The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 18, 1899, Image 4

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Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Buy tm &mv"ni - K'ti'T d By
A- O. U- W. AND D. Or H.
Over 300 Delicate to the Grand Ltidj
.Now In Our CltJ The Uo.ler.
For the past few days delegates hove ;
been arrivinc in The Dalle:, f-incly and j
ic ;artie?, and last evening a renewed i
and extended delepatiun made their
appeerance, until at present over 300
KUeU f'OO! all over the stale are in our
midst, spending the creoter portion of
their time in the Vopt opera houstr and j
the K. of P. hs!, but on our streets lonr j
enouli to form an impression of the'
city and its people.
We acknowl deitisavery unfavor-i
able? season of the year for visitors to j
receive a lair ides 01 the real l-eauty ot
our city and the geniality of its citizens
on account of the extreme warm weather
and the fact that so many are ont of
town. Then, too, the heat has a
tendency to make ail feel depressed and j
in anything but cood spirits. "We, how-
ever, wejcome the A. O. U. W. and i
D. of H. delegates end trust they will!
tpend th- time pleasantly anions: us. ;
From reports of many whom we have
had i.czaion to meet, we are inclined to
beiieve a mistake has been made in ,
their reception which will convey a '
wront: impression of our people to their
yuesis. While a few members of the
local order are doiup their duty in that
regard, it certainly seems that had each
one done hi" or her best, the unnecessary
irruble caused in Cofling entertainment
ot the dei-stes rniht have bet n obvi
at-d and thev would not have been
ctuiipeJled to search for rooms thctn
fcefves. We uaderstand, however, that
tnoch of the o-jrifusioii was caused by a
xiiiBuutJejusniin with the proprietors!
oi the hotels, v. horn it was understood
could accunin.udate more L'ueass. They '
are no comfortably situated aud w
tru-t rmiiiinz further will disturb their;
jileasure. 1
excursion o: the Columbia tonight 1
lias be-n pb.nried, and that wiil be a;
fitting recejuion for the first eveuini', j
vflnch catinut fai' to lie enjoved.
This moininsr the A. O. U. W. met In j
raud B-siion at the Vopt opera house,
-with Hie fjllowing ofucera present;
tt G. M. W., S A McFaddcn, Kalun ; '
G. M. W., D C Herrin, The Dalles ;'
G. F. G-, F Ileicatolo, Cotvallis; G. 0.,
Iialph Feeney, Portland; Becorder,
JSVwion Cmrk, Hood Itiver; Receiver,;
li L Dunbar, Portland; G. G.. II K
Cyrus, Warnii'.ori ; G. I. W J M D.zon, I
Lafayette; G. 0. W F Hoser.ztvig,
Athena; M-d. Director. Dr. D. Walker, j
The deltulfH answering to roll call
wen-ae ol.owe: )
Horn, No 1 I fi Thomas, Charles !
rriitectlon, No 2.-Frank Davey, F L
Wiliiaius, B F Weot.
T tuple, Nu3 F I.eiuke, C J Crandall.
Fidelity, NoJ4 Thoe Ford, J F. Hums,
T II Murphy.
AMlon, No 5 E I. Malley.
SMon. No C E W Ken.
Charily, No 7 V II Flilchor.
Indu-iry, NoC Jno W Paddock, SC
Ibiac , J II Misner, W A Witherell, II
Clausen us, Win K ciiier, Grant Mc
Donald. Frutornlty, No 0 W J Clark.
Crescent, No 10 W G Frink.
Haines, No ll-David Wilcox.
fiea.Ide, No 12-Nwt Jotiee, Win Kelly,
4 F D Wintcm.
5fetr,2so 1S-WS Lee, 0 F Dan
naif, W H WuriiFT.
Friendship, No 14 .lesse Spencer, F
P Sbeaspren.
Fuppiie. So 1c E B McElroy, L.V
lioseburc, Xo If LA Sanctuary.
Pacific, So 17, B ? French.
Vniley, No IS Win Enck.
Hantincton, No. IP J P Hannon.
Sherwood. No "0 3 N Hoffana.
Aurora. 21 GeoX Gopdinr.
Independence, No 2J A J Wolcatt.
Bjntier, No 2S J A Wilton.
Home, No 24 Z L Ditnniicfc.
Bnndoa, Nt25 E.hart Dyer.
Portland, No 27 C H Preoeni'der, G
K Freeman, T H Feary.
Harmonv, Na.25Sdwtrd H&dcwoy.
Lyons, No 3D W E Surrey.
Lafayette, No Si 3 P Johnson.
Almedc, No S2 W H Jtamba.
Tabor, No S5-J C Miller.
Sheridan, Nc S4 T P. Heider.
Tnion. No 851 T Mason.
sein, Nc 36 John B Smith.
Woodburn, No 23 Vm G Walker.
Hun r. 5o 35 Edward Palmer.
Harrisbnrc, No 30 E E TJprneyer.
Cnrriusville,No-32 E H SarSbardt.
Sunrise, No 43 Allison Baker.
Joseph, No 54 Albert WerEweiler.
Gavel, Xo 55 D F. Diinmick.
Clackamas, No 57 J ATalbert.
Helix. No 5S P. H Simpson.
Fall City, No 50 Joseph Frotnoar, J.
Fromati. C H Dye.
Forest Grove, No 00 Jos Bailey.
HUlsboro, No CI W O Donaelson.
Drain, No C2 Ira Wimberly.
Ariinpuin. 2o C3 F W Tohey.
Moro. Nof5 E I Tnonipson.
Grass Valley, No t Eajmett O.a.
AsDland, No 65 3 D Mintler.
Brooklyn, No 67 Wrn Slsvttrd.
Riverside, No 65 Go T P.-ather.
lone. No OS John G Wil-on.
Champion, No 70 Jones Eldridre.
Weston, No 71 Geo B Proebstel.
Mt Hod, No 721) J Binsbam.
Stanford. No 75 Arthur Borland.
Star, No 7G X rsr.
Umpqua, No 77 J F Dauphtrty.
Norsett. No SO I E Debsey.
Wascb, No S3 John G Potter.
Santiatn, No SC-E Miller.
Monmouth, S7 S B Cathcart, S
Hnntsvilie, No fiO F L Powell.
Greenleaf, No 01 L H Sieel.
Tualatin, No 92 Sam! Galbreath.
Cascade, No 94 J O Ciiier.
Anchor, No 05 J I EStis.
Strawberry, No ?( Joseph" Pruett.
Medford, No 9S-C W Walters.
Baker, NolfcO C W James.
Ochocj, No 101 H P Belknap.
Sunset, No 109 H H 3ucfcner.
Linksville, No 110 Geo S Nicterson.
Josephine, 112-C L Edgerton, D S
Consonvilie, No 113 Thos Wilson.
Viola, No 114-Philip McBrion, T W
Junction City, No 123 J H Miller.
Eureka, No 125 Dunald Allison, J E
Antelope No 44 Ghas T Powne.
Whitioore, No 45 W P Scriver.
Elkton, No 46 J M Stork.
Columbia, No 47 J L Calvert.
Multnomah, No 4& J P Burkhart.
Orpjriinisn, No 40 E T Morrison.
Astoria, No 50 M M F,ynn.
Mission, No 57 W F Davidson.
Tigardville, No 53 E F Wood.
Upchurcb, No 120 Bichard Darkin,
W A Crewson, A W Allen.
Perpetual, No 131 T B Wilson.
Newbers, No 102 A Bowman.
LaGrande, No 133 Win Grant.
Pip Iron, No 1D5 Lem Davidson.
DtfiECE or Honok.
At the eame hour the" ladies of the I)
of H. convened in the K. of P. hall, with
the lollowini; officers present: P G C,
ot Arlington; u u, Mrs .Martlia Arin-
etromr, Salem; G L II , Miss Maggie
lifter, Albany ;G C C, Mrs Stephens,
Dalles; G It, Mrs Margaret Herrin,
Portland ; G F, Mis Minnie Mason,
Dallas ; G U, Mrs Wilder Belknap,
Prinevilie; G I G, Mrs A P Fastabanil;
G 0 Gi M" Kijiplu, Medford.
Tne naBl B'a"d ul,iefti pref'tit are:
Siiean Gwilt, Kate Yount;, Carrie Hob
,na" Jalia A Cl.ult. Anna It Bewley,
an(l .''i'ie Houston.
T,' following delegates answered to
rll ca 5
Mary Bleeg, Portland ; A. F. Iiarnee,
Portland ; Mary Peoples, Moro; Laura
Smith, Baker City; Dora Smock, Sher
wood; Hattie McCormac!:, Marahfleltl;
Mary R. Mooreliead, Junction City;
Corinne Martin, Junction City; Emma
Puikins, Tillamook; America Thomp
son, Mill City; Bertha I.ucae, Gardi
ner; Minnie Vinton, McMinnville;
Jetsio I.ingren, McMinnville; Fannie
Wilson, Jacksonville; Mr9. V. A. Pnr
dick, Mrs, Mary A. Randall, Anna
Kudderly, Portland ; Eiiiuia Heuibree,
Mugg'e Bryan, Ltfayctte ;S.F. Iluthway,
Central Point; Eliziboth Bertram, Day.
ton; Hattie Wilultls, Amity; Ella M.
