The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 12, 1899, Image 1

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Shi Dalles
NO 70
Ml Si 10 Dclcnuiiic Tills Question
by Ballot.
M'Kiulo) Is Nut Satisfied With The
Management of A (Fairs on the Is
lainl Many Reports Dune to Him
That Iiiiglhihnicn Get iletter Treat
ment Than Americans.
Nr.w Yomc, .Inly 11. According to n
c.jrreiponduiit of tlio World nt Washing
ton, President McKinloy iH workingenor
geticahy upon u plan to Rulnnit the
question of tin independence or annex
ation of the iulimil to thi! people of Culm.
Ho believes that tliuy would votu for an
nexation. lU'portH from Governor-Gen-oral
Ilruoko indicated a contrary view,
hut thu president has received confiden
tial letters from inllnuntiul representa
tives of eoiiitiH-rciul iutereatfl and from
other sources in tin il ahont Iluvana which
havo convinced him that Genurul IlrooUe
Is mlitukoii, and that tlio pooplo in the
western portion of tho island an well ns
those in thocasturu portion would gladly
oto for a territorial government under
the great rfjiuhlic.
These conlldt'iitial reports reveal at'ood
deal nioro discord among tlio American
provincial rutura than is unually believed
to exist. Tim policy applied to tlio gov
ernment of tho provinces in tlio westum
end of tlio island Plnnr del Kin, Hav
ana and Matam'.as which arc ilirtctly
niidur tlio supervision of General Uruoke,
ia for instance radically difl'uront form
that inaugurated by General Loonuid
Wood, military commander of Santiago.
The government of Santiago ia looked
upon hy thu pri'Hidont tii moru desirable
than that in thu western provinces. Gen
eral Wood, whiio liuro recently, mado a
report to the president, who indorsed hip
policy and urged Us continuance. Gen
eral Wuodii, il ia learned, made many
iiK''8tione, which will he published for
the guidance of ihu commandcrH of oilier
Cuban provinces.
Tint president inquired particularly uh
to the extent of tho Hiintinivnt for and
iiimliiat annexation.
"I am llrnily convinced," said General
Wood, "that annexation would ho carried
hy four to one in Santiago. Tho people
"I that province, and I tiulievo tho ma
jority of tu, otl er provinces, do not want
independence. Tlioy mVo realized n:any
hniiullta from tlm temporary government
wo Imvo given thorn, and aro anxious to
"t-'cnro these bonulita iurmanoutly.
"Americana who liavo established
theiueelves in Santiago and endeavored
extend tlieir operations to otlior prov
inces toll mu tmt they havo houn re
I'tdsed hy the American coniumudois,
"'id tliat English enterprises Imvo been
K'ven t,u preference."
Complaints of tho unwarranted con
I'difration alrnvn Furopoan enterprises
Havana and other western provinces,
0 tho detriment of American interests,
hnvo reached tho president from many
eonrces, and it Ih nut Ii.,,-,i,..i.i A t IlU t II
"l!o in thu udinlniatratlon of tho
Kovorninont will noon ho mado,
"la united upon very hih tuithority
ll"'t tho i)ri.ulil..ll .loot...,. (.......!
'jtooKe h attoudaiieo in Washington in
l'ie atpuuitv nf
is voiitumplutliiK tho fmbstltutiou in his
oi Wood
ib governor-gen-
S' Ktrnnp ia tlm president's, tontlouev
Jr,ra "iiliexntion that It In
J,1 W,M ,JU 'lu ill comrrem t tho
t.r m 60?'0" 10 rusul,,l rcHolution
to mil , ...-.. iiiiu)iiiiiiiuiiuu nun
Ubntltutu il plan by which tho .natter
of ii, i" UUU'(1 10 u vul of 1,10 l)UOl'lu
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
New Commissioners.
Wai.lacu, Idaiio, July 11. Ltist nit-ht
Governor Steununhortr mimed eoin-
miHsioiiH to TyniB G. Gordon, .James E.
