An Excellent Compilation. The pleasant method and beneficial effects o( the well known remedy, Srner of Tins, manufactured by the Caufoj:;:a Fig Syuvv Co.. illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid lasn live principles of plants known to be fnedieinallv laxative nnd presenting thorn in the form most refreshing to the taste aud acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers pentlv yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they arc pleasant to the -tasi . but the medicinal qualities of the reriodv are obtained from senna and other "aromatic plants, by a method 1-nown to the Caufouxia Fig Syiut Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please xomcmb.-r the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sak ntAsenco, cai ii0iri5VHA.. it" Yonn, jr. t. Tor sale by a!! Druggets. I'rice 50c. per battle I'UKbllNAC MENTION iliss Kate Baird, ot Portland, is in the city, the guest of Miss (Jarrie Butler. Clarence Gilbert accompanied the family of Prof. Uirpfeld to Collins' Land ing today. Mra. A. G. Bashrodt, of Portland, is (pending some weeks with Jlr. and Mrs. Brune, ut Rockland. Mis Maude Warren returned to Ilood River this morning, having spent some days with the Misses Nicfecleen. Jess Dunbar, one of Goldendale's leading vomit: men, came over from thai berg yesterday and will return to morrow. Miss Christina Nickelaen left for Collins this mnniiut'. whore she will join the family ol J. Leist who are camping there. Prof, and Mrs. Vi'm. Birgfeld and family have chosen Collins Landing as their favorite camping place and left this morning on the boat bound thither. For the past week Archie McCully has been confined to his room with tonsilitis, and. with the tiope of receiving benefit from the chanirn, left this morning for the camping district at Cascades. Say re, Earl, Carl and Philip Kinehart joined the carnper3 nt Cascades today. The boys are going intcthe camp for the summer with thOyintention of get ting all the fun tho.,can out of it. The camping ground at Cascades will ho populated by Dalles people soon. Tins morning Mr. and Mrf. C. B. Gush ing and family nnd MrsW. II. Hr.bson and family left on jhe Regulator to spend the summer at that favorite resort. UIIKN In thi" city July 14, to the wife of Leopold Mayer, a eon. Ailrertlnetl l.ottem. "Following is the list of letters remain ing in the posloflice at Tim Dalle.-" un called for July, Ij;Ii, ISOii. IVnuns calling for the game will give date on which they were advertised : Campbell, John A Compare, Henry Clariie, Marin Complin, I' G Compton, A L l.assey, Miss K McLean, Win McIIinry, John II JVIoore, Jennie Norrls; Geo Johnson, Kev J B tit Claor, Alice Linor, Hut Legee, Lewis Gunnier, Ida Frisham, Mahlon Kellerdnnk, Miss L Gentros, Fred Eaton, Harry Hust.r, Walter Harrlo, J W Hollett, Matlie 6!udden, Frank9 Glaes, Eilylh Gust. Fred Hess, Alica Thomas, Leo Thompson, C V Finiiseth, MrsI Davis, T W U)avidson, Albert, Brown, Flurenco BooillocU, Charlev Bowloy.O Allen, P ' Kyesa. O S Bayd, Uay Sumig, P.uv John H Warton, Fred Walker, Julia Wagner, Huwaid Wade, It M Taylor, Loren H. If. Ilinuiii.ii, P. M. Is It Miliaria or Alum'.' lVo)iulir i'eiena ifonlhly ) Languor, loss of npputlte, indigestion and often foviririhtie6 aro the common symptoms df a physiological condition termed "malaria." All these symptoms may bo aud frequently are tho tflcet of the use of alum baking powders in food making. There is no question about the poisonous effect of alum upon tho eyhloii), It obstruct digestion, pros trates the nerve, coagulates anil devi talizes tho blood. All this hna been made clear, thankH to physicianp, boards of health, and fond coiiunluaion. 60 "highly Injurious to tho health of the community" dom the eminent head of tho University of I'eiuisylvnuln, Dr. Jferker, coiisia-f the whim kiki.m' powder?, that he govs "their sale should be prohibited by law." Under these circtiuietauccs it is worth the while of every housewife to employ the very little cue thnt is necessary to keep so dangerous nn element from the food of her family A pure cream of tartnr baking powder which is the only kind that should be used.oucht to cost about torty-tive to Cftv cents a pound. Therefore, if you j are paying much less, something is I wrong; if you are paying twenty-five J cents or less per pound, the powder :s i certainly made from alum. Always bear these simple facts m mind when purchasing baking powder. OUR CHURCHES. liepular tneetiup. Christian Scientists every Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the small K. of P. hall, in tho Vogt building. All are invited to be present. Calvary Baptist church Kev. W. B. Ciifton, pastor. liegular services at 11 a. m. and S p m. Young people's meeting at 7 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Zions Lutheran church No morning service until a new pastor nrrives here. Evening service Sunday 16, by Kev. Holl, of Tacoma. Kev. Beates, of Seattle, will preach on July 25 and 30, at 6 p. in. Methodist church, corner Fifth and Washington strects.J. H. Wood, pastor Sunday schocl in the morning at 10, Services at 11 a.m. Class meeting at 12: 20. JuniorLeagne at otoO p. m. Epworth Leacue at 7. Evening services at S. Concrtgational church, corner Fifth aud Union streets, Kev. D. V. Poling, pastor Morning subject tomorrow will be "Baptism; What It la and What It Does." Ereniue subject, "The Music of Life; Its Appropriate Expression." DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between C. J. Cathcart and J. D. Straus, under the firm namo of Cathcart & Straus, is this day dissolved by mutual consent, G. J. Cathcart retiring. J. D. Straus will continue this business, and will col lect all bills due said firm nnd pay all nccounts asainst the same. Dated July 1, 1S&9. C J. Cathc.vkt, J. D. Stkaus. DeWitt's Little Early Risers expel from the system all poisonous accumu lations, regulate the stomach, bowels and liver, and purify the blood. They drive away disease, dissipate melancholy and give health and vicor for the daily routine. Do no gripe or sicken. Butler Drug Co. Lost. Three horses June 1G, 1S99, described as follows: two weighing about MOO each. One a light chestnut branded D on left shoulder. Black horse branded C on left shoulder. One bald faced sorrel weighing about 1200; roached mane. A liberal reward for information of the whereabouts, or the return of same. A. Mason, J. Bays, Contractors, Viento, Or., or E. V. Husha.nd, Mobier, Or. j2S-lm Thomas Khoads, Centcrfield, O., writes: "I euQered from piles seven or eight years. No remedy cave me relief until DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, less than a box of which permanently cured ine." Soothing, healing, perfectly harm less. Beware of counterfeits. Butler Drug Co. Lust. A lady's gold, open-faced Waltham watch, between Hearst's school house and Mr. Fagon's, near tho Des Chutes, Engraved with scrowl work on the back, and aho tho name Itha, Tho owner values it not for its intrinsic value but as a keepsake, as she has had it Binco l.'i years old. Ample reward will bu given to tho finder. Leave either at this office or with Mr. J. Fagon, Das Chutes bridge. jlyB It "We have sold many different couah romedies, but none gave better satisfac tion than Chamberlain's," says Mr. Charles HoWiauer, Druggist, Newark, N. J. "It is perfectly safe and can be relied upon in all cases of coughs, oolds or hoarsenete." Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. F ullliJ. In East End Feed Yard Wednesday morniug, July 5th, a bay horse, absut fourteen hands high between 10 or 12 years old ; white star on forehead, black points; saddle marks and brand B L on leftehoulder with running K underneath, and weighing about 000 puunds. Owner can have tame by proving property anil paying all charges. j-8 lm L'uili lu Your (J)iuulti, All couutv warrants reijiatored prior to August 1, lSt'5, will bo paid at my office. Interest ceases after June 0, 18D0. C. L. Pmu.ii'8, County Treasurer. You cin 't cure dyspepila by Oktlng Eat good, wholesome food, and plculy of it Kodol Dyspepsia CJuiu digests food without aid from the stomach, ami ie made to curt. Butler Drug Co, BUSINESS LOCALS. For tho best results use tho Vivo Camera. For sale by tho Postofhce harmacy. Latest thing in cameras aro Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. uieh25-tf Improved Mapasine cyclones are win ners. Donnell, the druggist, will gladly stiow them to you. Trv Vurli.i nimn:i Hitters, the bCht tonic, ror saie at an iirsi-ciaes uuis. C. J. Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles. M17-:im Try Yerba Bnena Bitters, the beat tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. M17-3m For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera hat will take largiu pictures than any other Camera on the market. For sale by Clarke & Falk. tf Mr. and Mrs. B. I.ackamp. Eleton, Mo., writes : "One Minute Cough Cure saved the life of our little boy when nearly dead with croup." Butler Drug Co. "What ni'ght have bein" if that little cjuh hadn't been neglected.'.is the sad reflection of thousands of consump tives. One Minute Cough Cure cures coughs and colds. Butler Drug Co. DeWitt's Little Karly Kisers benefit permanently. They lend gentle aisift ancn to nature, causing no pains or weakness, permanently curing constipa-Uo- and liver ailmtnts. Butler Drug Co. Bail Krwnril. A reward of $20 will bo paid for tho ar rest of any person caught stealing flowers or anything else fiom the Odd Fellows' cemetery. "Unrmimj " Whiskey. Harmony whiskey for family and special use, sold bv Ben Wilson, Tho Dalles. jl Gun-shot wounds and powder-burns, cuts, bruises, sprains, wounds fom rusty nails, insects stingy and Ivy poison ingquickly healed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Positively prevents blood poisoning. Beware of counterfeits. De Witt's is safe and .mre. Butler Drug Co. I'nr Salt; Client). Harrison Hay press, good as new, in quire at Lane Bros', blacksmith shop. Mayl7-tf Ask your grocer for Clarke A Falk's pure concentrated flavoring estracts. tf You need have no boils if you will buy Clarke & Falk's sure cure for boils. Use Clarke & Falks Kusofuain for tho teem. tf Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartiflcially digests the food and aids Mature in strengthening aud recon structing tho exhausted digestive or gans. It is thelatestdiscovereddlgest antand tonic. No other preparation can approach it in elllciency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn. Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache.Gastralgia Cramps.nnd another resultsof imperfectdlgestion. PreDtired by E. C. DeWItt ft Co.. Cbleano. For ealu by Butler Drug Co.. kfckf4dv 50 YEARS' .Kr EXPERIENCE mm tracs marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyonosendlnu nslicleh and description mar illicitly iiscttrluln our (million freo nlicthor n Invention H probably patentable. Communlcis. tlonsatrlctlyconUilontial. Handbook on I'atcota cent trco. OMojt uicncy fur necurluepateiaa. lMtenM taken tlirouuu Munn A Co. rccclvt) fjitclal notice, without cuaruo, lu tho Scienflfic American. A ImniJ8onicIy IllustratPd woelily. Ijirncst elr. ruliilion of any vclcntlUc journal. '1'eniia. ?J a roar: four months, jl. Kola byall nowdealer. MUNN & Co.30'D. New York BrwicU otlloa. C31 r HU WaJhlnmon. IJ. C. Tfie Colujijia PocKiny Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF JIAKUKAOTUKKKHOK Fine Lard and Sausages Curcrs of BRAND HAMS & BACON The Dalles, Portlanfl ani Astoria Navigation Co.' Dally (excciit Suiulav) between The Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Locks, Vancouver and Portland. Toachlnr; nt way pnin's on both tides of the Cnluuiblii river. llnth of thr above steamers lmvc liecn rebuilt, ami ate in excellent shape for the reason of Tin- ltHKUlatur i.incAvllU'iidenvortoslvelts patrons the best service possible. Tor Comfort, Economy mill l'lniHiirii, tiavel by the steamers ol Tlu JtrKulutnr l.lllH. Tlie above steamers leave The Dalles nt S n. m. ntiit 1'ortlaml at 7 a. in., nnd arrive nt destina tion In ainjile time for outgoing tialiif. I'ortland Olllee. Hie Dalles Olllcc. Oak St. Dock. I'ourt Street W. C. Allawaj', General AReut. , " a"3&- t;1 .AND.. lorsesiioi Wagon and Carriag0 Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Third aud Jclr-nu, r ..cHfls. m- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. ICeeps ntulraimht tho celebrated COLUMBIA Iil5i:it, aeknowl ulRvd the best beer in Thu Dalles, nt the usual ptlce. t.'oine In, try It and be convinced. AUo tho Finest brands of Wines, l.l juor and Clears. Sanduiiehes of all Kinds always on hand. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TKAN.JACTA KNKl'.ALHA.N'KK.'U IJUKINKS Letturs of Credit issued nvaihiblo in the EaHtorn States. Sluht E,chani,'o and Tulettraphic Transfurs sold on New York, Chici-go, St. Louis, San Francisco, L'ortlaud Ore (jon, Seattlo Wash,, and various pointo in Oregon and Wuahinijtou. Collectiona uiado at till pointe oh fav orable terniB. J. 8. BCHKNK, l'resldent. II. M. IlK.U. , Castile First national Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREQON A General Bunking Buaineas transacted Depoalta recoived, Hubject to Sight Draft or fHiM'fe. Collectiona made and proceed) promptly rtimiium on uuv oi cioueciion. Siplit and Telegraphic Kxchaiige Hold on now xor, nan rraiiciaco unc oru land. DIKEOTOK3 D. P. TlIOMI'BOM. Jno. 8. BoiICNOK, Ei). M. Williams, Giso. A. Likuk. H. M, Bkai.l. F- s. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor, Secoud & Langblin, THouc 157 as. Regulator Dalles City t PiiQUG 159 :l w f Ik Teeth Extracted FREE SHTURDSY. Tin) bi-Pt work at tlio least possible cost. S00 pots teuth in ono yunr is our re cord in our Portland olllee. Satisfaction KtmrnnU'i'd in wry case. CONSIDER OUR PRICES: Boat Crown am! BritlRo work CJL'k. roUI), per tooth H.BO Buhj wot tenth, uarantiiL'd J',lU0 Best Gold FillliiK fl- Oup Beat silver or alloy tlliiiiK r,0u "P KnoniB 11-12 l.'i, Chapman Block, Second St. Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S.; Manager. How About Your Title? l If s it ir the best lire insurance companies in ttiu worm, iiyuu have property for sale, Hat it with us and we'll find a buyer. J, M. Huntington &Co. Phono SI. 2d St., opposlto A. M. Wllllnms Si Co. J fa 7. "j4apmony's dlhiskey. This hrainl of Whiskey is ciiiirantced to the consumer as a PUKE HAND MADE SOUR MASH WHISKEY for Family anil Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. I L improved CYCLOISIE Sm No. 4-islzo 3H x A-Yi) S8.00 No. 5 (sizo4 x 5)... 1O.0O Juat Arrlvott Thu iinlv MiiL'iizln.1 f.iltntr.i tutlli l.nlli utniHn. C. J. STUBLING ss. Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t Amerioan Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. VfHIBOJYjrjW flTo r6veuraold.) " ' IMPClRTEDOOGNAO f rnni" 7.U0 to $12.00 per trulluu. (11 to 'M yeiirs old.' ALIlOIi'lOA ttti li h Ik hi i.s.'.-fi to jti to 1 1 ftjaiuui. (4 ui 11 yenrM 'old. ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. 0LYMPIA. BEER on druught, aud Imported Alo and Torter. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Portland Dental Parlors rv UK YOlT SritIS it all riht? Kt'inonihur it if Ihe W JJECOKD that uoveriiR. It. ia ur hudint-Ha to Koarch thf records nnd bIiow what thiiv contain in i elation to land tltloa. K you coiitoinjilau' buy lnj land or loaniuj: money on real entatu security, take no man' word, hut insist upon know inu what thu record hIiowb rn'ardinu: the titit. An Abstract is ns es'iuuial as a deed. Insist on having it. We have the only set of Abstract Hooks in the County. All work promptly ex t'cuted and satisfaction nuaraiiteed. It you have pjop. ertv to insure, uivo us a call. We are iivruutH for four of Hi FOR 1899. Ton Points lo Consider: l 12 Plcturoo In 12 Uooontls. 'J. fahuttor Bulb RoWmuo. 3 Shutter Automatic. V -Shuttor Locke, r. is Aluminum Hlnttiholcloru. U But titopo. 7 Special Quick Lons. 8 Automntla KiiKlstor. y Al unfts IntnrchnnKenbln. lO ExnoaocI nlotoB romovuel without (Jlhturblnu unoxpusocl. 1899 CatnloRue with oom ploto Information FREE. M. Z. DONNELL. Val Wulr and Olyiniiia Ucor in bottlen