pot7 this Week Vy Imvo Holectcd a lino of flew, Pretty Organdy ADALISQUEg, full 27-inch wide, beautiful shadings, and at 6 l-2c per yard. Thoro iiro just Jtbout one do,on pieces of those goods, and to seo them is to buy them. SEPARATE SKIRTS. hinon Skirts from I9e up While Pique Skirts from $1 up White Duck Skirls from 95c up Navv IMue Duck trimmod with white braid $1.50 EXTRA SPECIAL. Ladies' Summer Jackots and Capes, swell Separate Katon Jackets in black, blue, brown and tan, ranging in prices from $15.00 up. Ladies' Cloth Capes, colors blue, green, brown and tan, from $2.50 to $10. SPECIAL SHIRT SALE. 79c Men's Colored, Stifl'-bosom Shirts, cuffs detached. All our SI. 50 and $1.25 Shirts reduced to 79c. $1.00 .lust think of it! Ladies Cid Oxfords in black or tan; regu lar $.'5.00 value for $1.00 Ladies' Kid Button, square or coin toes; good value at $2.50, to be got for $1.00 Mis(K Kid Button, square or coin toes, regular $2. Shoe for $1.00 The sizes are somewhat broken, so do not wait until to morrow, but come now. Specials for a few days. lUO-pound sack D. G. Sugar, western refinery.... IN-pound sack J). G. sugar, western refinery New Lunch Goods. Lil.by, McNeil and Libby's Stewed Beef Kidneys 30c '' " " " Vienna Sausage 20c " " .Irish Stow 25c " " " Cottage Loaf 25c " " " Steak and Onions 25c " " " Fork and Beans, 1 lb 07-J.c Pork and Beans, 2 lb Vila " " J'ork and Beans, a lb Kijjo Hires Boot Beer, ready to drink, 10c per bottle. PEASE & MAYS. All Goods marked in plain figures. 'tte Dalles Daily Chronicle, WHDNHSDAY . . JULY IS, 18(0 Telephone No. 1. TAKE NOTICE. TO OUR ADVBKTISER8: All Changes In Advertisements must c liandcd in iiefore 10 o'clock A. M., ns "o cimiiKCH will be accepted in the aft ernoon Tills rule will be positive. CHRONICLE PUULISIIINU CO. e Dalles, January io, 1899. WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Jrtok uin for a rolreahlng timo Friday "vonliig.-K. L. 8011,0 nmn ro l0 n,,er)y that they will nut py anoUitr n compliment. Today Win. Uantrlll, of Dufnr, brought hunch u( fine t beef cattle for Wood Uro. When h man Irioa to got noiuethliig or nothlnr. the only thing ho acquires xperionoo. ThU morning 60,000 pounds of wool $5.50 1.00 worn sold ut thu Wasco warehouse for l-J'.j cents pur pound. The members of tho Kpwnith League will ijlvo n Inwu social and servo ice cru.nu on Friday ovuulnt; nt thu real- duncu of Smith French. KherltrKollv hits flniHliod soiling tho delinquent tux liBt of lttttO. Moat of tlio property wiih bid in by Wubco county, although u few plocuri of liind weie purchased by private parties. News comes from Skngwny thut out of i drove of five iiundred sheep, that were tlv Bi-iit to Hint place, 0110 hunilreii mid fifty were drownud by tho parties owning thorn loading too inuny on un old scow. Tho gross receipts tnken in yesterday by tho ludiea of tho Cutholic church Debt Society from tho oalo of ice cream waa 72.05. Tho ludiea are much pleased with thu result of their labor ami ro grateful to thu public for their liberal patronage. CIihs. F. Micholboch of tho While House saloon la making many improve mejile in thu interior of ids building. An elegant oak partition is being placed today, and tomorrow work will begin on the ateel celling which la of hiuidaoino deaigu. He mUo Inteuda putting in tilo floor, nnd when completed tho resort will be ono of the Unest In the city. Tho river la fulling very slowly but thore is (-rent SBtisfantlon In knowing Hint we are not going to have excessive high water. This morning the Colum. iila registered .".7.0 and 11 fnll of a few fuut moro will tumble tho locks to bo operntcil. This baa been a scorcher today and on every hand could bo heard remarks regarding the heat. At throo o'clock this afternoon the thermometer rrg islered 00- which is six degrees hotter than it has been at nny other time this Rummer. The hand concert given by the D. 0.