The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 13, 1899, Image 1

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MO 77
NO piilim will Im Hpured to
make tihoppini: "liny nnil
pleasant for you. All poods on
tmlu will bu plainly inurkud mid
turday's Surprise Sale.
QPKCIAL Saio Pr Iccb on wicker
waro telescope caseo. JiiBt
the right thing to tako with you
on your vacation trip. All bIswbj
prices according to size.
SATURDAY NEXT, tho good pooplo of this city and noigborhood will bo of
fered a rare trout in this, our special reduction Sale of just tho right kind of nicr-i-lmndiHo.
Warm woathor is upon us, which calls for warm weather wearables; and if
you will notice it's on warm weather wearables we are making our reductions. Now,
those ilems you have had such a desire for, but thought too expensive, will not seem
so any longer; silk waists, silk petticoats, that new suit, or that silk-front shirt; all
have met the man who levels prices, and are now ready for your choosing. Note the
hours in the several departments. Po on hand, and bo prompt, if you want your
share in this great feast.
THERE ARE CERTAIN STIPULATIONS in this sale, however, which must be
i- strictly observed. Reduced prices rule only during hours specified in this ad.'
1 urthermore, any articles yurchased during this sale at reduced prices, are positively
not subject to exchange or return. If wo advertise to sell at a reduced price "from
9 to 12 a. m.," wo will do precisely as wo say, and before or after the hours specified,
goods will sell at former prices.
TO 12 A. M.
TO 6 P. M.
Shirt Waists. White Duck
Saturday and P1(l118 Skirts.
! .
f '
9 to 12 a. in.
I,nd ich' Shirt
Waists iiimlu with
straight mid liiase !
tlll'k-l'll f t (111 t h III. i
ho mini! with two
rowH embroidery
insertion across
Il-luml from $1.G0 lo 1.08
Tun materials urn lino percales mid
ciuihaH, in Htripca mid olioukH, hotli
fancy and ilain.
Shirt Waists.
Silk Front
.lust 21.. d;zen of tlis choicest
Dil !; -f ron t shirts tho season has
produced. They are clean and
treat), arrived last Monday, and
our buying thorn "5 per cent, be
low their regular value enables us
to nuke a Saturday price of
92c only
on those regular $1.75 shuts. We
might have paid .2.00 shirts; they
are really worth it. Made with
wide ailk'tronts and fine enmbrie
body and sleeves. Ideal summer
Salo from 0 lo 12 a. m. only
continue from 0 to 9 . m.
While duck drepi f-kirts; o-corud,
deep hem. Oar $1.00 qualit) ,
Saturday 68 cents.
! White dti k drees skirts with liluo and
i white or red and white panel trimmiinr.
Made of linn percales mid niadniH Value 1.75 Saturday $ 1.09
tv-itli. A limited quantity only. i '
?l. 25 styles reduced to .81
Mill Htyli-H reduced to 1 lo
!.".' Htyloo reduced to 1.22
,2 tiO Htyiou reduced to 1.0S
White Pique still' front shirt waiatu
reduced from 1.75 to
Nliirt Waiatu mado
1 f Hiiinmer wiihIi Bilks
In lavender, pink mid
bluepl Ids and stripes
Milt collars. Worth
W.Hj, Saturday
Similar ntyleu In
I'lun lilue mid tilnck,
better qualitv, redtic
ed from 1 75 to :!,;i,r).
rail '
Nicely Tailored
White Pique Skirts
1.18 Elaborately finished ; embtoidery in-
, fiortiou. Keettlur 5.00,
Saturday $3.15.
Silk Petticoats.
Choice styles ; sumo plain and others
in ehanyeable Tallettae ; plain and coid
ed indies; colors eerise, urceti, blue and
purple, iih well as popular changeable
effects. Kedttccd from $5.00 to
Ladies' Belts.
Crash Tarns.
Wired turn, crown, reduced from
25c to 18e
Crash lams, with quill, reduced from
25c to 15c
Crash Caps.
I K.ine.v ernsb. imtont CAt tor visor ; our
nr. ....... ., ...... !t5 value 2Cc i
"endow i tin tuoHi. oxtenHivo tine 01
Crash Caps for Men.
oOe and 75c
heavy Silk Im
perials, Saturday
only, 25c.
Colored Lawn
6 for 10c'
About thirty piece?, pretty col
ored lawns and orcandies; 27 and
30-inch wido; worth 10c tiie yard.
Saturday, from 1 to 0 p. in. only,
we will sell theeo goods at 3c per
yard, or
10 yards for 30c.
Limited to ten yardi to each
cuslomcr. 1 lo 0 p. m. only.
Pique Ties.
Saturday P. M. Only.
White P. K. puffs, value 35c, reduced
to 20c.
i White P. K. Comb, stocks and clubs,
value -10c, Saturday 25.
I Pink Cheviot Puffs 35c value, Satur
, day only 20c.
Saturday, from 1 to C p. m., 32- i
inch percales; fast tiround
with orange ami rose poka dote.
The regular valuo is 10c yard; on
Saturday wo will cut
10 yards for 25c. j
Ten varus to each customer. j
: it
Handsomely decorated Japan fan?,
precisely as cut, value 15c rind 20e,
Saturday 9 cents.
Palm Leafs oc.
Swiss hatP, caps, etc, are Eollinif
at half tho regular ptice until
closed out.
50c values 25c
1.00 values 50c
2.00 values $1.00
M ymP Chatelaine Bags.
Saturday 75 cents
and Useful
! Grain leather in
I brown, red, green
j and black ; braes
' chain and trim
' miii;s.
Sale from 9 a. m. to 1 p. in., and to continue from G to 9 p. m.
Men's Suits.
All the late and novel slylee. No reserve, but a
liberal adding of all that wo ehow and udmiro most
iiiuludiiiL' evsrv linht-cjlored. lii;ht-weii;ht fcuit
in this trr.uul stock, will 1)0 offered to you Saturday
only, at tho followinu redueod prices:
$12 CO Summer Suits reduced to $ 8.37
13 75 Summer Suits reduced to 9.12
15.00 Summer Suits reduced to 10.08
17.00 Summer Suits reduced to 11. 05
20.00 Summer Suits reduced to 12.00
Remember the hour.
(coptniQMteo) Positively no reduction before or after that lime.
4i .-. i m .i i-i ,.i.,.,., i 2oc one? at 14c
wood handles, Gloria cloth coverinu,
paragon frame, 75c.
Child's Parasols
40c, COo
unil 7."iC.
COo ones, ... at 20o
A limited quan
tity only.
Men's Collars.
To introduce the "Silvet" bran I Collars to our eun
tomerf, we will offer Saturday afternoon theue, the beet
loc Collar made (any etyle; at
10 cents each.
We frbow a complete line all tho most popular
f-tr.nriiug and turn-dov.n collais. Regularly 15c each ;
f 1 0 per dozen.
Boy's Leather Belts 15 cts.
belts iii (be city. To jjet you Intoroited
u win oiutr
i Little Boys' Junior Suits.
A White Kid Belt,
kill covered buckle; our epeulul
18c holt, at
Straw Hats
at Half Price
Thin InoliideH twnrv htrnw Imt nt fol
iowIiik I'rlc'H in Block:
JjOll lllltH ."ll!
! m
J1-'"" lllltH 7fi(!
!r,!l') i'"H . .1.00
lloet (pmllty, four atyles, reduced from
(lOu to '1Gu
Straw Sailors.
Our 7f) fltraw Bailorp, including tho
ontiio lino of choiceHt atyleH
48 cents.
Duck Trousers.
In New York City tlnuip-to-dato buiu
uieryonnir iiiiui 1h wearhiK whlto duck
troiiHerH with ii hlnek liair-llno Htrlne.
Wh Imvo ii Huh of Ilium for, Dallen
ymiii mun, mill Salurdiiy'B prtco will
bul.iri pair; vuliio $l.rU.
A treat iiwnlts you if you lmvo ovit
looked our Juvi'iillo IK-i.iirtmont this
M'.isoii. C'ouitt hatuiilnj'.
f.'.fiO Suits . . . reduced to $1 82
a 00 Snitu .. ..reduced to 2.13
11,50 SuilH .... reduced to 2.02
1 00 SuitH . . . .reduced to 3.15
1 CO Suits . .reduced to ii.-JS
5 00 SuitH ....reduced to 0.92
li.00 Suite ....rcduead to -1.30
School Suits.
Tho homo of thu "Kmitwenrmit"
Ilium! of boy' Mute. Docs j our buy
need ii new Milt?
HATiritl). V.
miOSuilB for ,...i?.12
3.50 SuitB for 2.-10
1.00 Suitfl for 3 0,")
1.50 Suits for 3 3S
5.00 SuilH for ... 3,95
(1.00 SuitB for .1.26
Positively no c,oodn cold on approval during thtu sale. Kvory h1o
mitde on eut.'pilee uooiIh will be cuiuddorcd llual ; no returns accepted,
nor exchan'H mih'.
Jereey-iihlicd, pink; all t izes for men,
boys and email Imvs. Values -i
15c to 25o, Saturday JL.
lated Sum
mer Corsets.
Toilet Soaps.
"Kjri white" toilet foap;!! cakes in
box. Sold every where at 25u it box,
Saturday 10 cents.
W tll'i!
Shoe Bargains.
S.ile in this department will continue
all day Saturday.
Cliilda' Cliocolato Sandals; valuo
$1. CO pair; bizes 2.lsto4'tfj Sat
urday " 25c
Misses' and Children's Oxfords and
Sandals; tan, chocolate ami ox
blood; valuo $1. 50 pair; sizes Sla
to 2; Saturday, choice "5O0
Ladies' Hlnek and Cliocolato Kid
Oxford Ties; opera, square mid
pointed toee, turn soles, values .
to. 00 und.3.50; Saturday 95c
Ladies' Chocolate, Cloth Top, Kid
Mutton Shoes; McKay sole; val.
$3 50; eizjs 3 to O'.j ; Saturday . .05c
Soft Solo
Value 00c.
Saturday 15c pair
Bone Hair Pins.
Amber, black and fhell; 10 In a box;
value Ibc; Saturday, per box IOc