Hi M?3 14 a- , i BUSINESS LOCALS. For the best results nsc the Vivo CaniHM. Fir Hale by the Poatoflico )armacy. tf ' Latest thing in cameras nr I Hi nt Donnoll'e i:r-- , 4TT; ik-1. 4- J proved Mngiwine cyclones ggr"$7pterfi. ( -i fejf driip store. !SVKJaW 1 Freeh crocked Nebraska Oh, the Pain of j The Dalles, Portlaoi and Astoria Rheumatism! Navigation Co.' ' K ' J 1 ft Ithomnntism often causes tho most hi- i tenso Buffering. Many have for yenrs : I vainly sought relief from tins disabling i diseaso, and aro to-day worse off tlian I corn nt the , tver. Rheumatism is a blood disease, ' Finest kind of Mid Swift's Specific is the only cure, be- , nich5-tf raUS0 'l 's only remedy which can j hnnnli cnnli fl iinn.cnii t it (Kcnntn. ! J Improved Mngazine cyclones are win- a few years ago I vrns taken with InfUmnia- 1 ners. Donucll, the druggist, will gladly lory Kheuniatlsm, tfhich become so lntcnso co warehouse. hicken feed. Teeth Extracted FREE SATURDAY. wo-l- nt the least pojoibln copI. SOD eiln teeth In one year is our re ortUnd otllcu. Satibfnutloti Kimrnnti'i'd in every case, The best cord in our 1 show them to vou ' Try Verba Buena Uittere, the best iT-i('ri: ton'c' or sne nt n" first-class bars. jr'igCi C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. Ml 7-3m Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the lirst tonic. For sale nt nil first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, ngeut, The Dalles. MI7-3m For Five Dollars you can buy a C.mera I hat will take larger pictures than any ! other Camera on the uiarhet. For sale , by Clarke & Falk. tf Mr. nnd Mrs. B. Lnckamp, Elston, Mo., writes : "One Minute Cough Cure saved the life of our little boy when nearly dead with croup." Butler Drug Co. . r v -m S '"-7yCl --r- ! "What m'ght have been" if that H'?- .efjPATfON Iitl!e C0US'' hadn't been ueglected,;is the 5iTJ5AL Bad reflection of thousands of consump- ' coughs nnd cuds. Bntier Drug Co. Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels MANSES THE 5YSTEM eI EFFECTUALLY ICIAL DUy THE GENUINE (AISJ?RN!A FIG .SYRVPvS rcisjiu2Tiut?.,o.5ir Fret rtatcni- MAST D By r;:itsoNAi. mkmhiv e came over E. Sairlmavpr and wifi from Elleiiftburg yesttrdav. D'ing Lnii;:i!!e was in town yesterday nml luturncd to Mt. Ilocd today. Mrs. V. II. Barrett and Mrs. Gertrude Taylor made a trip to the locks today. Mrs. W. 0. IJadley returned to Hood Eher todav, after spending vesteidav in the city. Mh?es Esie and Alice Bail went down to C'lllins l,mi.lin ti join tlieir mother, who is camping there. t rank Iruns came in from Antelope yesterday on account of the serious ill ness of his lather, John Irvine. J. II. Clayton is in the citv interview ing the board of lire delegates regard ing the proposed chemical tire engine. D. L. Cute;, wife and family came up Irom cascades to he uresent at the funeral of Mrs. John Cates tomorrow morning. Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Leonard were passengers on the boat this morning, bound f.r Carson, Wash., on a cimping expedition. (leo. A. Herbert will arrive in the city on the delayed triin this afternoon to b't pn-sent at the funeral of liis mother, Mrs. Cntes. M. IUndall ana danglster, Miss Edyth, went to Collin- lauding this isiorninc, where they w'dl spend some lime in camp. Mre. Ilitida'.l will pin them later. Yt-sterdhy morning Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bhikeley loft the citv for Brownsville, where tliov u ill attend a reunion of the Ulakeley family at the home of Mr. Blakeley's father. H. L. Verso, of the Oregon Telephone Co., mid his friend l' Bales, staried out thip morning on a trip through the Blue Mountain country They will spend the lime in iiMiinir, hunting and other wise enjoying their vacation. Mrs. W. I. Kuriii-di and children will levo for HdoiI Biver. on the Culumhin rlvi-r beliiw Tlie D.dk-f, Wt-dnetilay mo:n.ng, t ruinain fur the summer. AV. J. Fnmih will gn down Saturdays, remaining thm .Sunday, returning Mondays, during the family, stay. East Oreuoalan. liou.v Tiiis morning, July 20th, to Prof, and Mrs. Lundeli, n son. I'or Sale Chi-ni. Harrison Hay press, good as new, in quire at Lane Bros', blacksmith shop. Mayl7-tf "Hariminy" IVhNkey. Harmony wliikey for family and special use, sold bv Ben Wilson, The Dalles. jl i'ot Unit. Two tenement houses; fine location. Inquire at this office. Jly 17-lwk You need havetno boils if you will buy Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. ronilncat pliysl-, S;si-deiuIiik(IDal!esCit5' that I was tor weeks unablo to walk. I tried several prominent pliysl clansaiul too- nicnt fal unablo to get tho slight est relief. In fact, ray con. dltlon geemcd to grow worse, tlie dlseai? spread ' over my entire body, and TllO DalleS, from orcitcr to llarch j I sunereanffony. I tried lully (except .Smutav) bavren lA many patent medicines, i Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. nt way poiii'." nn both sides vt the Columbia river. CONSIDER QUE PRICES: but none relieved me. Upon tlio advice of A i IXt.'V1- friend I decided to tnr ! S. S. S. Before allowing me to take it, how ever, my guardian, who was n chemist, ana- J lyzed tho remedy, and pronounced It free of potash or moreurv. I felt so much better after taking two bottles, that I continued the rem- Touchiii erty.and in twomonths I was cured completely. 1UP iuu' ivat jn:riniiutii. lur x iiocl piiiwu - had a touch of Kheumatlsm though many Uotli ot the alKivc steamer? have lccn tcbullt, times exposed to damp and cold weather ' and are in excellent shape (or the enon of Eleanor M. TjprsLL, The lli-culmor Mnr ill emleavor to give it E711 Powelton Avenue, l'hiladelphla. I patrons the best service jmsalble. Don'tsuffer longer with Eheumntism. ! 'or t;nir.irt. licmmmy mid rifanur.-, Throw aside your oils nnd liniments, as D lue Mmnu" UI iM" ""RU"'11" they can not reach your trouble. Don't 'Tlie abnve stcimers leave The Dalles nt s n. in. ' experiment with doctors their potash am! i'ortlniul at 7 m. hi., nnd arrive nt ticstiiin , ana mercury will add to your uisauil- turn m raiit tunc iurouioitiK imius. itv and comnletelv dostrov vour dines- ' PortUnd Ofilee. i"lie Pullet, omo;. n " " Oak tit. lioek. t:ourt Btieet foi will cure perfectly und permanently. L-uniujiis iiu ijoiusii, mercury, or oiner mineral. Books mailed free by Swift i jMccific Co., Atlanta, Ga. ! r Bust Crown nnd Bridge work Bes) Ht't teeth, gtiaranteed . . . Best Gold Filling Best silver or itMoy tilling . . . . IUU. gold), per tooth $4.50 $5.00 LOO up M)c up Booms 11-12 I.'!, Chnpmau Biuck, Second St Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S., Manager. i m w C. Alla-way, liuucrnl A sen:. ircP CYCL r-y-.TJVTriiyA-ru ! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 5. Land OrncE, Tiif. iullcs. On ,i June a, 1M"J. ( No'.iee is hereby Riven thnt in compliance with the iiTovisinns of the net of congre.-s of June :i, 1S7, entitled "An act for the sale of t'.mbir lands in the states ol California. Oregon Nevada and Washington tenitorv." rhirli , Uosson, of The Dulles, county of Wasco, stte of Or.K.m, has this day filed in this oGiee his sivori. statemeat No. HI, for the purchase o." the lot -1 and bill', SW).. of sec. Xo. 29, in Townshin No. 1 N, rane No. V2 1'., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuibiefor its timber or stone than for agricultural pur poses, nnd to establish hisclilm to s lid land be fore the register and receiver of this otiice ut The Dalles, Oregon, on Fridav, the 11th dav of September, 1-9U. lb: names as witnesses, A. Turner, W. Clark. I'eter l-"aga:i. G. Whitmore, all of The Dalles, Or. Any and all irsons claiming ndver-l- the above dtsrribed lands arc requeatca to (lie their claims in this ofilcu on or before s.dd hth dav of September, ltW. J. I. l.rcAs,' Jlyvii Ileglster. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasb Office at Tuc dalles, OnncoN, July :;, imw. ) Notice i hereby given that the following nmed scttlert. have lild notice of intention to make final proof in support of their respective claims More the register and receiver nt The Dalles, Oregon, on Saturday, August I'J, Jsyy viz. : J.ovi C. Clirlilliun, of Tho Dallrti, Or.; on II. K. No. ,-U9, for S!2 NW, nnd N'X HWK, section 7, township 1 south, range 13 easti V. il, r.ank CJlirlniiian, of Tin- Dalle-,, dr.; on II. E. No. forX! NKJ.,'. tection town ship 1 south, rnnt'e p. eaat, und N N W:. sec lion 7, towmhip I south, range i:;mt, w. n. VItuC5-e.i b. II. Drooi- Hntt . j, sn-ln -i rnr The Pallet, Orejion, and U. W. Covert and O. . j ilcl'alveyof Knde sby, Oregon j J .VI 1 L A... Jiyi'-ii licfUtcr. PLEASE LOOK M FRF, WM. MICH ELL, Cndertaker T 1 1 mum THE DALLES, OREGON. Rooms on Third Street, One Block Back of French & Co.'s Bank. PICTURES FRAMED. ALL PRICES AWAY DOWN. 1 1?. liV. NL1..VI. illilliif ... Wngon and Carriage Work. Fioh Brothers' Wagon. f r f , Magazine. i FOR 1899. Ton Points to Consider: 1 'J Plcturos In 12 Socondu. 'J bhvittor Unlb Flolouiio. 3 Shtittor Antoniutlo. 1- Shtittor Locks, r. t'j A Hunt mi in HlatoholdorB. O Sot etops. 7 Spoclni Quick Lonn. 8 Atitomntk. flt)KiBtor. 9 A'l partii IntorohnnRoablo. 10 Exnotiocl nlnttis roiiKivod without tltstui bine unuxposiod. No. 4 No. 5- sizo 3j x 4' . tsizo 4x5) . . ) S3. OO 10.00 ili, Tliiril aM Jefrii, Phone 159 p , , Lvj&. n.-.TT-..r.t.-ri n -.rj' 1 Just Arrivod I In i lilt hi; illi I'lii.n-rtt ttith liulli shntler. 1899 Catalogue with com ploto information FREE. I. Z. DONNELL. 5" "31M 33S QNV 31JOO NOTICE OF FINAL .SETTLEMENT. Notice is hereby given that 11, c undersigned has filed his htiiil m-ount an cxtcutur of tlie es tatr rf Sarah Mt-Ate-- with t e ck-rk of the count, CMiirt of ihestate of Oreg tn, for Uascn county, and that rimrsdiiv.ilii; j.a dy ..f July, 1MO, ni thi nour of lu nVli-ck 11. ni Ims t-ii lixed as the- time and the c.iuntv c nit room in Dalles City as the p ee for the henriiig of ob jid 10ns to said finai eecuunt nnd setllcinent of 5JI1U uauii. Dated Jsilv 1 juuil-i TIIOs'. NOI'.VAI.. V.xcvuUk, ..Gjtas. m- Sufcshens