FlugKi Salem; Flora Jurlcch, Oswego;
Mnry Hirninone, Grants Pass; Amelia
IowU, Purtluml; Lucretia l'urdom,
S il3Z?.
Ella Peterson, Corrallir . I-lorence lien
drix, Carlton . Marcarct Wtlson, Scio;
i Mntuc Smead Heppncr; Iofr White,
LsGrande: S. E. P.Dtie. Haleey; Ms
' Cartwricti'. Harn-barp, Lmra J. Claik,
'Gcrvjii''; L:11ibd CorUon, Pendleton;
jLnnljR Boset JBei?, Athen; Sadie K.
jMtore. Prinevilie: Sarnh D. Wilson,
Caayonvilir: Mary riattr, Hohliard;
Amelia Dickenson, Antelo; F. Leedy,
Ticnrdvi'.Jc: Mary Tnrk, Independence ;
Anna Siece. Jefferson : E. O. Cram! all.
Hillsborr; Carrie Mink'er, Ashland;
Emtnn Lyons, Lyons : Nettie
Anmsville; Georcia Taylor, Prcis
C. C. Headley, Iallas ; Hiittie Crnson,
Lelmnon: Sarah Henderscn, ioncalia;;
A. P. Fastaband, Astoria : Anna Max- 1
well, Arlington: Alice nnth, Moata-j
ville; Edith E. SftanJdinc. Portland;)
,,ti;n s.Viicirnm Aetnria! Marv Cnrtar. !
In this citv. Tuesday morning, to the
wtfe of E. Cameron, a son.
Three horse? Jnne 10. described
as follows: two weichin? about
each. One a JSht chestnut branded D
on left shoulder. Black horse branded
C on left shoulder. One bald faced
ssrrel vreicbinp about 120il; reached
mane. A liberal reward for information
of the whereabouts., or the return of
same. A. Mason, J- Bays. Contractors,
Vieato. Or., or E. V. HubBaxd, Mosier.
Or. j25-lm
"We have sold xnny different cousl.
remedies, but none cave better satisfac
tion than Chamberlain's, " says Mr.
Chmrles Ho'rhaner.
Drocpiet, Nercark.
J. '"It is jerfectlv safe and can be
relied uiton in all cases of conphs, cold?
or hoarrenss." Sold by Blakeley &
Hoopbton DTocsists.
Goa-sfaot wounds snd powder-burns,
cuts, bruises, sprain, wounds foin
rusty nails, insects stinps and Ivy poison
mc quickly Healed by Dt-Witt's Witch
Hazel Salve. Positivelv jirevents biocd
toisaninc. Beware o! cotmterfeits. De
Witt's is tuft and ture. Butler Dru Co.
lir ale Clieaii
on Hay press, pond as new, in
Lane Bros, blacksmith shop.
quire at
Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, 1
For sale at ell first-class bars. C. J.
Stublins, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m
Ask your grocer for Clarke A Fnlk'g
pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf
You need have 110 toils if you will
bey Clarke & Fnlk's sure cure for Lo'iIe.
Use Claike & Falks Hcsofoani
Dyspepsia Cure.
J Digests what you eaj. ;
j . Itartificiallydigeststhcfoodandolds
jxature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted diuestlve nr.
gans. It is the latest discovered dlgest
ant and tonic. IS'o other preparation
can approach it in clllciency. It in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
f latulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, I
SickHeadache.Gastralgia Cranips.and !
all other resultsoflmperfectdigestlon. '
"reDared by E. c. DeVltt d. Co., Chlcano.
For sa e by Butler Dru; Co..
Anronefcndlna n Blilrh nnrl rip.rrlniim mn
nulcalr iiK-erlaln our opinion freo niietlier a
IriTcnlion la probably tcitenlabfe. Ciinimiiniri.
liom r trlctlr eonadcntlal. UonUbook on I'ateate
em Ireo. Olilex airencr for eecutlni.' patenu.
l'atenu taien throuith Jtunn & Cxi. receive
tyteiat nctUt, ulthout cliaivo. In tho
Scientific JVtnericatt.
A lnniliomelr lllailrale.t weeklr. Jjirscit clr
nilatlou ol any clenllHo jounial. 'l'crim. M a
yeir: lour mouths, (L Bold bjrall nowidoslcrv
MUNN & Co.3t"D. New York
Branch Olflco. 613 V HU Washloatou. V. C.
Fine Lard and Sausages
Curers of BRAND
Tie Dais. Porltai ai Astona
Navigation Co.'
iS'staHeplaloi' Dalles City!
liailr .extvt.u!lllR') Utwtn
The Dalies,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touching at xti jkjidC- or. hnth iiil of the
CotuiabU river.
lk)th of ttf stKivc stecmcn. have Jon relmllt,
and nit in tvstellur.: shall" for the w5nn at
1 T)ip K, rtiliitur l.iiir win emtmvor to give H
t patronf the twt rervlcc isllji.
