V". :i . .v fry- 1) e D dies VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1899. NO 84 ALGER QUITS NEXT MONDAY fill I'lirn His OIgc Over to Mcffiejoiin Tbat Da?. OPINIONS OF THE ENGLISH I'ress There Considers It a Victory for Public Opinion No Compassion for Alger They Pronounce Ilim a illot on McKinley's Administra tion. Wahiiisoton, .Inly 'JO. .Secretary Al ger will turn the wnr department over tu Assistant Secretary Moiislojohu on .Monday nt, huvitip; today received u teli'Crani from the latter tit New London, Wis., HtiitniK Hint lie would arrive in Washington on Saturday night. Iwiglish Opinions. London, July 20. The Standard this morning, in mi editorial article repurd hia the resignation of Secretnry of Wnr Algur, says: "President McKinley's prompt acceptance ol Secretary Aider's resignation is equivalent to im udmieslon that the department Iiiib been liudly matinced. It Is significant that tliu ro lignntioti followed ho qulr.kly on the Manila eorre spondunta' "round roliiu." Alt'orlBin iH the blot on MoKinley'H ad ministration. It has given the enemies of tliu imperialist policy the inoHt cfTec tive weapon that eon Id have heen forced, anil President McKinluy enn wrest it from them only hy the uppointineiit of a successor whose pust coin inaudu confi dunce, " Tim Timea deHcribea the resignation ns "a decided victory fdr public opinion and public mural h over politicul organiza tions. I!y resigning, Secretary Alger m practically ullowed judgement to go npiinat it i in by dofnnlt und haa relieved the administration from n responsibility tli ut was assuming aurioua proportiona. H is the (I rat and moat eaaential Htep to ward the purification of the Republican party, and indued of the whole political Kyatmn of the United Stutus. It it) for the eitlzuiiH of the United StutoH to take care that the removal of n auperficiul pymptoui doea not divert their attention from the root of thu miachief. Ollcietl Pendleton Boys Cloth hitf. Pknulkton, Or., July 18 When the Muruing Oreguniun urrived in I'entlleton today, eiitituining the t'tntomontHoi Gtm end SumuierH, mid epeciul correspond ence relating to need of blankete und warm clothing for Oregon volunteers ut tli l'reaidio, W. J. Furnish promptly t)li'raphed to Max & Jvoahliind to pur cliatu everything nooded for company D, and draw on hint ut I'eudlelon. There a eimaidernblo fooling over the show hitmde, and indlgnutiou thut red tupo maid jirevent the volunteers from quickly obtaining clothlug and bhuiketH '"niomodiate use, when the government lial a plentiful supply in the quartor inaster'a department ut the l'reaidio. Mr.KoHhlnnd uuswored that the boys were no ur In conifortublo condition, and "at the ollor would be mude ueu of in cee of ueeeaaity. IS CHARGED WITH MURDER Sa''l to lime Been Committed Three Years Auo In Ohio. Kitiexhiiuuu, Wuali., July ID. Sheriff huh returned from Kaaton, neur Mio lili- Tunnel, with Loula Billow, "110114 he nrriiulu.l il...... I... .1 i.i ..i .. v..iuu IIIIUU 11 IIIU Mill Ul l P totonud description vent to the ulturlir - '"muKy county, Ohio. lit is c"Ked with lmving committed u mur- DaVA T -ABSOLUTE EV Makes the food more delicious and wholesome WOVAt IMKINO POWBEH der in Fremont, in that county, three years ago. Brown picked him out of n Rung of railroad luborera ot Eaaton, whore he hue been working for ux months. He gives the sume name us that he wns known by in Ohio, but spells it with a 'u" inatoud ofu"w." lie ndtnita he la from Fremont, und that he luui trouble therebnt will not any what it was. lie says he wna arretted in California iiaimi time tigo utitlor circumstances sim ilar to tlu'He but wna discharged. Thore ia no doubt whatever that he is the man wanted. lltiiurl:ulli llmcua. Mrs. Michnel Cirtain, Plainfield, III. makes the atatemont, tliat the caught cold, which aettled on her lungs; alio waa treated for u month by her family phyaieiun, but grew worae. He told her alio was u hopulea victim of consumption und that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for conaumption ; alio bought a bottle und to her delight found herself benefited from the firat dose. She con tinued to one and after taking nix hot I lea found heraelf Bound und well ; now does her own houaework, und ia ua well ua she ever wna. Free triul bottte of this Great Dieuovury at Blukoley & Hough ton 'h drug utore. Only 50 cents and $1. Every bottle guaranteed. 