l)cDnl!cG VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1899. NO 82 FROM SOLDIER TO CITIZEN ffori' of Mns!eriu Ont the Orogou Vol unteers Begins. PREPARING ROLLS AND ACCOUNTS Kcginicnt Will Portland August. He Ready to Start the First Week for in Pan Fii.uncihco, July 17. The muster nZ out of the SvcomJ Oregon regiment practically began today with the ar rival of Hit mustering oflieorn. Those oflierrs coinmoneed by Riving instructions in tho preparing of rolls nnd nci'omitH, which work will consume rnoHtofthu time required to make of thu regiment 1000 eltizuns. Physical exHUiiimtlotiH will bo quickly made. It is now estimated thnt tho regiment will bo readv to start for " Portlund the lit at ucok in August. The health of the regiment !h good Hut few of tho hoys nro taking colds, contrary to the expectations of medical officers. TIid big dinners have canned mure discomfort than anything elBe. The San FruuciscntiB are 119 hospitable as when thu regiment wih hero before InvilatioiiH are accumulating and tne men and oflicers find themselves ex pected at banquets and entertainments Thu men will drill every day while in camp, and will appear on drees parade tomorrow for the first time Binco their return from Manila. Shivering Volunteers. San I'liANCihCo, July 17. An Oregon volunteer was found on guard duty to- nislit at tin; ProBidio, wearing four suits of clothes, witii u piece of a flannel shirt tied about his neek for u mufller. Ho had burrowed these things from the boys in ills company. A year or two ago bu was a Stanford senior weighing 170 pounds; now he is reduced to 120 and looks like a shadow. Scores of men in the Oregon regiment are passing through this experience, whilu the war department 1b busy with the eternal rod tape. Another effort was made by tho Ued Cross Society and Genera! Summers toliavotheOregonians provided with overcoats and blankets. It iu thought by tomorrow Adjutant Bab cock, of tliis city, will receive ordorB to draw these iirtielfs from thu quarter iniiBtor. Meanwhile, the soldiers are borrowing from each other, while half of the boys uru obliged to remain in their tents or take tho consequences in thu fog and wind outside. THE PEACE OVERTURES Ai'uiunldo Said to Be Negotiating With General Otis. Chicago, July 17. A special to tho Times-Herald from Washington eays: Important cablegrams have been re ceived ut the state department from the J'hilippino commission, and at the war department from General Oils, concern ing a new move in the direction of pol icy. These dispatches' have been in tho huiidB of the president for several days, hut he lias declined to wake them public, hecause the ultra-optimistic views here tofore received from tho mime source have not been borne out by subsequent event, The lateatdisputches, however, re more encouraging than the previous ones, but the president wishes to have some positive results before making them public. All that can be learned definitely about them Is that direct overture! for R VA ssoluteiyIhjre Makes the food more delicious and wholesome peace have been sent to General Otis by Apuinaldo nnd eoruo of his principal loaderB. It was said by n cabinet ofilcer tonight that if the promises are fulfilled, the volunteers now being enlisted will not bo needed. story ofn rilavr. To bo bound hand and foot for yours by the cbnitiB of dieeaeo is tho worst form of slavery. Geo. D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells how such h slave was made free. lie says: "My wife has been so helpless for live years that she could not tin n aver in bed alone. After using two bottles of Elec tric Hitters, she is wonderfully im proved and ablu to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female dis eases quickly ,cnrea nervousness, sleep lessness, melancholy, hendaclie, back- uclie, fainting and dizzy spoils. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blnkeley and Houghton, druggists. 0 i:Miiurlullt Itencuii. Mrs. Michael Cartain, Plainflold, III. makes the stutement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeles victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Dlscovury for consumption ; Ehe bought a bottle and to her deliuht found herself benefited from the first dose. She con tinued to use and after taking six bottles found herself sound and well ; now does her own housework, and is as well us she ever was. Tree trial bottle of this Great Discovery at IJlakeley & Hough ton's drug store. Only 50 cents and $1. Every bottle guaranteed. " 6 Record-Breaking Corn Crop. New Yokk, July 18, "Kansas has the bingest corn crop in sight," says Paul Morton, vice president of the Atchison, Topoku & Santa Fe Railroad Company, who is in New York. "Glvo us three weeks more without hot winds and the corn crop of Kansas will reach ;i00,000 000 hnshels, double that of last year. "Business in tho localities traversed by our system is excellent. alhero is promise of u line cotton crop, while if the promises concerning tho orange crop ure fulfilled, it will be twice as largo hb last yuar, when the road carried 15,000 carloads of orungee." Id IT HI OUT For mi Killtor to Itccommnuil I'nttmt Medicines'.' From Sylvan Valley News, Brevrad, N. O. It way be n question whether the editor of a newspaper lias the right to publicly recommend any of tho various proprietary medicines which flood the market, yet as a preventive of suffering we feel it a duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. We have known and used tills medicine in our family lor twenty years and liayo always found it reliable. Iu many-eases a dose of this remedy would save hours of suffering while a physician is awaited. We do not believe iu depending implicitly on any medicine tor a cure, out we ao believe tnat If u bottle of Chamborlulu'e Diarrhoea Remedy was kept on hand and administered at the inception of an attack, much sudor lug might be avoided and in very many cases the presence of a physician would not be required. At Input this has been our experience during tho paBt twenty years. or sale by Blukeley & Houghton, Druggists. Gun-shot wounds and powder-burne, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds irom rusty nails, Insects stings and Ivy poison- ing-qulikly healed by DeWltt'a Witch liaise! Salvo. Poaltivetv prevents blood polionlng. Beware of counterfeits. Do Witt'a U tuft and ture, Butler JJrug w. I . Baking Powder Soldier Was Drowned. Vancouver, Wash., July 17. Private Thomas White, company B, Twenty fourth infantry, was drowned whll" bathing in the Columbia river here to day. White was reputed to be a fair swimmer and hud swam acroES the bayou of the Columbia. He with others had been in once or twice, when he sudden ly threw up his hands and an instant later sank in twenty feet of water. The body was recovered after being in the water about an hour. White was a re cent recruit, having enlisted at Nash ville, Tenn., March 24, 1899. Ho was nineteen years of age, and was born in Rutherford, Tenn. His parents are living. Cntarrh Cannot lift Cured with local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take inter nal remedies. Hall's Catarrli Cure is tuken internally, and acts directly on tho blood and iiiucoub Eiirfacee. Hall's Catarrli Cure is not a quack medicine. It wbs was prescribed by one of tho best physicians in this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood puriQeie, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. Tiie perfect combination of the two mgredientB ib what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo Q. Sold by drruggiets, price 7ic. Hall's Family Pills are the best. 12 Little Boy Badly Burned. Dayto.v, Or., July 17. The two-year- old boy of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Nichols was badly burned last Saturday. Mr. Nichols was preparing to take u bath, and while he was absent from the room for cold water, the little fellow fell back wards in the tub of scalding water, and lie was horribly burned about the body. The child is in a very critical condition and is thought will not recover, as it had had several very bad convulsions since. illNiiiarck'H Iron Nerve Was tho result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where sloiiiacli, liver, kindeys and bowels aro out of order. If you want these qualities nnd the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop jvery power of brain and body. Only 25u nt Blukeley & Houghton's drug store. 2 "We have sold many different cough remedies, but none gave better satisfac tion than Chamberlain's," says Mr. Charles Holzhauer, Druggist, Newurk, N. J. "It is perfectly safe and can be relied upon in all eases of coughs, colds or hoarseness." Sold by Blokeley & Houghton Druggists. For Sale. Throe houses and four lots in The Dalles, as a whole or separately. Lo cation east of high school. Pays exceptionally good interest on investment. Property in good con dition. Address, M. F. Fife Gerald, Tho Dalles, Or. Bend in care of The Chronicle. OTIS OR COR RESPONDENTS GO WaslimUH Officials are Astonndci at Yesterday's Revelations. OTIS IS IN THE WRONG PLACE Correspondents' Complaint Will Be In vestigated at Once and Annoyances Will Probably Be Abated, j New York, July 18. The Washington correspondent of the Herald quotes a member of the cabinet as follows: "Either Major-General Otis or the news paper correspondents must go. To de port the correspondents would probably be accepted at home and abroad as a return to the old Spanish method of muzzling the press. To relieve Major General Otis will mean an official ac knowledgement of his fault