(fieoMcManemv. dentltv aeor 55 00 I A Thnntaml toninn I.Tw L TTT1-, A . ! CrAl a,l ST-'i M W lUwonhprlmlnit' 8 50 Could not expre the rapture of Annie w ; I 66111 tALI HUlvU W'-;r3. Pnhr Mare Imnsnnrtahnn tnuinpr S 0.) . nt.it 1 i i. wi. ritin.ii- n i I i Miitrnrii si.. r nil i Hansen & Thouisen repair on J,f - t clock S'-AM D W Vaue, window class tir,r'l Mars A Crowe, supplies countv 'ir-' 1 .-. Dr J F Watt, professional service cjS a"e- Lnuibsrmg Co., wood for :si&'--?ig bnipes-Kinersly Drug Co, meih- ijt?2 Dalles City W ater Works, water Ail Excellent Combination. Rb.1 K "nnortatton. . The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the veil hunnrn remedy, SrniT or FiiiS, manufactured by the Camfoiixia r io Synur Co.. illustrate the value cf obtaining the liquid laxa tive principles of plants known to be medic:na'.ly la.tatire and presenting their, in the form most refreshing to the taste and accentabla to the system. It is the one pcriect strcngtht-ning laxa tive cleansiu? the system effectually, dispelling calds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly nnd' enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, and its acting on the Kidneys, en W ... . . ... . r .; . fQ ivlng i ew ui'covery inr iocsuuiiiiuu i had completely euriM her of a hacSing, 1 50 i cough that for many years had made ' " life a burden. All other remedies and 125 -4G ' doctors coa'd ?ive her no help, but flie , 32 70, says of this ltoynl Coie 'It soon re-, moved the pain m my che?t and I can ' ' now sleep soundly, suinethini: 1 can! 6 70 ' scarcely remember doinj before. I feel ; 3 CO, like sounding its praises throughout the! ' universe." .So wiii everv one who trie' j 11 CO You mant.j JD Miehe.il Bohan, quarantine gacrd 21 00 the throat, chest or lungs. 1 rice oOc , I nnd $1. Trial lo'.tle free at lllakeley & dru store; every bottle j BUSINESS LOCALS. i Houghton's j guaranteed. J7i 1 Z- IK "TSv i S ii i r . , , ..... ... ' . i .lUM IllCliC Hi " ! . t,.Jl. ill..... m..l on need have no boils if you will "Marm.mj-Wiii.kPj-. , , variutv as we are sliowintrnever be- bny Clarke & Falk's sure cure for bolls. Harmony wllikoy for family and fore graced "a sincle stock. Keal imita- WiUon v-allerv now onen Photo- pecnu use, solu by iitn Wilson, me tion creton eiiccis at oruinory prices, FREE SATURDAY. The hct nrk nt the least posfiihle cost. 800 set Iceth in one year is our tt cord in ot 'I'irlUml ofllce. Satisfaction R.u.r.u.teed h. eyery cneo. 'mm. .. f. ii .... TITO f til W 'lit now open. graphs lrom f I to to per dozen Dalit jl I Good papers at cheap paper prices illvl-lw! Gun-shot wounds and powder For the best Camera. Fur narmscy. Latest thin? , I Elegant designs, tasteful coiorincs. vouri I Hesi sflt teeth, cuiirantued ourns, , or R sn)a ft7lcVt nt our sl0r(. un i-j,irj j Jtest (;il Filling CONSIDER OUE PRICES: Best Grown nnd Bridge work "2'2't. old , per tooth results wle bv the hp v;vpicu,i bfn'es, sprains, wounds fiom . atreo.. Also a full line of house paints. Best eiiver or alloy filling .. M50 . f-VCO .?1 00 up 60c up in cameras are Im- w ing quickly Healed by DeWitt's Witch I D. W. VAUbili, t II T ... .