0 Hull Docs Not believe It. Ni:w YoiiK, July 20. Begurding cur rent report that A. II. Mohler, now president of the Oregon Kailwny ct Nav igation Company, has accepted the pres idency of the Big Four, William L. Hull, a lending director of the Oregon Kuil- way & Navigation Company, aaid today : "I have Bcverul telegruma today from Mohler at Portland, und in none of them has he said anything ubout tin in tention to retire from the presidency of our company, in intuition to our tiusi- tiDSH relatione, Mohler is a close peraonul friend of mine, and I think he would not take Biich u atop without lotting me know ubout it. I do not believe the re port is true." Cuturrli Uuuiiut lie Cured with local nonlicationa, aa they cannot refucli the Beat of the diaeaao. Catarrh is u blood or constitutional disease, und in order to cure it you must tuko inter- nnl remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ih tuken internally, and acts directly on thu blood und mucous surfaces. Hull's Catarrh Cure ia not n quack medicine. It was wna prescribed by one of the beet pliyalcluiis in this country for yenrs, und ia a reuular prescription. It is composed of the beat tonics known, combined with the beat blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients ib what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh, bend for testimonials, free. F. .1. Chenbv & Co., Props., Toledo O. Sold by drruggintH, price Tfic. Hull's Family Pills uro the beat. 12 Gold on a Farm. f ...m ttuovE. Or.. July 11). A ledge of gold-bearing quartr. was dlacovored n few days ago about two milea fiom this place, on the farms of Isaac Taylor and C. E. Smith. Some experienced miners from California uro running u tunnel in the ledge, und have taken out some very rich ore, containing visible particles oi free gold. Volnuuio KruptlonH Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of j'jy. Pucklon's Arnica Salve cures them j also old, ruunlng and fever Borea, Ulcers, Boils, Felous, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Brulaoa, Huron, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Beat Pile cure on enrlh. Drives out juilns and aches. Only liO cts. a box. Curt) guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, drug- glatH. . For Five Dollars you can buy a Cmnera I .. ...in ...1,,. i.irur 'iili'inreH than any nuv win vv . other Camera on the market. I'orsule , by Clarke & Falls. U . Baking Powder "DlIDF CO., NtW VOflK. 1H IT IlKllIT For Hti Kdltor to lleriimmend I'atcnt iMrllclDii? From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad, N.C. It may be a question whether the editor of a newspaper has the right to publicly recommend any of the various proprietary medicines which flood the murket, yet as u nreventive of suffering we feel it a duty to Bay a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und Dinr rhoeu Remedy. Wo have known and ufeed this medicine in our family lor twenty years and' liaye always found it reliable. In many cases a doso of tliiB remedy would save hours of Buffering while a physician is uwaited. We do not believe in depending implicitly on any medicine for u cure, but we do believe that if a bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Bemedy was kept on hand and administered ut the inception of an attack, much suffering might be avoided and in very many cubcb the presence of a physician would not be required. At least this has been our experience during the past twenty yeare. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Message in a Bottle. Wali.A Wam.a, July 1!V Mrs. H. Patterson, who ib ut present visiting in the city, has received a letter from her husband, who is poBtmaater at Scott, Klickitat county, telling of a bottle found in the Columbia river, July 14, by some boys. The bottle contained u note pur porting to be written from Priest Rapid, dated July 12, saying : "I fell und broke my leg two days ago no one near cannot live much longer. "Lo.vu (or DeLonfcl." Mr. Patterson atonce went to Umatilla from which pi nee he telephoned to Wallula and had messengers sent up the river to rescue the man if lie was still alive. Nothing hue been heard from tham einco they started on their miesiou. Gun-shot wounds und. powder-burns, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from rusty nails, insects stings and Ivy poison ingquickly healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Positively prevents blood poisoning. Bewareol counterfeits. De Witt's ia safe and stire. Butler Drug Co. Presents Petition to the Governor. Sali:m, Or,, July 19. Frank Girard, the volunteer who left his company at Sau Frnucitco to visit his aiek mother, was in Sulem today. He presented to Governor Geer u petition signed by many prominent citizens of Marion and Polk counties, among them Dr. Parried, who is attending Mrs. Gltuid, ntking the governor to intercede in Girard's behalf in order thut he may not be aummurily dealt with. Girard will leave for San Frunciaco tomorrow. For Sale. TJirco houses and four lots in TJio Dalles, as a whole or separately. Lo cation east of high school. Pays exceptionally good interest on investment. Property in good con dition. Address, M. F. Fit. Gerald, Tho Dalles, Or. Send in care of The Chronicle. BROOKLYN STREET CAR STRIKE Strikers Fiuiig Simple Assuming Hopeless Aspect Cause RiJis, POLICE CRUELLY USE THE CLUB Unless More Can Be Induced to Join, Strike Will Be an Absolute Failure. Ni:w Yoiik, Jnly 20. The exleneion of street car men's strike from Brooklyn to Manhattan island was due entirely to sympathy for the atriking employes of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company. It was ordered by General Master Work man John N. Parson, the head of the Knights of Labor in the United States, who is engaged in orgnnizing the men and is bending all his energies toward redreBBing their grievances. Mr. Parsons declared a strike at this time to be pre mature. It was literally forced by the appeal made to the inortormen by Master Workman Pines and the com mittee of Brooklyn strikers. Permission was refueed by the ex ecutive board to proclaim a strike and the inortormen whose sympathies were aroused defied Mr. Parsons and made a tour of the car shops early Wednesday morning appealing to the men to quit work ; some of them did so; others re fused, The refueal was due partly to the fact that the strike had not been of ficially proclaimed and partly to the fact many employes were not willing to make sacrifices either for the ten-hour law or their Brooklyn brethern. It was not untii midday that General Master Workman Parsons found him self dragged along with the procession and declared that the strike was in pro gress. At midnight, last night, after the strike hail been on twenty hours, it ap peared to be the tnaddeK and most ill considered battle with enormous capital labor ever entered on. Except on the Second-avenue line the cars were inter fered with to a slight degree, and unless the strikers induce from lOCOto 1500 men to join them this morning, the strike will be an absolute failure. ItUiiiurcK'H Iron Nuive Was the result of his splendid health. Indomituble will and tremendous energy are not found where elomach, liver, kindeys and bowels ure out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain und body. Only 2.5u at Blakeley & Houghton's drug store. 