Gydo and G. Scott Anderson im county
cuminisaioiierH. They qualtllcd and are
in bcbhIoii today, .lohn Clark whb the
(irat wilnenH in tho Corcoran caeo todav.
Ho wiib recording secretary of tho lturke
union at the time of the riot, and went
to KulloKu with tho rioteru. VitnenB
biij'h ho imniedialely wont up to Ward
ner. On Inn return trip ho recognized
Corcoran while tho train was Mopped
between Wardner and Wallace. lie saw
no mashed mou until junt heforo reach
ing KolloirR. At Kello: ho Haw a num
ber of msiBhed men, all armed. On cross-
examination he Haiti lie waan't absolutoly
cortain about Corcoran, hut thought it
wan tie.
lli'Uliii'Nii Cuiimit On Curi ii.
hy local applications, aa they cannot
roach the tliHciiRctt portion of the ear
I'liere is only one way to euro deafnt'BP
and tiiat i hv coiiHtitutioual remedies
Dcafnesr) Ib ciuhi-iI hy an inflamed con
dition of tho niueoua linint; of tho Eue-
lac.hian Tube. When this tube is in
flamed you have a rumbliiiK Bound or
imperfect hearing, and when it la en
tirely chiHcd, DeafnefiB ia tho rcnult, and
unlcKa the inflammation can ho tahun
out and this tube restored to ita normal
condition, liearinn will bo deatroyed for
eur; ninti cits out of ton aro caused
by latarth, which ia nolliinc but an in
flamed condition of the mucona aur
facea. Wo will iive One Hundred Dollara for
any caao of Deafness (caimed tiy catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars; free.
F. .1. Cukkky & Co.. Toledo, 0.
tftfrSold by Dru'iBts, 7Gc. 0-10
Hall'a Family I'illp are tlio beat.
Three Loaded floats Coming.
Kiiatti.i:, July 11. Several vessels are
now tint) from ht. iMicnaeis, aiiiukii.
Ainoni; them are tho Hoanoko and Alli-
uuce, of thia city, and tlio Garonne, of
Vancouver, 15. C.
Unusual interest nttachea to their ar
rival lor the reason that late advices from
Dawaon bv way of tho upper 1 ukon
river indic.Ue that they will b-intfa laruo
amount of tmld duat. Tho total amount
is eHtimated all iho way from i.OUO.UOO
to $5,(100,000.
In addition to the Bold, it ia expicteil
that they will brinn delliiito and detailed
information from tlio newly discovered
Capo Nomu and Galvoin bay dtetrictu.
A h'llKhtrul Uiuuder
WW. (iftcn e.uiso a liotriblo burn,
scald, cut or bruise. Uucklon'a Arnica
Salve, the boat in tho world, will kill
tho pain and promptly heal it. Cures
old sorec, fovor aorea, ulcora, boila.corna,
felons and all akin eruptions, nest pno
uuru on earth. Only 'J3 eta. a box.
Cuio Kimranteed. Sold by Ulakeley &
Houghton, drtieiNtB.
lnvesti;atin Pension llureau.
WAsm.snTo.v. Julv 11. Tho G. A. K.
niiiirimi rnininittei'. which, at the ro-
queat of Pension Commissioner Evans,
will Invnstiirate tho worklUKannu iiioau-
miiitHtriittoti of tho neneion nureau, aa-
soinbled liero today, livery facility will
i,a .itr.iided tho committee, lileo ueing
opened for lnvostii;ation and export em-
ployua beinu detalletl to assist luem. ino
committee will remain here several duye.
