t Balk VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1899. NO 81 is ir niniiT MAKE PROTEST Maiusl llic Riofl Ccnrslip si Dis jiatchcs. INDULGE IN MIS REPRESENTATION People or the United States Ilnvc Hccn Duped Filipinos Not Demoralized Their Army Ik Not Made Up of Hrigands American:; Have Not the Situation Well iu Hand.' Mami.a, July 11, vin Hong lump, July 17. The conulnntly increasine; strictness oi censorship of tho press dispatches which lias prevented tlio cabling to the United StntcH of any ttiln that did not reflect tlio clliclal views of iinportiint mid conditions resulted in a united effort on the purl of correspondents hero to secure nn ubateincnt of tho rigor of censorship. Correspondents asked for permission to ciblo their pupcra nil tho facts and diiltirtint phase of events us they trans pired here. The correspondents hnd two Iuiik mterrlewH with Otis, in the course of which they claimed the evident pur pose of the censorship was not to keep information from the enemy, but to keep from u public knowledge of the real con dition of nll'uire here. It was nlso iia perted by correfipondents that news papers printed in Monilu which reach the enemy weekly, are permitted to publish Btntemonts simihir to thoee which tho correspondents are iorbidden to cuble. Otis fiuully promised greater liberality, agreeing to puns nil matter that he miht consider not detrimental to the interests of the United States. Tlio statement of the correspondents Is as follows : "The Btnll' correspondents of American newspapers stationed iu Mauiiu, unite in the following statement: "We believe Mint from ofllcial d!s putches made public in Washington, the peoplo of the United States have not re ceived a correct imiiresslon of the con ditions in the Philippines, but that these dispatches have presented un ultra optimistic view that is not siiared by Ki-neral otlicerH in the field. Wo believe that tlio dispatches incorrectly represent existing conditions among the Filipinos in respect to dissension and demoraliza tion reeultlng from the American cam paign, and to the brigand character of their army. We believe tho dispatches err iu Mie declaration 'that the situation is well in hand' and tlio assumption that the insurrection can be speedily ended without greatly increased force. "Wo think the tenacity of the Filipino purpose has been underestimated and that tho statements are unfounded that the volunteers uro unwilling to engage in further service, Censorship has compelled tie to participate iu this mis representation by exercising or tillering nnujiitroverted atutementa ot the facts on the plea, ne Genornl Otis stated, that they would alarm the people ut home, or have peoplo of the United SUtea by tlio cars. Kpeclllcations: Prohibition of reports; snpproHalon of full reports of the field operations In event of failure; numbers of bent prostrations In the lluld; systematic minimization of naval operations and tlio suppression of com plete reports of the situation. "Hushing up" Dreyfus Scandal. Nkw Yoiik, July 17. It is now stated, onj'H tho Purls correspondent of the Tribune, that the present cabinet, iu the event of the acquittal of Dreyfus at Jtcnnos, which is regarded as almost a certainty, will hush up the whole scandal. This Is considered in political circles to be the vital question with which France will be confronted as eoon as tho court-martial at Kennea has pro nounced its judgement. Iu spite of the weight of tho authority DaVA Makes the food more delicious and wholesome of M. Itibot and of tho influential re publican papers like the Temps nud the Debuts, peoplo nre beginning to nek whether such a policy, of "hushing up" nnd of sheilding those who are responsi ble for the terrible conspiracy against nn innocent man would not destroy confi dence in tlio republic. htory urn rilnve. Te bo bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is the worst form of shivery. Geo. D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., lulls how such n Blnvo wns made free. He ony-s: "My wife has been ao helpless for live years that this could not tuin over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Elec tric Uitterp, she is wonderfully im proved and uble to do her own work." This supreme remedy for female dis eases quickly cures nervousness, sleep lessness, melancholy, headache, back nclic, fainting nnd dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Blnkeley and Houghton, druggists. 0 Atlin Troubles Settled. Va.ncouvci!, 15. C, July 17. The steamer Cutch arrived here last night from Skflgway with Yukon miners aboard. Purser Turner reporta $00,000 gold dust deposited in the ship's Bafe. Hugh Lancaster, of Liverpool, Ecgland, returned with $122,000 m drafts. He went into the Yukon 18 months ago, ami id now returning home. From Atlin cornea news of the amica blo settlement of past troubles. Judge Irving's dealing out of ju fee in Atlin is giving tlie utmost satisfaction. Amcri. cans who staked clulu s prior t the patt ing of the alien law are now allowed full privileges and titles to the same. Iti-iuur liable IL'hruo. Mrs. Michncl Cirtain, I'laiufield, III. makes the statement, that she caught cold, which settled on her lunge; she was treated for u mouth by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her alio was a hopsles victim of consumption mid that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her doliuht found herself benefited fiom the first dose. She con tinued to use nud after taking six bottles found herself sound and well ; now does her own housework, and is 119 well as she over was. Freo trial bottte of this Great Discovery at Dlakeley & Hough ton's drug store. Only 50 cents and fl. Every bottle guaranteed. 0 Volcanic Krupt limn Aro grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Ducklen'a Arnlc.i Salve cures them ; also old, running nnd fever sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Druises, Durns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Best Pile cure on earth. Drives out pnlns nud nches. Only 25 cts. u box. Cure guaranteed. Sold" bv Dlakeley & Houghton, drug gists. 2 A diseased stomach surely under mines health. It dulls the bruin, kills energy, destroys Mia nervous system, and predisposes to Insanity and fatal cliaeasee, All dyspeptic troubles are quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Curo. It has cured thousands of cases nud Is curing them every duy. Its ingredients are such that it cau't help curing. Snlpes-Kiueraly Drug Co. An HjiUluroio of UlnrrliticH, Mr. A. Sunders, writing from Cocoa nut Grove, Fin., says there has been quite an epidemic of diarrhoea there. He hnd u severe attack nud wns cured by four dosea of Chamberlain's Coolie, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy. He enys he nlso recommended It to others and they say it is die best medicine they ever used. Eor sale bv Dlakeley & Houghton Druggiata. fot ltul. Two tenement houses; fine location. Inquire at this office. Jly 17-lwk . Baking Powder THE PRESIDIO PEST-HOLE Bleat Wilis Threaten Disease to Ore gon's Brave Soltrs. BOYS SHIVERING IN THE COLD Thousands of Blankets and Coats at the Presidio, But Xonc for the Heroes of Malabon. San Fua.vcisco, July 1G. General Summers, commanding tho Second Ore gon volunteers, said today: "Scour the camp. Take overcoats wherever you find them. No sentry must stand guard without one. If we cannot get the overcoats we will have no guard nt all. We are short of overcoats and blankets. Now, we are going to infringe on the hospitality of California and see if we can get the loan of what we need. Failing in that, 1 will make arrange ments with Governor Geer to buy blankets and overcoats from the quarter muster's department, and then let the boys turn them iu to the state of Oregon, receiving tlio money they have paid for them "The government should hayo pro vided these tilings for the returning vol unteers. Wo are the pioneers of an army to come from Manila, and, let me tell you, if something is not dene it will be worse here Minn it wns in Cuba. There will bo hundreds of deatliB from pneu monia. The United States Bliould turn over to the hospital and keep on hand nt least 5000 blankets nnd 5000 o vet coats. They will be needed, nnd, ns their use will bo only temporary, the government can have t hem back again. If this is not done San Francisco is going to be u great graveyard for the volunteers." General Summer?, of tho Second Ore gon regiment, has spoken in no uncer tain tones concerning the negligei.ee of tlio govcrttnunt in failing to provide suitable clothing for tlio Oregon volun teers. JIlNinnrck'H Iron Ntirvo Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where stomach, liver, kindeys and bowels are out of order. If you wnnt these qualities nnd tlio succpfb they bring, use Dr. King'a New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain nud body. Only 25c at Dlakeley & Houghton's 'drug store. 2 You can't cure dyspepsia by dieting Eat good, wholesome food, and plenty of it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure dlge&ts food without aid from the stomach, nnd is made to curt. Dutler Drug Co. Noxioi:. Ukitkd Status Land Ofkich, Oukuon Cjtv, Juno 21, 1809. Notice Is hereby given that Iho ap proved fractional plat of Township 2 north range 8 east, has been received from the surveyor general of Oregon and on August let, 1899, at 0 o'clock, a. m., of said date, said plat will be filed I it this otlice, nud the laud therein em braced, will be subject to entry on nud after said date. Ciias. D. Mooiikk, Wm. Galloway, lteglster. Receiver. KO Itiiivunl. A rownrd of 20 will be paid for the ar rest of any person caught stealing flowers or anything else from the Odd Fellows' cemetery. for nn Ktlltnr to Kecniumcnd I'ntcnt Medicines? From Sylvan Valley Ncwe, Drcvrad, N. C. It may bo a question whether tho editor of a newspaper has the right to publicly recommend any of tho various proprietary medicines which flood tho market, yet na a preventive of suffering we feel it a duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diar rhoea Remedy. We have known and used this medicino in our family lor twenty years and hayo always found it reliable. In many cases a dose of this remedy would save hours of suffering while a physician is awnited. We do not believe in depending implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but we do believe tnat if a bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Remedy was kept on hand and administered at the inception of an attack, much suffering might be avoided and in very many cases the presence of a physician would not bo required. At leset this has been our experience during tho past twenty years. For sale by Dlakeley & Houghton, Druggists. BUSINESS LOCALS. For the best results use Camera, For sale by the hurmacy. Latest thing in cameras proved Magazine cyclones at the Vive Postofiice tf are Im DonneH's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. mch25-tf Improved Magazine cyclones are win ners. Donnell, the druggist, will gladly show them to you. Try Yerbn Duena Bitters, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-I5m Try Yerba Buena Bitters, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera hat will take larger pictures than any other Camera on the market. For sale by Clurke & Falk. tf Mr. and Mrs. D. Lacknmp, Elston, Mo., writes: "One Minute Cougli Cure saved the life of our little boy when nearly dead with croup." Dutler Drug Co. "What might hayo been" if that little cough hadn't been neglocted,is the sad reflection of thousands of consump tives. Ono Minute Cough Curo cures coughs and cjlds. Dutler Drug Co. DoWitt's Little Early Risers benefit peimunently. They lend gentle assist ance to nature, causing no pains or weakness, permanently curing constipti Mot and liver ailments. Dutler Drug Co. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that tho part nership heretofore existing between C. J. Catheart nnd J. D. Straus, under the firm mime of Catheart & Straus, is (his day dissolved by mutual consent, C. J. Catheart retiring. J. D. Straus will continue the business, and will col lect all bills dno said linn mid pay all uccounta against tlio same. Dated July 1, 1809. C. J. Catiicaut, J. D. Stuauss. For Sale. Threo houses and four lots in Tho Dalles, as a whole or separately. Lo cation healthy and desir able, near school. Pays exceptionally good inter est on investment. Prop erty in good condition. Address, Mrs. A. Fitz Gerald 839 Golden Gate Ay,, San Francisco, Cal. Summer fillip Style 66;: $ Summer hosiery. 2L Ladies' black cotton hose, nice light weight, white soles, per pair & 25 cents. Ladies' black cotton hose, drop stitch, light and cool, yet strong and servicable, having double heel and toes, per pair 35 cents. Special Announcement. Balance of Saturday's shoe specials will coutitiuo at anle prices for balance of week. f A. M. Williams & Co. I CITATION. rN T1IK COUNTY COURT OK THE STATU J- ot Oregon, for the County of Vt'iitco. In thu mutter of tho estate of I riT,Tlnv tSlhis W. llnvl!i,(lcce!ie.l.) clrATto.N To Mis, Kmeline lUvl, Mrs. Cora K. Coriim, Mrs. I.I.loJ. I'nrrb, Hllas IS. IMvIs, William II. laii, Anetto KraneU ilrNe.il, 'liny Maty 51 11 hauev amt Ellio llthcl i)uvl, heir at law of Mlas'W. IMvK ilccenseil, ami to Anna il. Wil liams, W. II. Vanlllbber, fcnilth l-'rcncli, 11 O. 1'oase, mill Itos.i i:. MfUill, niortKtiguo; nicot ine: In the name of Hie ktnto of Oregon : You aro hereby cited anil required to appear in ttie county eouit of tlie ttatu of Oregon lor Iho eounty of Wasco, at the couit room thereof, at The Dalles, Oregon, in the county of Waeo, 011 Monday, tho 'J hint day of July, lsyj. at ten o'clock iu tbe foienoou of that day, then and tlieio to bhow canto, If any there he, uhy an order of tho above entitled court thould not bo made dircctiiiK !) LaiiKhlin, as administrator of said estate of biias W. Davis deceased, to re deem the mortgaged premises belonging to said estate, or if said redemption be deemed Inex pedlent, that said administrator bo authorised and diieeted to sell all of the real estate belong ing to tin. etato of saiil deceased, and mrtleu. Urly deteilbed as follows, to-wlt; Lot No. 1 of block No. 'J, of Dalles City proper ill Dalles City, Wasco coiinu, Oregon; also the 1101 tli half ol tlio northwest quarter, tho northeast quarter, and tho uoitli hall of tho southeast quarter of section 11 iu towuthip'J north of range JJ, east of the Wlllameilo meridian, in Wasco county, Oiegon, containing S3i ticies, moio or less, safd sale to bo made atiubllo auction for cash in hand, iu tho manner picsnrtbcd by law, and tho pioeeedii of such sale to be held by said adminis trator and disposed of as may bo required by tho order of the above entitled court. WirNis the Hon. Hohert Mays, Judge of tho County Court of tho Htato of Oicgon, for Iho County of Wasco, ullli tho seal of said Coutt iilllxed this Secoi d day of June A. D. ISD'J. Iskai. Junil li Attkst: A. M, KKLHAY, Clerk. NOTION FOR PUBLICATION, U.S. UmiUiiick, at Tub IUi.i.ks, Ohi:.,) July ;i, 1WJ. 'nt(pn (m licriliv ulvnti Hint tin f.ill.tvtiu. named settler has filed notice of his lnieiilion to make Una! proof In support of Ms claim, ami that said 1 100I will be made before '1 he ltegister nun neeeiver at 1 lie Danes, orcein, 011 l-ilday, Aiix. llWJ.vi., I'eriy-I, Van Camp, of Tim l)itlln,Or. Homesliad Kuliy, No. 1U.10, for tho W'v, SW' ,. noil r-j), n i jj, i?iciimi in, i i. u, l.) l., n , .M, lie name, tlntfolhmlug iWtucsscn to prove liU contiiiuoun icslUcnce uhjii and cultivation of said laud, U: 1'. J. AkMIiu, Miutiu l''aiftiu, i:, A. U'maid nun (silver iiovuth, an in Tim Dalle, oicuon, JAY 1. I.Ul.'AW, 11 II ItcKWtcr Corsets. Cool Comfort this warm weather. White Ventilated Summer $b Corset at KJ 25c, 50c, 75c. Royal Worcester Corset, as 2T cut; 5 hook length, mado of Kf? puro white Nainsook, white lace and baby ribbon finish at K top and bottom ; stays on out- side. Ease and comfort to the wearer. All regular sizes. Price Tj) $1.50 NOTICE I'OU PUBLICATION. I.AM) OlTICK AT VaN'COI'VKI:, WaSU., I Julys, 1MH. Notice is hereby given that tho following tiameil scttUrs have tlh d notice of their inten tion to make limit proof In support of their claims, and that said proofs wilt be made li.foru W. 11. I'leshv, United Slates Commissioner for DNtiict of Washington, at his oilico in ilolden viz"' w"!',l'nBt0", "" Monday, August II, lS'jy, Stfplirn Alurlelt. Home-tcad Knlry No.SOlM, for the 8. '., N. E. ';: N. K. K. K. '4 cectlon 111, mid . W. '4 N. W.tt ?' wTVvilV J,"; Tow"sll,l' ;t of KnngoU He names the following witnesses tn iirove his continuous lesldenco upon and cultivation . sahl hind, vU: Carl rranzen, Christian Franreu, I'orter 1 Hardlson, Marion Spla il, all of l.yle l'.0.,Wash. 1'lirttT 1,. Illlnlli.1111. Ilninnsti.iiil Iviitn V.-, L-1 r.. a t.. st t-. 1'.. '4 of f-ectlon PJ; tho S. W. of d. V. i. K'etfon ;M; l. of N. U. . of .See'tlon it), Town ship 11 North, ot Uango 1:1 Kast, Will. Mer. iioiiamei me imiowing witnesses to prove Ills p.'llltf lllimiu riivlilinimi ii ...it .....I i..ltl.... ...... ..... .......... . ..v,,u ,, ,',i,t, ii in, i mm at lull of said laud, vi.t Carl 1-ranen, Christian Krniu.ni, Stephen Mailett, Marion Siilawu, all of I.vIb 1'. O . Wash. Jl'8 II W. U. DU.NHAU, ltegister. CONTEST NOTICE. U. B. I.AM) OinrK.Tlii: Dalles, Oit. ) Ji.ly 11, 1MU. A sulllcleutconlost allldnvit luiving been llletl In this oilico by James Toulk, contestant, against homestead entry No. was, made Nov. iih, lso.1. for K'4l M-l4 S',,!iec. Hl.tovm shipllH, It i;i i:, and MV1, NW1 See, 11, town ship I H, H 13 H, bv Thomas Jeilievn, cuntesttv, iu which it is alleged that he litis almiidouoil said tract for more than ii mouths, Said partleti aio heuhy uotilled to apiiear, respond ami oiler evidence touching said allegation, at 10 ii'elo ik a. m, on Hept. 1, uyj, before tho register and receiver at tlio United States laud ntllco in 'Iho Dalles, Or, Tliu said contestant having iu a proper allldavlt, Hied July 1st, inm. set forth facts which show Unit alter duo diligence, iiersouul service ot this notice can not lie made, it Is uciciiy iirncron nun uireuieu unit such notice lu icu ny iiuu uini proper publication, i n j. 1 1 r. 1. 1 i-.i, lirgister. Administrator's Notice. Notice l hereby given that Iho undersigned has been duly appointed by the Hon, County Court of thu the titalo of Oregon, (or Waco county, as administrator of the estatoof Adolpli Agidlus, deceased. All pel sous having claims against raid estate are hereby untitled to present tho saiiie properly vcrlllcd to meat tho oilico ol my nttuiut), Until r Ar Meuufeo, within six nioiiihs (nun tlnidalu of this notice. Dated ut The Dalles, Oregon, Juno.'), 1HVJ. J. I'. AlllillUW, AdiiiliiMrHtor of Iho ICstato o( .dolph AKlilius, iliciunil, 7 0