hi Dalles VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 15 1899. NO 79 1 HEART FELT WELCOME Be Mier Boys Land Mill Roar or Canton and Cheer Upon (Mr. GOVERNOR GEER IN THE LEAD Tlicv Miu'died up Market Street Deluged Willi Flowers Now in Camp at Hie Presidio Hi-grin to Make Themselves Comfortably a Once. Sax I-'uanoihco, July U. Not i-ineo the departure of the Culilornia volun teers fur thu Philippine!) have the streets ofS.m FrancKw presented such n seonii of animation uh thoy did today nor have the steam whistles, cannons ntul hells created such n nun pun, mid nil this In honor of thu returned repmuiit of Oregon volunteers nnd the California signal corps who have returned from foreign shores after over fourteen niontha of hardships nnil lightim;, some gaunt und niek, brokun in henllh mid Hjilrit, Rome bearing thu marks of Filipinos' hullcitB, others re turning to their native country full of vigor mid life mid oven buttered by thu trying experiences in thu tropical climate and vigorous campaign against thu fol lowers of Agtiimildo. Early In thu day great crowds of peoplu commenced gathering alone the lino of march. As the waiting crowds benanio fully uwaru that thu iiiuii wuru actually in sight tho din and roar and mechanical noises mingled with the cheers of thoueandB made it scmn as if liedlam had really broken loose. The first in linu of nmroh was Major Koine, (iwioral Shaftur'H aid, followud by the luml of tliu Third urtilhiry. Then came Governor Geer, of Oregon nnd e tail', followed by thu Californlium who shared tlioelieurs with thu Oregoniuns. Thi!ii uainu tho Oregon regiment headed by ltrigudier Generals Summur and Hung. Aa thu men marched up thu etreut they inadu n splendid appeariuicu. The ambulances bearing thu sick nnd wounded followed, then n battery of the Third arllllury. All nlonir tho line of march tho inoii wuru chuured to thu i oho. As the soldiers passed tho l'ulncu hotel they were deluged with flowura thrown Irom the windows by thu guests. Gen eral Shnfior nnd Htnll', and many noted nriny ollieorr revluwed tho parade as it passed up 'a KU,H avunno. At tho Presidio they will lost tin dur military diciiilinn for two or threo wuuks when the dual mustering out w ill taku Placo ami thoy will bu sunt to tlioir homes bv luin. MURDER AND ANNIHILATION scli Was the Plan of Auiiinuldo on the Night of the Outbreak. . 'J" f':anoihco, July 14. Tho olllcora 01 the Second Oregon regiment, while Jy Bunriluil In thulr HtutuniontB, admit tlioconditlon of tliu American troops Manila at thu outbreak of hostilities wtweo,, Agulnaldo nnd tho United "la eawiiH very critical, fhe capture of ulutter sent from in our ImuH In Manila to an ombasBV of oinahlo Is probably nil that snvud our my from n turrlhlu disaster, ami poBal annihilation Tho luttor wna taken wuonorulOtfH, who found In it tho plans ' Ijlut tu open tho gates of Miu.iln, Hack "c'ly, murder the mmrdH, und allow ' Hisurguiit nrmy to pour Into thu ncii camps nnd surprise tho men. lr,"u ",lltu,l Stutoa troops wuro under Urn!, ' K,,t 10 ,neot t,l -'xpuotl ot '', 1,1,1 Imd learned of tho cap OaVAI . Baking Makes the food more delicious and wholesome ovn dak i no ture of tho iottur, and tho only part of tho plot thut was carried out wns tho burning of a portion of thu city. Another Authority. Cincinnati, July 14. Bishop J. M. Thohurn, of tho Methodist Epitcopal church, who Iiiih spent forty yeara na n missionary, montly in India ia horo with hia family, hoiiid of whom tiro in ill health. The I'ishon spent eomo tlmu in Manila in Match last, and was an intel ligent observer of events. lie eaya there is no doubt that thu outbreak between tho Amerlcniia nnd Filipinos was in tended by Filipino londura to include u Runur.il massacre in tho city of Manila. llnhliril tin) (itiivu. A etnrlllng incident, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tho subject, Is narrated by him us follows: "I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes tunken, tongue coated, pain continually in bock and aides, no uppetitu gradually grow ing wcakur duy by day. Threu physi cians had given me up. Fortunately, a trlend advised 'Electric Bitters'; and to my great joy and surprise, tho first bottlo made a decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks, nnd am now n well mnn. I know they saved my life, and robbed tliu grnvo of another victim." No onu bhould fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, "ut Blakuley & Houghton's drug atoru. 5 CAUGHT IN THE BREAKERS Uoat With Three Men Upset on Yaqtiitia liar One Drowned. Nlwpokt, Or., July 111. This morn ing about 7 o'clock, Georgu Uurch, Frank l'rieat and n man known as "Sen Lion Clinrluy" wont out over tho bar for deep sea fishing. When about half way out to thu bar they saw a breaker coining and atopped fishing. Priest pot tho boat's bow around to moot tho breaker, nnd the crnft passed over it in safety. Another sea struck them buforo they could regain control of their boat nnd capsized it. Priest and Sea Lion Charley succeeded in catching hold of tho boat and clinging to it, but Utireh was not Hccn again. Thu lookout from lhu life-saving feta tion, who was on thu beach opposite to tliu Rconu of tho accident, paw tho boat capsize and hastened to the ttntion for assistance Tliu crew promptly re sponded, and In less than half an hour reached the scenu with thulr lifu boat and rescued thu two men clinging to tho upturned craft. They were nearly ex hausted, and could not have held ou many minutes more. Burch was a singlo man. A TIltlllHIUUl 1'uugui'H Could not exprosH thu rupture of Annie E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil adelphia, Pa., when elie found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption hud coinploluly cured hur of a hacking cough tiiut for many years had made lifu a burden. All othur remedies nnd doctors could give bur no help, but shu enya of thia Koynl Curo-"lt soon ro moved tho pain in my chest nnd I can now sloop soundly, something I can scarcoly remuinbor doing before. I feol liko sounding Hb praises throughout thu universe." So will every one who trios Dr. King's Now Discovery fomny trouble of tho throat, chest or lungs. Price COo nud $1. Trial bottle free at Dlakoloy cV lloughton'a drug atoro; oyery bottlo guaranteed. 5 Grasshoppers in Grain Fields. Minnkai-omh, July Kl.-Huporta wero roceivud hero lliia niorniug by graiiiinen that olomla of grasslioppera alighted on the Holds in thu vicinity of Holla, N. D., from the Turtle mountain region. Powder mwoew co., new vonK. High School Professor Shot. Dallas, Tex., July 13. Professor William Lipscombe, of the Dallas high acbool.died today from the effects of a wound received from John T. Carlisle, former janitor of the school, who shot him during rovival services nt the First Christian church. Carlisle, who is n cousin of cx-Secretnry of tho Treasury John G. Carlisle, professes not to re member nnything about the shooting, lie is in jail, nud the defense will be umutionnl insanity. Carlisle lost his position ns janitor nt tho high school and blamed Liprjcotnbe for it. JS IT IlIGIIT I or mi Killtiir li Jlcooinincnd I'utcnt iMt'tllciiiVhV From Sylvan Vallev News, Iirevrad, N. C. It may be a question whether the editor of a newspaper lias the right to publicly recommend any of tho various proprietary medlcine3 which flood the market, yet as a crcventiyo of tufl'ering wo feel it a duty to say n good word for Chnmberlain'e Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Iteuiedy. Wo have known and used this medicine in our family lor twenty years and hayo always found it reliable. In many cnec? n dose of this remedy would save hours of suffering while n physician is awaited. Wo do not believo in depending implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but we do believo tliat if u bottle of Chnmberluin'e Diarrhoea Ilemedy wus kept on hand and administered at tho inception of nn attack, much suffering might be avoided and in very many cases thu presence of n physician would not be required. At least this bus been our experience during the past twenty years. For sale by Iilukeley i Houghton, Druggists. Dewey Will Cut His Trip Short. New Yoitir, July 14. A dispatch to tho Herald from Port said : The cruiser Olympia arrived hero this afternoon. Do.vey, wlio is looking very well, has been reluctantly obliged to decline Iho invitation of Minister Slraueo nt Con stantinople to stay with him on the Hosphorae. He is nnxiuus to get to New York as soon as possible, and lias decided to pioceed in the Olympia to Trieste, where lie will make n short stay for tho change of air, proceeding thonco to Americ.i. Free Exhibition For a few days of the celebrated SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS Hair Grower and Scalp Cleaner Everybody invited to call and see the magnificent growth of hair of the ladies in attendance and at the name time secure freo advice as to how to treat the hair and scalp to obtain best results. NO LIKELIHOOD OF COMBINATION Uiiilci Stales Will Not Join John Ball in Coercion of China. REFUSES TO GIVE INDORSEMENT To Any Special American Enterprise, or Anj Guarantee of Company's Fi nancial Stnndiu''. Ni:w Yohk, July 14. A special to the Herald from Wnehington says: While President McKinlcy will take all neces sary Bteps for tho protection of Ameri cans nnd their interests in China, there is no likelihood that he will join with Great Britain in coercing tho Pekin gov ernment to give extraordinary conces sions to Americans and British citizens. A high official said regarding the mis sion of W. H. Parsons, of Washington, that the administration had no intention of combining with Great Britain or any other government in the interest of its citizens. Naturally, the president stood ready, he said, to afford all reasonable and law ful protection to Americans In foreign countries, and Mr. Parsons would un doubtedly receive this assurance. It has been tho policy of the administration not to advocate any special American in dustry to tho Chinese government. In stiuctiutis sent to the American minis ter in Pekin some time ago eaid: 'In tho advancement of Ameiican enterprises in China and the efforts made in behalf of the Chinese foreign office, you should be cautious in giving what might be understood ns tho govern ment's Indorsement of the financial standing of the persons seeking contracts with that of China. Bsielly speaking, vou should employ all proper methods for the extension of American commer cial interests in China, while refraining from advocating the projects of any one firm to tho exclusion of others." A Frightful Illunder Will often cause a horrible burn, scald, cut or bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in tho world, will kill tho pain and promptly heal it. Cures old sores, fever sores, ulcers, boils, corns, felons nud all skin eruptions. 15ett pile cure on earth. Only 25 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. 5 NOTIUK. United States Land OrricE, Oiseoox Cm-, June 21, 1D9. Notice is hereby given that tho ap proved fractional plat of Township 2 north range 8 east, has been recelred from tho surveyor general of Oregon and on August 1st, 1899, at 0 o'clock, a. in., of said date, said plat will bu tiled in this ofllce, und tho land therein em braced, will be Eiibject to entry on nnd after said date. Chas. It. Mooukk, W.m. Galloway, Itegieter. Iteceiver. An ICjildomlo of Illiirrlioou. Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoa nut Grove, Fin., says there has been quite nu epidemic of diarrhoea there. He had n suvern attack nnd was cured by four doses of Chamberlain's Ch lie, Cholera and Diarrhoea liemedy. He says hu also recommended it to others and they say it is thu best medicine they ever ufod. ICor sale bv Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. A disensed stomach surely under mines health. It dulls the brain, kills energy, destroys tha nervous system, und predisposes to Insanity nnd fatal diseases. All dyspeptic troubles are quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It has cured thousands of cafes nud is curing them every day. Its ingredients are such that it can't help curing. Siiipcs-Kiiieisly Drug Co. lAr Jr Ar lr .J Ar iA QDonday to I We show new arrivals in . . . $1.00 and $1.25 Come and I A. M. Williams & Co. CITATION. f. THE COUNTY 00UKT OF THE STAT1 -L ot Oregon, for tho County ot Was co. ... n,n ........... ..r .ri fc-llus W. Duvlb, dwouM'd.j clrAT10.N To Mrs. Kinclluo Dsvls, Mr. Corn K. Coram, Mrs. l.lzloJ. FutIs, Situs K. Davis, William II. Davit, Anettu Frauds McNeil, l iny Mary J!n linricvanil Elllo lUlicl Davlx, hells at law of Hilas W DiivK ilctvnseil, and to AnyR M. Wil liams, W. II. VanliibLor, binitli French, K C. 1'o.tt.o, ami ltos 1 1), Mcuill, mortgagees! oteit lug: lu the name of thostatool Oregon: You are hereby cited and required to appear ill tlio county court of the stato of Oregon lor the county of Wasco, at the court room thereof, at T lie Dalles, Oregon, In the county of Wtaco, on Monday, the 'Jliiid day of July, 1S0J. at ten o'clock In the forenoon of thtt day, then and tliero to show ciiiuc, if any il.ere be, why nn order of tho above entitled court should not be made directing II. 1'. Ijiughlln, as administrator of said estate of Slias W, Davis, deceased, to re deem tho mortgaged premises belonging to said estate, or if said redumption be deemed inex pedient, Hint said administrator be authorized and directed to sell all of the real estate belong ing to tbc otato of said deceased, and iiartieu lurly described as follows, to-wit: Lot No. lot block No. '.), of Dalles City proper in Dalles City, Wasco counts, Oregon; aUo trie north half of the northwest (iiiarler, tho northeast quarter, and the north hull of tliu southeast quarter of section lliu towiuhlp 'J north ot range VI, esst of tho Willamette meridian, in WAsco county, Oregon, containing SJO acres, more or less, said smIu to be mndo at public auction for cash In hand, in the manner prescribed by law, and tho proceeds of such sale to bo held by said adminis trator and disposed of as may be required by the order of tho above entitled court. Witness, the Hon. Hubert Mays, Judge nf tho County Court of the Statu of Oregon, for the County of Wiuco, with the seal of said Court atllxed Hits Second day of June A. D. Lvj-.i. Iskai.) juuli ll Attkst: A. M. KK1.SAY, Clerk. NOTICK FOH PUBLICATION, V. S, Land Gmcn, nt Tun lni.i.cs, 0hi:., Ji'i.v a, lsyj, i Notice is heiebv civcu that the following uumcd settler lias Aled notice of his lulenlioir to muku llual proof in support of liis chum, and that sidd pioof will bo made before Tho Hcglster aim iccccivcr at I nu uauca, Oregon, on r riuay. AUg. 1, IW,U!' 1't-rry J. Van Camp, of The !ullr,r. Homestead Knlry, No. l'j:xi, for thu Wo, SWh, and H'X'!i, Section ls.Tp.'JN., It. 1U V W.M. Hu naiiies t lie following witnesses In prove Ills continuous residence upon und cultivation of said laud, vl: 1'. J. Alitdlus, Martin l'tiKim, K, A. Uviiaid and Oliver Dowers, all of Tlic Dalles, Oregon, JAY V. LUCAH, Jl)8-ll Hctilstcr A Ar ifc -fW ftr -V j see them. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omen at Vakcoitvfr, Wash., July S, J Notice is hereby given Unit tho following named settlers liavu tiled notice of their Inten tion to maku llual nronf in smmoit nf tlnlr claims, and Hint said proofs will bu made tiJfore n, . i resoy, i nireii atares uoinuussioncr lor District of Washluu-ton. at his oltlco in Ooldcu- dale, Washington, on Monday, August II, IblW, Sleplicii .llnrlrtt. Homestead Kutry No.'jOJI, for tho P. 't. N. E. 1 f; N. K. ' i S. U. 1 1 Miction lu, and t. W. 4 N. '. L of Section 'u, Towiihhip II North, of Itango ill Kast, Will. Mer, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: carl Franzen, Christian I'rnnzen, I'ortcr L. llardlson, Marlon Splawn, all of Lyle I1. 0,,Wush. l'orter L. Ilnrdlson. Honicstcad Kntry No. SOU, for the S. 15. fof S. H. M of Section ID j tho 6. V. '., ot S. V. 'i, t-eotiou '.-O; K. of N, i:. : of Bection :i, Towu sliiiia.North, of Itango 1 Kat, Will. Mer. He names the following witnesses to provu hlseoirtlnuous residence upon, and cultlwitiim of said land, viz,: Carl Franzen, Christian Fninzsn, Stephen Marlett, Marlon Splawn, all of Lylu 1', O , Wash. JlyS il W. It. DUN11AH, Hcglster. " CONTEST NO Tl CK . " r. S. Land Omen, Tim Dalles, On. I Ji.lv 11. lh'Jl). 1 A mlllelent contest allldavit iiaviug been lllcd ill which it is alleged that he has abftiuinuoit said tract for more than 0 mouths. Said )uirllea are hereby untitled to appear, respond nnd Ciller evidence touching said allegation, nt HI o'clock a, in, oir Sept. I, lsuu, befuie tliu register und icct ivcr nt the I nited States laud nitico In '1 ho Dalles, Or. Tho said contestant liaving tu a proper iitlldavll, lllcd July 1st. Is'j'.i, set forth fuels which sliow that alter due diligence, personal service ol tins notice can not he made, it is heieby ordered and dlivcted Unit such notice lu given by duo and proper publication, jlyl" li JAY l'. I.I'cas, Hcglster. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the Hon, County Court of lhu thu Statu of Oicgou, for Which county, as uduilnulrator of tliu estuteof Adolpli Ailldlus, deceased. All pel sous having claims against suid estate are hereby untitled to present the sumo properly verillcd to me ut Hie ollico of my uttoimjs, Diilur .V Menufce, within six inouths from Iho date of this notice Dated at 'l hu Dalles, Oregon, June ft, lhW. J. I'. ACIDIUH, AduiluNlrutor of the Kstate of Adolpli Agldluw, det'cutisl, 7rlL i 8 I in uus onrcu ny jaiues uouik, coniesiaru, against houiesicnd entry No. WS, mado Nov. 4th, 1MU. for S'.j tiWU. M:(4 SWi1(!-cc. ill.town ship:) p, H LI K, and NV'( .NlV'i, See, 11, town shin 1 H. It LI K. bv Tliomas Jellre s. contustcu.