The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 19, 1899, Image 4

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Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Dalles sod Xickereon, of Klamath Fall?,
who entertained the Degree with choice
musical selections
Airs. Msmie Brigge superior re
presentative, gave a very interesting ac
count of her trip 'o the Superior lodge
and spoke in gloomy terms ot ihe recep
tion tendered the superior nod supreme
lodges while in Indianapolis.
Bro. Stephens mode himself popular
by giving out tickets to all who desired
to attend the evening excursion.
Un account of the heat the convention
adjourned to meet at S :30, &. m. Wednes
day. rm5tDAV
2o business of importance was trans
acted. An invitation was read from the
Commercial Club inviting the decree to
inspect their club rooms and enjoy the
promenade concert from 8 to 11. The
Grand lodge will visit Fern lodge this
Bro. C. W. Clarke of Arcadia lodge
use the Vive
For the best results
For aale by the rostoffie
Latest thing in cameras are Iffi-
1 - 1 - TVn.iro11c
drnc store.
Fresft crnrfced Nebraska corn at the
"VYasct warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. incli25-ti
Improved Magazine cyclones nre win
ners. Donnell, the druggist, will gladly
show them to yon.
Tt- "V3-K Tinntifi TiiftoiT th. hpet
. I J A Vl . L .1 . - J " - - ,
tonic For sale at all first-class bars. jlfS,
i C. J. Stublmg, agent, The Dalles, i
Ml"-3m j
Try Verbs Bueua Bitters, the best ;
tonic For sale at all first-class bars. .
C. J. Stnbling, agent, The Dalles.
For Five Dollars yon can bur a Camera !
hat will take larcer pictures than any
other Camera on the market. For sale j
bv Clarke & Falk. ti i
Be Dalles. Mil and Astoria
Navigation Co.'
19 1
Kedafor Hate City!
Teeth Extracted FREE
3aI!rMKitSun(3arj between
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
wet poinu on both Udcs of the
1 was duly introduced and given the grand ;
'lodge degree, j - Toachlnj: t
' The secret work was exemnlifioa bv 1 r. and Sirs. B. Lackamp, Elston, j
. , r- tjt? rri I n. . UTH? - -- ins -i Ilinie i QUCn uqip
officers took place thie afternoon. saved the life ol onr little toy wnen Thp Kf.culltlor Lit, ui endeavor to give it
near.r denJ with croup.'1 Butler Drug ! patron tnc U-.; service iible.
mccni i iTiriW wnTirr i i Tor Coinfnrt. ucmiumy nun i jponurr
- l vU, t 1.. . nrvnn.
Best Crown and Bridge work :22l:. pold), per tooth
Best set teeth, guaranteed
Best Gold Filling
Best silver or alloy filling
. . to.00
. bOc Up
'Rooms 11-1213.
Hoth nl til aJKiTc 5teamcr htvc lecii rebuilt, i Uuajman 1SIOCK, srco.iu
Portland Dental Parlors
Dr. Sanford Murray. D. D. S., Manager.
ul The !
1 Notice is hereby given that the part-' "What might have besn" if that
nership heretolore existing between Huh? conph hadn't bren neglected ,is the
C. J. Catbcart and J. D. Straus, under sad reflection of thousands of consnrup-
DrPMATCFWTJY the arm name 01 uauicari c a;ru. is uves. One Minute Uouch Uure cures
cougns ana cjjqs. iiuuer urug lo.
iviAL 3 ; !? ail bin
.no"t"i. r?lef .,t.yft.
tzz urn sr u osscicn. sat era
this dcr dissolved hv mutual consent,
heart retiring. J. D. Straus
inue the business, and will col-
due said firm r.nd psy r.H
accounts against the same.
Datvd July 1, 1899.
C. J. Gatucakt,
J. D. iMCAtrs.
The utmve sScamcry leave Th- Hallo at S n. m.
nncS I'ortlnnfl BtT a. m.. una arrive nt ilwliun
Uon in anjiktlineiorouT;cilut cuius.
Portland Oflkt Tbc Unites OSc.
Oar St. ltivz. .mm a;:t
Graud Ijiidcn T"ricrKd 'Wltli liuctmc
"W urk "WitU n Tlcor.
