A C Thomas 1 50 j Veteran Volunteer Regiments at Manila. Willis Hendrix. Kobt O'Urien LA Porter.... .las Thrall.... Dan Hatter... , .1 C Morten . . .Itilins .Mo9pliu II Cliceamnn. O E l.nndis.., 0 Lowij .las Whttu II M lleall . . 1 60 ! 1 60 10. General Otis 1 50 2 60 2 HO 2 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 60 MISCIIM.ANKOI'S. Irwin-IIoilson Co, supplies 5G 20 An Excellent Combination. The pleasant method and beneficial effects of the well known remedy, Svni'i' ok Tins, manufactured by the C.u.lFOii.viA Fio .Syuup Co.. illustrate the value of obtaining the liquid laxa tive principle- of plants known to be medicinally laxative nnd presenting them in the form most refreshinjrtothe taste and acceptable to the system. It ! is the one perfect strengthening laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation per manently. Its perfect freedom from every objectionable quality and sub stance, nnd Its acting on tlio kidneys, liver and bowels, without weakening or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative. In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the tnst2, Vint the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatic plants, by a method known to the Caliiorkia Kio Syrup Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of the Company printed on the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAW TEAItCTSCO. CAX. x.0Tjisvn,r,t:. ky. hew irorar, n-. t. For sale by all DnigfcistE. Price 50.-. per bottle Glass & I'riulhomme D.illes Lumber Co, wood for nnnp eta C E Bayard, Jnstio Peace fees. . , J 11 Jackson, Constable fees.... Frank Hill, Constable fees F G Connolly, Constable fees D P & A N Co, transportation paupers Wasuixoton, July j so ' cables the following : 1 50 I "Tho voternn regiments assured, will enlistiibout 10,000 men. You can appoint eleven second lieutenants for First and nine for Second roirimrnt lo recruit in the United States veteran volunteer Infantry." Adjutant-General Corbin cabled Gen-' eral Utis that these designations could not be allowed for Philippine regiment?, and in older to save confusion, they would be railed Thirty-sixth and Thirty seventh United States volunteer infantry. 41 00 of 3 25 101 02 85 60 13 00 30 60 24 50 Oouil Sniiiartiii. County Court. The following is a list of bills allowed at the last term of the county court: GltAND JUKOKS. E J Miildleswart $ 10 SO Lemual Hurgess 19 00 Polk Hutler 12 00 O V Covert 11 0 Wm Eudersby 10 20 W A Fowler S 00 J C Hubert 11 10 URAXD .1UIIY U'lTNHS.-iE.N. Peter Mohr 2 00 F G Connollv 2 00 A liobirts. .". 0 GO D A Anthonv 0 40 J II Wasn'ir 8 00 Dr Bill (Indian) 5 SO Sam roriHwasher, (Indian) 5 40 George, tlniliati) 0 GO Tenas Jim Undian) 0 GO Dr Charlie (Indian) 0 GO Ed .Murphy 4 00 Chas '.Mason 0 00 Jas Hilton 8 40 Stewart Brown G 00 G M Cornett 10 CO Tommy. (Indian) 0 60 F M Dial 21 00 V A Kircriliciinor 21 00 N V Wall-.CJ 21 00 N K Baird 48 00 E T Glisun 21 00 I 1) Tunny 21 00 A McL-iinon , 21 00 Sam Gloveis , 22 00 E C Diekerson 21 00 U.l Pilkirmton 21 00 F W Bifhop 21 00 Jaine.- Hamilton - 21 00 W E Kemp 21 00 V H Herman 22 00 D McKelvoy 17 00 Al Eiping.'. 21 00 FV Silvertooth 21 00 M E Miller .' s 00 Mrs .Stella Miller "00 CO O'Neil is SO Jno Little 1" 00 W Bolton '1 CO .! H Hampshire 4 00 Andrew Baldwin 00 l'1"? 3 00 .1 I) Cooper u nn Eddie llei-kniuii 7 05 "Do unto others as you would that they should do unto you," is n maxim that is as old as the hills, and one that if lived up to more closely, would make life pleasanter and we would nil have better regard for our fellow being. However, wo generally think of self lirat and after that, for the comfort and well fare of others. Last evening a son of T. J. Drips, who lives on High Prairie, Wash., rode down to Rockland and left his horse, coming across the river on the ferry to get some medicine for his sister who it quite ill at home. After procuring the necessary articles the hid, who is only about twelve years of ae, started for the ferry, but o-Aing to tho lateness of the hour it had ceased running. The boy being young and practically a stranger, was heart-broken and did not know what to do. He came up town and about half past eiyht was fonn 1 by Gns Bonn, sobbing as though his heart would break. He was asked what the matter wa; and the little fellow explained aa best he could, and said he would like very much to get across the river as his sister was seriously ill and he had medicine for her; otherwise lie would be willing to wait until morniii''. Gus put on his tiiinking cap and final ly remembered that Ed Kurtz had a boat so the lad was brought to the ex press office and the story was repeated to Mr. Kurtz and Vic Schmidt and out of the goodness of thei: hearts they im mediately allayed the fears of young Dripa and told him thev would see that he arrived across the Columbia without delay. On reaching the opposite shore at about 9 o'eloek, the boy was eo grate ful that he could hardly speak and being somewhat flustrated he thanked his benefactors as follows : ''Boys, I hope you will be in the sai.-io fix Eomo day so I can do as nincti for you." BUSINESS LOCALS. Just What Voa uuant. 850 Howard. A reward of 60 will be 'paid by the undersigned foi the recovery of the body of Bert Whitnry, drowned in the Snake river at Palouse Hapids, near Lyon's Ferry, on May 23, 1S99. nuscitiPTioN Bert Whitney was 21 yen' old ; weight about 176 pounds; height ft feet, 11 in.; smooth shaved ; dark brown hair. Ho wore dark pants with light stripes, and heavy laced shoes ; has a tuft of lljjht colored hair on the left, back side of head; two burn scars on body. The person finding the body will please wire C. K. Wiutxky, 21-2iv St. Helens, Ore. Cali In 11ur Cheek. All countv warrants registered prior to August 1.1SP5, will bo paid at my office. Interest, ceases after Juno 9, 18S9. C. L. 1'mi.ui's, Countv Treasurer. f M ff), m Jm uTK-rJ' V New ideas in Wall Paper hero. Such wide variety as wo aro showing never lie fore graced "a single stock. Ileal imita tion creton effects at ordinary prices. Good papers at cheap paper prices. Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours for a small price, at our store on Third street. Also a full line of house paints. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Teeth Extracted FREE SHTURDHY. Best Crown and Bridge work Best set teeth, guaranteed . Best Gold Filling. .. Best silver or alloy tilling CONSIDER OTJK PRICES: 22k. gold), per tooth ... sfUO . . .-.oo $1.00 up 60c up You need have no boils if you will buy Clarke & Falk's sure cure for bolls. Wilson gallery now open. Photo graphs trom $1 to io per dozen. Jlyl-lw tho Vivo Postoffice If aro Im-Donnell's use tho -lUJCOK?. W H Taylor.. Frank Gabel . . Peter Kopkie. . L B Kelly ... .1 no l.enz ... , G J Friend. 8 00 17 00 13 00 Hi 00 13 40 13 00 r. . ; j j .Ma'siKr 13 GO S G Ledfoid 17 en O W Cook " ' 0 40 SI Kennedy 10 0o -r II Kramer 8 00 lM W Freeman It) 00 ! C Benson , 9 qq A J Breeding " j q V ';iyi3 14 00 A M Line 1 qq Leslie Butler 1 00 T P Green 1 00 SI H tuddll 1 qq CF Stephens ,"' 1 qq witness 128, W Bolton j.j go J D Tunny " u wi Frank Bishop 14 50 J M Hamilton ,., 14 fio W J Asi.hy 14 kii Andrew Bald win t sn F W Sllvertootl. , 150 It B Sinnott 1 50 1 60 1 60 1 60 5 0) G 101 6 70 5 00 1 60 I 50 1 50 50 10 A BiliKvin F G Ciinuolly.. . linger Slnuott, , Allen ICoberts , Unfits I'uttorson O M NidHsen.. SI r C 'h , . Win KhHcklefurd Ilo Kolly Chan Hearth II r H.1111111 j C M Bonner jj Chris Mrkelsen. Tom Smith E111II Haclner.. A Derthlt-k 'film (Jonipioti. . W F Trollwr. . . 11 10 10 60 11 10 0 30 11 10 1 60 For the best results Camera. For sale by harrnacy. Latest thing in cameras proved Magazine cyclones at drug store. Fresli cracked Nebraska corn at the Wasco warehouse. Finest kind of chicken feed. it!ch25-tf Improved Magazine cyclones are win ners. Dounell, the druggist, will gladly show them to von. Drink Warren's Puro Ginger Brandy, For sale at all first-class bars. C. j. Stubling, aent, The Dalles. .M17 3m iry lerua jsuena Jlitters, the best tonic. For. sale at all lirat-class bars. C. J. Stublmg, agent, Tho Dalles. M 17.3m Try Verba Buena Bitters, the hfst tonic. For sale at all first-class burs. C. J. Stubiing, agent, Tho Dalles. M 17.3m For Five Dollars you can buy a Camera hat will take larger pictures than any other Camera on the1 market. For sale by Clarke & Falk. tf Mr. and Mrs. B. Lackamp, Elston, Mo., writeB : "One Minute Com.h Porn saved the life of our httlo boy when nearly dead with croup." Butler Drug "What might bavn been" if that little cough hadn't been netjlecled.'.is the sad reflection of thousands of consump tives. Ono Minute Cough Cure cures comjhe and oldc Butler Drug Co. DeWitt's Little Kirly Risers benefit permanently. They lend gentle assist ance to nature, causing no pains or weakness, permanently curing conitipa llor and liver iillnunts. Butler Drllir Three horses Juno l'j, 1S99, described a3 fullows: two weighing about 1400 each. One a light chestnut branded D on left shoulder. Black horse branded C on left shoulder. Onu bald faced sorrel weighing about 1200; reached mane. A liberal toward for information of the whereabouts, or the return of same. A. Maso.v, J. Bays, Contractors, Viento, Or., or E. V. Husiia.n'd, Mosier, Or. j2S-im C. L. Phillips says ho will sell you wheat liav for from $10 to $11 per ton. JhS-2t J.4At A fish basket between Dr. Saunders, place on Mill creek and this city. Finder please leave at this office. jlyl0-2t August Designers anil patterns now on sale at Pease & Mays'. Ask your grocer for Clarkn & Falk's pure concentrated flavoring extracts, tf EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or Tin: Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave anil nre ilue to nrrlrc ftt Partlm ! Booms 11 12 13, Chapman Block, Second St Portland Dental Parlors Dr. Sanford Murray. D. D. S. Manager. tBHSSKLffiNISBSJBNJfS,BSBS NBV8s&ES0JRVJBiJFsHHSR How About Your Title? LEAVE. OVK11I.ANI) KX-1 prcsi, Sulcni, Uo'e- 1 bun;, Aslilnml, Sue-1 lcii.him 1 Moliive. f i.ns.iiKUie!i,i'.i t-aso. .vcw urieitns 11111 linn 1 1 1-rnueiRco, 't 1 'i:30 Dally except , lltoscburR mill iy ta. A' "'Itinns 1 f Via Wodlbura for) 1 JU.Aiiirei, aiivcnou, est bclo, Ilrowns- 1 vllltssinrUiBtlcIit uml j (..Miiron U A. M. '. I bally OACOJlt ritual nys. 17:30 A. M. ICorvnllls (stations. ana nay 1 yy. Bicycle REPAIR SHOP. lNl)i:i'K.Ii:.SVl-: l-ASSUNaiiK. Ksprem train Hally (except SunJuy). i;.7)p.Di. fl.v roithiml ...Ar.) S:2."ia. m 7:;p. m. Ai ,Mc.MIuuvHl(..l.v. i:.7)n,U! 8:30p.m. (Ar..lmlepfuclcucc..l.v.) l:am. in I seai YOU SUK1-: It is all riehlV Iteiiiembni it i Iho KCOUD that eoveriiH. It is our businees to arch tho records and show what they contain in relation to land titles. II vou contemplate Inlying land or loaning money on real estate i-t'i'Urity, take no man word, lint insist upon knowing what the record chows regarding the titie. An Abstract is as essential as a deed, liibist on having it. Wu have the ouh set of Abstract Books in the County. All worl: promptly ex ecuted and sattsf.ii'tlou guariinti'i'd. II you have prop erty to iii'iirc, ttlvn us a call. Wo aro nirentfl for four of iho be!t fire insui. nice rmnpumc.s in tint world. If you have property for sale, list it with us and we'll find u buyer. J, M. Huntington &, Co. Phono 81. AGENT FOR THE ..RAMBLER. Lock and Gunsmith, and Machlno work. Charles Burciitorf, Second St. 1 opp Johnston. 