and Farmer's You can't cure dyspepsia by dieting Kit uuod, u'liolu:-iiino food, mid plenty of it Koilol Uyapp-i:i Cum diy6le food without nid from the stomach, and in made to cure, Butler Drug Co. Eecutoi''s Notice. Notice is Iierehv pIv -n flu! Dir. has biui duly nppointid by the honorable County Court of the Htntc of urozon. for Wnsr-n county, as o.eeutor of the estate of f'Jicb" J. llidght, dimmed. All IH.T-OIH having claims against said estate are herebv iiolirkd to pro tent the srne, proiwrly vciifle.1. to mc nt my omce In DalieH City. Oiegon, within six months from the dalerf ttifs notice. Dated till Sth d.iy of July. I;. J'KANK JJKXKt'EK. K.-.ccutor of the tstate of I'hebu J. Height, deceased. Jly 8-11 Drink Wfirren'e I'ure Ginger Brandy. For sr.lo nt all iiret-c'uuB bars. C. J tnl;in', ntnt, Tin D.illee. .Ml".3iu. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION'. Land Office at The Dali.es, Or.Eno:ii June 10, Ivjo. 1 Noilce is hereby given that D10 following nameil setucr has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of hU claim, and that dd prooi will be made before the register nnd receiver nt The Dalles, Oregon, on fcatuidny, July KI.1-V3, viz: 1'aulit fSrliimiid. widow of Piono (irltimud, dfresncd, of Tlio Dalle; II. i: No. IfT.t,. for the Kk hKl . bee. 21, Tp. 1 north, U 12 1:, W JI. 2.1., 110 names me loiioHing wltnm?!, to prove hi couliuuou residence uion and cultlvallon of aid Imd, viz: Ch.-is, A. hchutz, Rock Cary, IouIs fiandoz, AmliMW Utiiuharl, ail of Tho Dulles, On-gon. Junll-il JAY 1'. 1.1-CAfe, Itenlster. i , . ( . 1 f i . ' br"i ' BO YEARS' ! JkSBKwBStfcLr EXPERIENCE ,.Eehange.. Keeps on draught tho celebrated COl.CJIlllA l!i;i:K. nckmurl edged the b-st be--r lu The Dallut, at the usual price. Come in, ry it nnd be coovinred. Al-o the rinest brands of Wines, 1.1-juor and Cigtirs. SaDduuiehes of ull Kinds iihwiys on hand. Qs&rsfvirifNrsj if How About Your Title? HE Yor Sl UE it in nil riplit? Ui-nicuilior it if tlm JitAUKii Unit iwvi'Mip. It 13 our Inmmcfa to et iiri'h tho rccorilH und Miow wlint tlu-v itnntiiin in relation to liunl titlt-p. If uin contciniiliiln buviiiL' liind or loitnintf iiimn'V on rcnl cstnlu Hccnritv. tul-.i-no ihiui' word, nut tnsiHt upon knowtni,' whut thu record hIiowh rccnritinc tlm titie. An Al.etrnct v ns cBHi-ntiiil nn n di'i'd. IiiHiat on having it. Wo liavo thu only ho', of Alistrnct BookH in tin- County. All work promptly vx cciiti'd nnd eiitinftictlon i;iiiiriinti'C(l. It you linvi' prop rtv to insure, ijive uh 11 call. We aro inicntH for four of tlm bent lire iiiHuriini'i! cotnpanii's in tlio world. If you liiivtj property for fi.ile, liat it with us and wu'll find a buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. Phono 81. 2d st oppoolto A. M. Williams Ci Co. 1 Trace Marcs J-SIQMS Copvriohts &.c. An7nno "o.-irtlng n Setch nnd description ma-fiu- .u nicerlaui mir ormilon free whctlicr 11 Invention U probably pateiuable, Cnniniunlc. tlonjJtrietlycontlrtentlal. Handbookon I'atenu lent lre3. Oldest aacney for securing patents. Patcina taken ttirouub Jiunn a Co. receive if lal Mtkt, nlihout cbamc. In tho Scietififfic jfltnericdm A handsomely lllmtrnted woelily. Ijirecst clr (illation of any nclenns- Journal. 