The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 18, 1899, Image 3

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    Did You Get
One of Those Lawn
Dresses Saturday?
Well if you did not you
,i ! l il it
inoy wt'io just uiu niu unugs
For this week wo will offer
wculliiM', according lo Uicl rrobaUililies, will continue hot.
Those two lines of 7e and 8?,c lawns and dimities will
till further orders, go at one price, oc per yard.
9 to 20
per yard is the present price
10 to 40 cents
is the price now asked for
1.x to uoc per yard.
All other Summer Goods
Closing out sale of
Ladies' Shirt Waists.
Well made and laundered percale waists, sizes 32 to 34
39 cents.
Extra quality percale waists, sizes 32 to 44,
49 cents.
About fifteen dozen new
corded, tucked and embroidered Ironts,
98c, $1.15, $1.35, $1.65 and $1.98.
All (Joods marked in plain figures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
'JTKSUAY - JULY 18, 1891)
Telephone No. J.
All Clin nucs In Advertisements must
I'c handed In before 10 o'clock A. M., as
no changes will he ucccjited in the aft
trnuon This rule will be positive.
I he Dalles, January 10, 1899.
Mojnliflit excursion tonight.
A uioutiiiK of tlio hoard of llro dolo
Kates is culled for tonight ut 8 o'clock.
Ilv. II. W. Piorco, of Mo., will prench
t tho Cluifltlun church this evening ut
8 o'clock. Subjuct. "That Moflt Infam
ous Text of Scripture."
At the request of a committee of farm
u, the 0. K. & N. bus reduced rain
"""tea from the Grande Konde valley to
I'ortluud from 5 to $4.25 per ton.
AmonK tho delcBAtc-H in our city is
'Ion. a, fj. Bench, a newspaper man
II known in Oregon, and n member of
dm recent legislature from Multuomuh
The reports concerning the horse
"mrkot In Portland cannot be entiroly
Into, for T. J. Moffllt, who recently Bold
"large number nt that place, again
shipped forty head there this morning,
d Hayi the prices are entirely satis
factory to him,
'f lie IJutler Drug Company has been
irlud an la the fnruac for the pait Uw
ayi but it coming out resplendent and
lost a chance of a life time, for
-j jl 1 .
m me ngnt price.
a few more plums, as the
for linen and crash suiting
piques and welts that were
at Corresponding prices.
pique, percale and while lawn,
ready for bueiuess. Tlio entire store has
boon renovated 11 'id looks ns clenn as 11
new pin. It will not only be useful to
the city, but ornamental us well.
Tomorrow evening the Grnnt party
from IJoston will arrive in our city, and
on Thursday evening wo will be permit
tod to listen to 11 lecture by tlmt famous
speaker, ltolanu Grant, in tho First
Baptist church. It is nn opportunity
till should appreciate, nnd tho chinch
will no doubt bu crowded.
Yesterday wns the llrst 1 1 mo place C.
L. Gilbert was so severely injured by
falling from his bicycle that he has been
able to join his family nt the dinner ta
ble. With due apologies for rushing so
madly to the table, ho made his way to
the dining-room with anything but tho
usual alacrity which cluuacteiizes ids
We wero very sorry to learn from Mrs.
Jlrlggo, who Is hero from Arlington at
tending the grand lodge, D. of 11., that
her little sou, Neddy, is again much
troubled with his hip which caused him
weeks of suffering before they left The
Dalles. About Christmas time it began
to show signs of again annoying him
uud he ie now compelled to use IiIb
Walla Walla at present is a warm
number. On Saturday the thermometer
ho need up to 102, and there was less
moisture than ever recorded before.
The Dalles isn't the hottest place ou
earth by a good deal. Mr. Brooks in
forms us that 00 is the highest the
thermometer has reached as yet at his
place, although other thermometers
have registered higher.
The remains of the late Kdward
Jenkins war brought to this city from
Portland on last evening's train, and
taken to the home of his uncle, Blmeon
Dolton, where the funsral services will
take placo this evening at 0 o'clock.
Simeon Bolton, Carey .lenkine, Mies
Josio Jenkins and Eflie Bolton accom
panied the body to this city. All friends
of tho deceased are invited to bo present
at tho services this evening. Burial
takes place in Odd Fellows' cemetery by
tho side of his pnrents.