For rimfrt. Itciiiiiiiny rit-nmirr,
i tinvet by the steomers. of Hie lteRiiliitiir
j Line.
I The tve .teamer lTe Tin.- IMlles Bt n 111.
I anil Jirtlaud a: T a. m.. and arrive at duatlun
tlon In aniphr time tor ouigoniR irain.
I'ortland Cifflee. Tlie 1h11 Ofilc:.
Oat ft. Ioc. uurt Stiect
W. C.
Alio TTrn rr
(ieucrnl AKcnt.
Wagon and Cnrrlngo Work.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Third aud Jefferson. Phoue 159
and Farmers
Keeps on draught the celebrated
COl.fJlitlA BtElt. ncknowl
tdaeil U.! best bv:r In The Iialles,
at the uiual jirlce. Come In, try
It mid be convinced Aho the
Finest bruiuU oi Wines, I.rjuor
and cigars.
oi all Kinds always on band.
Letters of Credit iesued avnilablo in the
i Eastern States. j
Sight Exchange and Telegrnphit
1 Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, i
St. Louis, ban Francisco, Portland Ore
: iron, Seattle Wash,, nnil vurious points '
' in Oregon and Washington. ,
I nnlh'f'.ttnnfl mrifli. tit nil t.nttita rn. 1
orable terms.
II. il.
hCAl. ,
First national Batik.
! A i:nnn,nl ll.l. 1 . ,
u. vjuuuiu, vhuaiu xjuniueau iruiisociefl
DopoBita received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on dav of collection.
Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
Now York, San Francisco and port
land. DIRBOTOK8.
p. P. Thompson. Jmo. 8. Suhehoe.
Ld. M. Williams, Geo. A. Likub.
U. M. Bbaix.
P. s.
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies.
Cor, Stall & LanjiiiiD, Tlouc 167 1
Teeth Extracted FREE
The b'.st ork nt the leapt poFfible cost. POO vt-is teeth in one year Is our re
card in oui lrtlaiul office. SnlUlnutlon puar.mteeil n eyery c?o.
Rest Crown and Brhi?e work .22k. gold;, per tooth . H.50
Best set teeth, pnaranteed .... .f?'0"
Best Gold FHHiik .. fMWnp
Best silver or alloy tillinp Mc UP
a'SaS; seconds,. Portland Dental Parlors
Dr. Sanford Murray. D. D. S.. Manager.
How About Your Title?
J, M. Huntington & Co.
Phono SI.
This brand of Whiskey is Kwirntitecd to the consumer as a
mul .Medical Use. Sold l
Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or.
L 1
Improved CYCLONE Mjgazine
No. 4 size 3'4 x 4'4 S8.00
No. 5 islze 4 x 5' 10.00
Just Arrlvod
'1 he only Mni;iizln
Camera Willi bulb nhutlcr.
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agency for the Greate t American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHISKEY iromjk.76 to tU.tM) per uullon. 1TT0 f6" tars old.) " "
IJIPQETEPjMQHA&fn.ii? I7.1W 10 2.W) pr bIIoii. (11 to 'JO yeaTToTd.' '
JJLIIpPhJA jjj;131 B lt iii.1 tf. er t-Bliciii. N tJil yeitrw ohl.
r BE YOU .THE it it- nil ripht" Kemetubi t it i? the
BEC'OKI) that cvertis. I is enr busmcsB t
search ttie records and show what they contaiti in
relation to lutul titles. If you conteiii plate buy trijr land
or loaning money on real eetatc security, take no tnmi
word, but insist'iiiKjii ktiontnti what the record dhows
repkrdiiit! the title. An ALslract is as essential us a
deed. Insist on lmviii: it. Wo have the only set t
Abstract Books in tin- County. All work promptly ex
ecuted ami satist'actlon puuriuit'ed. Jt you have prop
erty to insure, uive ns a call. We are acrnts for f iur -f
the best fire inurnnre companit' in the world. Ify:i
liave property for s.ile, list it with us and we'll find n
2d St., opposlto A. M. Williams &. Co
FOR 1899.
Ton Points to Consider:
1 12 Ploturos In 12 Seconds.
2 bhutter Uulb RuliiiibO.
oi triuur Automutlo.
7 SpocltH Oulok Lons.
o Auioininic nBlHier.
O A'l parts IntorchonKonblo.
' rx.po?od PltB romovod without
alsturblnK unexpobod.
1899 CataloRuo with com
plete information FREE.