Thomaa Uhoads, Centerllold, O.,
writes: "I BuH'ured from piles soveu or
eight vears. No remedy ave mo relief
until HoWltfa Wiicli Hazel Salve, less
than a box of which permanently ered
mo." Soothing himlin, porft iitly harm
leas, llowaro of counterfoils. Hutlur
Drill; Co. ...
liaWiti'H"" Little K.uly ltisera expol
from tlio avBtein all polfnnmiH aeeumu
latioiiB, retfulato tlm stomach, howelp
and llvor, and puilfy the blood. They
drive u wuv disease, dissipate niehuieholy
and give health and vltJor for the dai.y
routine. Do no ripu or aickeu. Uutler
Dnitf Co,
I'ur mi ICilltur to Itooniiitnciut l'atcnt
From Svivan Valley News, Brevrad,
N. C.
It may bo a question whether the
editor of a newspaper has the riuht to
publicly recommend any of the various
proprietary medicines which flood the
market, yet nn a preventive of sufreririK
wo feel it a duty to say a good word for
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhnea liemody. AVe liavo known and
used thia medicine in our family lor
twenty years atid hayo ala nys found it
reliable. In many cases a dose of this
remedy would save hours of Eufrerititr
while a physician is awaited. We do
not believe in depending implicitly oti
any mcdicino for a cure, but we do
believe ttiat if a bottle of Chamberlain's
Diarrhoea Itemed' was kept on hand
and administered at the inception of an
attack, much Fullering might be avoided
and in very many cases the presence of
a physician would not bo riqulred. At
leust this has been our exper'unce
during the paBt twenty years. For ealo
by Dlakeley A Houghton, Drupgieta.
Five Persons Fatally Injured.
Ki:w York, July 11. Firu in a crowded
live-story tenement in Monroe street
early today resulted in fatal injuries to
fivu persona and the overcoming I y
amoke of eight others.
The (Ire etarted iu the apartment of
Max Presii, coal operator, on the fourth
floor. All of this honeebold escaped.
Press admitted Hint ho went to bed leav
ing a lamp burning, and that he and a
biarder, JacJb Koplan, were smoking
cigarettes. Firetnoti believn tho men
muFt have uono to sleep with lighted
cigarettes in their mouths, and that
tlieir bedding caught fire. The monetary
loss is small.
U.nm n:i) Status Land Ornct:,
Oieixmx Citv, June 21, ISO!).
Notice is hereby given that tho ap
proved fractional plat of Township 2
north range 8 east, has been received
from tho surveyor general of Oregon,
and on August let, 18!H), at 0 o'clock, a.
in., of Raid date, said plat will he hied In
thia ollice, and thu laud therein em
braced, will bo subject to entry on and
after said date. CiiAh. 13. Mooi;i:s,
W.m, Galloway, Kegister.
Uoliltmt tho (St live.
A stai-lllnt' incident, of which Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was tho
subji'ct, is narratod by him as follows:
"I was in a most dreadful condition. My
skin waa almost yellow, eyes sunken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and aides, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Throe physi
cians had given me up. Fortunately, a
Iriend advised 'Electric Bitters' ; and to
my great j.iy and surprise, the first
bottle mado a decided improvement. 1
continued their use for three weeks, and
uui now a well man. 1 know they en veil
my life, and lobbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Only OOo, guaranteed.'at IJIakeley &
Houghton's drug atoro, 5
A diseased atomach aurely under
mines health. It dulla the brain, kills
energy, destroys tha nervous aystem,
and predisposes to Insanity and fatal
diseases. All dyspeptic troubles aro
quickly cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
It has cured thousands of eaees and is
curing them every day. Its ingredients
aro audi that it can't help curing.
Suipee-Kiuerely Drim Co.
An ICiiliN'iulo r Dlarrltitpu.
Mr. A. Sanders, writing from Cocoa
nut Grove, Fla., says there hud been
milto an epidemic of diarrhoea there.
He had a severe attack and was cured
I liv four doses of Chamberlaui's Chollc,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Itetnedy. He
saya ho also recommended it to others
and tlioy any It is iho host inedleine they
ever need. For aide bv Ulukeloy &
HoiighUn DrtifglatH.
Canada Will Send Mounted Police There
United States Will Send Troops
to Pyramid Harbor.
Ciiicaoo, July 11. A rpecial to the
Tribune from Washington eays:
An intimation hae been received by
the state department that the Canadian
government will send a forco of mounted
police to the Porcupine region in British
Columbia. If this ia done, the United
States government will respond by send
ing troops to Pyramid harbor to protect
the interests of the American citizens.