The grand lodge A. O.TT. W. is gettinc
down to husioe.s,and from this morniiig
on their session will b full of important
business in connection with the welfare
of the order.
Among other matters coming np at
yesterday's afternoyc sssioij the
question of chsngtnc the date of the
u.Bruufc. -uturuf-uu - anap-ediBpaseg t0 inaallv and fatal
chansinc theui from annual 10 biennial; .. ,,, , ..
Three horses June 16, 1S99, described
as follows: two weighing about 1-100
each. One a light chestnut branded D
on left shoulder. Elnck horse branded
C on left shoulder. One bald faced
sorrel weiehing about 1200; reached
mane. A liberal reward for information
of the whereabouts, or the rttnrn of
same. A. jIasok, J. Bays, Contrnc'.uts,
Viento, Or., or E. V. Hcsbaku, Zdosier,
Or. j25-lm
A diseased stomach surely under
mines health. It duhs the brain, kills
energy, destroys thi nervous system,
meetings. After some discussicn it was
decided that they remain nfc at present.
The following committee on cood of
ordir was appointed: iie;ars. Sicker
son, Belknap, Aflen, Walters and
A special committee on Grand 'Med
ical Examiner's report was appointed,
consisting of Dr. Kottage, Dr. Mason
end C. V,'. Jsnies.
The committees on good and state of
the order were made a joint committee
on the enbjeet of eztunsicn of work.
'rhis morning Supreme Muster Work
man, D. Ii. Shields, of Hannibal, Mis
souri, was c visitor m the grand lodge
aim to him was extended the courtesies
cf the lodge, and he presided over the
C. L A. C.
the lodge,
diseases. All aysneptic troutneS are
quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It haE cured thousands of cases and is
curing them every day. Its ingredients
are Ench that it can't help curing.
Snlpes-Kineisly Drn Co.
An Epidemic of llinrrbuea.
3Ir. A. Sandrrs, v.'riting from Cocoa
nut Grove, Fla., s-iys there has been
quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there.
He had a severe attack and was cured
De Witt's Little Early Bisers benefit
permanently. They lend gentle assist-
ance to uatnrp, causing do pains or ,
: .j I
tlor and liver ailments. Butler Drnp'C
2'rir isulp Clii&;. t
Harrison Hay press, c&od as new, in- !
quire at Lane Bros', blacksmith shop.
Mcyl7-tf 5'
'IlBrmonj" tVhlokrj.
Harmony whiskey ior family
special use, sold bv Ben Wilson,
i'ut Itezit.
Two tenement liouies; fine location.!
Inquire at this office. J!vl7-lwkj
Yon need havejno boiis if you will
buv Clarte Iz Falk's sure cure for boils.
1 ! H
7" , ' ; mnrovBD ffVfinsa s i
,:r, ,1 U mS35 :r;A 3 ShuttwAutomatlc.
y ?i mtW&X. X I?4 Shuttor locks,
15' 5
5r" "
VEgon and Carriage Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
July 1W )
IColice ih litrcby civen tbtt tno fullnwln;;
nciatd hdtltfrt LuTe lil nonwof laienilua to
make final proof in huypon of jhar ii3j-cnve
claim belom tbe resi'ier tuu icceivtr n: The
Ualkt, Oregon, on tarsiacy, Acpust 39. 3SW
L.vvl C. Ctarlnmaa, nfThe DallrK. Or.;
on n. E. Sa. 3119, for KV4', and K5
teetlon 7, tuwnsrU 3 touUi, rauge Vi eas:T W. At,
I'.anfe CliriKiuMU, of Tlie IlaUt. Or-:
on IT. E. "o. olS, for XD.j. wctinu 32. town
fchiij 3 foutli. rauite li east, uud JIWJ4. sec
tion ' tuwnshlp 1 ninth, i-nje is tast, w. n.
Witae;ss 5- K. Ilroots ana S. ii. aprlnser of
Tbe liallw. Orron. nud G. W. Covert and G. .
by four doses of Chamberlain's Cbolic, j ilccairej of i.nac nby-Orenii
Cholera and Diarrhoea Ilemedy. He J j'jrlMi iiegier.
says he also recommended it to others j
and they say it is the beit medicine they j
ever Uted. Eor sale bv Blateiey & ;
Houghton Drnggists.