& A. O. hand Inst night was quite a treat to all who heard it. The street near tho club rooms wn9 lined with people nnd many words of praise were given the boys for their good playing and willing ness to entertain the public. Of Portland's five patients who a short time ago occupied the city pesthouse but two remain. Three have fully recovered nnd received thoir discharge. Those yet icmaining are convnletcing and past all (lunger, and by tho end of tho week will probably be ublo to leave ulso. A. Anderson lias secured the contruct to erect a double cottage for Harry Maheur,.on the Dehm property at the corner of Fourth nnd Lnughlin streets. Work will begin at onco and when completed it will be a handsome build ing witli all modern Improvements. The sisters of the Catholic orphanage at Vnncouver have taken stepq to pre vent the contraction of any disease that may possibly be brought in to Van couver in the effects of the Second Ore gon reeiintnt by having all the children vaccinated. They consider it easier to ward of!' disease than cure it. Today wo saw something in the line ol n eprinkler that iu entirely new. The sprinkler is mounted on Etund and is a handsome affair. It. is automatic and will change the streams or forms nbout once ever twenty seconds. It chances into fifteen different fantastic forms when set iu operation. Mr. Uirich is agent for thu city nnd has shown the sprinkler to many who are highly pleased with it. Most any hour now the volunteers aro expected and when the glad tidings come that they have been frighted off the eoait of 'Frisco many a heart will heat faster nnd thero will come a great relief to many minds. However, most of our energy will be saved for the meet ing ut thu mouth of tho Columbia when thousands of citizens will wend their way coustwurd and thero will be great rejufning and feasting. Tho email pox patient, Mr. Iiook houser, of La Grande, is repotted to be out of danger. The disease at, no time was of violent form nnd thu patient was iu nbout ib good a state of health, ate as he.utily and sleept as soundly as did his two attendants. Although thu disease has run its course, the three men will be kept under quarantine tin 1 1 1 nbout the 'J5th of this month, liy that time, it is almost a matter of certainty, the small pox sciiru will bo entirely over. Wo aro informed by J. C. Means, U. S. pension attorney, that he lias just re ceived notice from tho pension depart imuttliatn pensicii of !j8 per month bus been granted to ThouiaB G. JInyden ol The Dal'es, w ho set veil in Company "11" C3th regiment-, Kentucky volun teer infantry, during the civil war. Mr. Jlaydcu has been disabled fur many years to ns to be unable to do inanuel labor nnd his many friends wi.l bu pleased to learn of his good fortune. Everything around tho garrison at Vancouver is in a hustle picparing fjr the entertainment of tho Oregon volun teers. Tents have been erre'od on the parade ground for thu accomodation of all the boys who will be u liable to tind quarters in tho barracks. Tho tents have been erecteil with n view of insur ing comfort to tho occupants. The com mittee on entertainment is woiklng hard toprovido amusement fur the vol unteers during their stay In Vancouver, preparatory to tho mualur out. dipt. O.O. Martin. Sixtli infantry, will net as mustering ofllcer. Hois in Vancouver now, making nil preliminary arrange lueiits. The examinations and muster ing out will be ecuducted ns speedily as possible Ole Oloson, of West Fork, while bring ing a large number of deer hides to Koseburg to aell lust Wednesday, says the Kosoburg I'laludealer, wna appre hended by our game warden and the skins were confiscated. On Thursday Oleson was given a jury trial iu Justice Miller's court ami was convicted of un lawfully I transporting deer hides and fined $300 nnd coats, 111 default of wiiich he waa committed to jail. L. Deach, proprietor of the itoaeburg tannery, was also tiled Thursday afternoon before the justice upon a charge of unlawfully handling deer akina and converting them into merchandise, and waa found guilty ns charged. He waa fined $100 which was promptly paid. Oleson'a brother has also been arrested on n Chnrgoof unlawfully handling deer hides blU lift hot yet been ,'nV!Qtcd, Tho penalty in these eatos is fixed by statute at n fine of $100 to $o00, or Imprison ment, or both. It is said other arrests will soon follow. Tho game wardens arc" going to eeo that the law is enforced at all hazards. Supremo Court Dtclxlmi. Among tho decisions which have just been handed down by the supreme court were several which were appealed from Wasco and Sherman counties and heard ut tho term of court in Pendleton last May. The case of thu Hood Hiver Lumbering Co. vs. Wasco county nt traded considerable interest, ns it ef fected tho lights to certain property at tho mouth of the stream of Hood River. The constitutionality of the law allow ing privato properly to bo taken and providing for damages to the party nggrieved was in question. Tho case was hoard before Judge llrndshaw last winter who upheld the constitutionality ! of the law. Tho Lumbering Company appealed to the supreme court which reversed the decision previously made. Huntington and Wilson appeared for the appellants and W. II. Wilson and A. A. Jayno for the respondents. Another decision reversed tho judge ment of tho circuit court for Sherman county in the case of Pearlin, Orendorff Co. vs. Burnett. In this case tho su preme court hold that the verdict was imperfect in form and that the circuit judge should ha.-e Bet the same aside upon the plaintiff's .motion. F. W. Wilson appeared for plaintiff and C. J. Bright for defendent. PEUM1X.1L. MENTION A. I). Bolton, of Boyd, was in the city today. F. N. Jones of Bakeoven ia in the city on business. T. J. Stiles, formeily postmaster at Albany, is in the city. Theo. J. Davis, t he wool buyer left for Portland this morning. Dr. J. II. Kosenberi;, of Piineville, was in the city yesterday. Mim It. P.itterfinn rntnrned laEt even- ing from a Ehort visit to Wasco. Johnnie Flannauin, the shepherd poet, is in tho city from Sherai's biide. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. .Tavne left on tho boat this morning for Wind river. Mies L. Golden arrived in the city this afternoon from Ooldendnle. Chas. Butler and son, of Port Towni end are registered nt tho Umatilla House. .! II. Preston came up from Hood River yesteiday nnd returned this ' morning. ir i W. VfllCLi:!! ICIL IIIIC UlUI IIIIIK 1". Sprnguu wlieru in company with Chas. Twinehaiu he will visit thu camp of 11. D. Parkins. Mr. nnd Mrs. I. X. Sargent, Miss Katie Sargent and Miss Rachel Morgan left on the Regulator this morning for a day's outing on the liver. Mrs. J. M. Maiden left on tho boat this morning for the Cascades, where she j will visit with her dauehter, Mis. Don- I nel, wiio bs established a camp at the j above plaeo. i sno iW'humi. i A lownid of $50 will be paid by the undersigned for the recovery of the body of Bert Whitney, drowuid In the Snake river nt Palouse Kapids, near LyonV Ferry, on May 23, 1S9D. DKSOIill'TlO.V Bert Whitney was 21 yen's old ; weight about 175 pounds; height 5 feet, 11 in.; ! j smooth shaved ; dark brown hair. ho!jj' worn dark pants with light stripes, and , jj' heavy laced thoes; has n tuft of light j ' colored hair on the left, back side of i head ; two bum scars on body. j The person finding the body will Iff, please wire O. li. St. Winrxuv, lit-lens, Ore. 2-l-Sw A ClilUI Kl'Joj rt, Tho pleasant flavor, gentle action, and soothiiiK'eU'oct of Syrup of Fie;, when in need of a laxative, and if the fathei or mother bo costive or bilious, the most gratifying resulto follow its use; so that It is the best family remedy known and every family should have a bottle. Manufactured by the California Fly Syrup Co. I, out. A lady's gold, open-faced Waltbuui i watch, between Hearst's 6cbool house ; and Mr. Fagon's, near the Des Chutes. ; Engraved with scrowl work on the back, and also the natno Itlia, The owner values it not fur its intrinsic value but as a keepsake, as she has hud it since 13 years old. Ample reward will be given to the tinder. Leave either at this ofllce or with Mr. J. Fagou, Des Chutea bridge. jlyS-U "Wo have sold many different cough remedies, but none gave better satisfac tion than Chauiberlalu'g," says Mr. Charles Holzhnuer, Druggist, Newark, N. J. "It is perfectly tafe and can be relied upon in all eaten of coughs, colds or lioaraentMi," Hold by Hlakeley & Houghton DruggiitN. TRANSPORTS ARE IN SIGHT The Second Oregon Volunteers Sighted Off Marc Island. Word was received this afternoon at2:4ohat tho transports bearing tho Second Oregon Volun teers had just been sicht ed o(r Mare Island. Ac cording to this they will b(in San Francisco this (Evening. f on till. In East End Feed Yard Wednesday morning, a strawberry roan horse, about fnn.lnn l-ianrle lilr.li 1 11. Mr n tin 1H rir 1 years old; while star on forehead, black I points; saddle marks and brand B L on leftshonlder with running R underneath, and weighing nbout 900 pounds. Owner can have same by proving property and piying all charges. jl8 lm Lost. Threo horses June 10, 1S99, described as follows: two weighing nbout 1400 each. One a light chestnut branded D on left shoulder. Black horse branded C on left shoulder. Ono bald faced sorrel weighing nbout 1200; reached mane. A liberal reward for information of the whereabouts, or the return oi same. A. Mason, J. Bays, Contractors, Viento, Or., or E. V. Hu.sha.su, Mosier, Or. j2S-Im For Sale, One second-hand tiuck wagon, and one new 3-ineh Bain truck wagon at Mail'k & Benton's. Jun30-2w To Cure n Cold iu cine Day. Tako LasativH Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All dru'jiuists refund the money U fails to euro. 25c. AGCNT FOR THE ..RAMBLER. Lock nnd Gunsmith, and Machine work. Charles eiirGhtorU,,..!: iBscycIe f REPAIR SHOP. Our Bicycle Repairing Department Ts now iu shape to properly A handlo nil kinps of work from a puncture to building a wheel. Also repair Locks, Guns, Sewing Machines and all kinds of light machinery, etc. This department is under the charge of Mr. J. Kirchoff. MAYS & Crandallfi Burget DEALERS IN All kinds of UNDERTAKERS tf EMBALMERS The Dallas, Or. Funeral Supplies 7 The Busy Store. EacU day our business shows the people arc finding out wc arc pushing to the front with bettor goods, lower prices, salespeople the very best, nnd last, but not least, buyers who know their business and buy fot the people. C. F. Stephens Second Street. It's a real pleasure 1 to get the meals for the family when you have a complete set of needful! utensils and have n new Garland etovo or steel range to cook upon. Wo fur nish kitchens nnd can save you money and many steps when you want anything in the way of kitchen supplies. Our stock of tinwnre, grnniteware, delf wnre, table cutlery, car vers, meat cutters, laieen seed ers, pots, irons, roasting pans hundreds of other things to make the kitchen complete. We can furnish doublu oven cook stoves from $S 00 up. See the beet ItanKO on Earth, The Garland It has no equal. Also a complete line of build er's hardware. Notice to Poultry Raisers: No moro Chicken Lice. Call ht Miller t Ilcutoti's nnd fco tlin Aiittf-iitie Nebt Kkk. With the uoiftlilH Kutt V.ifg j on will have im innio Mce, Mitos or Vernii' In your poultry houten, Hctllni; lieni will M:t hatter eggs nml will hutch butter ami chickens will live unit Ktow bett-.r whejc Antltepllc, Keg is UfcCii. Kce them at 167 Second St. CROWE. Robes, Burial Shoes, Etc. Mm i Benton A b3 I