and a de moralization of military discipline." The nbove statement was made when the member of the cabinet was ael:ed to discuss the problem which confronts the administration as a result of publication of the newspaper correspondents' "round robin," protesting against the course of General Otis in preventing the real facts regarding the Philippine situation from becoming known. Officials Arc Astounded. The revelations now made about the censorship astound the leading officials here. When complaints were recently made about the way dispatches were be ing stopped and mangled at Manila, the war department was satisfied with an ex planation of General Otis that great lib erty was being allowed, with only eucIi restrictions as prevented advance infor mation of military operations lrom be coming known to the enemy. The president has frequently remarked to visitors who broached the subject that lie wasanxious to have the fulleBt knowl edge of Philippine affairs disseminated and that he was dieposed to have the uide6t latitude commensurate with mili tary necessity given to tlie American correspondents througtout the islands. When the latest disclosures regarding petty annoyances correspondents have met are officially substantiated, as in all probability they speedily will be, orders from Washington will undoubtedly cause their abatement. It is the impression that the gist, if not tho entire subject-matter, of tho cor respondents' complaint will be sent by cable to General Otis by the war depart ment, and that he will bo asked for his version of the specifications they charge. Should the rejoinder simply deny the very serious charges in the general ster eotyped sentences to which such partial ity has been shown in the past, there is no doubt that tho general ollicere iu the Held iu Luzon will be called on directly for brief reports of the condition of affairs. It is a fact that none of them have had an opportunity to present any statement regarding them since their accounts of the opening of hostilities early last Feb ruary, and that General Otis has per mitted four months to pass without sending a single mail report to tho war department-, prefering to confine hi m soil to brief and generally indefinite cable dispatches. Volcanic Uruptlniis Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy, Bucklen's Arnic.t Salvo cures them ; also old, running and fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises, Bums, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblai.is. Best Pile euro on earth. Drives out pains and aches, Only 25 etc & box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blukeley & Houghton, drug gists. 2 !.'0 Howard. A reward of $20 will lie paid for I he ar rest of any person caught stealing flowers or anything else fiom the Odd Fellows' cemetery. . . ,i uuiiooi ioi ooaoiuo woai, aio luoao uiaisu uas. 25 per cent Discount ON ALL CRASH CAPS. Probably tiio rcost popular hat ever introduced for warm weather, is the Duck'or Crash hat. Not only in point of comfort, but' in low price as well, this hat baa gained a foothold with the public which bids fair to remain permanent. Two summers ago the Crush hat was almost unknown on this coast. Last year a demand sprung up which manufacturers were un able to meet, while this summer the Linen Crash Hat is a universal favorite. We opened the season with 175 dozen Crash hats and caps, out of which we now have only some 2o dozen, all told, the principal part of which are caps. Now to equalize matters, we have decided to offer A discount of ! 25 pr ct on Crash Caps ? For the balance of the week, including Men's and Boys' , 25c Crash Caps reduced to 19c Hoc Crash Caps reduced to27e 50c Crash Caps reduced to 38e g , 09c Craeh Caps reduced to 52c i lA. M. Williams & Co. I CITATION. N TIIE COUNTY COUUT OK TIIE STATE - ol Oregon, for tho Comity of Wasco. Iu tho matter of tlie estate of) rIT,Tinv Silas w . linvls. deceased. 1 To Mis. Eineline Davis, Mrs. Cora K. Comm. Mrs. LizloJ. Kurrlt, Kilns K. Davis, William II. D.ivlb. Anette Krunclh MctNoul, Tiny Mary Mu- hancv ami Utile lltncl Davis, heirs nt law of Silas V. Davis, deceased, ami to Anna JI. Wil liams, W. II. Vaiilllbber, hmith French, K C. l'oase, and ltosa K, Mobill, mortgagees; Greet ing: in the name of tho state of Oregon : You nro hereby cited and required to appear in the county court of thu state of Oregon tor tho county of Wasco, at the con it room thereof, at The Dalles, Oregon, In th') county of Wasco, on Monday, tho 'i hint day of July, l.syj. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then nnd tlieiu to show cause, If any there be, why an order of the above entitled court should not ho made directing II. 1'. I.aughlin, as administrator of said estate of alias W. Dnvlf, deceased, to re deem the mortgaged premises belonging to said estate, or if said redemption be deemed inex pedient, that said administrator bo authorized mid directed to sell all of tlie real eslato belong ing to the otato of said deceased, mid la'rtlcu lrly described as follows, to-wlt: Lot No. lot block No. D, t Dalles City pro)er iu Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon; nbo the north hulf of the noi (Invest quarter, tho northeast quarter, and tho north halt of thu southeast quarter of section II In township 'J north of range 1.', east of tho Wilhimeclu meridian, iu Wnsco county, Oregon, contai'ilng uJ0 acres, mow or less, safd sule to Ik) madu nt i uhlio auction for cash iu htind, iu tho manner prescribed by law, nud tho pioceeds of such sale to be held by said adminis trator and disposed of as may be required by the order of tho nbove entitled court. W'itkkss, tho Hon. Kobert Muys, Judge of tho County Court of tho Htato of Oregon, for tho County of Wasco, with the teal of said Court iilllxed this Second day of June A. D. IS'J'J. I SKA l.l Juna-li ATTKbT! A. M. Klil.S AY, Clerk. NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION, V. 3. 1..1.NJ) OmcK, lit TlIK DAl.l.rs, OllKj July :i, isyy, Notice iu hereby given that the follow ng uamed settler has filed notice of Ids Intention to miiko Dual proof iu support of Ids claim, and that said proof will bo made before Thu Iteglsier nud Kecelver nt Thu Dulles, Oregon, on l-'ilday, Aiitf. IX, lew, vU; I'vrry J. Vun Ohiiip, of Tlie Hallos, Or.; Ilomestind Knlry, No. I'JW, for tho WU, HW)4, und hSs,,NWi,Ki'Cttoii U,Tp.'JN.,lt.ia ft, Yt'.M. Ilo mimes tlm following witnesses to piove his continuous lesiaeiicu upon nud cultivation of suld laud, viz: I'. J. Agldliis, Matlln ragini, K. A. U'Oiiuril nud Oliver lloucis, UU of Tliu Dulles, Oiegoli, JAY l I.Ui.'Ab, JlytHI Itegl.ter Use Clarke k Fulks Koaofouui for tho teeth. tf a. i rv r. n ',.t'" -' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lano Office at Vancouvku. Wash.. ( July 5, lsiw. I Notlco is hereby given that tho following named settlers have tiled notice of their inten tion to make tl u it 1 proof iu suppoit of their claims, and that said proofs will be made b.foro W. II. I'reshy, I'lilted titntes Commissioner for Dlstiict of Washington, at his oilleo in Golden dale, VVushingtou, on Monday, August 14, 1S!W, Hteplien Murlctt. Homestead Entry No.iK.WI, for tfce S. '.; N. E. It; N. K. M 8. E. M Section la. and ri. W. M N. W.J. of Section -.ij, Township 3 North, of Itaugu 1,1 Eat, Will. Mer. Ilo names thu following wltnessfs to prove hla continuous residence upon nud cultivation said laud, viz: Carl Frunzea, Christian Krnnzeu, Porter L. Hardlsoii, Marion bplawn,nll of l.yle I'.0Wiish. l'ortor I.. Ilurillsiin. lid names thu following witnesses to prove Ills continuous resldeucu upon, jiud cultivation of said land, viz.; Carl Kranzen, Christian Kranz?n, Stephen Marlett, Marion Splavvu, all of l.ylu 1', ()., Wash. jlyS Il V. It. OUNllAlt, Itcglster. CONTKST NOTICK. U. 8. 1.ANO OKFii'K, Tun Dalles, Ou, July 11, lh'JO. j A sutllcieiit contest ntlliluvit having been tiled In this olIU'o by James Toulk, contestant, against homestead enlry No. l'.i,Vs, mado Nov. 4th, leiM. for si'.., fiWJj, M!!j SW' .,ec. Sl.town ship a 8, It 13 K, and NW NW'i, Sec, 3, town ship I ti. It 13 E, by Thomas .lellreys, coutestee. In which it is alleged that lie has iibaiulonoil said tract for more than 0 mouths, Said parties are hertby untitled to appear, respond und cll'cr evidence touching said allegation, at in o'clock a. ni. ou tn'pt. I, Is'.i'.l, hefnto thu register nud receiver at the L'ulted citutes land oillco In Tho lialles, Or. Thu said contestant having In a proper nnidavlt, Hied July 1st, IKK, set forth facts which show that utter due diligence, personal service ot this notice can not lie lump), It la heieby ordered nnd dliuuted that such notlco bo given by duo and proper publication. JI1MI JAY I'. LUCAS, llcglstur. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that thu undersigned lias been duly appointed by thu Hon, County Court of thu thu Mate of Oiegou, for Waci county, as administrator of thu estatuof Ailolpli Agldlus, deceased. All peisous having nlalnia against said estate aro heieby nottllcd to present thu sainu properly verlllcd to me ut the oillco of my ntloriitys, lliifur A; Meuefee, within six liioutliH fiom the date ot this notice Dalid ut Thu Dulles, Oregon, I line.'), Ih'.i'.l. J I. AlillllUh, Ailmlulsirutor ot thu Estate of Ailolpli Agldliis. deceased. 711 Ask your grocer for Clarke A Falk'a pure concentrated flavoring extract, tf Homestead Entry No. post, for tho S. E. i ot tt. E. U of Section IU; tho S. W. i of S. W. Ji, Section 'JO; E. of N. E. i of Section ID, Town ship ;t North, of Kango 13 East, Will. Mer. J t