'Jcrrns. t3 n rear: lour months, iL Boldbyall neTTilcalcr PNN&Co.30,Bfoi:t!NBW York Jlraucn Office, e V HU Woshlngton. V. C. v BANKERS. t ntANoACT A KKEKAL BAN KINO JlfblNKh I Letters of Credit iesued avaiiablu in the , I EnBtorn Statea. ! 5 , hilfht i-xclmnee mid Tulej;raphic E . xriuiHiers hoiu on iew i ork, Ulikairo, ! , St. Louis, San Franciuco, Portland Ore 1K011, ficattlo V.'uflh,, and various points! ui -tkkuh nu i aaiiinton. Collections lunde at all points on fay 1 orablo turuis. 1 C 6 9? Ulh km il Sale J. H. HCHKHS, l'reident. II. JI. IlKAI. , Cuhlei Koike of Filing Final Account Notice U hereby gi'-en thut tho utiderslKiicJ, tieiisslgmo of J. W. Jloorc, II, K. Moore, nnd J. W. and II. 15. Moon;, Insolvent debtots, has filed with the cloik of tho circuit court. :( tr.n btntonfOri-goii.for Wutco county, hU final uc-conntiUMieli-HMlijiHe: ti e mine will bo licntd and iime.l ill-oil by ald circuit court on Hie 1st (toy of tho next leuular teini of said i-lrcnli c urt, to v. D, the November, nw.tenn thervol.at Hit. hour of ten o clo3k 11, n., or as soon therc I aftr 11) the inattir imii be reached 1'Ul.K lil'TUii:, AialKiK-c. Digests what you eat. .ItartlflciallydigeHtstliefoodandnldfl;'" naiuro in BireiiKtnoning und recon- Btructlnpr the exhausted dlestlve or- NOTICE OK FINAL SETTLEMENT, gans. ltlStholatCStdlSCOVOreddlBeHt-l Notice I. hereby given that I havo llU-d with -ni mm 10111c. sso oilier prepuratlon , tho ciwu oi iim touniy cotut ot the Hmtu of roil upproucu il in ciiicicncy. it In Oregon, for Wuco County, my linn) account u 1111111 iinttir.ilir ill ifm i-aiiiifi iit ir.4. CLi I i,na Permanently cures cVYcd. S by HnVnicr .if th ciaiiuV & m Dvsiicpslu, IndlKCHtton, Heartburn, j nf.rre.II. nude June I, nvj, Moniuy. July j, irlut.iiinnpo Kinr Blnmnnl. Hi,,,...' I l-'J. nt till) hour of 'Jo'click 11. in., ima l.-i-n SJckHeadachc.GastralKla.Oramnij.and nuiiiur rcauiiuunmperiectai lrBord by C. C. OcWItt C., ( For ttu by Uutlor Drug Co.. Iixul mm the llinu mid thu Counlv Court iimni III Pallet City ns thoplueo for thu lieaii,i,f o)ijctloii in taldlliml uccount, und Itionutlk' uiviitol mid C4latc, K.I'. MAYS, Jun 3-11 Aduiliilttrator. 11 head of Good Work Horses. For terms apply to WM. WATERMAN, At M. M. Wntcrman'e, on 8-iuilc. ! Tiig GoiufTiDis PacRinoCO-, PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF II A! V KAtiT U HKite' Fine Lard and Sausages Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON KIHD BEEF, ETC, First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREOON A General lianking Liisineae transacted DopoBits received, aubject to Sight Draft or Chuck. Collections made and proceeds prompt!? rnmittcd on dav of nollnof inn ' 1 Siirlit and Telegraphlii Ecliang Rold on ow York, San Franciuco and Port land. DIRItOTOKS : 5' PJ.T?OK. J-NO. 8. SOIIEHOK, Eu. M. 1LLIAVB, Gko. A. Likhk. ! H. M. liUAi.t. , nmSM!,r:',n.'l.0f W1,isl;e3' is rantccil to the cou PUKb HAM) MADIv SOUK MASH WHISKEV iiiiu .Sicilian use. Sold by Iskey. j stiiner uk 11 for Tauiily Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. F. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain oi ,u kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail wad -1 . a r - mm ' n j a i.i ia hno ,aarcers "Byers1 Best" Pendle viiwuiiiQ, lo. 10Ur. l;lr .M .. to, bmllr Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. "uSK M. SetlOnil I Laitlll, nm ISJ.Highest Prioee PaId for Wfeat, Barley and Oaf.