F. TM ana Mtwi. Phone 159
MfZ Magazine.
Ten Points to Consider:
12 Plottiros In 12 Soconds.
bhuttr HulO Koumso.
9 AM nartH IntorchnnKoablo.
10 Expor.od plutos romtivod without
disturbing unoxponod.
No. 4 size 3'4 x 4'4
No. 5 isizs 4x5 .
Just Arrived
aniera with bnlb shutter,
1899 Catalonue with com
ploto Information FREE.
5 tan
morning Session.
The hospitalities of tbe D
of this city were ertended to
nnd accepted with thanks.
In the case of E. P. Hughe?, a sus
pended member of Prosperity No. 75,
whosa beneficiaries were claimed at
$2000, t was decided adversely on the
grnend that he was suspended before
the time of his death.
'harieie were ordered issced to
t'ol'teea r.t-w lodges which had been
iutfiHuttd during the year.
The cuss of J. H. Binghnm.of Eureka,
Ho. 125, cs appealed from the decision
of the grand recorder, was reviewed and
reli-rred to the committee
and urievacctfc. A m:
-favor of sustaining the report of the tver,
Vrznd recorder was brought in, also a
Kshiarity report adversely. He is there
lure now a member n good standing.
vr u. rcrsuAV attcskoox.
The grand lodge eession of the D. of
H. wait taken up reading the grand
ufDcera reports. The summary of the
gtxnd chiefs' work during the year
snutned that five new lotlges hud been
six?,Kiarzvd ; hud written 1013 letters,
granted twentv-three dispensations ;
that til certificates had been issued,
and the beneficiary department had
xiow b$4 memuere. All death claims
tiad been adjueted crcepting one, which
had. after dne consideration, been de
ferred ii mil the meeting of this Brand
loige for a decision. The reports of the
raxid recorder and 'receiver showed
chat the buainees transactions had been
vfiioently and faithfully performed.
Tijs rejurts of finance and law com
jnitttes tliowed .that good work had
ben iune. The cammlttea on laws
were authorised to proceed and have at
l-iit a thoutend capiea printed ior thii
jarhdiction cntil the superior lode hat
lawn provided for the ovemmeut of
tsab'irdiuate ae well ?e Brand Jodgei.
A pleaia'it feature of tb alternoon
arns the intruductiou of qaartet fro
ibe grdtid lodge A. 0. V. W coMiatibg
f Ilros. Dr. David Walktr, of Portland,
fir. Do Be Md 0. J. CraaOall, al TU
CatJ to lour Cukcki..
All countv warrants registered prior j
to August 1,1895, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after June 9,
IB&a. C. L. PniLLiPS, j
fkinntv Treasnrer. j
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat. Ii
..chk. m-
and Farmers
Keep? on draught the celebrstwl
COLt'MIUA UEKK, nctnnwl
Klped tfct tot Wr in The Pallos,
ottheuuol price liomt: in, trj
it and be convinced. Alo the
Flntt brand. of WiBeis, Ltinor
of all Klndi alirayi on hand.
How About Your Title?
r KE YOU PURE it is all right? Remember it if the
W RECORD that irovernB. Jt is our business to
search the records and show what thev contain in
relation to land titlee. If you contemplate buying land
or loaning money on real estate security, take no man'
word, nut insist upon knowing what the record ehows
recording the title. An Aburact is as eceential as a
deed. Insist un having it. We have the only pet of
Abstract I'.ooke in the County. AU work promptly es
ecnted and satisfaction ctHmi'nteed. you have prop
erty to injure, give ne a call. We are lignite for four of
the beet fire insurance companies in the world. If you
have property lor sale, list it with ua and we'll find a
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brsndy, (
Por sale at all firit-class bars. C. J. j Itartificiallydigeststhefoodandnlds
itualmr, agent, Ihe Xteiies. ill
7.3J2 mature in strengthening and recon- ,
Etructing the exhausted digestiTe or-' FHENCH & CO !
gans. It is the latest discovered dicrest-f"1' -L-u-- tX V-.,
ant and tonic. So other preparation i
can approach it in efficiency. It in-1
bjaiiuy relieves ana permanently cures
DvRnprisiM Tnrlirf.t(nr, TTV.. I iKAhbACTA
H P11 m ftm ! Credit issued available in the
Oh, the Pain of
J, M. Huntington &Co.
