1L I have just received a fiue line of "VVoolens in Suitings, Overcoatings ami Pantince, and will be pleased to have you call and eee them. J. A. Eberle, Hbss The Dalles Daily Chronicle. SUIItiCKIPTIDN I'KIUK. One week $ 15 One month 50 One year 6 00 WEDNESDAY - JULY 12. 1599 jIN INCREASED PENSION 110 LL The number of names on the pen sion roll at the present day is nearly a million. The list has grown steadily the longer we arc separated by time from the wars in which the pension ers fought, says the Spokesman- Heview. There are men still on the Toll who saw service in the revolu tion. 'With each succeeding year and the death of many veterans of the civil war, the assurance has been given out that the top notch had been reached and that the pension list would grow smaller. The pie diction has not been fulfilled, how ever, for each congress in its turn has made larger appropriations foi Ma increased number of pensioners. The number of applications for pensions which have been filed to date, as a result of the Spanish war nd the Philippine campaign, is Btated to be over 10,000. The most of these grew out of the Spanish war. in which probably not over 35,000 men left the shores of the United States. This will appear to be a very large number of applications to follow from a war of not over four months duration, at least when it i contrasted with the pension applica tions made during the civil war. During the twelve months from July 1, 1861, to July 1, 1SG2, the United States had half a million men in the field, mid during that period some 0,800 union men were killed and 28,;")00 were wounded. Many more died of disease. The total number of applications for pensions tiled during that year was 2,187. The whole force in the Spanish war which did fighting did not aggregate as many men as were killed and -wounded in the rebellion in the year mentioned, and yet the Spanish war applications for pensions arc seven times the number rrcfcried in 18G1 2. If there is the usual reciprocity among senators and congressman, and pension thatks arc permitted to pur sue their calling as they have in the past, it is safe to predict that a good part of these applications will be acted upon favorably. The army in the Philippines is to be increased, and campaigning in the tropics is likely to result In material injury to health. Tho Philippine pension list for death, wounds and disease is therefore like ly to be large. If one is to judge by what has been done for the ex-union soldier;, there will ho a very heavy pension list growing out of the Spanish wnr, and it will increase for the next quarter of a century. In fact, the heaviest expeuso of that war will be represented by tho pen sions that will have to be provided for during the next fifty years. An event of great interest and moment in tho industrial world is (be passage of that magniQcent rail road property, the Haltiruore & Ohio, out of luc bands of receivers, liiese oflcera bavo Iwen in charge of the eoMMny since February 20, 18'JG, While under the court's control the property has beeu vastly improved in permanent ways and equipped at a cost of many millions. Curves have been removed, grades have been lowered, new rails have been laid, bridges have been built and an adequate supply of modern locomo tives and cars has been procured, with the result that the company is now, for the first time in many years, in a position to compete effectually with its rivals for business. Mean while the company has been re organized without foreclosure pro ceedings, new capital being brought in and new securities issued in such volume and at such interest rates that the Baltimore it- Ohio, as trans formed, is solvent and has the pros pect, wiih its improved earning capacity, of continuing so. Ualti more will continue, it is stilted, to be the headquarters of the company, but the control of its finances has passed into other and abler hands The Baltimore fc Ohio takes its place in the long list of reorganized properties that are now being man aged, not by railway kings, as in former years, but by conservative business men in the interest of bond aud stock holders. Oregoniau. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartiflciallydigeststhe food and aids xTature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, SickHeadache,Ga3tralgia,Cranips,and all other results of imperfectdlgestion Pieoared by E. C. DeWItt 6 Co.. Cblecflo. Tor sale by Butler Dnii C .. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Thace Marks Jesighs Copyrights &c. Anrir.e jen.'Ini; anketrli and description ma jntcUIr ascertain oar opinion free whether .T invention u probably vitentable. Conimunlcf tlons strictly confldontul. Handbook on I'atenti eentfree. oldu.it nsency for aecunisi? patents. I'.-.tcnts taken through Munn & Co. recclvt, fpffkilnotijf, without cbaris, in tho Scientific American A handtoraely lllnstratod TrceWr. Tersest dr. ntlatton of any (eienttde Journal. Terms, $.1 a rear: four month!, L Sold by all nensdealerj. KIUNN & Co.30,Bresd- New York Braach uaiea. C25 V SU. Washington, D. o. A Beautiful Skin. Ladles, If you desire a t.-nnsjiarent, clear and fresh completion use Dr. Hourdon' French Arsenic Completion W'arers. Tbtlr et'ect Is slmplv magical j)osstiln tho wizard touch in producing and prescrvlni; a benititiil trans parency aud illueid clearness of complexion, tbajiely contour of form, brilltdiit ..fs, soft aud tinooth sjtin where the reverrc exists Kvcn tho coarsest and mint repuikive sUin, marioJ by freckles, tiiotb, blackheads, pimples, tulgnr redness, melton- and muddy skin atojiermNneut ly removed, aud a dellciously clear and refined complexion usturei. t'rlco per sm ill box, M cents: l.irsebox, ji,or six large boxes, IS. fcvnt to any address lost jald aud under plain wrapiwr UiOu receipt of the above amount. Write for free clrculai. The Parisian Drug Co., IMilontRoinerydt.n Prtni IscoC'al, PROFESSIONALS. I T.r A. STURDEVANT. 11, Dentist. Olllce over French i Co.'h Hauls rhoue e, tiik da 1.1.1:3, okkgon jyil- CJKIHKNIIOKPPKIt Physician and Surgeon, Special Attention given lo nursery, tloorusi 21 and ii. Tel. Sin Voct Mock FItEO. W.WILf'OS, A1TOKNKV.AT LAW. . TIIK DALLES, OltEUON, Uthcc ovet Flrtf SL Hint. B 8 IIUNTINQTO:! TTU.NTINGTON' A WIIOK. H 11 WIUO.N 11 ATTOHNKYri AT LAW, TIIK IMLI.Ko, (JREUJ.S Orllceor'r rt Nt. JUok Jiranch ODJee Oregon Yiavi Company, H00111 7, ovei fitnnh't Hank, OCo hour, Charlotte F. II0U1U. a 10 4 p. tu- ijuc Jl.nmtr. Vtt lictiib l:tur miy Thursday ttip. m A good dru o Qion You well know that a cood drug sit:n i3 the patronage which is bestowed on the store. It is the purity of the goods handled and the manner of doing busi ness that makes and keeps this business. We are pleased with the result of our ef forts to supply the best drugs at tho best price. We are particular about the compounding of them. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Secoflfi Street. THE DALLES THg DoiuinDia PscKing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANUFACTUUKKS OF Fine Lard and Sausages Curersof -fa BRAND HAMS & BACON x)SIED BEEF. ETC. J. S. SCHEKU, President. H. M.BkaJ. , CasMei first HatioDal Bank. I THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, subject to Sight Draft or Check. Collections mado and proceeds promptly I remitted on dav of collection. . Sight and Telegraphic Escliainje sold oe I New York, Kan Francisco and wort- land. DIKEOTOKS k D. F. Thompson. Jno. S. Sciik.vck. Ed. M. WlLLIAXS, GliO. a. LlKliH. ti . 31. BKALL. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. ntANHACTA KNKI'.AI. HAN'KIN(i HUfcl.NKs Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraph a Transfers eold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore non, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. ..ST. Under the direction of tho Sisters of the Holy Name of Jesus and Mary. THE DALLES, - - OR. This I (is tt tut Jon u jilcanintly situated neur the Columbia on tliu 'iito r,f tho Union l'acllic; Iheuceitlscaiyof excess for all theso wnii du slre to tccurun vomfoi table home and u jinyres. tlvuseat of learning for their daughters or linnU Tho location of the Academy is 0110 of the most healthy on tho l'acllic sIoik;, this j.or Hon of Oru'ou uiuc proreihlal for Its puro water, embraeliiK air and pictiiresiui; scenery. Tho Academy is iucororatnl anil authorised by Iho htato to confer Academic holier. li.'anl and tuition er ncholaU.c year lfO. Studies will b-i ieumel Tiioday.Sejdember Jth. Kor detailed information apply to the Sister Su;rior. Jlyl-.'m ..GHfls. m- Butehens and Farmers ..Exchange.. Kej.onilruibt the celebrate.! COl.UMIilA IlKKIt, ackuowl tduttl the belt beer In The Pallet, attboimual jiilce. Come In, try Hand be ronvluced. AUo the Klnwit brand of Wine, I.I juor ud Civara. oduiieh of all Kludialwayt 011 bud. 11 O.RaN r.nT ror. TIME srilKDUI.E. From Dallks. A turn's Fuox. Knvt Snlt l.tki, Denver. H. Fa Mull i Worth, Omaha, Ka n Mull ll;Wt. in. m City, St. l-ouls, 3:lo( in ' -tl.tsi,.,, .Kill Vfl.t V"Ui,u hum Atjt W.illn Walla, Rjofcaiu Spokane l'lyer. !r.W it. in .MIniU'Hius. M. ran i, ,)uluth, Milwaukee, Chicago unit Hint. l'KOJt 1'0RT1..1N1. Oeetin i-teiimstili. For ban Frond'Co January '", I ami every me days i thereafter, i 4 v- fc ii. m 4 J', in. Kx.sundaj Kx.fcundayiCotumbla Kv. Steamer. !To Astoria ami Wny Saturday , Landing. 10 ji. m. 1 On. ra. . WlLl.Air.TTK ltivr.it. Ex.buuday Oregon City, I.'eivbtri,, ! salcm A way Land's. 4;.'l). m. Kx.sunday 7 a. m, JWlLLAMtTTK AND YAM- Tucs.Thur. uiu Kivkr?. uiui tut. Oregon City, Dayton, ami Way-UmdlngM. 3:3) ji. ra. Mon.,Ved and Frl. Ca. m. WILLAMETTE UlVSK. I IiSOji. m. Tuc.Thur.U'ortiand to Corvallls, Tne., I'lmt and Sat. i and Way-Landings. , ami Sat. Snake Itivr.it. Uljariu to Imiston. l.KAVK I.KWISTON dally Lv lllparia, daily 1 l'arlltfs de-liiuc tnito to Ilepimer thoiild lake No. I, leaving 'I he Dalle- at j. t:i ruaklnc direct coniteclions at Heppncr junction ltetiirnliiK malilugdlrecteiiniiectiou at Ileppncr jmiotlou lthNo, 1, arriving at Tho Dalles at :15 ji. m. So. -12, throiittht freisht, cast bound, dcj not carry jius-ferijcrs; arrives J;iO a. m., dsjarts 3.!Oa. in. No. '21, local freluht, canlcs jiasseiigcts, east bound: arrtvu l.:JJj. ni dejurtsiiMj j. in. No. '.'1, west b'Uiid throusli freight, does not carrj- jaiscngers; arrlve S:Ij j ni., dejart 0:30 ji. m. No. 2J, vet bound local frelKlit, carries jias senders; arrles5:Io p. in,, dejiartt. &-.J a. in. Ko- full particulars call on O. II. .t N. I'o.'s agent The Dallct. or adds V. II. Ht'ltLltfllT, (icn I'as. Ast.. Portland. Or, Tiie Bate Fortlanfl and Astoria Navigation Co.' sirs. Regulator (S Dalles City Dally (except Siimlavj between Tho Dalles, Hood River, Cascade Looks, VancoTAver and Portland. Touching at way points on both sld03 of the Columbia river. Iioth of tho above steamers have been rebuilt, and are in excellent jhao for the H-atou of ivy), Tim lie ccilutor I.lii.- will endeavor to give Its patrons the best service Kjsslble. For Comfort, Kcoiiomy 11ml I'li asnri'. travel by the tteaniera of Tim KKiilator l.luo. The above iteamerf, leave The Dallet at s a. m. and Portland at 7 n. ni and arrive at desllna lion in amph time lor outKCliiK trains. I'ortland Olllce. The Dalles ORlce. Oak ht. Dock. court itnet W. C. Allaway, tieneral Aijcnt. OlTera travelers clioico of the folluwinu routee east. They aro all famous for uieir gcenic niiraetion. O. H. & N. view Otjilon nnd Denver. fihaeta Route view Kucmuieuto.OL'ilen nntl Denver. Shaeta IJoute view Sacramento, I;s Angeles and Alberqueniue. ..Ar'.laJ.l? of Hirnnt'li JMJLUIAN 'ALACK nnd TOURIST KLKKI'BR, from Kan Franeieeo and Iab AiiKoIea lo Cliicugo. Tins is The Short Line from southern California To the East. Apply to the agents of the O. R. & N. Lo. or the undersized, for folders anr descriptive literature. J. J. DEVKKKUX, Uen. A(t. Worcester. HUg. I'oriUnd.Or. I'ur HaU Ch.au. lUrriion IUy preis, good as new, In quire at LanelJros'. bUcksuilth shop. MayK.t! I J I Srnkane I Flyer o:4'jp. in. S ji. tn. Santa Fe Boole It will be our Complete Line of the Purest urugs And wo invito your attention to our stock of PAINTS. OILS, GLASS AND WALL PAPER. BUTLER DRUG COMPANY, Successor to Snipes-Kinor-ly Drug Co. THE DHLLES STEAM LAUNDRY. j Dewey white wash? Yes, Havana thing wnsnoci ui oiuam .j-j. Maine point is quality and tho Merritt of our work is such that people go Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, hut the standard rates, which are not Cevera high as some people think, and we want to C-U-B-A customer of ours. Corner of First "Phone 341. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot vii kinds Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an lands. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, S? m""l , Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- ton Flour. This Hour use: uvurv Wd sell our goods lower than any Iiouhu in the. trado, and il you don't ttnnk to call and got our jincea and lie convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Calces. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer. T Impulse pE Wheels (18-Inch Motor.) EflUtUlw JUNtT.UTl'ltn) nv 1 AMERICAN IMPULSE WHEEL CO. SUITABLE FOR DRIVING GENERATORS AND STAMP MILLS ELEVATORS, PRINTING PRESSES, ETC. Circulars and particulars furnished on application. F. un2() Notice. Timber Culture. t'.H, IMNIlOmCll.TlW: l).M.I.KS,OHK(IO.V,l , , , Ki-briuryai, Isw, bv Oli'l'o 1 ' w'A"vl"K U.v" :V.,.wwi till- olllco ri.iV.l'i , 1 ' Ntbyn.' auaimt Wejley Sliiuinni'r for 11 i'y .7 V!.' ember W, jwj. I eell.m . , 1 1. iew in llie can- s,ii.i u-,.Vi .. L ih II illlt'Kllii; Unit immmm ii.il ' .:.?"" i.uiire. JAi IM.UOAH, IUlr. aim to carry a unci wash white. You can and Court Street, THE DALLES, OE. is iimnufncturi'd i-xpreafily for family pack id uiinrantecd to iiivt! Htttiefactintu S. GUNNING, Agent, TIIK DALLKS, OR KG ON. Notice of Sale. n.'.'.1.?' '"'"'rcliy Klven that hy vlrtlio of an Sf, Il""'"it( tlie Circuit Court of lb? h. l.i..' 0"K""' '' Wiuco County, in 11 m l niir!i'.r Kf,,lJK. wliercln JI. I. Klieelaud H 'ii ' 1 J'' 'f"y'' ' K. Taylor, mI , l 11'' ,,!l,url! A. Johnwrn, . W. Oithvr, E '.' Iku,1VJ'd' Diiiieanaoiiuml W. I.tielnda inii LJ ''i0 "lefonilMiiiii, dated tbo Dili day ol ioell allof tliu real protity uurellialler d- ?', I' i"1"1 """"'i' uM 'l'liidnue. '''')': fi.J), I will 011 Batunlay the 10 Hi liny of July, 1HUII, Mt h ... ...... . . . ,,. r.;i.. .. !" -" ciook 11, m toll at 11 u So n ? V.,iii,KJfr.t m,iT' lur will 111 Imiid. ih "Jftfi , LWii'Xrln p "i"iwhi iva, nil. , Jime im juii IMI Hlurin of Wtucn County, r En