Did You Get One of Those Lawn Dresses Saturday? Woll if you did not you lliey wore just the right things For this week wo will offer weather, according to Ulu rrobabililies, will continue hot. Those two lines of 7e and till further orders, go at one price, oc per yard. 9 to 20 per yard is tho present price 10 to 40 cents is the price now asked for l.)C to hue per yard. All other Summer Goods Closing out sale of Ladies' Shirt Waists. Well made and laundered 39 cents. Extra quality percale waists, sizes 32 to 44, 49 cents. About fifteen dozen new pique, percale and white lawn, corded, lucked and embroidered fronts, 98c, $1.15, $1.35, $1.65 and $1.98. PEASE & MAYS. All Goods marked in plain figures. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY JULY 17, 1899 Telephone No, 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUK ADVERTISERS: All Changes In Advertisements must he handed in before 10 o'clock A. M., as no chances will he accepted in the aft ernoon This rule will he positive. CHRONICLE 1'UBLISHING CO. The Dalles, January 10, 1809. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Moonlight excursion tomorrow night. Surely Hint fruit evaporator hue evap orated. Special meeting of Tho Dalles High School Alumni this (Monday) evening at 8:30 p. m. nt the residenco of Geo, liuch. All members are requested to be present. By ordorof Goi. U. RubIi, president. Yesterday morning the Regulator made a epecial trip to convey 1400 head of sheep belonging to D. V. Ketch urn down the river. She started at C o'clock with the barge, but on account of the wind wai compelled to return and leave the It. At 7 she again started and made the trip, returning at 2:30. Owners of the ever-present bovine ore warned to keep them up and out of the clutches of the marshal, who Is after them hot and heavy, and will enforce the iaw against mem strenuously. Had It been Id force more strictly up to date, B. h, Brooks would not today be minus a very choice tree which he sent East for lost a chance of a life lime, for at the right price. a fow more plums, as the 8,c lawns and dimities will, cents for linen and crash suiting. piques and welts that were at Corresponding prices. percale waists, sizes 32 to 3-J, three years ago, nd has einco been nursing carefully until it had become a thing of beauty. Last night one of these wandering nuisances got in Its deadly work and destroyed tho tree, which it will bedillicult to replace. This morning Ward & Robertson took an extra conveyance to the locks for the purpose of tranferring the touriets of the Grant party, who will arrive Wednes day. Jt is possible, if tho river con tinues to fall that they may bo able to use tho locks that day ; but 'tis not like ly such will be the case uutil Thursday. Too much care cannot bo exorcised during tiie months when everything is dry ami ready to ignite at the slightest contact with u spark of lire. The atten tion of smokers is especially called to tho carelessness of dropping cigars or cigai ottes containing fire, on the sidewalk. Today at noon when li. G. Davenport was coming up Union street, he noticed a small hole In the sidewalk, from which was issuing smoke. Calliug Mr. Toomoy of the hotel, they examined it and found the walk was burning from beneath, but hardly porceptable to a passer-by. A bucket of water extinguished what might have In a short time caused a bad fire. Extra precaution should be used during the dry season. Wasco county teachers' aunual insti tute will be held at The Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 7th, 8th, and Dili. State Superin tendent J. II. Ackerman will be present and explain the graded course of study as adopted by the state board of educa tion. The new school laws for Oregon have been received at the office of the county superintendent and each school district clerk is entitled to one copy, which must be turned over to his suc cessor in office. Under the new school law apportionment of the school fund will be made on the first Monday in Jnly, October, January and April. The apportionment for July has been made, which was 85 cents per capita, Among rernlnesccnces of the war, published In yesterday's Oregonian, tho following favorable notice appears: "C. K. Sanders, company 1., whoso home is in The Dalles, just kept on shooting away and didn't know that Filipinos were pumping lead into him at evory chance. Finally ho tried to step forward quickly and then fell to the ground. 'I thought my leg was asleep at first; somehow or other it wouldn't work; but 1 thought littlo of that. Then I tried to run forward a fow feet, and fell down. At tho hospital two bullets were taken from my right leg, which was fractured.' " Thli morning in hie quiet couch the deputy sherifr was dreaming, and In hie dreams ho waB in the wild and woolly West, surrounded by buffalo, deer, etc. Upon arising at 5 o'clock and looking forth into the fair grounds, lo and be hold a deer nict his gnzel Ho rubbed his eyes, but found it was not all n dream, for bounding into the forest in the background the deer made its escape. And ub lie guzed appeareth Lewis Porter in search of his long lost deer. Lewis is pretty swift, but she tkippiid him and at last accounts he had a posse in search and he was swearing that when she was again captured he'd bind her with cords of steel. Tho delegates to the grand lodges A. O. U. VV. and D. of II. are already arriving in t'.ie city and by Wednesday about .!00 will be in our midst to re main a few days. It rests with the residents whether a good or bad im pression is made on them. Let's all assist in making their stay with us a pleasant onu. Among those who are already here aro Grand Lecturer D. C. Herrin ; W. D. Hare and wife, Hills boro; P. G. M D. L. Green, of Salem ; Dr. Ilelknapp aud wife, of Prineville ; F. Willmen, Salem; G. S. Niekersou, Klamath Falls; Mrs. E. L. Smith, Hood River; Mrs. C. C. Hogue and Mrs Lindgren, Albany, and Dr. Sponogie, Elgin. The East Etui came near being the scene of another conflagration Saturday evening. About fc o'clock the shed kitchen hack of the Iieo Hive restaurant, adjoining Dan Baker's saloon, caught from a bonfire and quite a blaze was in progreee when Fletch Faulkner reached the scene with a bucket of water and succeeded in keeping it down until the Eust End hose company arrived and put it out. A passing engine gave the first alarm, and soon the tire bell clanged out a warning which brought everyone out on to the street and headed toward the East End. liefore they reached the scene the news came down the lino that it was out aud all felt relieved, realizing what a firo means this timo of the year. Honry Fowler has gone into the livery business at Pendleton, having purchased the Telephone stables at that place. Ilia Dalles friends wish him suc cess in hid new venture, and hope to ride ufter his fierv steeds many times when visiting Pendleton. The East Oregonian says: "The acquisition of the business by Mr. Fowler will bo tho occasion for increasing the already large patronage enjoyed by Mr. Froome. Mr. j Fowler has been a resident of Pendleton for several years, Hiid as an O. R.ctN. passenger conductor made this town his headquarters' for many .years previous. He numbers his friends by the score, and in hia new relation to the commun- ty will retain them and no doubt add mauv new ones, lie will he usbwteu in he conduct of the business by Duward Waflle, and will be piepared to provide for the wants of tho public in Ids line with all the facilities needed," This year eecms to bo an unparalleled one as far as drowning are concerned, aud the papers have almost daily been compelled to chronicle the deuth by drowning of one or moiu unfortunates, who have found a watery grave in tliu Columbia and tributary streams. The latest death iu this manner was that of Cynthia Dimmick, the IG-ycar old daughter of Mrs. Geo. Perkins, who resides near the forks of Hood River. Cynthia ntteuded school In Tho Dalles during the winter, making her home with Mrs. O. S. Waud. She returned home at the close of the term. It seems that she and her brotner were fishing in Hood River and were crossing tho stream on a foot log, when she fell in. The brother jumped in and caught hold of the unfortunate girl, but could not hold her In the swift current, and she floated down to a drift a quarter of a mile be low. The body was found five hours later. The funeral took place .today at Hood River. While on his various trips to The Dalles lu visiting the Commercial club rooms and enjoying the hospitality of its members, Mr, E. F. S, Newcome, of Ridgeway, always thoughtful of the wives aud sweethearts, noticed that the boys who frequent the rooms in the second story ol the building, had noth ing to remind them of "time and the hour," and were in danger of overstay ing the regulation hour for all itich re putable gentlemen to be out at night. Accordingly ho conceived tho idea of presenting them with a time ptecc, and stopping around the corner to Garret son's ordered a fine Regulator, with black walnut case and cathedral gong. It now adorns the walls of tho reading room, and the members of the club greatly appreciate the kindness of Mr. Nowcorac, whilo their wives have sworn friendship to one who so graciously not only made the club a nico present but tho females interested a great favor as well. Yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock the waters of the Columbia came near claiming as its prey one of the employes of tho CnnoNici.K office, and Chris Schwabo has been setlin' 'em up (type, wo mean) all day, as he congratulates himself that ho escaped with his life. A number of tho young men of the city were swimming in the river at the D. P. & A. N. dock, and succeeded in persuading Chris, who had never braved the waters of the river, (except when he fell in last summer; to join them. Be ing brought up in a city where swim ming was not indulged in, he found that he was not sufficiently up in the art and at once sank. As he rose the first time he endeavored to grasp the boat, but in vain. The second time he roee Victor Sampson succeeded in getting hold of hiB hair, but lost his grip. The third time Chris grabbed Vic's wrist, and was saved. While he did not lose conscious ness, it was necessary to apply the UEual restoratives before he could get his breath, and the boys were much fright ened as they realized his narrow escape. Some one was heard to remark today that the young ladies had persuaded Chris he was a "duck,"' and therefore he was induced to try his swimming proclivities. In the future they will keep strings on him. Joking aside, we congratulate ourselves on the fact that we are not minus one of the favorites of the office. DIED IN PORTLAND- After Much SulIVrlnp Kdward Frcclnntl .lenkluB DIcr of l'erltoiil tie. Aflerdays of anxious wailing, first receiving discouraging news, then u hopeful message, last night about 12 :H0 o'clock Mrs. S. Bolton received word from the hospital at Portland that Edward Jenkins had just ceased gutter ing and breathed his last. Among the many grevioua tasks of a newspaper reporter, perhaps none is more difficult than to chronicle the deatli of a young man or woman who is just enterine upon tho active duties of life, particularly bo when such an one is a personal friend. And eo, as we think of Edward as we have met him from early childhood, it is with deep regret and much sympathy for his bereaved relatives that we mention his demice. Although having been born at Ochoco twenty-three years aco this fall, and spending iiis childhood away from here, he was virtually a Dalles boy, receiving much of his schooling here undt r the I care of his grandmother and iiis uncle, I Simeon Bolton, for, with two brothers and a sister, lie was left an orphan ; eleven yeais ago, his father dying inj 18S7 and hia mother in the following , year. He was never a robust child, and as ho grew to manhood showed signs that his would probably not be a long life. However, about a year ago hu began studying at tho Holmes business college, uud graduating but a few months since with hiirh honors, was fortunatu enough to obtain a spleudid position as stenog rapher in the O. It. & N. cilleo in Port land. His studies were, however, in terrupted in January by 11 serious ill ness, which proved to be appendicitis. Tho doctor advised lilm at that time to have tho necetsaty operation performed, but. improving rapidly and being anxious lo finish his studies, lie con cluded to await developments. On July 4th, after returning from 11 walk with his sister, ho experienced gieat pain and ut 5 o'clock Dr. McKcnzie called and pronouncing it uppendicitis, had liiiu at once taken to St. Vincent hos pital, where on Thursday an operation was performed. Hu rallied from it, and his relatives supposing ho would soon be entirely well, returned home. He had, however, delayed the operation too long and the result was not what was expected and peritonitis developed. He suffered the most excrutiatiug pains, aud last Thursday it was found neces sary to again operate 011 him, aud again yesterday, removing puss, which col lected and would at auy rate cause his death. All efforts were in vain, and many hours before his death Edward became reconciled and prayed to bo re leased from his suffering, which release came shortly after midnight. lie leaves a sister, Miss Joele, and two brothers, Carey and Coke, beside several aunts, uncle and cousins to mourn his loss. Ills remains were brought to this city on the evening tram, and arrangements for the funeral will be made later. It will no doubt occur tomorrow evening from tho residence of S. Bolton, on the hill. Moonllclit Kacurmun, In honor of the visiting delegates the members of the A. O. U. W. of tins city will give a moonlight excursion down the river tomorrow evening, the Regu lator leaving the deck at 0 o'clock. No charge will bo made to delegates, but others who may desiro to enjoy the trip will be charged 50 cente. This will be n delightful trip, as the moon is just right theee nights, and witii music by the D. C. and A. C. band, nothing will bo lacking. A Child Enjoy. The pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when in ! need of a laxative, and if the father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying results follow Its use; so that it is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Last evening, (Sunday) a key chain, with a large fiat key and also a postoffice key attached. Finder please leave 6ame at this office. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J tublhag, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m New and Second Hand Furniture bought and sold at th.-i Old Stand Pawn Broker. Monpy onned on valuable?. Horses bought aud sold on commission. 6i 2d St. H. B. HOOD. Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER.. Lock and Gunomlth, and Machlno work. Charles Burchtorf.o,.p&H.fc rVAT AT.CrATA.TA-f A-JLTA.TXrA' Al AA.'! ?rAA M. i E Our Bicycle Repairing Department Ts now in shape to properly handlo nil kinpa of work from u punoturo to building ti wheel. Also repair Looks, Guns, kinds of light This department is under MAYS & The Busy Store. Eac'j day our business shows the people arc finding out wc arc pushing to the front with belter goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, and last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy for the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. It's a real pleasure to get the meals for the family when you have a complete set of needfull utensils and have n new Garland stove or eteel range to cook upon. We fur nish kitchens and can save you money and many steps when you want anything in tho way of kitchen supplies. Our stock of tinware, graniteware, delf ware, table cutlery, car vers, meat cutters, raisen seed ers, pots, irons, roasting pans hundreds of other things to make the kitchen complete. We csn furnish double oven cook stoves from $S.OO up. See the best Range on Earth, The Garland It has no equal. Also a complete line of build er's hardware. Notice to Poultry Raisers: No more Chicken Lice. Cull nt Mnler it Kenton's unit see the Antiseptic Nest V.st;. With the Ui-o of tills sett Kite j on will Imvo 110 moru Uce, Mitts or Vcrtih' In your poultry homes, s'ettinjr hens will set better cjtk.s am will hatch better ami cIiIckoiii will live mill grow better wheio Authentic KgR ! used, rico tlii;in nt piaier k lenton 167 Second St. ONE FOR A DOSE. ni!liuiirj,,,rify t'lir 111,, jj, ii I urn lli'.-ulvho ni.l lyI'i'PJit. JS, .irlioiltli. TI...V ..Illu-rarlimm.roi it ... joia b, ars.-sit. on. aos.vmo co. i-hiia. pS. Dry granulated sugar, best grade !f& fiO per 100 lb sack at Miller & lteuton's. Jly 11 lw. - - A IAT A T ATI A (A rAAlCJTATA-l A'TA-r.CrA-'l Sewing Machines and all machinory, etc. the charge of Mr. J. Kirohoff. 3 CROWE. ciium'C MB