ILoU Three horses June 16, 1SR9, described .ns follows: two weighing about 1-100 .each. One a light chestnut branded D on left shoulder. Black horse branded C on left shoulder. One bald faced sorrel weighing about 1200; roached mane. A liberal reward for information of the whereabouts, or the return of same. A. Mason, J. Bays, Contractors, Viento. Or., or E. V. Husband, Moaier, l Or. j2S-hn A dieeased stomach surely under mines health. It dulls the brain, kills energy, destroys tli2 nervous svsteni, t nnd predisposes to insanity and fatal Woolens n Suiting. Overcoating and . diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are Famines, and will be .pleased to have quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. iia tnn. IT-. 1 .1 1 - t 1 I have just received a fine line of Voolens in 'antincF. am you call and see them, j. A. Eberle, The Dalles Mj Chronicle. It has cured thousands of cases nud is , curing them every day. Its ingredients Taiforing r ? tha n caQ't lie!p curinB' An Epidemic of Dlnrrliofcfi. Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoa- ! nut Grove. Fla., Eivs there has been ' quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there. 9CB8CKIPTIO- I'KICE. He had 3 severe aUack and wag cured One week $ 15 by four doses of Chamberlain's Cholic, One month 50 : Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He One year 6 00 i , , , , .A . .. says he also recommended it to others 1 and thev sav it is the best medicine thev THURSDAY - - JULY 20. 1K9 J ever used." Eor sale bv B'.akeley & ! Houghton Druggists. A good drug sign. You well know that a good drug sign is the patronage which is bestowed on the store. It is the purity of the goods handled and the manner of doing busi ness that makes and keeps this business. We are pleased with the result of our ef forts to supply the best drugs at t lit tlest price. We are particular about the compounding of them. ANOTHER AXTI-EXPASSIOS LIE Another anti-expansionist lie has been nailed to the counter, says the Chicago Tribune. The ac cusation has been mane by the aunties that four Filipino prisoners were slaughtered by Kansas soldiers, acting under orders of Captain Bishop, of the Salina company. Jsow comes Captain Bishop, writing lo a friend in Sahna, and says or the American papers that I am Catb In lour Checks. All countv warrants registered prior to August 1,1893, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after June 9, 1899. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. 0.R.&N TDK Fast .Mnil 11:40 l. m TikK Jt'IIKllL'LS. From Ar.niVK KllUM. ;Solt Lnkf, Denver. M.i tnt Worth, Omaha, Kflli-, -Mall ms City, St. Lnuls,' 3:16i m ; Chicago and Kast. j Spokane Flyer 6:0 p. m KValla Wnlla, Ppofcanc, Mlnn!ioll. ft. 1'iuil, I . i , 1 it t h M III nllL:i,. Spnfcnnc .in 1 ti t h lHhwinLi-i'., HM H. Ill Cblcaso unci Kast. j S p. m. 1'ROK I'ORTLANn. 4 p. m. Ocm u Sttvimhlis. For San Fianclcc Jnnuar) 22, ami every live days thereafter. 8 ji. m. , i p. Ex.lsuuda rolumbia r.v. Steamers. Es.fcundnj Tn i.iml n... U'ltri j u jiuniii ...iu it..,. Saturday Landings. 10 p. m. 6a. tn. Willakktte r.tvrn. m. Ex.SundayiOrepon City. Nrwberc, Ex.suudaj Salem i Way land's. j Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, acent. The Dalles. Ml"-3m Thomas Rhoads, Centerfield, O.. writes : "I suffered from piles seven or eight years. No remedv gave me relief '1 see nntil DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, less i than a bos of winch nermanentlv cured w,.,i 'H"!." rooming, dealing, perlectly barm- . .... I 'ess- Bewau of counterfeits. Butler prisoners to be Killed. I do hope DrUg Co. the good people at home will notj