. No. it!, throucht frelclit, cast bound, does not carry passeujrers; arrives 'JjiO a. m., depart o;iA;a. m, i r0. 'Jl. local freight, rarrlps twspnlers. oast I bound: arrives 4::w p. m departs :lu p. m. No. -Jl, west bound thrntiKh freiuht. dws not nouiM; n-hiln n-ncfi V carry pussciikcm; arrives s:l.i p m., departs vvcjr . THE DKLLES STEAM LAUNDRY. No. 'Jt. westbound local (relent, carries pas ;imeni;'arrlveso:15p. m., departs 8:00 a. m. For full particulars call or agent The Dalles, or address O. It. & N. Co.'f fieri W. II. HUItLllUCT, 1'as. Ant., Portland, Or, ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK THK- Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are duo to arrivo at 1'ortha LEAVJS. ..ST. DIARY'S Under the direction of tho Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR. This Institution is pleasantly situated near the Columbia on the. Hue of the Union I'aclltc; theueu It is ease of excess or all (hose irlin il... sire to sccurea comfortablo homo and a nrourrex-1 slvoteat of learning for their daughters or wards Tho location of tho Academy In one of the moat healthy on the Pacific lope, this por tion of Oreeon helm? nmvcrhlnl fur it i.nn '! vuiurnuini; uir aim piciureMJue M'Cliery. nvoMviii is ti,t;iiiuruieu aim umuuriea uy tho htate to confer Academic lionets. Hoard and tuition ixr schohui.'n vrir nm fStudles will be lemincUTuebday, September Stli. ror detailed Information unntv to ihnKliifr ii:00 F. 31, S:S0 A. 11. Dally except Sundays 17:30 A. Jl.i OVKI'.LAND EX-1 press, Kalem. Itose-1 bur;;, Ashland, Sac ramento, Ogdeu.Sun rruncifceo, lotavc, T..B .w.nl..., 11 iAL haw Orleans aud East I Itoseburg and way ttii lions rvlu Wooiibura fori I JIt.Aiiwl, Hllvcrton, kcio, iirowus- migueld aud West tic ville.iipi I. Natron . (Corvallis (stations.. nnd way 9 A. 31. t U Dally except Buuduys. 5:E0 P.M. INDKI'KNDENCK PASSKIIGKR. Exprcjs train Daily (except Sunday). l;50p.rn. tl.v.... .Portland.. ..Ar.) 8:25a.m i.ajV.m. Ai..j.ciiinnvnic..i.v, s;)a, m. Ar. . iHueiieuuencc. l.v. J 8:S0 p. ra. liiOu. in. PROFESSIONALS. JJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Ofllco over Trench & Co. 'a liunlc I'hone 0, THE AU,Kd, OKEOON JQU- UKIBKNOOUFrKR Phyaician and Snrereon, HpecUl attention given lo ursery. Boomi 21 nd 22, Tel. 32S Vogt Block I7IRBD. W.WHJiON, ' ATTOKNEV-AT LAW, tiik Iiai.i.km niivnnu Ofllce ovei yirt Nt Hink. B 8 HDNTIMQTOK TJUMTINQTON WILSON, XX 0oOT"r H WlUOJt uiun m niuHiji, ATTOKMEYH AT LAW, THK DAL1.KH. IIBRilIlN ntNatltaok Dally. ID.iity, except buuoar. DINING CAUH ON OQDEN KOCTK. PDI.LJIAK 11UFFKT HLEKl'ISKS AND BECOND-CL.VSS SUJEl'INC CABfa Attachtfl to all Through TtaUis. Direct connection at Han KrimpUrn win, nw., dental mid Oiiental ami Pacifio mall steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Bulling dates on arpllcation. Kates httd tickets to Eastern lioints and Eu AVJHTIUUAU'AN' UIU'VA' ""--WLU nQ All HIJOVO tmltlH urrlvn nt nrtl I Grand Central Station. Filth and Irviiis streeu YAMHILL DIVISION. I'aisenster Depot, foot o( JeQerton street. Leav! for Hherldan. iveek days, nt4:0Op.m Arrivo at I'ortlaud, o:uo a. m. Leave (or Allil.IIC on Jfondav, vrednesdar and Jrinav ut9:'ia. in. A-r.vn I'lu'-utfm dav, Thiiaay aid BatuiL.- it3:05 p. in. Except Sunday. "Eicopt Baturday. RiK,oKHl4ER- MARKHAJt, Jlanauer. Afc-t. (1. F. At i-ass. At Through Ticket Ofllco 131 Third street, where throiif.u Lckcts to J ,o,nts ,.i the EMtern States, Canaua and Europe cau be obtained at s Pullman Elegant Tourist TO Sleeping Car Dining Cars Sleeping Car KT. I'AIIL MINNKAl'OLJ IHJLUTH IMIKIO OHa.NI) KOlt OlMIOKSTOH IVJNNIl'KO 1IELK.VA mi ItlJTTK Through Tieketc F tn OIIKIAOO AVAHII1NOTON flllLAUKLl'lUA Mill' V'OltK "IWTO.N ANIl ALL l'OIXTU K.HT unil HOUTI1 For lnformntlnn. tiTnn,..TH. , , ...... cal on or write to ' Yof, und wash whito. You can Havana thine washed at the Steam Laundry. Tho Maine point is quality and the Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not riODSOn S enoiee, nut tlio standard rales, wmcii aro not Cevera high as some peoplo think, and wo want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First and Court Street, MS Impulse muiuic tl8-lnch Matar.i ii.NCF.cTiri:i:i) nv A. D. '5 C. ALLAWAY. Airent. The Dalles, Oreson O K Aia.TON, Aeat. G. i'. A., rtUou Cor. Third. Portland Orcsor. AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO. SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, LEVATORS, PRINTING- PRESSES, ETC. Circiilurfl iwitl pitrtictinra furnleliei! on iipiillcutton. P. S. GUNNING, Agent, TiJK DAI.LKS, OKK(30N. uti2fi or N, J. It. KIltlTT AVIl Tlb-t WHEALIJON. iMERVITA KulwuVli ALI II, LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Nipht Emissions and wasting diseases, all eSIecta of eelf- abuse, or execea and India crction. Auervotouloand blood builder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the lire of youth. By mall 60c ner liox: O boxes ior Jktt.nO: with a written iriiuro.ii. tee to euro or refund the money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Santa Fe Route OlTers travelers choice of tli routes caat. They are oil famous for nn-ii luuiuu r iiraconn, 2i li' W' v'ow Of110" nnd Denver. r?aasta itouto view Saciuinonto.OL'den ami Denver, ' h HhaBta liojte vleiv Sacramento, Los Angeles and Alberqtmrquo. A dally Kno of throinth I'ULLMAN PALACfi and TOUIUbT BLKBPeS The Short Line from southern California To the East. Apply to the atrnnta nt tlm n i . Co. or the undersigned, for folders onV descriptive literature. r J. J. DP.VERK1TY NEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body wlth Blmd) p.es and Cakeg Alao all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. DEALEHSi IN AH kinds of Funeral Supplied Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS EMBALMERS The diim, Or. 1obest Bwiil Shoes, Etc WMMlAilMkMn Mfc, OHIOAOO, ILL. G.b. Agt. Woreter, Bid. PorlUad. Or.