During Capt. Wnud's recent visit to
Tho Dalles, while visiting the echools
ono day ho promised a Klondike nugget
to tlio pupil in Mis Wreiui'a and Miss
Rlntoul'a rooniH who could answer tho
most questions concerning Alaska,
drawing up n list ot questions himself.
From tho former room Kugeno Davis
wns tlio successful ono, and from tho
Intter Alice Kurtz. In n letter yester
day to his wife the captain Eont word to
the fortunato pupils that their nuggets
would soon bo on tho way, ns ho had
only been waiting till some trustwor
thy peiHon was coming this way to send
Tho Ellensburg Localizer is responsi
ble for the following: On u train ono
day recently between here and Tacoma,
so the story goes, a traveling man put
a big bottle of whisky in the water tank
to cool oh". Pretty soon the chief cook
dropped the daily allowance of ice into
the tnnk, smashing tho bottle. The
sun waxed hotter and the sweltering
passengers kept coming to the tank and
drinking freely. They were delighted
with the magnificent water the com
pany furnished. They grew hilarious.
Finally a deacon, who had taken on
several quarts, staggered to his feet and
said: "That washer beats any we've
got to hum, nn' bretherlng, I propose
thash we shay on this train to the last
A Dalles small boy of about 9 years
was taught u temperance lesson yester
day afternoon which it is to bo hoped
will be lueting. While visiting another
hopeful together they conceived the
idea of "playing drunk," the former to
get "roaiin' " and the latter to act iu
the less enviable capacity of policeman
Finding a barrel of wine in the cellar, its
contents was turned loose in the small
boy's stomach. Soon he was "paralyzed"
and tho policeman becoming frightened
called loudly for "Mamma." It was
found necessary to summon n physi
cian, who worked hard restoring him to
life, for he was us one dend. His firet
spree will surely be one long to be re
membered and not soon to be repeated.
jjiist evening at ner residence near
the fair ground, Mrs. It. C. Kinney died
of appendicitis, uftern two-weeks illness
und a week of the most intense suffer
ing. Mr. and Mre. Kinney moved to
The Dalles but four months ago, having
lived for the past year in Sherman
county, where thev are very well and
favorably known. Two years ago Mr.
Kinney leased his property in Sherman
county und went East to Wuverly, loan,
where lie was married six months later,
and brought his wife to his western
home, and later to Tho Dalles. Mre.
Kinney was -15 years old, and leaves no
relatives in this state with the exception
of two nieces, the Misses Banks. She
lenveB two brothers in Waverly and a
sitter In Kockford, 111. Her death oc.
curling ns it did, in a strunge land
among comparative strnngers, is doubly
sad and hard for tlio husband to bear.
The funeral will take place tomorrow
morning at 10 o'clock from the residence
near the fair grounds.
MiioiiIIcIk K&t'Ui niuii.
Iii honor of the visiting delegates tlio
members of the A. 0. U. W. of tins citv
will give n moonlight excursion down
thej river this evening, tlio Kegu
IntiM' leaving t lie dock nt !) o'clock. No
charge will be made to delegates, but
otheia who may desire to enjoy tho trip
will be charged 50 cents. This will bo
a delightful trip, ns tho moon Is just
right these nights, and with music by
the D. (J. and A. 0. baud, nothing will
bo lacking.
All III) llllll'lllL'lll.
Tlio Butler Drug Comprny having
puicliased tho business of tho Snipes-
Kiuersly Drug Co. nnd assumed the pay
ment of all bills of the latter company,
would consider it a favor for all persons
having claims against the Snipes-Kin-
ersly Drug Co. to present them at ouce
for payment, and they request all per
sons indebted to the Snipes-Kiuersly
Drug Co. to call and settle ut their ear
liest convenience. Butluu Dituu Co.
A Child KliJu)H,
The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and
soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when iu
need of a laxative, and if the father or
mother be costive or bilious, the most
gratifying results follow its usoj so that
it is the best family remedy knowu and
every family should navo a bottle.
Manufactured by the California Fig
Ryrnp Co.
To Vara Cola In Oo !.
Take Lautive Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund wis money if
t fails to cure. 26c,
Which Urninln to III) Annwcrert by Thorn
Who Know llottt-r Than Vfm.
Editor Ciiiionici.k : Citizen wnntJ to
ask aquestion or two about the volun
teer reception.
Why did tho president say the boys
should bo mustered out at Vancouver if
ho had no tight lodo so?