Founil think for one moment that I am j Ja East End Feed Yard Wednesday such a brute. The insurgent wounded ! uiornine. Julv 5th. a hav horse, about fourteen hands high between 10 or 1 RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 SsconA Street. THE DALLES Just What You mant. antl prisoners are well cared for we only wish that all of them would sui render and end this awfu! affair." The aunties should be satisfied with Captain Bishop's concession that the "affait" is "awful," without lying soPav'DS a11 charges wicKemy about him. Tbey derived their information, it appears, from n soMier's letter. Will they never learn to suspect the truth of these gruesome -romances which come from the front? Or are they so malicious in their prejudices and 80 determined to stamp our brave fellows in the Philippines as nssassins i vn.irs nlil whifp fitnr nn fnrnhnH VilnnV points ; saddle marks and brand B L on j left shoulder with running R underneath, j and weighing about 900 pounds. Owner 7 ft. m. WILLAMETTE AND YAM- Tues.Thur. mu, KtVKius. and fcnt, Oregon City, Dayton, and Way-I-undlngs. 3:.T0 p. m. JIon.,Vi and Frl. 6 a. m. Willamette P.tvnn. ruc.Tlinr, Portland to Corvull and Sat. and Way.Lmidlnirs. It will be our aim to carry a Complete Line of the Purest Drugs. And wo invite your attention to our stock of PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND WALL PAPER. BUTLER DRUG COMPANY, Successor toStiipes-Ktnerely Drug Co. C. J. STUBLING Wholosalo and Rotall Wines, Liquors and Cigars Agency for the Greate t American Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WTTTRVF.Y from t'2 76 to ?(i 00 per gallon. A to 15 years old.) IMPORTED 00GN AO from 7.00 io $111.00 per pdlon. (1 (11 to liO yiiure old.' on. (4 to 11 years old." ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. Lv ttlpnrla, daDy SNAKE RIVER. Klparia to Lcwlston. vuihs, TnS'.'rimi 0LYMPIA BEEE on drauKht, und Vnl Blatz Bnd Olympia Beer in bottles ur. , audSaL Imported Ale and I'ortur. . Leave , LEWIfTON ! dally I Pnrlios ililrinr tn irn tn llpiiTinnr hhnnlil takeNn. -I. leaving The Dalles at 5:.TO i. ni ..'.f. uiuxt inuiit:uuiii in iiupi'iivi jiiiiiiiiiiii ReturnliiR niakiiigdlrtctcimnecncm at Ht'Pimer Junction lthNu. 1, arriving at The Dollcs at So. 2J, throucht frelcht, cat bound, does not o. local Ircicbt, carries iicnci;is, cast JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. TH DRLLES STEAM LAUNDRY. -.u. -i, nn:ai iriricui, carries mcnpci, caM . bound: arrives 4:3jji. ni.,dearuh 15 p. m. 1 No. 21, west bound throucti ircicht, does, not1 Jpupv wllite W.lsll 0 film Wash WllltO. 1 OU C3tl carry .asjcngers: arrives fe-15 n m.. dcimrtt ' Lyc vvcy "Jlltt 111,11 ' uiu nugu twiin. tu'1 ... . L ... . , ' Unxana tliifirr iincUnl nt ilin Rronm T on n "TTT Tim I V CL I J C4 UUIIIh II U.UJUU Ul L U IUUU4 A T . . 1 . w O-SO'l. m Xo. wont bound local Ircicht, carries ias- i seugers; arrnes p. in., departs a:S0a. m. j . . ... . , K. I Merritt of our work is such that people go ana weigning auoni uuu pounus. uwner i . , , ,, , . t i . , ew iJeaB in Wall Paper here. Such can have same by provinK property and wide varielv ag we are showing never be- j!y8-lm ; fore craced a eingle etouk. Iteal iniita- 1 . tT ... - ... 1 . , uuu uiciuu cuctis in uruiuiiry prices. To cure a Cola in one iioy. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Take Lasative Bromo Quinine Tab- i Elepant designs, tasteful colorinue, vonrs lets. All drupgiets refund the money if ! fr B,!ni8.1! price, at our store on third it fails to cure. 25b. J street. Also a fuH hue of house paintG. ,D. W. VAUSE, Third St. t T HTMIt til'im Gen Pas. AsU. 1'ort.and. Or, jyj ; , , natrOIlizO IIP. Olir nriC'OS .H'O IlOt jHobson s choice, but the standard rates, which are uevera mgn as some people tlnnk, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. HI ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. not A Beautiful Skin, i EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route Aimijijjiiiuo ixs nssaianis jjiaies, n you aesire a tnnjp.iicnt, clear and of THE that they are willing to swr,l!ov anv'arStXi. story that is printed, no matter hoir ftuSSKXS SOUllierfl PaClflC COITin'V absurd it mnv be? ISVX1L1 ! WUUU,CI " aUM,U UU,,,H I li 1 1 f . if veil I rtncfrf n t ran imimiI n I .... . .. . sliaply contour ol Joim. brilliant eves, toll and smooth sKin where the exists Even the CfKirtest and mrwt rvr u ivc -tin. marred by frwl;1. mfith ilsnr. hi..i:l. .,itn..1Af ridnes, vellow uud muddy skin hrepermanent. I ly removed, and a deliciously clear uud retined ; complexion assured .,, , . . 1'rlce per small box, .Vjpcnts: Inrjre box. II, or ! burieu in Manila, vrill be returned in i is JaK boxes-, ?5. cent n. nn aCdre.-s ' the above amount. WtlW fjr fice circular. ! The bodies of the dead of the Second Oregon, who died and were Trains leave and are duo to arrive at PortlaL N 5 1 Pullman i Elegant Tom'ist LEAVE. due time to the United States for burial This is following the prece dent set in returning the bodies of the soldiers who fell in Cuba lo their uative land for final interment. It respects a sentiment especially dear to our people, nnd assuages to some extent the bitterness engendered by The Parisian Drug Co., 131 J.'t i. t . r. . SW-.un Francisco Cul, JT. WS BfiiEpI!..!,; r OVUI.AKD EX.! , ! press, .Salem, Koc-1 j i burs, Anhland, fc'ac-1 I fl-00 P il raruento, Ogden.San 1 1 ' ' 1 Kranciseo, Mojovc, (' I Los Angeles, El pdio, i I Kevr Orleans and lEait j a:ja A. M, iJjOM;'lurS un1 WBr ta'j fVia Woodburc fori Dallv ' ilt-At'R'11! fillverton, I escent i 'le1 sel0 frowns- 7 bundayi j vUle.siiriugfleld and j J J A. M. Daily CSCtfpt Hucduy. ;S3A-il- SCtaoan"8..a.nd wajrj.6:P.3l I'ntlpr i1ifrttnn rf I the thought that privation, which it oeow rr i tt r' J'av was in the power of the comrai-arv I , . b Name f igjS: Jfr ; dcartment to nrevent. Snn ' oebUB ana mary. m. Ar a soldier to the hospital and from i THE DALLES, - - OR. uience to uis rave. All honor lo TO Sleeping Car Dining Cars Sleeping Car BT. 1'Al'l. MINNEArol.I Ilt'LUTU lAKGO UK AM) FOK CKOOK4TON WINNII'EO HELENA an 15UTTE Corner of First and Court Street, 'Phone 341. THE DALLES, OE. t JfiL lmp"lse Wheels muiiHd . IB-Inch M jv3 .MA.SffAtTlllKl) 1!V 1 Ilfllll.. Um..lul . Portland.... Ar.) S:25. ra nMlrinvllli. 1 v t fl.i.. n lndeiicndeiiccLv.) iuiOa. la. 'Through Tickets grave. those who gave their iives to the service of their counirj. The meas ure of this honor would not be full in the estimation of those nearest to them in Kindred tic-6 without the return of their bodies to graves in tbeir home land. Orcgonian. I Thit Iriitltu'ion !s i.l.-aantlv nilualed ner , the olumbia on the ijue nt the I'niun Piiclfie; , Iheuce i: i easy ol cxcmu fur H tlmie who de ! lre to xcurea cninfmutilv limiie and a jrp:rtr nivvtcut of learning (r their daughter or ..Mum ihv iuvjuiiim in irie Aca'jeniv loonoiif laily. IBany, eicejitbunanr. DINING CAUS ON OGDEN I10UTE. PUI.IJ1AN IILUTKT BLPEPEIlg AND fiHCOND-CLASri BLEEPING CAP.fc Attached to all Throuch Trolua. Direct connection at fcan r-rancico with Occl OIIIL'ACO WAS It INOTOJf ! I'lULADELl'lllA 1 SEW YOltK , UOSTON AND ALL , l'OINTB EAST uud SOUTH t i el'0ro" 'r5f?ite tS' timC mnpkana llck,:l' Sis be moit hwlthy u the Pacific Mo;;. ihis tr- le"tl m Oriental and Pacific mall "teamslYir, ' lion