'Phone 81. 2d St., opposite A. M. Williams 4: Co.
..ii i r.' . J " . x.aau;rn owiee.
I&etuzmtism often causes the most in- VilJ1- i - Exchange , and. Telecrapbit
oi. aaiuis, can rraucisco, rortiaiia ure-1
gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points !
in uregon anu asnington.
Collections made at ail points on fav
orable terms.
mittee on apneale ! taP? saflering. Hany liave for vears F b . U" "
. . y- .( vainly tougnt relief from this disabling' - sutler utua Uo..
nsjofity report in diseaso, and are to-dev averse off than
Bbeuraatism fa a blood dif r.uu. i
tnd Swift's Specific Ls theonlv cure, be- I
isiuss ji is me onjy remeay wiucn can
reach such deep-seated diseases.
A few years ago I -was taken -with infisinat
torx Bnenraatiscj, T-blch tetsse so Intense
that I was for vreeis nnalilo to Trali. I tried
ecvcral prtmicent physi
cians ca d toot their treat
ment faithfully, bat xeaa
acb!o to fjet the sllcht
est relief. Intact, my con
dition recird to BToir
-worse, the diieiAe spread
over sy entire body, and
from November to Uarcb.
P many patent nedlcinee,
?i'lv It ? fpontne adrlco of i
iXLSiM' 5 friend I decided to trr
6. B. Before allow! ns d to take it. how
eTer. mj guardian, wiio wax it cinrmle;. ona-
lywro uie remeoy. una nronouncfea it rrte of
potash or mercury. I f eft to much better after
lufciac two bottles, that I continued th rem.
t riy.cad in I wo months I was cured completely.
Ihe cure was permanent, for 1 have never!nce
hid a touch ot Rheumatism though many
amea ezpoaed to damp and cold weather
Elianoe M. Tirirtt,
8711 Pswelton Avenue, Fhlliwielphltt.
Don't suffer longer with Rheumatism.
Throw aaide your oils and liniments, as
they can not reach tout trouble. Don't
experiment with doctors their potash
anu mercury will add to your disabil
ity and completely destroy your digestion.
will euro perfectly and permanently.
It 1 guaranteed purely vegetable, and
aostain bo potash, mercury, or other
Mineral Eooks mailed free by Swiit
Spwilc Co., AtLmaU, Ga.
Trace Marks
AnTone eadlns i keleb and de-tertpfkm m
nalcttr aseerum (mr opinion free whether ;
luTeiuion it probablr iMterrtable. Cotommilo
tinrunrictlrcoimdentlal. Hanaiwoa on l'juau
Mitt free. OMwt eyeney f er teeuncritenu.
I'itenu t&ken throafti Jlunn k. Co. rtcelT
Tptdai notUt, wltboat ctunrc. In the
Scientific Afteiicatt
A handeomely lllnftratrd weeklr. I-Jireeit er.
ralaiion of any eltmll3c Jfmrnal. 3 erme. (3 a
jear: !aariuofitb,(L Sold by all newtdealer".
MUNN & Co.3B New York
taici Ooa. C5 F fit. Waihlanioo. U.C.
J. K. SCH1!J?C,
U. M. llKAL ,
FM Uational Bank.
A General Ranking BuBineee transacted
Depoaite received, subject to Bight
Draft or Check. '
Collections made and proceeds promptly !
remitted on dav of collection.
Eight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on i
Kew York, Kan Francisco ani port-
Thib brand of Whiskey is miarantccd to the consumer as a
and Medical Use. Sold bv
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
I Ed. 1L Willi akb, Geo. A. Liebe.
Be CoiaoiDia PaGKino Co.. 1 F-s-
Fine Lard and Sausages
Carers of BRAND
Wagon Shoo.
Dealer ii Blacksmitk Supplies,
Car, Second & LaniMiii. 'Pitone 157
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ii kinds
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, u wads.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts! ttgltVSo
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour.
This Hoar u manufactured expressly lor family
We tell our good, lower tlmLT "?k I" Kurtttd to give MtWaction.
Hihert Price Paxd for Wheat, Barley and Oatf .