mi ii 1 I Mi HI el MI till Si til it MUSTEK OUT AT 'FRISCO ft "vr V ir r 1 Ti n n . i i iMtyS'p , rages kcpsudb n from uoiouci lis 4-.' 'i-ra . . . Bnmmcvs luaorsea Dy hot. lieor. DECISION RECEIVED WITH HURRAHS appointed .Many Telegrams Sent. All Excellent Combination. The pleasant method anil beneficial . e .1 . ii I i.. E3IICC13 Oi llll' Ut'H KllllWil lUIUl'liy, Svnur of Fins, manufactured by trie Camfoiinia Fio Svnur Co., illustrate feeS ! Frisco is Hoppr-Portlnnd People Dis- meuicinauy laxative nnu presenting i . , . . x , i i mem in ine luriu uiu.st ruiresiun iu mu taste and acceptable to the system. It is the one perfect strengthening laxa- i t.i nlnn MCittrf lw etfctnm g iiry unlit dispelling' colds, headaches nnd fevers j Washington, July 13. Secretary A I rreutly vet promptly nnu enabling one ,. ,,. ... . , . , i.i,'!ti nnmi gerthie niornmg received a telegram mancntly. Its perfect freedom from , from San Francisco containing a unani everv objectionable quality and sub- stance, and its acting on the kidneys, , mous releat that the Oregon regiment liver and bowels, without weal-enmg ,' be mustered out ut San Francisco. Alter or irritating them, nialtc it the ideal laxative. I consultation with the president, it was In tho process of manufacturing figs ' decldeil ,0 concetlo to the request. Travel are used, as they are pleasant to the 1 tasfci.but the medicinal qualities of the , pay nml commutation of rations will be remedy are obtained from senna and , , , enIli:ra other aromatic plants, by a method : '"ueU tllt solci"-'rs IVltUkkU Ivl tilt; iAUtl' IMtltXl I 1U Ul IiL'l n C Tim t 1 I Co. onlv. In order to rrot its beneflcial fcAN KANCISCO, July lo. A telegram i effects and to avoid imitations, please ' was received from the department at remember the full name of the Company Washington todov announcing the Ore printed on the front of every package. ' ,.i,,. ' . , , , i, .-,. . ,il 'L, ! con volunteer regiment would be nius- CAjLlruRTNLi FIG SYRUP CO. teredout here and travel pay and com-iOTTisviLi,!-. nr. :ct yor.ic. ir. -sr. mutation rations would be issued liere. For sale by all Druggi.t.t'rice sec. ps r bottia Ttie decision of the Washington officials was soon made known to tiie soldiers on thoir undoubted prcferenco wo n'o unwilling to resist it, and beg that you will not be influenced under these cir cumstances by our request heretofore to thu contrary. Is it not possible to aflord men in some way nu equivalent to travel 'pay nnd still muster out bore. Parents and relatives earnestly desire this. "(HAiii.ns F. llr.Kiiu, Chairman, "Dan J. Moom:, Secretary, "Keceptioii Committee." A copy ot the obove was sent lastevon tng to Hon. Linger Hermann in Wash ington for his inforuation, also to Adjutant-General Tuttle at San Francisco. In the telegram to General Tuttle he was asked whether the matter had been fullv explained to tho men the very general and earnest desire on the part of the public to luive the regiment returned us an organization. Lust. A lady's gold, open-faced Waltham watch, between Hearst'e school house and Mr. Fauon's. near tho Dos Chutes. Engraved with scrowl work on the back, IS IT IlIUIIT For Nil Kill tor to Itpcoiiiiuriul lll'clllllllt'.' I'ntMit I'EKSONAli MENTION. ! lliu Ifi.nettArlQ .....3 ....... .... .1 !.,. ittt. iMtua;ui,c, tmu l.ir ICUCIVtU Willi loud hurrahs. The people of this city are much gratified at the turn of affair?, and the committees having tho recep tion of the soldiers in charge will com plete arrangements at oiiee. Wires Kept Warm. Por.TLANi), July IJ. The telegram re ceived by General Decbe, his reply, mid the telegram sent by the reception con. mittee of Portland are given below: "S.ln Frnnmcpn ft! 10 . i' v.... Milt, tll.pl.lllU III IUAII I -...w..,, Wl. ( . , UUIJ VJV.ll- today from Hay Creek, ou ins way for ' eral C. F. Beebe, Portland, Or. : Trans- fl v.ifiirtnn in Pirtlu,nl i . . ... .... ports arrived. All well. .Men unani mously in favor of being mustered out here, to receive travel pay. Will not consent to bo mustered out at Vancouver. Can amount equal to travel pay bo raised in Portland in half nn hour 30.00G7 ' O-horwibe Summers, Yoran, Shatter and ire department ;er out in Van Oliver. Answer rush "B. Ii. Tcttle, Adjutant-General." np.ivfl....! n 7 .. 1 .. in , . ,. where they will be nken by team to General B. B. Tuttle, San Francico Cal Glenwood for a cammnir tr in. "..-.wi i rjiaui.o,oai. . Donald McRae came in from Antelope yesterday. Hon. W. W. Steiwer is in from Fossil, leaching here this morning. Mrs. A. Murchie and child arrived yesterday afternoon from Wasco. Geo. Steel and Adam Appell are reg istered at the Umatilla from Portland. II. S. James, one of Grass Valley's wiibi-awake rf?identn, came in from that section yesterday. John Somtnerville, Jr., arrived in tovn a vacation in Portland Mrs. J. A. Donthit and children re tured yesterday from a month's visit with relatives in Crook county. Mrs. J. W. Baker arrived in the citv last evening from La Grand,?, and is the goest of her nitre-, Mrs. W. A. Kirby. , ,, c ... , . . u-nerwite aummers, 1 01 Mrs. A. H. Smith, who Imi spent some n , months with her daughters, Mrs. Wilton iCTOVernor Geer wl11 Wl and Mies Smith, returned to Pendleton i ohansiug order to muste II VUU.CUill UtClllU, j B. F. LlU''h!in and fnrnllv li'fl nn tl.o ! boat this morninir for White Salmon. ' From Svlvan Valley News, Brovrad, N. C. It may bo a question whether tho editor of a newspaper has the right to publicly recommend any of tho various proprietary medicines whleli flood tho market, yet as a preventive of suffering we feel it a duty to say a good word for Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Beiuedy. Wo hnvc known and used this mediciuo in our family lor twenty years and hayo always found it reliable. In many cases a doso of this remedy would savo hours of suffering whllu n physician is awaited. Wo do not believe in depending implicitly on any medicine for a cure, but wo do belioyu tnat if a bottle of Chainborlain'e Diarrhoea lleinedy was kept on hand and administered at tho inception of nu attack, much suffering might be avoided mill it, run' (itml, niidaa tin. iirrtaiitnm ..f and also the name Itha, lhe owner j pI,V8,clnn would 110l bu re(llimi. Al values it not for its intrinsic value but I ,eaat th,8 has b(,on mn. ox lvnci3 asa keepsake, as she has had it since lo ,,nring thu t h.e)Uv V(,anj m BU,B vn:irs nlil. Amiiin rniviiril will ho irtvon I . ... . . . ' ny liiaKoioy iv. iiougtiton, Uruggists. Gun-eliot wounds and powder-buniF, cuts, bruises, spruins, wounds from rusty nails, insects stings and Ivy poison ingquickly liealed by DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Positively proventa blood poisoning. Beware of counterfeits. Do Witt's is safe and sure. Butler Drug Co. Teeth Extracted FREE SATURDAY. The best work at tho least possible cost. SIX) seta tenth in one year Is our re cord in our Portland oflicu. Satisfaction guaranteed in every ease. years old. Ample reward will be given to tho finder. Leave either at this office with Mr. J. Fagon, Des Cliuteg jhSlt or bridge. Percentage of Sick Men. San FiiANOis-co, July K!. Advices re ceived by the transports Newport, dated Mnllil.l. .Ill, in 11 n.n no fnllnn-o Thu volunteers aro creatlv debilitated in con-1 1 sequence of their hard campaigning BJZSti2iSS&WPMWTs,&stBSET through three months of tropic weather. 1 m-b. m Since the middle of May no volunteer p regiment has had a sick list of less than , L'O per cent. .More 01 them at tho pre sent date had '2' per cent ill, and a few regiments havo less than ouo-third of their number on duty. For Sale, Ono second-hand truck wagon, CONSIDER OUE PRICES: Best Crown and Bridge work (L'2I:. gold), per tooth. Hem set teeth, guaranteed Best Gold Filling Heat silver or alloy filling Hi0 $5.00 $1.00 up hOc up chapman'JSock; Second st. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray, D. D. S.