5 Bt?OS h' (IK.NKItAI. Dally. tIJaiiy, cuccpt btuitlny. DINING CAU8 ON OUDKN ItOUTE. PULLMAN IlUl'KKT SLf JJI'KKS AND 8KCOND-CLAS8 SLEEl'lNO C'AItt Attached to all Through Trains. Direct cnnncctloii at S-an KrauciH'o with Om dental and Oriental and Paclllc mall tiamstilp lilies fur JAl'AN and CHINA. SalllliK dates on aj pllcatlou. Kates and tickets to Eastern points anil Eu rope. AlsoJAl'AN, CHINA, HONOLULU am ACJSTKALIA. All above trains arrive at and depart Irorr Grand Central Station, Fifth nud Irviu: streeti. YAMHILL DIVISION. l'anenBer Deiot, foot of Jerlerton street. Leave for Sheridan, week days, t l:G0p. ta Arrive ut Portland, 'J:'M a. in. Leave for AIIILIE on Monday, Wednesday and Krloay at 9: 10 o, m. Arrive at Portland, ruc dav, Thursday und Saturdaj it 3;0J p. m. Except Sunday. "Except Saturday. It. KoK'.l.KH, G, II. MAIilCIIAM, -lauaxer. Asst. 0. i k Pass. Act ThroiiRh Ticket Olllee, 131 Third street, wheie I through tickets to all olnts In tho liasterD I States, Canada and Europe can bo obtained at ! loucst rates from orN.W,lAl!DoyK,aANI,,T,CkCtAsent- 2d St., opuoalto A. M. VllllumB &. Co. i va,yvsn'jrNjrNjvr4iNf 66 armony ?5 CUhiskey. QRTHERN PACIFIC RY. u n s Pullman Elegant Tourist ft Co. "Wohavoeold nnny dlireront couah romedlee, but pone nave better ealiefuc lion than Chainberlain'e," eaya Mr. Charles Holzlianer, Drugulat, Newark, N. J. "It is perfectly safe and cin bo relied upon In ull cases of couulis, colds or hourmiess.' Hold by IJIakeley & Ilouulitou Urugglule. BlacKsmiifis I ...AND... n HorsesfioBfs I Wagon and Carriage Work. Fish Brothers' Wagon. TO Sleeping Car; Dining Cars Sleeping Car NT. I'Alll, MINNKAI'OI.I niJI.UTII I'AKIlll OKANI) I'lllt !ItOOK4TON WINNIl'KO IIKLU.VA an IUITTK Tliis bra ml of Whiskey is guarmitccil to the consumer as a I'UKE HANI) MAIM; SOL'K .MASH WHISKIiY for rauiily and Medical L'sc. Sold by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. '"Wad CYCLONE Magazine. 1 11 I Tiiird and Mown. Phone 159 F- S. Gunning, Blacksmith, Wagon Shop. Horseshoeing. Dealer in Blacksmith Supplies. cor, Second & LaugMiii, Through Tiekets UIIIUAUO WAN1UNOTON I'llU.AIIlSI.l'lIIA NlilV VOKK ItOHTON ANI Alt X'OINTH KAHT anil HOUTII m'otw rrttow' ,,mocHra- aP4 Menu, W. C. ALLAWAY. ARent, AltLTON. Asst. G. P. A., i rUon Cor. Tlilid. I'nrtUnd Oicgon IB Kntruril) No. 4-'aizo 3' x 4'4) $8.00 No. 5 (size 4 x 5) 10.00 FOR 1899. Ton Points to Considor: I2 Plqtiirnaln IS Soconcla. i.huttur Hull) Hohmso b huttHr Autotnntlc. Sihuttor Lockn, s.,A,!S,on,lliV"nWrtt0ho,,Uirfi- Spoolni Quick Lonti. Aiitomntlu UoKiHtor. ELKf,il!!i,,,ro,,im,'lli' ciiBt'ii?,! ,,!' ,'U,H r"""votl without I 1899 Cntalonuo with com- ploto Information FREE. Juat Arrlvod lliuonlyA'ii,uii., tmiitra with huiti dlmtlw. jj fmnt M. Z. TlDTMTSJTnT T , irw--w-vjy i). 2J i'ho above reward will bo patil for tho recovery of each of tho bo.lieH of WonK and Jako, Chinamen, who wore drowned in the Columbia at IJIaloeko laH Friday. iike Kkk Co,, 20-dAwlin The DmIIcs. C. J. STUBLING55 Wholesale and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Greate t American Lienor Yellowstone Sour Mash Whiskev, WHISKEY from $2.76 to ifO.ui) per ualimi t.iT,', .7 . . - NLY THE PUBEST LIQUORS SOLD. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS.