el)eDnl!cG VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, JULY 17, 1899. NO 80 OREGON MEN Thiriy Five riiensaai Dollars Paid to Ibe IieiiMl, WANTED TO COME DIRECT Volunteers Voted to Come to Portland, so Says the Kcport from Manila. San I'ium'ihco, July 15. Tho Oregon men wuru paid oil' today. 1'rivaU's each drow $111. i!0, nun-cominisBlonod oiIlcorH from if'J-i (or second lieutenants, to $700 far tliii nloiiol himself. Tho enlisted men tig a body bec.tinu richer by n little wore than "5,0.)0. All this ia buck pity. Muro money Is coming to tho OregoniutiH lieloru thi'y leave, Tho regiment will draw Hoinc $:)2,()00 tin travel pay to cover tliu supposed expense of estch mnn's transportation from Sun Francisco to IiIb lioini!. They will also receive piiy for tliolimo they ure detnlnecl preparatory to final muster-out and honorable dis charge. Governor Gecr nnd Htnfl' departed for home en the Oregon express tonight. Colonel .loeelyn and Mujar Morton will have charge of the mustering out of thu Oregon volunteers, nnd the work will probably eonBUtiio two or throe weeks. Freedom, an English newspapers pub lished in Matiilu, published the follow ing in Uh Ibhuo of May HO: "The Oreguns have voted which route they prefer to take liome ward, nnd w here they would like to be mustered out. Tide action wne taken in response to a cjbleprutn recently received from their Bfinulor, MclJride, at Washington. "I'ruvioua to title, and while in the field, Colonel SiuiunorH bud u cable from Senator Mcliridu, tiriklng whether he would like to return via San Fruneieco or Portland. "The colonel replied. 'By way of San Francisco.' The benliment ol the men was then asked on the place of muster ing out. Tho question went to u vote, resultiiiK In favor of Portland by a slight ninjority. "Culonul riuuitnora tit once eubled Wk, 'MiiHtur out ut Portland ; any route direct. Almost at tho uamo tuuu ho received thu following cable from Oregon c"'. Or , dinned 'Parents' : 'Avoid Prc enilo winds; pneumonia. Come Oregon direct.1 "The rumor was ulloiit yesterday that theOregons had dellnlto orders to go home, Colonel Summers aayH, however, jf'at this ia not true. Wliilu there ia little doubt 0f their embarking upon the Hancock, that vessel ia undergoing re Pairs which cannot bo completed before tlie end of the week. "The colonel has a horse to which lie l'9 bccuinu much attached during tho wnpalgii, and which he ia making every effort to take homo with him. The animal is a capture, having formerly be longed tou SpaniBh eaptalu of artillery." MORGAN TO HEAD TICKET Talk of lllsplacliiK Uryan With the Alabama Senator. V,hiiinuT0Ni July lo.-Sonntor Scott, ...rnU'?t,VIr'h,who has rpcontly re Z. ,rom uu lflo coast, eaya that j"o is " great deal of talk of Henutor dom " .f Alulm'i fur prcihldent on thu d2, , l,oko1, T,108U IwOfral who ou Yi i ""lo,vd Ury,u' t,,i,,k Morgan UZ ' ii ",0Bl "vulllable, uud are hli ,.i y !m',ruBau' with him because of uiainplonshi,, 0, Uje Ncarngun CBnul Mor,. ,la"Hl(m u,,d hl" Auiericaulimi. rn would be opwwed by the ollver- DaVA Makes the food more delicious and wholesome OVAl DAKIHB POwnrm CO., HEW Venn. itos because he wants to make that a secondary issue, and by the anti-ezpnn-NioniHtB in tho democratic parly. If he wuh a younger man he might be consid ered a possibility, but few men nro nom inated for president after reaching the age of 75. Ex-Senator Dubois, of Idaho, bivb it ib too late for either party to make a change in enndidutes, and that Me Kin ley and liryan will face each other as they did threo years ago, Ho predicts that the, uilver candidate will have more votes than he did in 1890, but be does not predict his election. htorj- oT ii riluve. Te bo bound hand and foot for years by tho cbaiii3 of disease is tho woitt form of clavory. Geo. D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., telle how such a slave was nindo free, lie uaye: "My wife haa been bo helpless for five ycais that the could not tuin over in bed alone. After utlng two bottles of Klec trie Hltlerr, the ie wcnderfully im proved and uble to do her own work." Tills pupreme remedy for female dis eases quickly 'cures nervousness, sleep lessness, melancholy, headache, back ache, fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle working medicine is a godsend to woak, sickly, run down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Bold by Blukeley nnd Houghton, druggists. 0 Killed by a Hull. SeoiCANi:, July 15. Fred Harvey, nineteen yeara old, son of J. F. Harvey, was gored to death by a bull yesterday on a farm about eleven miles from Spokane. Tho boy's body was found in a clump of bushes by his father. The lad had crawled to a tree, pulled himself to a half-reclining position and died in that attitude. No one saw the bull's tuvago tttnek, and young Harvey was not missed until supper-time. Jluinui liable llescuw. Mrs. Michael Cirtain, I'lainfield, III. makes the statement, that the caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family nhvsiciun. but grew worse. He told her alio wna a hopules victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption j c ho bought n bottlo and to her delinht found herself benefited from I lie first dose. Rie con tinued to uso and after taking six bottles found herself iiound and well; now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottto of this Great Discovery at Ulakeley & Hough ton's drug store. Only 50 cents and $1. Every bottle guaranteed. 0 Grain Crop Will be Small. SeoKANi:, July 15. Itepoi ts from the principal agricultural towns in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho show that tho acreage of ground Bowed to wheat this vear ia larger than In 1808. Tho reports also show that the crop of wheat will be smaller by one-inird, as compared with the former year. The fruit croji will also bo reduced fully one third, owing to tho late spring. In some sections tho crop is a failure. Vuluuiile KruiitliuiH Are grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen'e Arnlc Salve cures them ; also old, running and fever aores, Ulcers, Bolls, Felons, Corns, Warts, Outs, Bruises, Hums, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Best l'ilo cure on earth. Drives out pains nnd aches. Only 25 etc a box. Curo guaranteed. Sold' by Ulakeley & Houghton, drug gists. - A diseased stomach surely under mines hicilth. It dulls the brain, kills energy, destroys tha nervous system, and predisposes to insanity and fatal disoaseB. Ail dyspeptic troubles are quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It bus cured thousands of cafes aud is curluu them every day. Its Ingredients are such that it can't help curing. Bnlpet-Klnersly Drug Co. I Baking Powder ONE VOLUNTEER IS HOME Left His Company to Sec His Dying Motlicr. Auiakv, Or., July 15. Frank M. Gir ard, ". member of company I, Oregon volunteers, arrived here today from San Francisco. He came in violation of orders, but in n manner which will arouse sympathy in his behalf. On reaching San Francisco harbor, while still on shipboard he rectved a telegram announcing that his mother, who rctddes near Monmouth, was dyinz, tind linking him to come at once, lie applied to the officer for n furlough, of fering the telegram as tho renron, but it was refused. By the aid of sympa thetic comrades he was let down by.'u rope Into a small boat and went ashore, taking the train at once for Albany. He hired a team and driverhere and hurried to his home. After remaining at his mothet's bedside a few minutes, he came out weeping and said she was yet alive, but very low. He told the driver that he would return to his regiment in a few days. He is a young man of unquestioned veracity, aud has been one of tho best soldiers in his company. Influential friends will endeavor to secure his re lease from the charge of desertion. IS 11 KIQI1T Fur an Editor to Kt'coinmciirt I'nU'iit '.ii'riiuiurk? From Sylvan Valley News, Bievrud, N. C. It may be a question whether the editor of a newspaper has the right to publicly recommend any of the various proprietary medicines iliieii Hood the market, yet as a preventive of suffering we feel it a duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Itemed'. Wo havo known and used tills medicine in our family ior twenty years and havo always found it reliable. In many cases a dose of Ibis remedy would save hours of suffering while a physician is awaited. Wo do not believe in depending implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but we do believe tliat if a bottle of Chamberlain's Diarrhoea Itemed' was kept on hand and administered at the inception ol an kittaek, much sulieiiug might be avoided and in very many cases tho presence of a physician would not be required. At least tills hue been our experience during the past twenty years. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. Wireless Telegraphy. Chicago, July 15. A Tribune special from Victoria soys: Marconi's system of wireless telegraphy is to be put in operation in Hawaii us a means of com munication between thedifl'erent islands of tho group. An organization has been formed, capital lias beeu aubscribed, and soino of tlio material for the eystem is already on the way. An Kplilviulo of Illiirrliorn. Mr. A. Stuiders, writing from Cocoa nut Grove, Flu., bi.vb there has been quite uu epidemic of diarrhoea there. He had a severe Httack and was cured by four doses of Chamberlain's Cholie, Cholera and Diarrhoea ltemedy. He says he also reonmiiietidod it to othors uud they say It in the best medicine they ever used. ICor Bale bv Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. DeWitl's Little Early lilsers expel from the system all poisonous iutuiiui Itttioiifl, regulate the stomach, bowels and liver, aud purify tho blood. They drive away disease, dissipate melancholy and give health and vigor for tho dally routine. Do no giipo or sicken. Butler Drug Co. POLITICS IN THE ARMY Senators aui Bcmtatim Dictated Awintinls. FUTURE OF THE VOLUNTEERS Intention Is to Merge the Twelve Regi meuts Into the Regular Service. SVashinqton, July lo.'-The appoint ments in tho volunteer army have been made, with very few exceptions, upon the recommendation of the men who control the political patronage in the different states. The restrictions made in regard to the appointments were that the men should have creditable records in either the regular or volunteer nrmy. F.-w men have been appointed who have not got recommendation of their senators and representatives, the Republicans con trolling the appointments in Republican slates nnd Democrats in Democratic states. It is believed that this volunteer army will be made a part of the regular army during the coming congress, for the a'p pointments have been numbered with that end in view. Unless legislation continuing it as a volunteer army or merging it into the regular army is passed, it would cease to exist, under the law, in July, 1901. The influence which secured the selection of theoflicers will be called to pass the legislation con stituting it a part of the regular service. It is also observed that sons and nephews have been given places in this army, but not to such an extent as in the staff ap pointments w hen tho army was raised for the war with Spain. NOTIUK. United States Land Oi'kick, Ohkuon Citv, June 2.', 1899. Notice is hereby given that tho ap proved fractional plat of Township 2 north range 8 east, lias been received from tho surveyor general of Oregon and on August 1st, 1899, at 9 o'clock, a. in., of said date, said plat will be filed in this ofllee, and tho laud therein em braced, will be tubject to entry on and after said date. Ciiai. B. Moohes, Wii. Galloway, Register. Receiver. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notico is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between C. J. Cathcart and J. I). Straus, under the firm name of Cathcart & Straus, is this day dissolved by mutual content, C. J. Cathcart retiring. J. D. Straus will continue the business, uud will col lect all bills due said linn uud pay all nccouute against tho saino. Dated July 1, 1899. C. J. Catiicakt, J. D. Stkaus. For Sale. Three houses and four lots in Tho Dalles, as a whole or separately. Lo cation healthy and desir able, near school. Pays exceptionally good inter est on investment, l'rop orty in good condition. Address, Mrs. A. Fitz Gerald 839 Golden Gate Av., San Francisco, Cal. P.ft- vAtf' kilrf rt- -ft hPC-r -vJV- vlfl jftr fUr t Summer Summer Ladies' black cotton hose, nice light 25 cents. Ladie ies' black cotton hose, drop stitch, light and cool, yot strong and sorvieable, having double heel and toes, per pair J Special Announcement. Balance of Saturday's eboo epeciula will continue at 6alo prices for g IA. M. Williams & Co. CITATION. rN THK COUNTY COlHT OK TIIK STATE 1- ol Oregon, for the County of Wiisco. Ill the nmttcrof tho cstaloofl rlT,TlnM Kilns V. Davis, dcceiiMjd.i CITATI0N To Mrs. Kmellne Divls, Mrs. Corn K. Corum, Mrs. I.!..ioJ. Karri, Silas I'.. Davis, William II. Davis, Anutto Irancls Me.N'eal, liny Mary Jlu hHiievimil ht'.lii ICtlicl IMvls, holrs at law of Silas 'V. pnvis, iIwohmiI, ami to Aiuih M. WII Hams, Xf. II. anliibbcr. Smith I'n'iH'h, 1". C. I'cuso, ami llos i K. Mouill, mortgagees; Utcet- '"fn the uameuif tho ftateol Oregon: You are hereby oltni ami leijulied to appear In ttiocmintv court of the state of Oregon lor tho county of Wasco, nt tho couit room thereof, at '1 he Dalles, Oieson, in tlio county of Wasco, on Monday, tho '1 hint day of July, IMW, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and theio to shoiv eaute, If any there be, why an older of the above entitled court should not he mado direntint; U. !'. UiUKhlin, us administrator of said estate of hlhis W. Davis, deceased, to ic deem tho mortgauid premises belotiKlUB to said estate, or if said redemption he deemed Inex pedient, thut said administrator ho authorized ami dlticted to tclLall of tho real estate belong, iiur to the etato of said deceased, ami partlcu Inrly dcscilhcd as follows, to-vlt: Lot .No. I of block M. u, of Dalles City proper in Dalles City, Wasco countv, Dickon; also the north half of the noi thu est i(iiaiter, the northeast quarter, and the noitli halt of thu soilthcxbt quarter of section II lu lonuslilp'.1 north of rniiKO U, cast nf tho Willamette mtrldian. ill Watco county. OrcKoii.contaltilnK tfJOacies, moio or less, said sale to ho made at lublio auction for cash in hand, in the manner prescribed by law, and the proceeds of bitch sale to bo hold by said adminis trator and dlsi.oM'd of us may bo rcuiiircd by the older of the above entitled courl, Witnkss, tho Hon. Hubert Mays, JiiiIkii of the County Couit of the Btato of Orcuoii, for the County of Wasco, with tho seal of said Couit a Hi Mil this liceoi.d day of June A. D. SKAL Juna it Aiti:st: A. M. KKI.S.VV, Clerk. NOTICK FOK 1'IJJJLICATION, V, S. I.AM) Ornt'K, ut Tiik I)ai.i.i:s, ()iik., Jui.v :j, tbiy. j Notico Ih hereby fiven that tlio following, iiiimed settler lias filed notice of his intention lo make llnal proof in support of his claim, and thatsdld iioot will bo mado before Thu Kcxlstcr mid iticelver at 'I ho Dalles, Oregon, on I'lUluy, Auk. is, ik'j, vizi l'crry ). Vun Cuinp, nfTlio Dulles, Or.l Homestead Klltty, No. I'J.M, for tho WU, 8W) ,', nnd c'v,N WJi, Section lS.Tp. 'J.N., It. ia ft, W, M. Ho names the following vtitucssc to prow tils coiitiiiuouii residence upon uud cultivation of mid laud, vlx: 1'. J. AKldlus, Murlln I'aan, K. A. U-onaid uud Oliver llowcis, nil of Tho Dalles. Orvgou. JAV 1. J.OnAtT, Jl(i-ll KvnUtcr -uftrr Ar nM- i&r Corsets. Cool Comfort this warm weather. White Ventilated Summer Corset at 25c, 50c, 75c. Royal Worcester Corset, as cut; 5 hook length, made of puro white Nainsook, white lace and baby ribbon finish at ton and bottom; stays on out side. Ease and comfort to the S wearer. All regular eiz;s. Price K. $1.50 j4osiery. weight, white soles, per pair 3 35 cents. & NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION". Land Officf. at Vakcouvkh. Wash., July 5, lS'Jfl. ( Notico is hereby civen Hint tho followiiiK named settlers have tiled nntleo of their ititeu tion to mako tlnal proof In support of their claims, anil that said proofs will be mado b.'foro. W. Ii. l'rchy, t'nltcd States Commissioner for District of Washington, at htsotlleo in (ioldeu dato, Washington, on Monday, August II, lsua, Slcplieu .Marlrtt. IIomt"!tenil Kntry No.rooi, for the 5. '.. N. E. U; N. IC. '4 S. 15. Section ID, ami a. W. i N, W. . of s'eetlon o, Township a North, of Hango 13 Kast, W ill. Mer, Hu names tho following witnessrs to prove his continuous resilience upon uud cultivation of said land, viz: Carl I"rauen, Christian Kranzen, I'orter U Hurdison, Maiimi hpluwn, all of I.yle 1', 0Wush. Dorter 1 llitrdtHOii. Homestead Kntry No. lbl, for tho B, K. xi of M. K. U of Section 111; the S. W. . of S. V. i, fceetlon a)j K, ., of N. K. t of Section a), Town thlii a North, of Itango 13 Kast, Will. Mer. Ho names the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon, and cultiviitlun of said laud, viz.: Curl r'ranzen, Christian Krnnn, Stephen Marlett, Million Splawii, all of I.yle I'. O , Wiish. JlyS il W. It. DlJNHAIt, Heglster. CON'TKST NOTICK. r. e. Land Office, tiik Daliks, ()a. i Ji.ly 11, lhlHI. A sultlcleut contest allhliivit having lieoti fllutl in this olllco by James Toulk. contcstuut, against hnmeslciid entry No. 4'AVS, uiadu Nov. till. DIM. forS;j SWh.NL'j SW,?'ec. ai.timn ship a S, It ia h, and N W'i NW'U. oo, a, town ship I H, it ia K, by Thomas Jellreys, coniestee, in which it Is iilleged that lie has abaudounil said tract for mora thuu il mouths, Said jwrlles nro hereby untitled to nppeiir, respond unit r.U'er evidenco touching said allegation, ut Hi and receiver at thu I'ulted States laud olllce in Tho llalles. Or. Tlio s.ilil contestant having In a proper nnidavit, Hied July 1st, bW. set forth fNiilH which show that after due diligence, ltersomil servlioot this notice can not ho inmie, It U hereby ordereil and directed that such notice In given by due uud proper publication, j l lf-il JaY l', l.l'CAS, licglster. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned has beeu duly appointed by the Hon. County Court of tlio thu stalu of Oicgou, for Wucn county, us administrator of tho estatuof Adolph Agidlus, deceased. All pel sous Inning claims (gainst said estate uru hen by untitled to present tho sumo propel ly vcrlilcil toiueut the oltlcu of iny iiltorms, Dufur A- Mciicfcc, within six luouths from the date nt this notice Dukd at Tho Dulles, Oregon, lune.1, isvj. U 1. AUlillUH, Adiiiluislrutur of thu Kstutc vt Adolnli Agidlus, dei'euted, 7ll