I 3 Ihaveju3t received a fine line of Woolens in Suiting, Overcoating and ; Pmitinpp nnt trill tin nlpiiapn In hnv. you call and see them. r-i ct Pino j. a. tDene. Tailoring. mtm The Dalles Baflv Chronicle. " suiisciuption i-kice. Om week T One month One year G 00 SATURDAY JULY 15. 1S99I THE YEAR IX BUSINESS. Seldom has the second half of a year opened as auspiciously in a business sense as has that of 1 SOD, says the Globe-Democrat. In all particulars the record of the first balf was encouraging. Secretary Gage estimated in his annual report to congress last December that the u - deficit in the fiscal year which ended - ... . on June au, isuu, would be 5112 000,000. It amounted to only about Ann nft . , . 88,UUU,0U0, or 524,000,000 less than tlie secretary seven months ago figured it would be. Part of this improvement came from a falliug off in expenditures, but a considerable part is due to a gain in receipts. There was a surplus in the month of June, the government's receipts ex ceeding its expenditures by nearly $1G,000,000. June, however, is usually a month of comparatively light expenditures. In July the government's income will probably fall short of its outgo. The general tendency, however, hereafter will be toward larger and larger receipts, while the expenditures, notwithstand si.iiui-: . ... ... I ing tUC increase Of the army which lUe J. UUippme Campaign 15 making' necessary, are likely to be kept be 1 ., .... . low the receipts in the grand aEryre- . . ,. . - (3iv Jk iiiu IJbltt; J'UUi, The record in the general business of the country is even more favorable than the government's exhibit. The country's exports of merchandise these days are at the highest figures ever touched. In the item of ex ports of manufactures, which is the test of industrial expansion, the country is surpassing nil past records. In the important element of pig iron production, in which we have long led England and nil the other r0!!"1 ,!,ll'ut is I vi mi niu iiuiea ui lliu past, and the general tendency is upward. .Notwithstanding the increase in pro duction, however, the demand keeps ahead of supply. Hank clearances are far in excess of those of any previous period, Inst week's gain over the corresponding time in 1898 being 41 per cent. The postal receipts, i winch are an excellent index of genernl business, were about 9f, 000,000 fcr the fiscal year, which was about $G,000,000 in excess of those of the year which ended twelve months ago. The number of busi ness failures between January 1st this year and June 30th and the lia bilities involved have been smaller than in the corresponding period in any other year since 1881, and aking allowance for the number of persons in trade and the amount of wonoy invested, the record is much belter even than it was in 1881. Everybody looks for a repetition in the second half of the year of the favorable conditions shown in the put six months. More business is being done at present than was over done before in the United States, and it is being done under safer conditions. There is a solid financial prosperity throughout tho country at the present time which was never cccded in the best business cms off e past, ami was seldom closely np- ' ox ' tiie na ' proached. A.I1 tliis is due to the fact that the political conditions are sound and permanent. The Ke publiean party makes no reckless experiments in Onanciering, but is governed by the Jessons of experi ence and the most enlightened judg ment of the world. Bv its victory ' in ioi'Uj it ucicaivu me iasi luriuiu - I able assault which will ever be made on the cold standard. The Gcht will . .