The situation is extremel) grave, and
will call for delicate work on the part of
both governments to preserve peac.
The Porcupine region is part of tho
territory now in dispute, which would
be neutral ground if a modus vivendi
were agreed upon. This is the point
where a clash catno near being precipi
tated some time ago between Ameiican
and Canadian miners. At that time
this govornment ordered troops to Pyra
mid harbor to pieserve the peace. This
action came to the notice of tlio British
embassy here, and it was brought to
the attention of the Salisbury govern
ment, which entered a protest and re
quostod that tho orders bo canceled.
This was done and the Canadian govern
ment agreed to withdraw its mounted
Both governments have lived up to
their agreement, and eicca that time
neither American troops nor Canadian
mounted police have been in tho Por
cupine region.
The hopeful view expressed by the
British colonial office is also entertained
here, nd notwithstanding the critical
condition of tho diplomatic negotiations,
it ia still belitved an amicable agree
ment can be had. There will be no
hesitation on'tho part of the officials,
however, to send troops to Pyramid har
bor if the Canadians should send a foico
of policemen near the Amrrican line.
Notice is heruby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between
C. J. Cathcart and J.D.Straus, under
the firm name of Cathcart & Straus, is
this day dissolved by mutual consent,
C. J. Cathcart retiring. J. D. Straus
will continue the bnsiness, and will col
lect all bills duo said firm and pay all
accounts against tho same.
Dated July 1, 1899.
C. J. Catiicaut,
J. D. Stuau.s.
llhlililul Cunvi'titioii.
For the above international occasion
of tho Epwortli League, which takes
plaeo at Indianapolis, July '20-22, the O.
K. & N. Co. will tnnka a round trip rate
of 70 to Indianapolis, tickets on sale
July loth and 14th, limited to expire ie
turning September 15, 1800. Good for
continuous passagu only on tho going
trip. Good for stop over returning at
any intermediate point west of the
Missouri river or St. Paul. Call on or
aildress Jas. Ireland, agent, Dalles, for
fuither information. julyl-lo
For Sale.
Tliroo houses and four
lots in Tho Dalles, as a
whole or separately. Lo
cation healthy and desir
able, near school. Pays
exceptionally good inter
est on invostniont. Prop
erty in good condition.
Mrs. A. Fitz Gerald
839 Golden Gato Av.,
Sun Frauoisco, Cal.
I CUarning
LUili have
That will eclipse any previous one ever given
m this city, in point of
Liolu Priee.
f O ur Ad in detail on this page to
ll morrow. W atch for it.
t A. M. Williams & Co.
"A House Wife's Delight a Nicely Ar
ranged Table."
Buy your goods of us timl get a set of this
The above cuts aro representations of a tew pieces of handsomely decoraUtl,
hand-painted china, now on exhibition at our store, which we intend giving awny
free to our customeis.
We guarantee that our prices on goous will remain (he same. This special
oiler is made for the purpose of increasing our trade and showing thu people that
wo truly vppreciato their patronage.
Thid waro is rapidly taking tho place of Whito Granite or Iron Stone China.
It has tliat soft, i hite,'velvety finish; is of the finest quality, and without doubt
the best iu the world. Thu shapes are the vety latest patterns and havo be on de
signed to meet the tattcs of the most fastidious.
it is only by our uiiurautefiiig to use a large quantity of this ware that we
have been able 'to get it at a price that enables us to give it to the trade absolute
ly free.
Our assortment consists of Cups and Saucers, Pie Plates, lireukfant Plates,
Dinner Plates, Platters, D'shts. Cream Pitch rs, Sugar Howls, Ten Vn ,
and everything that Koes to nuke up a Hue tot of dish s.
We earneMiy Invite you to call and Insoect It, when we will cheerfully lvo
you full Information. Very respectfully,
A. O. GIGKK & CO , Props., '''he DjIIok, Or
nefc uue
A SflLiE