The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 17, 1899, Image 4

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    Teeth Extracted FREE
The bit work ut the least poBfiblu cost. 800 eelR leoth in ono year is our re.
cord in our Portland ollicu. Sntlsfuetion giiuranteed in cyery caso.
The Dalles, Portlanft and Astoria
the Vive
arc Ira-
Game Lb Kottcd Xo
Kradj Kcirnp
For the lot rwult use
Croerx. For 1e br the
Navigation Co.'
For the bcaf &i of boaters, the paie
Lsteit thine in csirr.
very brief form. The an:dis; of e i
statutes ass seen cu; qo, cui iac
Fms mried Xeb!& corn r.t the
pi?t KDHSi :
- ! reiwne. Fine: kind of
" ; chrk feed. iuci5-tf
Ctst ! lmworcd MFtip vyrJeaes re win-
3EV l&isls"iTtii Bever Ctoie s?Aoa U:s
"Sa K.nO'l from FebrnwT 25, 1S95.
An Excellent Combination.
The pleasant method end beneficial
effects of the well known remedy.
Srurr or Fi;-?, manufactured by the
CiMFoitxiA Fig Svecp Co., illustrate
tho value of obtaining the liquid laxa
the value oi obtaining tae iiqum laxa-
tive princioit of plants known to be '
!:?.,,!,;. Umtlrn -inrf nrpvr.t nr
la-Tatire and nresestinc
them in the form most refreshing- to the
taste and acceptable to the system. It
is the one perieet s.trengthtuicc lass
tive. cleansing the s-jstem eectually,
disoelling- colds, heaaaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual constipation per
manently. Its perfect freedom iron
very objectionable quality and sub
stance, and its actinsr on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakeainc
or irritating them, make it the ideal
In tho process of mauufacturiar Scs
are used, as they are pleasant to tie
-tasT e. but the medicinal qualities, of tie
remedy are obtained from senna cad
other "aromatic plants, by a meiar-d
known to the CALrronyiA Fig Strvt
Co. only. la order to jret its beneficial
xememler ihefull name of the Company :
printed on '.he front of every package.
Torsale ty" allErttSsJ A I'ric; 3!c rr bcUi
Bert B.:rrett is up from Portland.
H. D. Parkins left oa the boat this
morniac for Cascades.
O. K'nersiy was a passenger oa the
boat i -s morning for Portland.
Sir. snd Mr, 'jibson, of Portland aie
giitars of Sheriff and Mrs. Kelly.
Mrs. il. T. Xolau and two children
left this mc.-nir.i- for a visit in Portland.
F. S. Hamilton, a prominent sheep
mua from Trout Creek, is in the city
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kees leturned Satur-1
lay niubt lium a carnitine trin to
Mi:S Daisie Allaxay returned Satur
day evening from their camp at L'jwer
Miss Vesta Bolton returned last night
from a three weeks visit in Portland and
Oregon City.
Will Whelan, representing D. M.
Dunn it Co., is in the city today repre
senting his company.
E. Jacobsen returned from Portland
las; night, and will leave Wednesday for
a trip into the interior.
Messrs. W. H. Wilson and D. S. Dufur
returned yesterday from Fossil, where
they have been ou legal business.
Miss Xorn Turner, of the Baptist
Stiiitmul, left this morning for Bridal
Veil, where she will spend her vacation
with friends.
Thos. Maloney, accompanied by his
eieter, leit this morning lor Stevenson.
He is improving slowly and hopes to re
ceive great benefit.
Misses Frankieand Mattie FiizGerr.ld,
formerly Dalles girls, arrived rriday
evening, an-i will epend a few days of
their vslmUju here.
Mrs. E. L. Smith nnd daughter, Miss
Anna, came up from Hood Itiver Satur
day evening and are guaats at the home
of Mrs. U . a. Myers.
Mrs. J. B. Ojadon BnJ grftndsor., i
Ji:;i'j:, leit on the early morn. :i; train
on their way to the ri. French cotluge at
fceaview, lUacj beach.
iiired Hn-jt. who has been attend!
the Portland busineie college, returned
on ;he boat saturdav evening
anil left
for his home on b-Miie later.
Mrs. Bybt. Cooper, of 3-Mile, !
city jeilerday ulternoon for I
?It. and
Jeft tlie cit
Hood liiver, to be present at the funeral
:r, to be present at the funeral i
ece, Cynthia Dimmlcb.
ol their niece, Cynthia Dimmlcb.
tUy'e alternoon tiam for Portland,
- JFroui tiiere they v. ill visit the seaside
CM- 7i. Do'inell ha retiirnel from,
where he spent a week in c.unp.
He reiiorte that place rapidly being pup
ulot d with Dulles people and many
uuip made.
This morning Mrs. Truman Butlor and
Mies Virginia Marden lelt for Ceniralia,
U ash. They will there be j'di ed by
Wra. Dyenrt nnd together leavo for
bkaguuy, AlaHka. to epi nd several weeks
iu that famous little city.
Mra. H. Glenn and daughters, Misses
Bertii;, Grf ce and flattie, left this morn
ing bound for Seaview, Ihvaeo beach,
to epenil the auiumur. Mr. Glenn has
uteetic' a neat cottage Ihcro anil thuy
Anticipate u uioro oi.joyablo time, if
liotsihle, than (luting any provlutiB year.
Mrs. W. W. Flovd, nuo Miss Nellie totnlly destroying tho digestion, thoy
Fiilioiii,ccnmpauledlhertwoclit!dr.-ii,,Llly,"1' U'. 'llim)W tl bones, pro
Kuth and Loland. arrived on the morn. 1 yllt!'nB HtilTnosH mid hwuIIIiik of the
ing train from their homo nt Hllavllle, ' Joil't3, causing thp hair to fall out, and
Wash. Mre. Floyd in well and (uvorahly I completely wrecking tho system.
kuown throughout this country, and has
Iwn away from our elly for ubout e'ljht i
yeare. Her many friends welcome hurl
back with her two nrettv eliildroii in I
epend the eumuier hero and on the 1
coattt. I
Use Clarke & Fh.Ub Hosofoau, for tho
red-breasted European robia, Mrk
S', trroiJWas, vregscs roaea iw
meadow Irk. raoriinc-bi-d, ciofe
seasos last the rear irvad. Krri &ari
nests tre eies-pt freus G!?:arKa?e.
IV?: Ct5e season. If. oi Koveasber
,-th of ja3r fwis;.
tasted for aiirke. St
Csanot be
Daces M&'l&ri, wwd curi. wjdeoa,
tea, spooabsll, ?riy. blsrk, sprtn?tl or
ciavas-bark.cJose srssaa letweea Urch
15tfc sad September ls Must at be
ijucte-i &t aif ht. Daces sad peese msy
be shot when icjcriag grain Srlds bow
ever. ' E.k Close seas-3a Issts ants! the first
dey of I?ceubert 1510.
1 Gross
-?rs.irie chicken, pheasant,;';rilce. doe season from J "Wlia: m'ght have been" if that
ouaji o:
December 1 to October 1 followiac in
Western Cretan : November 1 to Aujast
1 in Eastern Oregon. Moarolzan pheas
ants must not be killed at any time
iur three years ia Cistsop, Coo, Curry,
Jackson or Josephine counties,
Jlocse sad mountain sheer;
Pheasant sni Maapdisn pheassat
Same ss grouse.
Pdrtric-e Same as proase.
Qaail Same as roos.
5eas:ull: dose season perpetual.
Snipe Close season from February 1
to September 1 each year.
Squirrel Silver pray, close season
from -Taunary 1 to Ocnher 1, Burrow
ing squirrels are not protected.
Swan Sase as ducks.
Wild turkey or English partridge
Close sessoa from January 31, 1S09, to
February 1, 1WM. Oregonian.
A lady's gold, open-faced Waltham
watch, between Hearst's school house
and Mr. Fngon's, near the Des Chutes.
Engraved with scrowl work on the back,'
and also tho name Itha, The owner it not for its intrinsic value but
as a keepsake, as she has had it since 1."
years old. Ample reward will be given
to the Snder. Leave either at this ofiica
or with Mr. J. Fatron, Des Chutes
bridge. jl8 It
lliiiurcU' iron .Suite
Was the result of his splendid health.
Indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where alomnch, liver,
kindeys and bowels are out of order. If
you want these qualities and the succeis
they bring, use Dr. King'e New Lifej
Pills. They develop every power of
brain and body. Only 25c at Blnkeley
&. Houghton's "drug store. L'
Von can't cure dyspepsia by dieting
Eat good, wholesome food, and plenty
of it Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests
food without aid from the stomach, mid
ie made to cure. Butler Drug Co.
Fin ltcnt.
Two tenement houses;
Inquire at this office.
fine location
Jly 17-lv.k
Doctors Can't
Cure It!
Contagious blood poison is absolutely
utvu"u l,lu ajtui ox 1110 uoeiora. i iiey
..'.-.-.-.-l I I . ! M 7 . T . , . ....
l may Uoe a patient for years on their
mercurial tind potash remedies, but he
will never be rid of tho disease ; on the
otner nanu, ins contiition will j;row
steadily worse. S. S. S. is the only cure
from the system.
from thp svton.
1 v1?7 nnlleted with Wood I'olsoa. n:ul tlin
uuviuia uiu juu no koou, IIIOUKU I took
uieir treatment t al tli
fully, la fact. I seemed
to i:o t wursn ft 1 1 thr
while. I took ii lino At
every Fo-culloil blood
remedy, but they illUnot
mem to reach tho dis
ease, mid had no effect
whatever. I vrns l 1 k
lieartened.forlt seemed
that I would nnvcr be
cured. At the udvlw ol
n friend 1 then tool;
H. H. H.,aiid Wan lolm-
lirilVf.. I fr in ,1 tmnil llm
medicine, and It cured mo eoiiiiiielely, build.
l!u: umy health and InoreasliiK my nnpetlto,
AltboiiKli this was ten years ao, I lmvo never
yet had a sign of tho dltcaso lo return.
V. It. tfnvruAU,
titauiitun, Vu.
It is like solf-tlcstvuctlon to cnntlimn
to tako potash nnd mercury; besides
S.S.S JS. Blood
KUnrnntoed Purely Vegetable, nnd is
tho only blood remedy free from thee
L'ftS.uent ent free b7
Bwlft Spasilio Conipany, Atluntn, Go.
ilww tlteai to you.
C- J.
Verba Baeaa liuters, the best
Far sftle at nil first-class brs.
Stubiia?. sfeat. The IUlies.
Verbs Baens Bitters, the Kst
For sale at all first-class bars.
Stubliuc, ssrent. The PaIIcs.
C. J.
Far Five Ba'l&rs you can bnv a Camera
hat will take larger pictures than any
other Caaiera oa the market. For sale
i bv Clarke vt Falk. tf
ilr. end Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elston,
Mo., writes : -One Minute Couch Cure
saved the life of oar little boy when
nearly dead with croup." Butler Drug
i hadn't been the
sad reflection of thousands of consnnip
tives. One Minute Cough Cure cures
courhs aud cjlds. Butier Drug Co.
DeWitt's Little Early Iliecrs benefit
permanently. They lend gentle assist
ance to nature, causing no pains or
weakness, permanently curing ennstipa
tior and liver ailments. Butler Drug
f-UO ISfuaril.
A reward of $20 will I paid for the ar
rest of any person caught stealing flowers
or anything else from the Odd Fellows'
"llarnlllll, VhlI;ty.
Harmony whiskey for family unci
sppcial use, sold bv Ben Wilson, The
Dalies. jl
Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns,
cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds from
rusty nails, insects stings and Ivy poison
ingquickly healed by DeWitt'a Witch
Hazel Salve. Positively prevents blood
poisoning. Beware o! counterfeits. De
Witt's is iitft and sure. Butler Drug Co.
Fur halo G1iriii
Harrison Hny press, good as new, in
quire at Lane Bros', blacksmith shop.
Ask your grocer for Clarke 5: Fnlk
pure concentrated flavorins ostracts. tf
You need have no boils if von will
buy Clarke & Falk'e euro euro for Lolle
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and olds
Nature in strengthening and recon
BtructinR the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered dlgest
ant and tonic. No other preparation
i-au upproauu ih in ciuciency. it in
stantly relieves and permanently cures
jAyspepsiii, luuigesuon, ttearthurn.
Flatiilence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
all other results of i mperfect digestion.
Procured by E. C. DeWltt a Co.. Chlcano.
For sale by Butler Drug Co..
trace marks
AnTononeniUiie n sketch and description ma,"
qiiloUIr Moartaln our opinion free nliclher a-
iii,viiiiiii io iMWiiillilx i;il(fllluUIO. I.OIIIIIIUIUOf.
lloimtrlctlreonllilontlftl. Htinilbookon I'utente
ecnt freo. Oldest nueocy for necurlni.' patents,
l'atenu taken tlirouuh lluiin & Co. receive
tftiKti nviitc, niiiiuub vunrvu, iniuo
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated woeMy. I.firucst r lr.
riilntlon of any r clonilUn Journal. 'Verms, 13 n
lf1UNN&Co.30'D"a".NBW York
lirwicb Otllco. V Bt., WMbluiiton, 1). C.
Tlie culumDia PacRino Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausagos
Curers of BRAND
IsKfiepIalorfi Dalles City
' la!!y iCseojt smut.iv) Ktwecn
The Dalles,
Hood River,
Cascade Locks,
and Portland.
Touchhis st wav pflin'.s on tmth sides of the
Columbia river.
Iloth of th above steamers have lcon reliullt,
ami me In excelleut s-ltnj for the eaon of I.VJJ.
Tlir Ki'culalnr i.ihh will eiulcnvor to pive Its
Jaton the best service jvosslblo.
for f'nmfiirt, Krunniny nnil rit'imnrr,
navel by tho Atnimers ol Tho Iti'Kutnttir
The nhnvc slcnmers leave Tlie Dalle. lit S a. m.
mul I'ortlaml Ht 7 n. in., mid arrive nt iloatlim
Slou in Hiiipk tlmo foroiltijoliij; trains.
Portland Otllce. The Dalles Otllrc.
Oak rit. Does. i:ourt Street
W. C. iillaway,
(iencral Asent.
--at at-a-ta? jrrjcrjcrj i-riTAr: 'j i -r a.-ri
Wagon and Cnrriago Work.
Fi3h BrotMors' Wagon.
TiiM aud Jcffcr'fln. PIiqeg 159
..GHfiS. mM-
and Fafmcfs
Keeps on ilrutiijht the celebrated
COLUMBIA UK Kit, nekiiowl
cdxed the best beer In Thu Dalles,
at the uiual price. Como In, try
It mid be convinced. Aim tho
Finest brands of Wines, Liquor
and C'Jifuru.
olnll Kinds always on hand.
Iittcre of Cn.'dit issued uvaihthle in tin
Kaaturn Strtteti.
Sltrht Exoliiuigo and Tnlernplut
Trtuisfora bold on New York, Chiciio,
St. Louia, San Franeiseo, Portland Orn
uon, Seattle Wash,, and various pointo
in Oregon and Wnnhinnton.
Collections ruado at all points on fav
orable terms.
II. Jl. 1IKAX. ,
First Rational Bank.
A Geuoral Hanking Buaineea transacted
uujjuduh rucuiveu, nuuioci lo blglit
Ondl. or fll.e.lf
Collections made and proceeds promptly
iBiiiiHw uii uttv oi i;oiiection.
Slaht and Telegraphic Exclmnjco eold on
urit, nun rrunciBeo unc 'orv
fc-n. M. Willjamb, Qko. A. Likub.
p. s
Wagon Shop,
Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies,
Cor, Second & LaM, Tlouc 151
Beet Crown ami Bridge work (H2k. gold), per tooth .
BeB set teeth, guaranteed
Best Colli Filling
Best silver or alloy filling
oKLaStseaondst. Portland Dental Parlors
Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S.( Manager.
How About Your Title?
r UK VOL' PUKK it Is all light? Ucinpmbcr It if the
M KKCOUI) that guveniH. It is our businesB to
search the records mid (-how what thev coiilii'.n in
relation to land titles-. If you contemplate buying laud
or loaning money on real entatt' security, take no limit'
word, but ins'iHt upon knowing what thu record nhows
regarding the title. An Abstract is as essential as a
deed. Insist on having it. We have- tho only net of
Abstract BtmkH in the County. All work promptly ex
cciiti'd and sattht'.ietlon guaranteed. II you have prop.
ertv to insure, glvo uh a call. We are agentB for four of
the best the iiiHiiraiice compaiiieH in the world. If you
have property for eale, Hat it with us and we'll find a
J. M. Huntington &Co.
'Phono 81.
This brand of Whiskey is guarnntccd to the consumer as n
and Mcdiail Use. Sold bv
Ben Wilson, -
Improved CYCLOISSE ligazine
-islze 3M" x 4'.0 358.00
-size 4x5)... 10.00
Just Arrived,
The only .Vnualu
Camera with bulb abutter.
1 Wn rr
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agenoy for the Greate t American Liquor
Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey.
WHI8KEY frnjil'.75 to jO.UO pwr BTon.' (Ho rfi'mira old ) " " '
JUIICIfMiLlMI U 0 iVr ndion. 74 to ll Vm
.... f5.00
... oOeup
2cl St., opposlto A. M. Wllllamo & Co.
The Dalles, Or
FOR 1899.
Ten Points to Consider:
12 Pictures In 12 Seconds.
bhvittor Uulb Hciltmso.
Simtttir Automatic.
Shutter Locks,
Vi Aluinlnum Hlatuholdors.
bt Jitops.
Spoclni Quick Lons.
o ftinomntio Metriator.
P 'V' nar-ts Intorolmnaenblo.
10 ,iTp.0?'?d lllHto8 romovoit without
disturbing unoxpouod.
1899 CatnloRuo with com
ploto Information FREE.