- l.l l' uszei aive. i osiliveiv prevems iiiocu , poisonini'. Beware ni counterfeits. liver and bowels, without weakening F'""" uiuuca u""c" j Witt's is if'; and ur. Butler I)ru Ue-, :Co. Yon can't cure dyspepsia by dieting or irritnting them, make it "the ideal drug store. laxative. Priish nr:i"l:f.i' .Vlir:itk;i mm n tin.. jn t:.e process oi mamiiaciuring ngs ,.,,. pi, t.i 1 Eatwml, wholesome fowl, and plentv arc used, as they are picas-ant to tne n;c warehouse. finest kind of I , - ' , ' ' , tast but the medicinal qunlitie. of the chicken fe-d. ,,vi.if ! of n Kodo! "vswpsia Cure digests Improved Magazine cyclones are win- t KKiudy are oatftined from tenna and other 'aromatic plants, bv a method known to the CAi?onKiA Fig Synrp tiers. Donnell, the druggist, will gladlv Co. cnly. In order to git its beneficial st,ow them to von. efJects nnd to r--oid linitattcDS. please ' remember tlieiull name of the Company , Drink Warren's Pure Ginger Brandy, printed on the front of every package. For sale at all first-clnis bars. C. J. CALIFORTnIA FIG SYRUP CO. Stublinz, aaent, Tbe Dalies. M17-3m , tonic, i-or sale at nit urst.class bars. ' C. J. Stublmi', agent, The D.ilies. M17-:Jm Try Yerba Bcena Bitters, the best tonic. For sale at all first-class bar;. C. J. Stubling, agent, The DaKe?. Ml"-3m fool without aid from the stomach, and : ii made to ewe. Butler Drue Co. j Forssl; by all ErjgiitH. I'nce Uk. ptrbcUlo Comity Court. For sale at all first-class bars. C. J tubling, agent, Thf Dalles. M17-3m. Ark your grccer for Clarkp & Fr.lk's pure concentratPil flavurm: estracts. tf use umrKe a ciiks i;osoioam lor sue i teetn. tf ! EAST and SOUTH via j The Shasta Route OF Till; Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are eue to arrive at l'o.-tLn Third St. n,WU n jo m, j Chapman Block, second St. Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray. D. D. S. Manager. How About Your Title? The following is a list of hills allowed a the last term of the county court: j ii cross, supplies (o pauper. ..s 32 J Ghsan. burial of nantwr "ii 00 . 3)r A V Smith, profession! serv -10 00 ! For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera Dr O C flollister. " " -10 00 ! hat will take Ir.rgei pictures than nnv MV!:M 5' other Cameraon, he marhet. For safe Dr H 1imii, " " 10 00 "J-Clarke & Falk. tf A a 1 Biowers & son. supplies 10 5o Mr. and Mrs. B .1 T l'.itirs mi Uh fnr ran 1(1 3!l ' F M Warner, appraising road... . 'J. 00 W A Hunter, " . . . . 2 CO Mo., writes : saved the i:fe Lnckamp, Eiston, "One Minuto Cough Cure of our little Vxiv when It V -ai, " " E L Smith, " " .... A S Blowers, " " .... B K Tuekf, " " . . . . Cmtosici.E Pub Co, publisiitni: and printing D S Du'ur, court reporter II Ciuneb, rripairinu lock H Gienn, labor and material. . . . Cnno:;iCM: Pub Co, priutin-.' and nuDli-'hini 110 To O T & T E Co, messages and rent 11 SO 00 nearly ile.'.d with croup." " 00 ' Co. 00) -J C0i Butler Drug "What urght have been" if that little oiiali hadn't iisen neglected, is the 70 25 , sad reaction of shourands of consump- 1 6u'tiVe5' nC il5nn,e c,,u-' Cure cures 51 jC ' coughs and cjids. Butier Drug Co. De itt's Little Erly P.isera ltnelit permariently. They lend gentle assiat- A G Stojidili, asiecfiliu;. . C 1. Gilbert, esp-nie account . J T X-fi". eH:uiniu te.ch-rs . Jno Ghvih, esaimnini: teachers Cliaj T PuHell, assessing .... Frank lli'l, t-ODitable fee- C W fi.-ihiiif, " " J W K n z " ti tiippv. asie;:in Wtn Michel!, irannnf map It'ilit Keliy, sin-rill' sundry bills.. C 1 15-u.vii, curcier? jifor.... J 1 Huiuiii.'ion, " " C W E i.ers.m, " " .... A G Ji.rtj.-in; " S D Garner " " .... M IlemiiiL'ton, witness inquest . . A F Cailor, " C W Em-r o " " EFlnrr, survejin W E Ganet-un, v. ork on ruuiii Ci'o.k . . ... St. u u A't M -!' C . tupjj.K's J Ii ijo ', sTrvpy nz Go 00 lJ "a;"'Hi caiiiing no pains or 20 50 , weakness, permanently enrins: constipa IS U0 Hor and liver ailm-nts. Bntler DniL IS 00 ' Co. G3 00 ' Ca lu Vou.- OIibcKi. . . Wl CO -i-N county warram reatstemt prior I 00 'to August 1.1S96, will be paid at mv . . 212 00 othftv, Intereit ceues after .June 9, O. L. Phillips. Conniv Tre.tjurer. 0 25 ! ISS). 106 15. 1 CO 1 00; L"t 1 00 j A fish basket between Dr. Saun.Ier, 1 CO place on Mill cr-ek and tiiis city, j 9i! ' Finder please leav; at this office. i so J'no-s: 1 50 SiO llf ward. 4 00 A reward of ?20 will 1 paid for the ar- 25 TO reat of cn-v P'-'-0" caught tealing fljwtrrs G -50 or anyrhin c'.se from the Odd Fellows' 2i ceme;c"T. OliZ POR A DOSS, P ,,i;a'-.fj-. th- a. 4. !2 ! A, tls-r..teri '"Jf l -5rv I Is f OVKP.U'.Nb KX-V j prf, iwletii, !tie- ; I burs, Ashland. ?r- i -r.i i- J rnonenlo, OKilen..isn , 6.M I . il. pnjjj,,,, .!l;.AVe, ( J Ixs Aiixelet.Kl I'aso, i ' New orlccni and i HjuI ; ...m , M Rartbunr anJ way la a. -i.,t!on9 ,'Via WmObur? tori , MLAu;eI, Hllrerton, ivat 8clo, Browns- ', ! vllkspilcfleld and ; (.Katrou J a!ly esiept t ua'Iavj 3A. U. Daily except t-uaJuys I IT: .. ,, (CorrslHs anil wsyi . ., -' (itationa i IJEl'KKUEN'C'E l'AS?ENGKK. K.i re. Irait lwilT (eseupt inuajj',. il&yX'JFZ:"''. ! it (pi: S.W i. a. (Ar.-lniler'emJe A:.. I.v. Tlinii5anil4 nro Trylns It In onler to prove the great merit of j Ely's Cream Uabn, the mo?t cffoctiTe cure ; for Catarrh and Cold in Head, wo have pre- j pared a gsuerous trial size for 10 cent.i. ) Get it of your druggist or send 10 cents to ELY BROS., 5C Warren St., X. Y. city. I -.ci:iunuuc i.v.; ,j.-.i.i,n lndet'.'ndenrc..i.v.) l:-Os. r.: s.U-i a. Dj i .i, n. M "iJaily. (Daily, ejeep: aunaAr. DINING CAUo ON OUDKN ROl'TK. rrujiAN iicFrirr bltki'kii? AND dKCOND-CL.3 SJ.KKl'lNCi CAUs Attached to all Through Trains Direct ecnr.ECtlon at son .Tancitco with Occi r UK Yi r. SI'P.E it is nil riphi? Hemeiiibut it i- the W UKCOK!) llmt foven.f. It io our luHn.ets to search the records mid show what they contutn in u.'Ution to land title. Ii im conteiiiplaic buy Injr luiid or lounini; money nn real e-tntc seciifily, tnkn no uinn word, hut insist upon knowinu what the recird hhowB reynrdins the title. An Aonrnet i? ns eui,iitial hh n tleed. liifi?t on liavini: it. We have the otiU eet of A"irnct Books in the County. All work proiiiptly cs-n-iittd and sati'f ictlon yuarnnteed. It viu 1 ave prop rtv to iii-n-e, tjlve in a call. We are agent e for f mr of i In-ht-Jt tire iti-'Oiraiici' companies in the world. Ifynu have property lor Stile, list it with us and we'il find n buyer. J, M. Huntington &1C0. y m 'Phono 81. 2d St., opposite A. M. WIIIiamB i Co. I suffered from catarrh of the worit kind ;' S"!'',''1";' Ir,w,,a?,?,r5e,l8e !i6''!P ' , it i t Hues for JAP.US and ClIJhA. b-ilUng dstcb on ever since a boy, and I never hoped for j a. plication. cure, but EWV Cream Balm seeius to do Hates snd' ticictt to Eaitcra points nud Eu , eventh.it Many acquaintances have used hiF--):".-'Al'AX' -Hl.SA. llUhOUMX eat ' !l III. .... ... - I . . , ... ......... io Warren Ave., Chicago, 111. Ely's Cream Balm is the ac'snowledgwl enre'for catarrh and contain.5 no cocaine, mercury nor any injurious drup. Price. 50 cents. At druggists or by mail. C 6 All above train, arrive at nnd d'pert Irorr i Grand Central wt!oa. Kilth nnd Irvine striett ! YAMIHLI. DIVISION. Passenger Dei-)., loot oi JcCervm stre-jL lovo for Sheridan, week days, ut 1.30 p. a Arrive a: Portland, 0:30 a. ra. Iiave lor AIRI.IK on Mnnil.iT. IVnlnxilH Krjonv at3:a. ra. Arnv at I'rirtland, tuc ! dav, Thurtday ar.d Saturdaj u J.0S p. m. ; Except Sunday. "'Except hatunlay jlanaier. J UAh i. skey. (i. II. MAKKIIAM. Ami. (i. I . i l'aji. Act I OTiroush Ticket Ofiict, 131 Third atrw:. when L KOTJCE FOR PL'CLICATIOX. Ijisd Office at The Dallis. Op.Er,ri:.-( JllUU lu. iWJ. 1 Notice Is hereby iven that the folU.winc nanie.1 tettler hi tllol iiotlct- nt his inient'r-n to cialre final tirrmf in utittrrr Af infn. nH th,r & iM nn vIM tUM.vl. ,... .,Ji....- lhrmi'ili tr. uU .n. In . w. v... i ........... w.. .i.q.. Liutw i(.ni-it:j j --' . ... i,sr.i.-U ' . and rrclwrat The Dalles, Orwn, on fc4turdav, . ?t-it, Canada and fcurope c.m be obtalutd at L July -J!, I'VJ, viz: ' j Ion est rates frora p 1'aula Grlinrinit. J. 15 KIKKL.ND, 'ilsict Agra:. ,A w:nov o: i"ierre urtoi'iid, dia.-ef, of Tht ' "HAl.uUft IMlIt-: II. E Nn.J076.forlheEUSK'.ff..a. , Tp. 1 north. P. 1-' K. W i. j ' lie nanus the fullowinc .Titifites to j.rr.ve hUcAiillnnou ridi.ce ujon and cnltnatiuu oi said I Old, viz; Chas. A. ebiiu, Itock Cary. I.ou;, SaLd.-' Andrew Cruuharr. all of Tli Iul!. (irr.i, 1 J'lnl' U JAY P. I.fCAS. Iltvlittr. i This lirniul of Whiskcj is uunnuiteed to the consumer as n I'LMMi HAXI) MADF. SOL'R MASH WHISKLV for I'ainilv and Medical Use. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles. Or. ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. RAW AS B Ko Torture Equal to the itctiing and Burning of This Fearful Disease. EEF 1 ECZEMA! NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice U hereby irlven that tbe nmlersiuncd h hil liU Hiwl acfouut as exwimr nt the e taltf of ;jrh McAtt Bith t .e eierl: of Hi'-c-unt? court of ih! state of 0mi, for Wsk c"iih.uu inai inurtcaj.inc J3. daynl Jijiv, t the hour oi 10 i.'cioci: a. m. has Uen nxi s tht lime nnd Hit futility c-urt room In Dallas r :y ah Ihc jmw for the lieiriDR ofijt .tTiionn tus-iid Iiuaicct.uiit and Kttlejatut of Mi'i Wtlil'.' DttcU iI. U, J;. THt g. KClKVAL .'J:i Kztcutor. u n s f i j GYCLOJME BOS.. UENKP.AI. Pullman Elegant .AND. mm ers Wagon and Carriage Werk. Fish Brothers' Wagon. Tiiird and JeffcrflD. Piione 153 Iiot much attention is often paid to the first symptoms of Eczema, but it is not lone 5 before the little redness begins to itch and ? burn. This is but the beginning, and will . lead to suffering and torture almost unen- ? durable. It is a common mistake to regard f a roughness and redness of the skin as mereiv a local irritation : it in but n tnH ;..- T,amn rt i , . tlon a humof 'n the blood of terrible Eczema which is more than skin-deep, and can not be reached by local aunii cations of ointments, salves, etc., applied to the surface The Ke ffl rhroh TJXt tllltrouble' i8 the blood, although .11 suffering I. roduced the blSu ' tbeoDly w to reh the di"e. therefore, is through nViUL1, J01"?8, of Mixersville, Ind., writes : I had Eczema thirty years, and after a great deal oi treatment my leg was so raw and sore that it gave me constant pain. It finally broke into a running sore, and began to spread and grow worse. For the past five or biz years I have suffered untold agony and had given up all hope of ever being free from the disease, as I have ben treated by some of the best physicians and have Jiuni "yb'ood medicines, all in vain. With little faith left I began to take S. S. 8., and it apparently made the Eczema worse, but I knew that this was the ?flI the remedy got rid of the poison. Continuing H. b. b.( the sore healed up entirely, the skin became dear and smooth, and I was cured nerfftlr oiuyE.cS. ftnd ccn not euxed b remedy wh,ch S. 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD 7nt hrl0 V medlea because It cures diseases which they oan Le Jl g?S to tbo bottom-to tho cause of the dlaease and will eura he worst cae of Eczema, no matter what other treatment has failed It is 5LS.n,yib,00?rcmedy guaranteed to be free from potash, mercury or any otter mineral, and nv.r falls tn vv... c-J.!i. -J..0,, Yotoot ..Cawer, Tetter .UtlOrmn h n . . me Ii. I .M. ; nothing can take iu piacT ' UOlU' ,In,i,t ne or n R lackstllifh linnllPQ Booka on these diseases will be mailed free to any addrets by Bwift Boa-" DlflbRbllllill OUppilBS. alia Oomoanr. At anu. Or.ni . ' "UUI"- UJ npa- ......j i, t ,n .. 'I ! Tourist 5 1 2 Sleeping Caru Dining Cars Sleeping Car ; !j TO T. I'Al'l, MI.SNUA I'll !. lUt,UTll y A KfiO OltANIl KOIt UitOUKSTON lVI.VNII'Kn HKLBNA an 1IDTTK r j aStPfe'-' : fi Si ,L-tSf5ti Z Suolni Quick Uons. f FOR 189S. Ten Points to Conaldor: I 12 Pictures In 12 Soconus. ? Shutter llulb ,lT,7.t,.nufa giiutthr Autoiniitlc. . ' , - "nor UUCKQi ' I'-' Aluminum Hla.ttiholclf.rr.. ' ,.?.?.,.,.?,,,tl 5lf,t" rumovotl without UHIH lUlUXpOUOU, IThnough Tickets No. 4- aizo 3'., x 4;4 S8.00 No. 5-tslzo 4x5).. . 10.00 1899 Catalogue with com ploto Information FREE. Just Arrlvoa The only Vs,ut, Cttinvu nlih bulb jhutlcr. M. Z. DONNELL. , CltlUAtiO "i, WAHH1NOTUN ' ...... ...... iiiL,ii.ii;L,i'HlA xiiert.rAriYmrkTnr,TtirZ,tMXJi NKH' YOI1K t IIOSTON A Nil ALL F. S. Gunning, Blacksmiih, Wagon Shop, Horseshoeing. I'OINTS KAHT unit fiOUTH lorn" r wX' to' ,lrne Mnl4' "V"1 C. J. STUBLING-. Wholosalo and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the G-reate t American Licmor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskey. A, I). a- "I.1 :..0.Ke"t. : vrTTci-i.v , .. ... AKLTON. Assi.R. P a St ? "P.90WA0 futin 7.ij0 in is.ui n..r ir..ll..i.. m ., v.-i.T r IS IICWHIll, iM0ir i iilK.n. ONLY THE POTEST LIQUORS SOLD. Cor, Second & LaoeUin. 'Pcoiic 157 ! The above reward w . -v ui wiu utmit'H OI WoiJlf -., v-iiinnmeri, w lio werudrownc-d In the Columliia t JilHlockfl bet Friday, wine Ki:: Co,, The Dulkn. input Hour in bottlfi I in JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. 1