of Ornron rlnB proverbial for It t!uru "uea for JAPA.s and CHINA. gilllcV Jat J S ' naier, emriracins air aii.l .Icunct(iic x-cni-ry. - a) I'lication. i Hit- Acddfiny ih liieorMiratert nnd authorized by ; Hate f.nd tleltcU to Eaitern points and Fu. tboBiaict-.coiiferAcadeiiilohoiicra. ! rot'r. Alto JAPAN. U1I1NA IlbNtil.lliA -,,r i ' AI'riTICALIA. I All ijbovB trains arrive at nnd depart from w- m... ... am imu irvjuc sirecu i A. Hi fill! mill lllltilil. . - .r .t.,l.. . . . r-r. niudle will be ii-aumcu Tuesday, hetitemtwr .Mb. hor dentlled infonnalion apply jo (he Miter Superior. JljP.'m n. as W. C. Al.UU'iV A, . of, The Dalle, OreROD A1CLTON. Asst. G. f A., rrinon for. Third. Portland Ohkoi j AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO. i ! SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC. Circuit and particulars furnlMit.l 01. application. F. S. GTJNNTNfr Acront , --t, 1 TI1H DALLliS, OHImjO.V. U.T20 The skipper of the 12-foot cockle- i shell who attempted to cross the Atlantic was picked up in r.n ex- i baustcd condition seventy miles from the Irish coast, lie U not deserving of any more sympathy than the man who jumps from the Ilrooklyn bridge or he who tries to go through the whirlpool rapids at Niagara in barrel. PROFESSIONALS. jJA. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Office over French A- Co.'t Hunk Phone C, THE DALLE, OP.EGON Y.lri?M1. til'tciv Pattt-nger Depot, foot of JerterMin street. Leave for fiheridan, weefc riaya, at 1:00 p. a ArrieatPortlaiid,u:U)a.m -v. a Iaavc for AlP.LIE on Jlonday, Wednesday and Prliay ut9:t0o.m. Arrive at Portland, Tu i dav, Tburwlay and baturdai it3:0Jp m. 'Except b'unday. "Exceiit Saturday. Santa Fe Rod (e Ofrers travelers eliolr. nf t rnnlc. mi . K P.. Kl K .tiEK. a. it. UAUL'inu . -"'y are an famous fur j nuer. Aml G, K. & Pbm. Act 1 "wnicBtiractloii. Through Ticket Office. iai Third tr,r. ,,. : v'ew Ocden and Denver. Hta'W.nSSSfnS0."" V0luU '? ",e Hm1 ' . n 1Joute view' Kaciamento.OKden HUie, Canada and Kuroiie fan w ni.t-i... ...and hnv. V"nl lowest raws from ' ei,:.," , ' , , There seems to be no abatement of interest in expositions. People thought there mijht he an interim fler Atlanta, Nashville and Omaha, but today Buffalo, Philadelphia and 6c. Louis are all busily engaged in preparing for or portions, each of which the promoters say will be the WffMt thing since the Woild's Pair, Jlt UEIHEMIOIIKPEU PJij'Bieiau and Surgeon, BpecUI attention glveu to urery. Boomi 21 and 22, Tel. a Vot Ulock rERVITA UtMMtt VI I ALII Y AllKeles anil A tlx. -'..Ai'y J1 thronirh PULLMAV LOST VGOR ' I vm T0VKM BLEBPEK, AND MANHOOD1 ggEaro CT 8"d I8 An"elfcB 1(5 PIONEER BAKERY. FUED. W.WIUiOK. A1TOKNKY.AT LAW. OOloe ov., Finl K.t. ffi U ?UKa0K' UDHTIMOTOH u m HUXTJVUTON 4 W1UON, ATTOKNKVH AT LAW, Till lilll ij iikii.i.ttt Cures Imnotenpv.Xliriit pmi unlnna on1 wasting diseases, all effects of 8clMTT ni , T . auuse, or excess ana lndls- X lit: OllUI L llTlP cretlnn. A iidrentiiiiliiiiiwl I xil " w v mr. . 1 . 14 blood builder. Brlntjs the pink glow to pale cheeks ant' restores the fire of youth. BvmnllUWTier l.nv!ii irivr.a 4.. tutM ari. lit ... .ivr, who m wrin Kimrutu toe to cure or refund the utouoy. NCRVITA MEDICAL CO. CNnlMl JMhlM tNfc, OMtJAOO, ILL. from southern California To the East. Apply to the fluent, f t)10 0 K . . 0n. Agt. Worcester, Lldg., Or. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread and Cakes a1bo all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH. Pioneer Grocer. I DI2ALEIIS IN All kinds of Funeral Supplied Crandall&Barget UNDERTAKERS fP EMBALMERS The DkIIsb, Or. Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc.