She'Ohdles hxonick. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1899. NO 83 STRIKERS ARE USING DYNAMITE Id Blow lit Hie Elevated Railway SIrnctnrc. EMPLOYES HAVE GONE OUT Id-spile the Refusal of Master Work man Parsons to Sanction Such Wtionv-Cars Stopped at Midnight. Ki.n Twin;, July 10. Striko bu;nn tins Hi' rn u i the Second-avenuo lino o( llif Metropolitan Street Kail way Com pan v , mi the Munhiittiiti f-hlti ot thu river. Ah ait half of thn men quit work. The strike wits not authorized by the leaders. Disturbances have occurred at various points and r-evoral men huvo been arrested. Strikers claim to have iiidueed men to quit work on variotiR other lines cf tho compnuy, hut cars were muting en all these lines. Om iniBeloner Dtlehnnty, of thu fctatu board uf mediation und arbitration, en hi thu lio.ird would moot today and try to ar bitrate (lie dillleultios. President Veoland. of the Metropolitan Street liuiiwoy said : "Thero in no Btttku and 1 defy ttietn to tie our Hue up. Vm can look on thn Mtreotfi and tee fur yourself that all our euro are rim ing. F.very lino 1h in good shape ex cept the Second-avenue line, where theru were poinu ulight disturbance this morning." General Master Workman ParHotiB Enid todav tliat while hu had advised against the strike today in New York, lie wjtild stand by the men to the hiHt. "I advised delay for a day or two," he Mid, "but now thoHttiku ia on, 1 will nmku the light of my life to BiiRtain thu men In compelling obfiervnnui! of the 10-hour law and redress of other Kriaviuiees." Dynamiters on Hand. Ni:w Youk, July 11). Just before 2 o'clock tliib morning thero weru two tor rilie exploeioiiH in South Brooklyn, at Fifth avenue and Thirty-fifth Btreet. Jt wne found that dynamite or some other liii!h cxpbeivo had been placed against the base of the pillara of thu Fifth-avenue road at that point. The dynamite had been put beside the pillars on the oppositu Hides of too street nnd thu esplohloiiB were almost simulta neous. The foroo of the explosions was '"eh that windows in near by houses were blown in. On ono side of tho ave nue at Unit point is the primping station of thu waterworks, and on the other, Greenwood cemetery. Underneath the railroad is a tunnel leading to the ceme tery. Word was Immediately sent from the I'Owder-hoiiBoat Thirty-sixth street to hrooklyn police headquarters. The re serves wore called out and a few minutes 'iter a hundred policemen were on their Way to the scene. Thu spot where the explosion occurred is u dark and lone eotac one. WAS OFFERED" TO MOHLER Have the Presidency of the Big Four System. 1,AL"''' m,ui,m Ju,y epoclal 10 the l'ioueor-l'resa says: (C9l(l't Mohler, of thu Oregon Kail al Navigation Company, liau heou "ured thu presidency of thu Ulg Four HucccudinK M. JJ. IukuIIb, Moliler w. k. Vaiiderbllffl selection. . Lynch, anaibtant general passon "r "Uent of tho Grent Northern, line appointed ueitorol pause. mor uncut "Mliefottuu Belt. 'e'ldtut Moliler is ubiout from Port- lAV4l BAKING Absolutely Makes the food more delicious and wholesome land, so ho could not bo scon relativo to the news that lie had boon offered tho presidency of tho Big Four system, which is the Cincinnati, Clovelaud, Chi cago & St. Louis. President Ingalls has given it out that he will resign the office and will accept a new position in the traffic world that of arbitrator and mediator for the Vanderbilt and Morgan lines. Mr. Mohler's conceded strength as a railroad executive gives reasonable color to tho news from the East. How ho will regard tho tender is purely a matter of eonpeturo. ALGER TENDERS HIS RESIGNATION! WASIIINOTON, .July 1 U,-S cri'tnry of Will' Algi'i' lias Irmlrrril IiIh i -hI iiu 1 1 11 ti . to tiilm I'll t f I lit tlm ilt UKiirti of tint presldi'iit. htnry of Mm r. Te bu bound baud and foot for by the chains of disease is tho years j U'OIBt ; form of slavery. Geo. D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such a blavo was made, free, lie says: "My wife has been so helpless for five years that she could not tuin over in bed alone. Aftor using two bottles of Elec tric Bitters, r-he is wonderfully im proved and able to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female d!s caHUB quickly curea nervousness, sleep lessness, melancholy, headache, back ache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 60 cents. Sold by Blakeley and Houghton, druggists. 0 Hot Wave Hurts Grain. Pi:niu:ton, Or., July IS. There is now no doubt that tho crop of 1800 has been badly injured throughout this entire section of country. The temper ature has ranged from 10:! to 107 for nearly a week past, tho actual average, according to the government observer's report for last week, being 100.4 above zero. While some of tho fall-nown grain had matured sufficiently so that it was bo yond danger from tho hot wave, the spring grain was late, and has been gen erally damaged. This oonstitues 00 to 70 per cent of thu total crop of the county, and will not only bo small in yleld.'but of low grade as well. Harvest ing is in progress quite generally all over tho eoiintv. ItiMiiiirldililn lloscim. Mrs. Michael Ctrtain, I'lalnfleld, III. makes tho statement, that sho caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she wau treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopoles victim of consumption and that no medicine- could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Olfcovery for consumption ; tho bought a bottle and to her doliaht found herself benefited fiom tho first dose. Sho con tinued to use and after taking six bottles found herself sound and well; now does housework, and is ub well as sho over was. Free trial bottte Great Discovery at Blakeley & ton's drug store. Only CO cents Every bottle guaranteed. of this .fl. 0 Four Prisoners Escape. Walla Walla, Julyl8.-Four prison ere escaped from tho city jail last night by sawlnig out an iron bar. They were Junius Kelly, on trial for sodomy; Hong Git, ft Chlnamun, charged with robbery, and two highwaymen, who had been ar rested for holding up a Swede two hours befoio. All made good their efcopo. Two prisoners in the jail refuted to leave. Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns, cute, bruises, sprains, wounds from runty mills, insects stings and Ivy poison-nig-quickly healed by DeWItt's Witch Hazel Salve. Positively prevents blood poUonlnj:, JlewarenloounterfollH. Do WUt'e it) tuft nnd ture, Butler Drug Co. Powder 'Diirf IS IT UIOI1T For un Kill tor to Itrrniniucml iMpitlctutk? I'ntent From Sylvan Valley Newe. Brevrnd. I N. C. It may bo a question whether the editor of a newspaper has the right to publicly recommend any of the various proprietary medicines which flood the market, yet as a preventive of suffering I wo feel it a dntv to sav a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diar rhoea I'omcdy. We have known and used this medicine in our family for twenty years and haye always found it reliable. In many cases a dose of this remedy would save hours of suffering while a physician is awaited. We do not believe in depending implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but we do believe that if u bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Uemedy was kept on hand and administered at the inception of an attack, much suffeiing might bo avoided and in very many cases the presence of (l physician would not be required. At luDBt this has been onr exnerience during the past twenty years. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Eruption of Mt. Etna. Komi:, Julv 10. There as an eruption of Mount Etna thiB morning. After lond subterreaneun noiees the crater vnmitea forth douse columns of smoke, followed by enormous masses of sand. A strong earthquake shock occurred here at 2 :L'0 this morning and was followed during the ensuing fifteen minutes by a number of other severe shocks. lilsmuruk' Iron Morvo Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, klndeys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and tho success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only L'oc at Blakeley & Houghton's 'drug store. - Wheeler Accepts. Sax Francisco, July 19. Benjamin Ide Wheeler, professor of Greek in Cor nell university, has accepted the presi dency of tho University of California. At u meeting of the regents of tho Univereity of California, that body ac cepted the conditions imposed by Pio fessor Wheeler and tho former Cornell professor accepted tho position offered him. "Wo have sold many dllfeient cough remedies, but none gave bettor satisfac tion than Chamberlain's," says Mr. Charles Holzhauer, Druggist, Newark, N.J. "It is perfectly safe and can be relied upon in all eases of cc.ighs, colds or hoarseness." S'jld by Blakeley A Houghton Druggists. For Sale. Three houses and four lots in Tho Dalles, as a whole or sejntratoly. Lo cation east ol' high school. Pays exceptionally good interest on investment. Proporty in good con dition. Address, M. F. Fitz Gerald, Tho Dalles, Or. Send in euro of Thu Chronicle. WANTS MILES IN OTIS' PLACE Tic Minnesota Senator Strikes a Popalar CM. THE PRESIDENT NOT BLAMED It is Believed Otis Should Have Asked for More Troops There is Con fidence in Miles. Washington, July 10. A private let ter was received at the navy department from an officer on board the cruiser Petrel, and states that she is cruising around Lingayan bay, about 200 miles from Manila. The writer says the work is excessive ly tedious, as those on board "are not on speaking terms with the natives." As a result tho ship's crew is unable to get any fresh food or fruit from shore and is compelled to subsist on the regular ship's rations. Ni:w Yoiiic, July 10. A special to the World from Washington, says : Senator Nelson, of Minnesota, in au interview today, said : "There seems to be a strong feenng among the people that Major-General Otis lias not pushed the campaignjn the Philippines as vigorously as be should, and it might be well for the president to put another general in authority. '1 believe the people would like to see General .Miles sent to the Philippines and placed in command. There is a general confidence in liis ability, as a soldier and campaigner. I do not think the president or the war department has been to blame. Otis should have asked for more men and should have seen to it that when ho took an insur gent village or stronghold he had strength enough to hold it." Cattirrli C'uniiot lie Curtil with local applications, as they caunot reacli the seat of thu diseaso. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal lemedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was was prescribed by ono of thu best physicians in this country for yeaic, and is a regular piescription. It is composed of the beet tonics known, combined with the best blood puriilets, ucting directly on tho mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination of tho two ingredients is what pioduces such wondetful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Ciii:ni:v & Co., Props., Toledo 0. Sohl by drruggitts, prico 7.ric. Hall'sVamily Pills are tho best. 12 Volcanic KriiiitloiiH Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bueklen's Arnloi Salvo cures them; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best Pilo euro on earth. Drives out pains nud aches. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold bv Blakeley A Houghton, drug gists. ' 2 DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tho part nership heretofore existing between O. J. Cathoart and J. 1). Straus, under the linn name of Cathcart & Straus, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, 0. J. Cathcart retiring. J. I). Straus will continue tho business, and will col lect all bills duo said firm and pay all accounts against tho samu, Dated July 1, 1800. C. J. Oatiicaut, J, 1). Sl'llAUS, DoWltt'n Llltlo Early Hisera expel from thu system all poisonous accumu lations, regulate the stomach, bowels and liver, and purify tho blood, They drive awav disease, dissipate melancholy und giro health and vlor for the daily routine. Do no gripe or sicken. Butler Dili'; Co, 3f!Lr hTIv S. .1. A Correct for seaside wear, are these Crash. Caps. 25 per cent ON ALL CRASH CAPS. Probably tiic ir.ost popular hat ever introduced for warm weather, is tho Duck or Crash hat. Not only in pcint ot comfort, but in low price as well, this hat has gained a foothold with the public which bids fair to remain permanent. Two summers ago the Crash hat was almost unknown on this coast. Last year a demand sprung up which manufacturers were un able to meet, while this summer tho Linen Crash Hat is a universal favorite. We opened the season with 175 dozen Crash hats and caps, out of which we now have only some 23 dozen, all told, the principal part of which are caps. Now to equalize matters, we have decided to ofler A discount of For the balance of the week, 23e Crasli Caps Hoc Crash Caps 50c Crash Caps OOo Crash Caps A. M. Williams & Co. CITATION. IN THU COUNTY COIMIT OK TMK STATK 1 of Or'koii, for tha County of Wasco, lu tho matter of the eMutoof) ,.,T.T!I1V Silas W. Pavls.ikcuiiniM LlTATlo: To Jim. Knicllnc Davis, Mrs. Cora K. Coram, Mrs. U.!eJ. I'arrl, Hllas li. Davis, William II. Davis. Aoctto I'mucU Jli'Noal, l iny Jlnry Ma luniev ami Klllo Iithel pavln, heirs ut law of llas'W Davis, ilei'cnhfd, and to Anna M. Wil liams, W. Jl. Vanlllubor. Smith Kruiu-h, K C lVasv, and Kosi K. Jlcuill, moi tungocn ; Ciect iK: in the nume of the statu ot Oregon: You are hereby cited nnd required to appi'iir in tho countv coutt of thu ttate of Oregon lor tho county of Wasi o, at tho eouit room thereof, at 'I ho Dalles, Oregon, in th) county of Wasco, on .Monday, tho 'I hint day of July, ls'JJ. Ht leu o'cldck in the forenoon of that day, then nnd thciu to show cause, il any there be, why an Older of the iihovo entitled court should not bo nindo directing it. 1'. l.nuglilln, us iidiulnlstrator of said estate of KUtis W. Davis deeeued, to io deem tho mortgaged ptemlsen belonging to satd estate, or If said redemption bo deemed iue iitdicnt, that said administrator ho authorized and dhected to tell all of tlio leal eslato belong ing to the etato of mid deceased, and tartlcu lnrly ilesciihcd ns follows, to-w It: Lot No. I of block No, '.i, of Dalles City proper in Dailtn City, Wasco county, Oregon; also the north half of tho northwest quiutcr, the northeast quiuter. and the north hall of thu southeast quarter of section II In tovwHilp '.' north of range JJ, east of tho Wlllnmotle nietldlan, In Wasco county, Oiegon, containing o-0 acres, moio or less, said s'llo to bu mado ntiuhllo auction for cash in hand, in thu niannur prescribed by law, and the proceeds of such sale to bo held by said adminis trator and disposed of as may bo leijuired by tho older of the above entitled court. Vitni:ks, tho Hon. Hubert Jlajs, Judgo of tho Coiinlj Court of the State ol Oregon, forlho County of Wasco, with tho enl of tnld Couit nlll.Md this fc'ecot.d day of June A. D. Ib'JO. ska 1.1 Juna-11 Atthm: A. M. KKI.SAY, Clerk. NOTICK FOB, PUBLICATION. U. H. 1.ANH Oitich, at Tin: Dai.i.kk, Oiii:., July s, iwj. Notico in licichy given that the following named settler hasllud nnttcoof his Intention to muko llual pioof in i-uppoit ol Ids chum, ami that shIiI piool will bo Hindu before Tho lleglster nud Itecelver at 'I lie Dalles, Oregon, on I Uday, Auk. IS, ls'.i'j, 1't'i ry .1. Van Camp, or Tim l)iillc,Or. Homestead Kutrv. No. IM), for the BW';, J and bS.NWh, Section IVI'p, 3N., it. la V., W. Jt. no names uiu loiioniug witnesses in piovu iiih continuous lesldence upon und cultivation of said Inui), V. J. Agldlus, Martin l-'nguii, K, A. U'oiunit nnd Oliver Jlowcu, all of Too Dalles, Oicgou, JAY I', I.UCAn, Jljb.fl Itciflstcr Usu Clarke & Folks Kosofoam for thw teeth. tf .tf.. Jt. tfr .L. l 6r mM3f Discount including Men's and Boys' reduced to 19c reduced to27e reduced to lido reduced to 32o NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offick at V.VNeouvmt, Wash.,) Julys, IMC.). i Notlcu Is hereby given that tho following named settb r. Imvo llled notieu of their inten tion to maUo limit pioof in suppoit of their . claims, nud that said proofs will bu umdu Irforu W. II. I're.-by, I'niled States Commissioner lor Dlidtiet of Washington, at his ollico in C.oldcn d'de. Wnshlugton, on Jlonday, August H, JS'JJ. SteplKii .Mnrlett. Homestead Kntry No. real, for the S. '.; N. K. lit N. K. 1 1 S. K. 1 1 Section P,i, am) t.. W. , N w, . of Heetiou a), Tow nship ;! .North, of itaugu 1.1 ICast, Will. Jter, Ho names tho following witnesses to prove hia continuous lesidenco upon ami cultivation said hind, vb: carl J'raiuiMi, Chrlsllan Krauzon, Porter 1 Ilnidlsou, Marion Sphiwn, nil of I.yle I'. 0.,Wush. 1'orler 1,, lliuillnoii. Homestead Kntry No. iWii, for tho 8. K. 'Jot f. I". , of Section m: the S. W. ot 8. V. U fcectlou CO: L. of N, i:, I . of SeetLiu III, Towu shln 3 North, oi Itango 1:1 Kast, Will. Jler. Ho names iho followlii'; witnesses to provo his e.iniinuous tesldcucu upon, nnd eulthatlon of sahl laud, Curl I'raiuen, Ohrlstinu Krati7.n, Stephen .Mnrlett, .Million Splawn, all ot Lyle 1'. O , Wush. P.Miil W. It. liUNllAll, Ueglstur. CONTF.ST NOTIC10. V. S. Land omen, Tun P u i.ks, Oa. Ji ly 11, ihiio. j A siilllcienteonlcst allldavit IiuvIur been llluil in this ollico by Jaines Toulk, contestant, iigntnst homestead entry No. iti.'is, ninilo Nov. 4th, lsu.i. for!-;a hW!.4, m;i, Ht,,fec. at.toun ship as, It la i:, nnd SV4 NWi,,Seo, :i, town ihtp I h, It III IC, by Thomas Jellies, coutustue, in which It is alleged that ha Inis nlmiutouod scld tract for more than 0 'nnuths, Said parties aro lieu by untitled to appear, respond und cller evldcnco touching said allegation, ut lit o'clmk a. in. on Hept, I, P9.I, befoio tlm tegistor and leoelver nt thu L'ulted Status laud ollico In. iho Dalles. Or. Thu tiiild cnntestiiut having hi a lnniien nlllchnlt, tiled July 1st. IM'ti. set forth facts which show that after iluo diligence, personal service ol this notice can lint ho mado, it is hereby ordeied nud directed that such notice ho given by duo und pr )per publlcatinn. Jlt'-ll J.vV I'. I ITAS, ItcKlster. Administrator's Notice. Notico Is hereby given that tho undersigned, has been dill)' appointed hy tho Hon, County Court of tho thu Mule of Oregon, for Wuho cm ti ly , as udmluistiutor ol tho vstuloof Adolpli Agldlus, ileceased, All pel sous liming claims ugultist said estate are hen hy untitled to present thu same pioperly u-illlnl to me at iho ollico ol my iitonus, Dufur A Menefee, within six. moullis It urn the date nt this notice Datulat Thu Dulles, Oregon, luueA. J I'. AOlillUM, Ailiiilnlstralor ol thu IMate nf Adolpli Agldlus. ill ceased. 7 it Ask your grocer for Clarke iV Kalk'H pure concentrated flavoring extructs. tf