Why did tho war department send
officers to Vancouver to muster them
out there if it was againet the nrmy
miyaiuin roruuna know sue wns thig evening,
right before she went ahead so exten-, Dr phm,rook ot Salet ir) fipen(lir)K
sively with the preparation for the rc-jftfew days in Tho Dalles making in
ception? qniries regarding the city with the view
Why is It the "boys" couldn't look 1 10 locating here,
ahead and see that tho $30 would be I Leslie Butler returned from Centralia
gone before they could look around, 1 laV; '''ht, accompanied by his grand
while the .eception they would have re-' i'i W,'
cetveu would have left, a bistinp ininrn-)
sion upon them and have added
item to the annals of tho Pacific coast
that alio would ever have been proud of?
Why is it that theso same boys who
have been away from home enduring
hardships nnd dangers should prefer to
tarry with strangers rather than to re
ceive the welcome of dear ones at home?
Why is it that the boys should wire
"we will come if you will send us $30,
000?" Is money worth to them more
than the heartfelt welcomo of their
friends, relatives and fellow citizens?
Have not the boys cancelled every
obligation of the employer in regard to
theholdingof situations for them, and
would not the employers who are doing
this be justified in telling them when
they apply, to go to San Francieco for
their positions?
. Who were the agents sent to Manila
that were able to eo completely turn
the hearts of the boys so that they were
all primed on arrival at San FranciEco.
Do you blame Portland for taking
down the decorations and feeling bine
over it 7
Wouldn't it be well for our peo
ple at Washington to remember that
when word lias once been given that this
or that shall be done that neither the
interests of a town or community, the
wounded pride of some petit official nor
the wire pulling of politicians shall in
any way effect it?
Should not the president be right, and
then let his word be like the law of the
Medes and Persians, which altereth not?
In Memory or Mm llalcht.
On July 9th at Pound Ridrp. New
York, the former home of Mrs. Jennie
Haight, deceased, a memorial service
was held for her. An aiticle published
in the Stamford Telegram says in part :
"The services at the Pound Ri jge
church wero conducted by Rev. Isaac
Brown, the pastor, who made the open -
. .. ..." .
ing prayer, and Mr. llieodore Dibble
made the address. Both spoke m the
highest terms of the deceased both as a
Christian woman, n faithful guardian of
the trusts committed to her care and
her charitable nature. I here were many '
carriages 011 the fcast Woods grounds,
showing the great interest taken by the
commuuity in tlio services.
"In her will elie devises that one-tenth
of her sayings shall be given to the Lord '
and her relatives will faithfully carry out !
the request' A portion will be given to
the church at The Dalles, of which she
was a faithful member, and a portirn
goes to tho church at East Woods from
which she took her letter to tho chinch
in The Dalles thirteen years ago. Mrs.
Haight visited here about two years ago
and her friend Fund relatives endeavored
to persuado her to remain hero but she
felt that her duties called her back, and
there she settled up everything and pre
pared for the passing away she know to
be near."
"Iliu moil) " Vlilkey.
Harmony whitkey for family and
special use, Eold by Hen Wilson, The
Dalles. jl
and Second
Hand Furniture
bought und sold at th.
Old Stand.
Pawn Broker.
Money oaned on valuable. Horses
bought and sold on commission.
61 2d St.
J. if, Griffin, of Portland, is n visitor
in the city.
Mre. Jat. Ireland went to Cascades to
day to spend b few weeks In camp. She ;
was accompanied by her sister. 1
Mrs. J. M. Filloan and the Misses
Crooks, of Princvillc, left on the boat j
this morning, on their way to the seaside, 1
Mr. Chas. Marsh, of Athena, is in thej
city attending tlio Grand Lodge, A. O. j
U. W. and is the guest of Rev. Hushing.
Fred Tielsen, a very warm friend of
tho l.i to Edward Jenkins, arrived on
ldQt hlirht'a train (ft nHntwl tlm funnml
Mr. nnd Mrs. ITntiB fTnnenn Inft nn
1 1 1 , - ,.:,. i. ..,..!.. 1. .... f ...!
I la..-1'f Llillii I .ft, JIJJfa UUUIIU 1U1 Lilt;.!
ciiiidtiood homes in Denmark, lliey
will be absent abcut two months.
G. S. O. Humbert, of the Eugene Di
vinity School, is in The Dalles today in
theintereet of that institution, and re
ports splendid success in our city.
Frank DeHuff, a brother of P. W. De
Huff, accompanied by his wife, is in the
city from York, Pa., visiting Mr. and
Mrs. DeHuff. They will visit Mre.
Cates at Cascades tomorrow.
Misses Katie and Susie Barrel, who
have spent the past month in Portland
visiting their grandmother, Mrs. J. H.
Hart, will leave this week for the Wil
lows at Long beach. They will return
the latter part of August.
Mr. and Mrsit. H. Guthrie and
family and Mrs. A. M. Kelsav and
family.boarded the Regulator this" inorn
inr, bound for tho camping grounds at
1 1 .1 f 1 1 1 . 1
ineuuuee, iiere niev will spend lue
ides, wliere thoy
d term. "
b. Wm. Michifll a
,.11 .i.e.
Mrs. Wm. Miclyell and Miss Minnie
Michell left on the afternoon train for
Portland, tho former on i visit to Sirs.
E. E. Lytic and the lattr to attend the
Chautauqua assembljnnd spend the re
mainder of her vacation with friends in
the metropolis. -
W. J. Clark, editor of tho Gervais
Star, i'r among the delegates to the
A. 0. U. W. grand lodge. He is ac
companied by .Mrs. Clark. Mr. Clark
is an Oregonian in every sense of the
word, and is conversant with every
section of the state, particuiarly the
southern portion.
At Warm Springs. Wednesday. Julv
12th, Matthew A. Brown, of Seattle, and
1 ...ICQ a UICUI,
1 atin,; clergyman, Rev,
Minn 1 1 . , - I , . - A tj
sister of the oliici
J. A. Speer.
j DeWitt's Little Early Risers expel
I from the system all poisonous aceumu-
lotions, regulate the stomach, bowels'
! and liver, und purify the blood . They
j drive away disease, dissipate melancholy
j and give health ami vigor for the dai'.y
! routine. Do no gripe or sicken. Butler
j Drug Co.
f . . , "
i Drink W nrren's Purn Oimrr HrniKlv.
' .. . , ,. .. , . "
' """'"" j m
! &sMSmssaWBnsXsWWsSa
Lock and Gunsmith,
and Machine work.
B II rGfltO f f , opp Johnston.
s repair shop. juaioi a BGipn 1
1 " " n,emnr PlmpW, Prevent PPBS U
I AGENT FOR THE d SliHl'fe!!!" B SagEl
Our Bicycle
Repairing Department
Ts now in shape to properly
handle nil kinps of work
from a puuoture to building n
Also repair Locks, Guns,
kinds of light
This department is under
Eac'i day our business shows
the people lire finding out wo
are pushing to the front with
better goods, lower prices,
salespeople the very host, nnd
last, but not least, buyers who
know their business nnd buy
for the people.
C. F. Stephens
Second Street.
It's a real
to get the meals for tho family
when you have a complete set
of needful utensils and have a
new Garland etove or steel
range to cook upon. We fur
nish kitchens and can save you
money and many steps when
yon want anything in the
way of kitchen eupplies. Our
stock of tinware, graniteware,
delf ware, table cutlery, car
vers, meat cutters, raieen seed
ers, pots, irons, roasting pans
hundreds of other things to
make the kitchen complete.
We con furnish double oven
cook stoves from .8.00 up.
See tho best Range on Earth,
The Garland
It has no equal.
Also a complete line of build
er's hardware.
Notice to Poultry Raisers:
No more Chicken Llco.
Call at Mnier A lit'iitou's 11 nil seo
tlio AntlfpUc Nest Uirtr. With the
un of this xott joti will hnvo
110 more l.lce, Mitts or Vcrnti' In
your poultry houses Scttiiij? lions
will set better esc nnd will hatch
better iiiul eiilcuens will live anil
Krmv bett'T wheio Authentic Kkk Is
used. Seo them nt
rt. mnv- m.'iit .if tlm K.-it..!.. ...... . zrz
il? h fi iVTT i 1 1 ni 1 1 bj .i p i o free, i,r lull l.oi for
Ac. boldljy.iru-tfisu. OR. 80S.1NK0 CO. PnilX Kn.
Dry cianulated sugar, best prado 5.50
per 100 lb sack nt Maier & Denton's.
Jlv 12 lw.
Sewing Machines and
machinery, etc.
the charge of Mr. J. Kirchoff.
1 1 m
' ;l fTTninr 0 Tlnnfnn m
j 167 Second St.