2 DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice Ia hereby given that tho part nership heretofore existing between C. J. Cathcart ami J. D. Straus, under the firm name of Cathcart & Straus, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, C. J. Cathcart retiring. J. D. Straus will continue the busluees, and will col lect all bills due said firm and pay all accounts against the same. Dated July 1, 1809. C. J. Catiicaiit, J. 1). SritAUS. "Wo have sold many different cough remedies, but none gave better satisfac tion than Chamberlain's," says Mr, Charles Holzhauer, Druggist, Newark, N. J. "It is perfectly safe and can be relied upon in all cases of coughs, colds or hoarseness." Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. DeWitt's Little Early Risers expel from the system all poisonous accumu lations, regulate the Btomuch, bowels and liver, and purify the blood, They drive uwuvdiseuso, dissipate melancholy and give health and vigor for the daily routine, Do no gripe or sicken. Butler Drug Co. You can't cure dyspepsia by dieting Eat good, wholesome food, and plenty of it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests food without aid from the Btomuch, and is wade to cure. Butler Drug Co. jjj Correct for seaside wear, are these Crash Caps. 25 per cent Discount ON ALL CRASH CAPS. 1 K Probably the most popular hat ever introduced for warm weather, is tho Duck or Crash hat. Not only in point of comfort, but in low price as well, this hat has gained 'u foothold with the public which bids fair to remain permanent. Two summers ago the Crash hat was almost unknown on this coast. Last year a demand sprung up which manufacturers were un able to meet, while this summer the Linen Crash Hat is a universal favorite. We opened the season with 175 dozen Crash hate and caps, out of which we now have only some 25 dozen, all told, the principal rmrt of which are caps. Now to equalize matters, we have decided to offer it nr j. .n nr ht nn faW IJI VI Wll f . W For the balance of the week, $ Jfa 23c Crash Caps Crush fljiriH & 50c Crash Caps wa Urueli (Jaos A. M. Williams & Co. CITATION. TN THE COUNTY UOUKT OF THU STATE 1 of Oregon, for tho County of Vwuco. In tho mutter of the estate of) r,T,TInN Kilus V. Davis, deceased. ( '-'T101' To Mrs. Kmellnc Davis, Mm Cora K. Coram, Mrs. LizzloJ. Karris, Slim K. Diivis, WIIIIhiii H. 1M Is, Auetto Francis Mi'Nunl, Tiny Mary Ma hxnev und Ktlle KtUel Davie, heirs ut luw of HIlus'W. Diivis, deceased, mid to Anim M. Wil liams, V. II. Vimlllbher, Smith French, K c. I'eiise, und Kosa U. Meulll, mortgagee; Greet Ins: in thoniimoof tho state of Oregon: You are heieuy cited und reulifl to appear in tho couutv court of the statu ot Oregon lor thu county of Wasco, ut tho eouit room Ihereof, itt Tho Dalles, Oiegon, In thy county of Wasco, on Monday, tho 'Uilrd day of July, lsiW. ut ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and thcio to show cause, if any there fie, why an order of tho above entitled couit should not bo mado directing H. I'. lJiughlln, as administrator of said estate of Mlas V. Davi, deceased, to re deem tho mortgaged promises belonging to said estate, or if said redemption be deemed Inex lKilicnt, that said administrator ho authorized mid diiected to sell all of the real estato belong, ing to the etato of said deceased, ami parlieu Imly described as follows, to-wit: Lot No. 1 of block No. a, of Dulles City proper in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon; also the north half of tliii northwest quarter, tho northeast quarter, and the north hall of tho southcHst quarter of section II III township 'Jnoi tli of range U, cast of tho Willametlo meridian, in Wasco county. Oregon, contai'ilng ;i'JJ acres, more or less, said sale to bo made nt rtiblio auction for cash In hand, in the manner prescribed by luw, mid tho proceeds of such sale to bo held by said adminis trator and disposed of as may bu icquired by the order of tho above entitled court. Witnkss. tho Hon. Hubert Mays-. Judge of tho County Court of tho Htato of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, with tho seal of said Court nlllxed this Second day of Juno A. D. ls'JJ. Iskai. JunS ii Attkst; A. M. KKI.SAY, Clerk. NOTIOK FOK PUBLICATION, 11. S. I.anii Orncu, ut Tim Dai.i.ks, Oiu:,,j , July , imu. Nntico Is hereby given thut tho following limned settler bus Died notlco of his Intention to miiko lluul pioof In siippoit of his claim, and that shIiI proof Mill ho uiailo before Tho Itcglster mid liccclvcr at The Dulles, Oickoii, on Friday, Aug, IS, IWJ, vf.i l'rry J. Vim Cainp, ufTlie l)ii)los,(lr.; llouiestiad Kntry, No, IU.W. for tho 'ia, SW'.i, mid Hj.KH'U, Section IS.Tp. 'JN It. 13 ft, W, M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous iesldeiii'0 upon and cultivation of suld laud, viz: 1'. J. Agldius, Martin Fagan, 1.', A. U'ounrd mid Oliver llowers, ull of Tho Hallos, Oiegou, JAY I'. l.UCAS, Jl)S-ll Keglster Use Olurke & Falks Hoeofoatn for thu teeth. tf JTjjE Jijrx jngj jpji. jijji m WW an. i. n i:rgcn i;hnq VI 14 VII VUUU including Men's and Boys' reduced to 19c reilneed tn 97 reduced to 38c reduced to oL'c NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orncu at Vancouvkk, Wash.,( July 5, lsui). ( Notlco is heroby given that tho following: named settlirs have tiled notice of their Inten tion to make linal proof in siippoit of their claims, mid that said proofs will be mado litforo W. 11. l'reshy, United States Commissioner for District of Washington, at his otllco In Gulden dale, Washington, on Monday, August II, lssw, viz.: Stephen Mnrlnt. Homevtcad tintry No. 9004, for the S. K N. K. II; N. E. '4 S. K. ! ', Section I'J, and S. W. ' , N. W. U of Section W, Township 3 North, of liangul:; Kmt, Will. Mer. lie uumcs thu following witnesses: tn prove his continuous resilience upon mid cultivation said land, viz: Carl Kranzeii, Christian Franzen, I'orter U llatdlsou, Marion Splawu, all of l.ylo 1', 0.,Yush. I'orter I.. Iliinltnoii. Homestead Kntry No. '.i0.il, for tho 8. K. of b, i:, i-4 of Section 111; thu S. W. of S. W. fceiftlou M, K. '.j of N. K, ;. of Section n, Town ship :l North, oi Uango 13 Cast, Will, Mer. ' lie. names the following witnesses to provu his continuous resilience upon, and cultivation of said hind, U.: Carl Franzen, Christian Frunznu, Stephen Marlctt, Marion Splawu, all ot l.yle 1', O , Wash. Jl.vS-11 W. U. DUNHAH, itcglster. CONTKST NOTICE. V. S. Land Offick, Thk Dalles, Ok, Jt.ly ll.lMiu. i A sutllelcnt contest nllldavit having been Hied in this olhco by James Totilk, coutestuut, against homestead entry No. 4'.i.".s, made Nov. 4lh, 1KU. for SU tiHh.M-)'. SV4,?ce. iil.toun shipilS, It 13 IC, and NW'; NW1, hoa, il, town ship -I S, K 13 K, by Thomas Jellies s, coutostoe, in which it Is alleged Unit ho has abuuilotioU said tract for moio than il mouths. Suld parties mo uereny uoiiiicii in appear, respouu una oiler evidence touching said allcgutlou, at ill o'elnuk a, in, on Sept. 1. IsliJ, befoio thu register mid receiver at tho t'llltcil States laud ulllru lu Tho Dulles, Or, The uid contestant having hi a proper nlhduMt, tiled July 1st, lew. set forth facts uhlehshow that alter due diligence, personal service ot this notice can not be made, It Is heieby ordered and directed that suc.lt notice ho given by duo mid proper publication, JlylHl JAY I', l.UCAS, Hegister. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned has been duly appointed by the Hon. County Court of tint tho Mute of Oregon, for veo count) , as administrator of tho estntuof Adolpli Agidlus, decerned, All pel sous having claims against said estnto mo hereby untitled tn present tho sumo properly erllled to me at tho oltico of my iillorui ys, Dilfur A Meuefee, ultlilli six mouths iiuni ihodatu of this notlco. Datiitiit Tho Dalles, Oregon, June A. lv.i'.l. J 1' AdlDlUs, Adiiilulstrutor of tho Kstatu of Adolpli Agldluf. deceased. 711 Ask your grocer for Clarke & Falk'a j pure coticontruted llavonua extracts, tf