m Cipjmfcle. VOL. XII THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1899, NO 78 N O pains will bo Hiiirud to iniikii bIioiidiml' oiihv nnd ..i.MitmiiL for von. All floods on side will bo plainly marked nnd ticketed. Saturday's Surprise Sale. CiPECIAL Sale PriccHon wicker ware teleacope cases. Just the right thing to tako with you on your vacation trip. All sizes; prices according to size. SATURDAY NEXT, iho good pooplo of this city and noigborhood will bo of fered a rare treat in this, our special reduction Sale of just the right kind of mer chandise. Warm raithcr is upon us, which calls for warm weather wearables; and if you will notice it's on warm weather wearables wo are making our reductions. Now, 'those items you havo had such a dosiro for, but thought too expensive, will not seem so any longer; silk waists, silk petticoats, that now suit, or that silk-front shirt; all havo mot the man who levels prices, and are now ready for your choosing. Nolo the hours in the several departments. 3o on hand, and bo prompt, if you want your share in this great feast. THERE ARE CERTAIN STIPULATIONS in this sale, however, which must be strictly observed. Reduced prices rule only during hours specified in this ad. Furthermore, any articles purchased during this sale at reduced prices, are positively not subject to exchange or return. If we advertise to sell at a reduced price "from 9 to 12 a. m.," we will do precisely as wo say, and before or after the hours specified, goods will sell at former prices. THE MORNING FROM 9 TO 12 A. M. IN THE AFTERNOON FROM 1 TO 6 P. M. Shirt Waists. . 7y i Saturday Morning Only, 9 to 12 a. m. White Duck and Pique Skirts. Ltidien' Shirt Wnists iiuido with straight and blass tucked f rontH ; nl ho come with two rows embroidery insertion ucrosH front. I ii if '3PP lU'.luiTil from $1.50 to $1.08 Tim inaterialu nrti flno percales and nmdrns, in stripes and checks, both fancy and plain. Stiff-front Shirt Waists. Madu of flno percales and madras cloth. A limited quantity only. i $1.25 styles reduced to $ .84 1 $1 .50 styles reduced to 1.15 $1.75 styles reduced to 1 .22 ! lifiO styles reduced to 1.(18' White I'jqiio still'-front shirt waists I reduced from $!. 5 to 1.1b Silk Waists. Shirt Waists mndo cf Hiiiiiiner wash bilks in lavender, pink and hliiopl dils and stripes Silk collars. Worth $:i."5, Saturday $2.68. Similar styles in plain hlun and Dlack, butler quality, reduc ed from $1 75 to $3.35. Ladies' Belts. I I I We show thu inont extensive lino of belts In the city. To get you intoroatod we will oiler A White Kid Belt, kid covered buckle : our apodal A rn 18c belt, nt 1UC Saturday Straw Hats at Half Price Price. Tlila InehideD eVory Htraw lint t fol lowing prices in stock : jjOu lints 25o imts '..!!!' !!.".'.'.!. '.88a I ,0m,H OOo f ! "t 75c :, " ; t.oo White duck dress skirts; 5-gorod, deep hem. Our $1.00 quality , Saturday 68 cents. White duik dress fckirts with blue and white or red and white panel trimming. Value $1.75 Saturday $1.09 Nicely Tailored White Pique Skirts Elaborately finished ; embroidery in sertion. Itegular 5.00, Saturday $3.15. Silk Petticoats. Choice styles; some plain and others in changeable Taffettas; plain and eoid ed rullles; colors cerise, green, blue and purple, as well as popular changeable effects. Reduced from $5.00 to $3.90. Crash Tarns. Wired tain, Hut crown, reduced from 25c to 18c Crush tains, witli quill, reduced from 25c to 10c Crash Caps. Fancy crash, patent leather visor; our l)5c value -5c Crash Caps for Men. Best quality, four styles, reduced from tiOe to 45c Straw Sailors. Our 75c straw sailors, including the entire line of choicest styles 48 cents. White Duck Trousers. In New York Oily the up-to-date sum nier young man is wearing white duck rousers with a black hair-line Btrine Wo have a line of them for. Dalles young men, and Saturday's price will be $1.15 pair; value $1.50. Silk Front Shirts. Just 2.'J dozen of the choicest silk-front bhirts the eeneon has produced. They are clean and truBli, arrived last Monday, and our buying them .'!5 per cent, be low their regular value enables us to make a Saturday price of 92c only on these regular $1.75 shirts. We , might have said $2.00 shirts ; they are really worth it. Made with ' wide Bilk'ttonts and fine cambric 1 body and sleeves. Ideal summer i shirts. Sale from 9 to 12 a. m. only; to 1 continue from 0 to 9 p. ui. Men's Ties. 50c and 75c heavy Silk Im perials, Saturday only, 25c. Colored Lawn Clubs, Saturday. 6 for 10c Wash Goods. About thirty pieces, pretty col ored lawns and organdies; 27 and 30-inch wide; worth 10c the yard. Saturday, from 1 to 0 p. m. only, we will sell these goods at 3c per yard, or 10 yards for 30c. Ladies' Pique Ties. Saturday P. M. Only. White P. K. puffs, value G5c, reduced to 20c. i White P. K. Comb, etocks and club?, value 40c, Saturday 25. Fans. Limited customer. to ten yards to 1 to G p. m. only. each Pink Cheviot Puffs day only 20c. 35c value, Satur- Percales. Saturday, from 1 to 0 p. m., 32 inch percales; fast black ground with orange and roso poka dots. The regular value is 10c yard; on Saturday we will cut 10 yards for 25c. Ten vards to each customer. Infants' Bonnets. SwiB8 hate, caps, etc, are selling at half the regular price until closed out. 50c values 23c $1.00 values &0c 2.00 values $1.00 Saturday 75 cents Handsomely decorated Japan fans, precisely as cut, value 15c and 20c, Saturday 9 cents. Palm Leafa oc. Chatelaine Bags. Handsome and Useful Grain leather in brown, red, green and black ; brass chain and trimmings. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Sale from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., and to continue from 0 to 9 p. in. Men's Suits. All the late and novel styles. No reserve, but a liberal adding of all that we show and admire most ly, including every light-colored, light-weight suit in this grand stock, will bo offered to you Saturday only, at the following reduced prices: ' In this lot will be found our regular Natural covering, $1,25, $1.50 and $1.75 values. wood handles, Gloria paragon frame, 75c. cloth Child's Parasols 40c, 50c mid 7 Sc. 2oc ones. 50u ones. at 14c at 20c A limited quan tity only. Men's Collars. ALDMERE fTiCNT 3 IN. CACi 1 To introduce the "Silver" brani Collars to our cus tomers, we will offer Saturday afternoon these, the best 15c Collar made (any style; at 10 cents each. Wo sliow a complete line all the most popular . standing and turn-down collars. Regularly 15c each ; '"' $1 50 per dozen. $12 50 Summer Suite reduced to $ S.37 13 75 Summer Suits reduced to 15.00 Summer Suits reduced to 17.50 Summer Suits reduced to 20.00 Summer Suits reduced to 9. 10.GS 11.95 12.00 i2 Boy's Leather Belts 15 cts. ; Bargains. GS 1 - (co.vRiaHTeo) ADMIRAL CCO, DtWLY Remember the hour. Positively no reduction beforo or after that time. Little Boys' Junior Suits. A treat nwults you It you ltnvo ovt-r looked our Juvenilis Deimitmcnt this season. Voiuo 8Hturuy. $230 Suits 3 00 Suits 3.50 Suits 4.00 Suits 4 50 Suits 5 00 Suits G.OO Suits ,.. reduced to $1.82 , . . .reduced to 2.13 .. .reduced to 2.02 , . . .reduced to 3.15 , . . .reduced to 3.48 , . . .reduced to 3.92 , . . .reducsd to 4,30 Sohool Suits. The homo of the "Knntwenrout" brand lit lioyn' hints. Docs your boy need it now Milt? NATUKDAY. $3.00 Suits for $2.12 3.50 SuitB for 2.40 4.00 Suits for 3.05 4.50 Suits for 3.38 5.00 Suits for 3.93 0.00 Suits for 4.25 (J2?? Swimming Trunks. Jersey-ribbed, pink; all sizes for men, boys and 6inall boys. Values -j fr 15c to 25c, Saturday J. WO. j. Sale in thin department will continue l all day Saturday. ! Childs1 Chocolate Sandals; valuo $1.00 pair; nizes 2.1... to 4'.j ; Sat urday 25c Special 25c. Positivolv no goods sold on approval during this sale. Kvery sale made on cut-price goods will be considered final; no returns accepted, nor exchanges made. Toilet Soaps. "lCgg-white" toilet soap; 3 cukes box. Sold everywhere at 25c u box, Saturday 19 cents. Misses' and Children's Oxfords and Sandals; tan, chocolate and ox I blood; value $1.50 pair; sizes 8.. to 2; Saturday, choice 5OC Ladies' Black and Chocolate Kid Oxford Ties; opera, square and pointed toee, turn soles, values $3.00 and $3,50; Saturday 95c Ladies' Chocolate, Cloth Top, Kid Button Shoes; McKay solo; val. 3.50 ; sizes 3 to ci'.j ; Saturday . .85c Baby's Soft Sole Kid Button Shoe, Value OOo. Saturday 15c pair in1 Bone Hair Pins. A. M. WILLIAMS & COMPANY. A inter, black and shell ; 10 in a box ; value 16c; Saturday, per box lOo ill M m