( Manager. one uow S. J iiii80-2 w mid -inch Bain truck wagon at M.UKI! & Bu.NTON'h. Glenwood for a camping trip Stage Was Overturned. Va.ncoi-vek, Wash., July 12. Mrs. Clark and Miss iiussell, of Lewisville, Wash., who were passengers on the Van-couver-Amboy stage yesterday, suffered painful injuries as the result of the over turning of the stage while en route. Mre. Clark was cut about tho head, and Miss Bus-oil sustained several cevere biuises. Neither case is serious. You need have no boils if you will buy CI irie i F.illi's Bure cum for bills. l our telegram received. We deeply do plore this unexpected turn in events. Fear impossible to raise the sum stated. Widespread disappointment throughout the state will result. Please advise def inite determination as soon as arrived at. "CiiAiiLts F. Bkiiiik." The following telegram was sent to President McKinley : "Portland, Or. , July 10. To the Presi dent, Washington, D. C. : It is reported that our regiment desires unanimously to be mustered out in San Francisco on account of travel pay. If this Is ME CURE FOR BLOOD POISON, BUSINESS LOCALS. For the best results use the Vive Camera, For salo by the Postoffico Jiarniacy. tf Latest thing in cameras arc Im proved Magazine cyclones at Donnell's drug store. Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind chicken feed. mcli25-tf Improved Magazine cyclones are win ners. Donnell, the druggist, will gladly show them to you. Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles. Ml-3m Try Verba Buena Bitters, tho best tonic. For salo at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, Tho Dalles. M17-;im Try Verba Buena Bitters, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J. Stubling, agent, The Dalles. icycie J REPAIR SHOP. I 5 AGENT FOR THE H ..RAMBLER. Lock nnd Gunsmith, nnd Machine work. Phaflac niirnhtnrf Hccnml Kt. until IUO U III UlllUl i , pi Johnston. EsmENBS2-V How About Your Title? r UK YOU SURE it is all right? Ruinomhur it i? tho H R1CCOUI) that goveniR. It ia our business to eearuh the records and ehow what thev contain in relation to land titles. If you contemplate inlying land or loaning money on real estate security, take no nmii' word, but insiPt upon knowing what the record uIiowh regarding the title. An Abstract is as essential iib a deed. Insist on having it. We have thu only sot of Abstract Bookp in the County. All work promptly ex ecuted and satisfaction guaranteed. It you luivn prop erty to insure, give us o call, We are tigeiits for four of the best lire insurance companies in lliu world. If you have property for sale, list it with us and wu'll find a buyer, J, M. Huntington Si Co. r 'Phono 81. 2d St., oppoolto A. M. Wllllamc &. Co. of X-ZN-BSVSJRS Jasfc What You uiant. M17-:im For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera hat will take larger pictures than any other Camera on tho market. For sale by Clarke & Falk. tf Mr. and Mrs. B. Uickamp, Elston, Mo., writes : "One Minuto Cough Cure saved the life of our littlo boy when nearly dead with croup." Butler Drin Co. 'What might hayo been" ii that littlo cough hadn't been neL'lecled.'is the sad reflection of thousands of consump tives. Olio Minute Coueli Curo cures couj-lia and colds. Butler Drug Co, DoWitt's Littlo K-irly Risers benefit permanently. They lend eentlo nssist- I anca to nature, causing no pains or weakness, permanently curing constipa tion nnd liver ailments. Butler Drug Co, Beware of the Doctors' Patchwork; You Can Cure Yourself at Home. There ia not tho slightest doubt that tho doctors do more harm than good in treating Contagious Blood Poison; many victims of this loathsome diseaso would bo much better oH to-dav if they had never allowed them- BGlVea to rift flrwpn nn mniviw nnjl nnni. i. only remedies which the doctors ever give for blood poison. .u, . , , .. 11x0 doctors aro wholly unable to got rid of this vilo poison, and only nttempt to heal up the outward appearance of tho disease the sores and eruptions. This they do by driving the poison into the system, and endeavor to keen it shut in with thoir constant doses of potash nnd mercury. The mouth and throat and other delicate parts then break out ...ww., ,..u 6.., 1D uihiiiucu umomiuBiy, mo urugs aoing tnesystem more damage than the diseaso Itself. J Mr. H. L. Myers, 100 Mulberry St., Newark, N. J., says: "I had spent a "- ,... uvuiuia, t-vjiuti x fcaiizeu inat they could do me no good. I had largo spots all over my body, and these soon Droke out into running sores, nnd I endured all the suffering which this vile disease pro duces. I decided to try B. 8. B. as a last resort, and was soon greatly improved. I followed closely your 'Direc tions for Self-Treatment,' and tho largo splotches on my chest began to gfbw paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. I was soon cured perfectly and my skin has been as clear as glass over since. I cured my self at homo, after tho dootors had failed completely" It is vaVQable time thrown away to expect the dootors to cure Contagious Blood Poison, for tho disease is be- jvuu vucu uiii. owiitB opeuinc 8. 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD f in an entirely different way from potash and mercury-It forces the Pplion out of tho system nnd gets rid of It entirely. Henco it euros the dit?Ji8e,bUoAthof "" only ahut tho poison in where it lurks fwver! conitflntlv iind&Tmlnln l i,n.ifii.n.. .. i 1. . .t . ivtivtt ,uwn.,uiiuu, uur uysiem oi privato home treat ment places n cure within the reaoh of all. We give all necessary medleili ad- 1 wVillT??,0' voDtbo patient tho ombarrasm .Write for full Information to Swift Speclflo Oo Atlanta, Qa. PUBI7' A Tliniismul Tuiicuoii Could not express tho rapture of Annie E. Springer, of 1325 Howard at., Phil jadolphia, l'a., when sho found that Dr. I King's New Discovery for Consumption i had completely cured her of a hackim? cough that for many yeura hud made lilo a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no help, but eho says of this Royal Cure "It eoon ro moved tho pain in my cheat nnd I can now sleep soundly, sometliini? I can scarcely remember doing before. I feel like sounding its praises throughout tho tinivorso." feo will every ono who trle Dr. King's Now Discovery forany trouble oi uio throat, chest or lungs. Prico 60c and $1. Trial bottle free ut Blakeloy & Houghton's drug etoro; eyery bottlo guaranteed: 5 I. out. Three horsea Juno 10. 1801). described ae follows: two weighing about 1-100 each. One a light chestnut branded n on left shoulder. Black horao brand.nl C on loft shoulder, Ono bald faced sorrel weighing about 1200; roached mane. A liberal 01 the whereabouts, or thu return of same. A. Mason, J. Uayh, Contractors, VIento.Or., or K. V. Huhiwni), Mosler, 0r' j28-lm rfiT '- V, Now ideas in Wall Paper horo. Such wide variety as we are showing never be fore graced a eiiiKlo stock. Reul iniita tion croton efi'ects ut ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Llegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small nrice. ;it street. Also n full lino of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. r Sl?OS 2 "Harmc t&hiskey. This brand of Whiskey is guaranteed to the consumer as a PUKE HAM) MAIM; SOUK MASH WHISKEY lor Family and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles5 Or. T. "Wved CYCLONE Magazine (1KNKUAI. fiiactsDilfjis ...AND... Horsesnoers Wagon anil Carriage Work. Fish Brothors' Wagon. : THiril and Jefferson. Phone 159 1 iri.y-.Tt1 No. 4 laizo 3Yi x 4.') $8.00 No. 5-(8lzo 4x5) 10.00 Just Arrlvod. f,J 'liiuouly.MuuH.liM j Ciuncra Willi bulb shutter. ' v-"y-v-vir FOR 1899. Ton Points to Consider: x3i plf:turSB !.n r1,2 Sooontls. tjlutttr Bulb FJoUmao. bhuttor Automatic. Shuttor Locko, VI Aluminum MntuholclorB. Sot otopa. Simolnl Quick Lens. Automntlo Rojrlator. Ail pnrtB Intorahanijonblo. ,iip.0V.Kl 'lattl" romovoil without dlsturblnK unoxpoaod. I 1809 Catalocuo with com- I pioio iniormation FREE. M. Z. DONNELL. P. s. Gunning, Blacksmith, WaRon Shon. Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. Cor, Second & Langblin. 'Pttone 157 C. J. STUBLING, Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t Amerioan Liquor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. WHISKEY froni ii.75 to ri.f)il iwr imiin,, rrrziTrz. t-- -- iinTw - . -J. is "'" v ' r y imrts mill i iililiEiLiVi'ii!' ili'-lli' W 1 0 j n t-nlloti. (4lu II yBara oia.' ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.