-i r J il. . 1 . . t . .1 be renewed in 1000, for the Dcmo cnuic ,urtv is kminti to make one I ' ' I j m ore canvass in favor of repudiation. This time, however, the Republican ! party will gain a more sweeping . victory than it cot in 1S, aud the i HJi "111 UL' (111.11. !V lll.ltli.l. I liprsnn fppls nnv dnnbt that the do- ' rr-IM l.n Hun 2no intelligent j - feat of the Democracy in 1900 m its chamnionshill of ich'aicA m0DCv will I ! Onish that folly as a political issue. j This is why the volume of industrial expansion throuchout the Luitedi States at the present time is greater j than it ever was in the past, and why it promises to be still greater in . the immediate future. Dealnea Cannot be Cured. by local applications, as thev cannot j reach the diseased portion of the ear j There is only one way to cure deafness and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- rllflnn nf tl.a tnnonna lin!n( nf f liu t . c - J " 1 II V AUUVUU t.UIUIt u. .uw i . I. tachian Tube. When this tube is in- 1 n 1 1 1.1 : 1 flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and when it is en- ! 1 j T-v . t i . . 1 1 uruiy uiubcu, ijeaiiiess is cue resuu, ana ( unIeSE the inflamni3 tion can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine caws out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will cive One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness i, caused by catarrh; that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars; free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. CTS(i& by Druggists, 75c. 6-10 Hall's Family Fills are the best. I Beautiful Skin. juu iinirv 11 inuisparcm. cie:ir ana ,rr3U complexion use Dr. Dourdon B French Aixnlc Cumpleslon Wafers. Their ellect is in producing nnd preervliiff a beautilul tmnv aim .-moom sKin where the reverse c.i tt'ertest and moit repulsive skin, freckles, moth, blackheads, pimpl ntwl kmrvtthii-ln mt.An ... I' ' (v vk .. .. ,t k ,i t.i.. . kiu, mumu ay rtUtios, veltow and muddy kin areiHirmnnent ly removed, mid a dcllcloasly clear and rcrincd l'rlcerr small box, 0 cents; large box, Jlfor 1 1 J till jwid aud under plain wrapper ujn receipt ol jwm mm unuer ju the ubjve amount The Parisian Drng Co., lol Men t 1 B c; St.Fim Francitco Cal, ..st. inn liEjiy. Under the direction of the Sistere of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR. This Institution Is pleasantly titiutcil near the Columbia on tlio tino of thu Union I'nclllc; theucu It i easy of excess for nil those who cle Jre to fteurun comforuhlo honieimil 11 piore tlven'at of le.irniug for their duURliter'a or wiinls The location of the Academy in one of the most healthy on the I'acifle slope, this por tion of Orejmn bvintr proverbial for In pure water, embiKCiinr air iiiui picturetque tccnery. lhu Aeailemy is incoriKirnte.1 and authorised by the fa.ate tu confer Academic honers. Unard and tuition per scholau.c jear tW. Studies ttlilbs leMimedl'uetday.heiitemberSth. 1-or detalleU information apply to thotilstcr Superior. JlyJ-.'m PROFESSIONALS. A. STURDEVANT, Dentist. Otilco over French A- Co.'h Itank 1'uoho C, THE 1UJ.I.US, OJtEOON J-)H' UKISKNIMUCPFKH Physician and Surgeon, Special attention given to nurijery. Uwmik 21 and 2J, Tel. S28 Vogt Block FRED. W.WILfON, ATTOBNEV-AT LAW, OUlco ovc, Flu. Nat, ,iV,! ,,AI'UiH' 0,,EOON' B C IIUNTINOTO.N TTUNTINUTOK A WIIjuiih II 8 WIL80M i-l A'lTOKNKVH AT IAW, Jlrauch Offlro Oregon Viavi Company, Itooin 7, ovci Kruuch1 lUnk. ?C.en '" Chwlolte r. JUibeiU. I .P , 1 . Uieal JJiiwier. Fe heillh lecture emy Tburwlay it t p, m A rr-v-wJ JTx. 0-(J. drug sign. "1 , t, I You well know that a cooil drug sign is the pattonace wnicn is tiesioweu on .i... " .. -i. r t .... i .. 1 nanuieii ami tue manner 01 uomg oiiii- ness that mokes and keeps tliis business. ; TfJ Ss?..0 "r handled anil the manner of doing btiii i luris iu kuii fciiv ucai uus ui. mi- I best price. We are particular about the ! conipounawj; 01 tnem RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Secoiifi Street. THE DALLES Just What You uuant. ew ideas in Wall Paper here. Such I wide variety as vu are eliowinj; never be j fore graced a single stock. Real iniita ! tion creton effects at ordinary prices, (jooil nailers nr. nhpMii num.r- nr;-ua .. JJ.ll.CC. hlegant desipns, tasteful colorings, yourt iur u omuii price, ai uur store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints D. W. VATJSE, Tliird St EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at I'ortlaL OVEUUVN1) KX-1 Eresi, Salem, Uo6e- I urs, Ashland, Sac-1 '6:00 r. M. I r!im-'nw. Ogden.San I " M' 1 KrancUeo, Moiavc, ( 9 A. 41, l-oh AriKeles.Ull'aso, Now Orleans and .... '20 A M loeburg and way sta- Itlons 1 f Via Woodbura' fori Daily ' I i't.Aiijtcl, Sllverton, '...."7. 1 1 West Unln. llrnnm l i'. 'i Dally except Suudayb. auudays I vlllcSprlugUeMand Natron 17:30 A. 41. ICorvallis and wayj (stations 5:Kr.4l. I.N'DEl'ENDEXCE I'AS3EXOEB. Express train Dally (except Sunday), l;Wp.m. rl.v. ...Portland r.) 8:an.m ':u)p.m. jAi..j;elIlnnvilltf..I.v.5 5;Wn,m :0 p. la. (Ar..liidependeucc..l.v.) I:ii0a. m Dally. fOany, except bunany, DINING OAKS ON OGDKN BOUTE. rUr.f,MAN 11UFKET HI.EEI'EKS AND SECOND-CLASS BJ.EEl'INt C'AIth Attached to all TIiioukIi Tialas. 1llrivtf.nnnniw.lli,. a, Can i.'...f .... ....... a. . dental and Oriental and l'aclllc uiall teamthli lints for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing elates l ot Bates Mid tickets tn Knst. WZWM'M''' "'"NA, HONOLULU uu( Alt nbovo trutiiH anivo at and dfrpait (roir urund Central HUtlon( KUth and Irviuic utteetk YAMiril I. lil'iaTMT I'mfctnger Depot, loot of JuJtcrwju street. liPflVf ftr R1wp(i.n .,rirA, ri .nn Arrlvo at rortland, y;K0 a, m. Iftvn fnr AflU IP At, ti.i . Uav.Thur.dHylludSatuVaaj U ;05,V. Z.' l -except Biiuday, "Except Saturday. 4IuuiUer. At. (i. F. s Fas. At Through Ticket Office, 131 Third itrcct, whert iwrnxtAT fcuro" can 10 0b"lnwl ' orWHKl!iioKKWN,'T,CketA"wt- .ERVITA UntttM VI) ALITt. LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency.NlKht Emissions and wasting dUeaBes, all elVccta of uclf- uuusc, or exccua and India cretion. Aiiorvotontutiuii blood bulldor. UrinRs the pink glow to mlcclicckaaw' restoreH tlie lire of youth. Bv mailftOcncr linx: (1 lxixpH for Jk2.flO: with a. lvrHtnti too to cure or refund the wouey. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. ONntan J lean 1., OHfOAGO, ILU 1 1 V . mm v D.R&N r.vr.T Ton timk jcitnni.K. FUOM DAU.KS. AnmvK Fuom. Kat .M.ill 11 :W p. m. Salt Ijikr. Denver, H.l KHt Worth, Omaha, Kan- Malt a City, St. l.outs, 3:15 p 11 1 ChlcaRo'am! East. Spokane Wnlla Wnlla, SKikanc, Simkane Fiver Minneapolis. St. Faul,, Vljer. 5:W p. va.' i u 1 u t h, illlwaukee,; fi:W a. ui Chicaso and East Fkom I'or.TLiNn. j Iji, m. Ocean Steamships. For San Friuieisco January !S, and every live days theicalter. C .11. t 1. 111. Ex.sundayiColunibla Bv. Steamers. Ex.bundaj !To Astoria anil Way Satuntay landings. I 10 p. ui. , 4 p. m. 6 a. tn. Will., siette Bivkh. 4 :t p. m. Ex.SundaylOreKon City. NewberB, Ex. Sunday Salem i Way Ijind's., 7 A in. U',n iur-Tt .vnVill. n.li m Tues.Thur. niu Uivgkk. !lcm..Sval and Sat. Orepon City, Dayton, mid Frl. and Way-UiiidliiKS. Ann. ' Vr . u . li.i.t.n I i.n. . u u. .... . i uu a a r. . . ... , ... : 1 nv ill. Tue.,Thur, Portland to Corvallls, Tue.,Thur u cai. auu i! ay-ijiuuiugs. 1 aim eai. Snakk Biver. Biparia to Eeivlston. l.KAVR Lkwiston dally I.v Biparia' dally i take No. i, leaving 'Ihu Dalles at p. m mnkiiif? direct connections at Hcppncr Jnnctlon utiuiuiuK iiiwMiiKuireen.'tnineciiou ai nepniwr r""-u ' i v. t m n iit at. uv i ui i v; s fit. l.iQ V. III. No. CJ. throucht frelirht. cast bonnd. tiocn not carry paenger-j; ariives 2;'J) a. in., ilciwirts :):50a. in. uuuitti, rtif lioyii. in.. utMiaris n.io p, in. carry passengers; arrives S:I5 in., departs No. sj, west bound local freight, carries pas. teuiicrs; arrives 5:15 p. m., depart S:;X a. in. For full nnrttf.tl.'ir nn II P .1. V !.. it agent The Dalles, or address W. II. HUBt.Ill'BT, Gen l'as. At Portland, Or. QRTHER1S3 PACIFIC RY. n s Pullman Sleeping Cart Dining Cars Sleeping Car MT. l'Alll. " MIN.NKArOI.J J)UI.UTII I'AltOO (1KAN1) I'OII CKOOKSTON WINNITKO iii:i,i;na nn V.VTTK Elegant J.UUJ.16I, TO Through Tiekcts oiiitiAno IVAStUNUTON rilll.ADJU.l'llIA si:w voiiit IIO.STON AND AM. I'OINTB HAST and HOUT11 For lnformntlrtti. ffmn..fii n.n.... .ii..... Jal oil or write to ' ' W. C. AIJjAWAY. AL-ont. The Dalles, Orcicou D. AliLTON. Ao P. P A rrisou Cor. Third. Portland ()!cyor. Oilura travelora clioirn nf tim fnii,.,, :.,,. ..... . .o, . ...-.-.., K uiiico viibi. inoy uro an latnous for tlioir euenic attraction. O. K. A N. view Ontlen and Denver, hhasta Kouto view Kaciatnonto.Ogden and Dunvnr. fihaeta Hputo view Sacramento, I;b nmseicH nun Aioerquerque. A llallv linn nf M. ....... I. nniTuiv PALACE and TOUKI8T SLEEPER. Irnm film P.ntiiitann T k t . ' A7: " fi","',"'u "u Angeiea lo Chicago. Tina la The Short Line from southern California To the East. A I) III V tn HlH IMtlla nf f II . Co. or the underaiiwed, for foldori nnr! dewrlptlvo literature. J. J. DEVRRKiiv Utn. Agt. Worcester, lildg. Portland, Or. Santa Fe Me It will be our aim to carry a Complete Line of the Purest Drugs. And wo invito your attention to our Htock of PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AND WALL PAPER. BUTLER DRUG COMPANY, Successor to Snipua-Ktnuraly Drug Co. THE DKLLES STEAM LAUNDRY. Dewey whilo wash? Yes, and wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. Tho Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, hut the standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First 'Phone 341. Wasco Warehouse Company y Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ol p 11 kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S?1i?I!lfeed Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr T"'8 I,lot,r ,H ninnnfncturwl cxpruealy for family ubu: overv Rck is minnintued to civu Hiitiefactiou. Wa eell our poods lower tlmn nny house in tins trudo, mid if yon don't think bo call and not our prices and he convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oats. PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. Sjjti lnplse 18-Inch Motor. i!Axui'.cTuiti:n nv AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO. SUITABLE FOR DRIVINd GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS, ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC. Circulara and particulars furnished on application. F. un20 CrandaliSBupget DEALERS IN HI! Irinrlc nf I UNDERTA TrKTOfl .. 4 m a. I runerai applied embalmers and Court Street, THE DALLES, OR. muiuis S. GUNNING, Agent, THE DALLES, OREGON. Robes, Burill Shots, Etc. Th DailM, Or.